38 Yawns

Setting off. I wrote this piece six weeks ago, on the night the boy and I left Portland for Operation True Yes, six months of wandering. It was Erev, the Eve of, and specifically the Eve of Yeses. The embarking, the setting off. If you are not familiar with the...

The Convening of the Enthusiastic

My darlings! Today I am convening an Enthusiastic. Yay! And YOU get to be a part of the Enthusiastic. And take part in it. Should you choose to. Yay! This is all very exciting. And meta. Because it is going to be an Enthusiastic on the subject of Enthusiastics. Yay!...


So right now it’s Rally (Rally!). This is Rally #13. Which is rather an astonishing number of Rallies to have rallied, if you think about it. Didn’t we just come up with the idea?! And we — that is to say, me, fourteen other people and Selma the duck...
The Fluent Self