Speaking to the fog.

Last week Liz McGowen wrote a terrific post called Tina and the Troll. It was inspired by some of my wacky conversations with monsters. And it’s fascinating, because she borrowed my concept of using a negotiator to mediate the hard parts and took it somewhere...

Tension. Attention.

NOTE: If you’re one of the people who write in because you’re completely confused by the “what’s going on with Havi’s arms?!” question, so am I. Sorry. The short answer is that it’s some sort of stuckified chronic pain that...

A gigantic block. And some destuckifying.

Here we go again. If you’ve been reading this for a while, you know that I have long conversations with my stucknesses. I meditate a lot. I talk to walls. And I occasionally let you eavesdrop on my internal dialogue. This is because I have no boundaries secretly...
The Fluent Self