by Havi Brooks | Oct 15, 2008 | stuff I think about
Oof, I hate starting a blog post with a disclaimer but I’m going to. Okay, this bit is for people who aren’t regular readers and don’t know me and my duck yet. Hi! We’re usually really sweet and nice. Ask anyone. Oh, wait. That’s not the...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 24, 2008 | not hating on yourself, stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
We had some pretty intense discussion happening in the comments section of last week’s talking truth to fear post. And not intense in a bad way. The opposite, in fact. Really good points being brought up, people showing up and respectfully debating ideas and, in...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 19, 2008 | stuff I think about
But let me catch everyone else up first I read a post the other day about the fear that unscrupulous so-and-sos could read your Twitter* posts and use information about your where-abouts to (god forbid) break into your home. ∗ collective stream-of-consciousness...