Talking to a Huge Scary Monster.

The topic? The possibility of going on Skabbatical — my own private version of a sabbatical-that-is-awesome. For three months.* * Reassurances! 1) It won’t be happening for a while. 2) I won’t be skabbatical-ing from the blog or anything I’m...

Roses everywhere.

So usually when I talk to monsters or have long conversations with walls (or otherwise engage with my stucknesses in semi-wacky ways), there’s a lot of talking involved. Words. Because, you know, I’m that way. Verbal. Not always necessarily all that...

Talking to a wall

I have a wall inside of me made entirely of shame. Right now, as I write this, my sense is that this fact could not be more obvious, but yesterday when I first encountered it, my wall was a shocking discovery. Here’s how I ran into the wall. I was in meditation....
The Fluent Self