The second time I got fired.

The thing about memory is that it can be so tricky, as we know. It rewrites itself in mysterious ways. In the wormholes. And every so often I set off on another internal investigation, only to discover that I am, yet again, wrong about so many things. That second time...

A conversation with me who is toast.

Talking through the burnout. And yes, I’m talking to myself. What is needed? What do you need, sweetie? More stopping. More going dark. More hiding. Acknowledging the hard. And finding the useful. What is useful here? Obviously, burnout sucks. Without having to...

The Secret Life of Burnout

Right now it seems like most of my friends and clients are in various stages of that uncomfortable, unpleasant, overwhelming thing that is being completely burnt out. Burnout. Ugh. Being in it is sucky and terrible. We know that. From ridiculous amounts of experience....
The Fluent Self