
This year is Shmita year, it is the sabbatical year in the seven year agricultural cycle when you let the land rest. More than rest. You let the land lie fallow. Lie fallow. That phrase used to feel desolate to me, almost a lonely sort of emptying, but now it feels...

A conversation with me who is toast.

Talking through the burnout. And yes, I’m talking to myself. What is needed? What do you need, sweetie? More stopping. More going dark. More hiding. Acknowledging the hard. And finding the useful. What is useful here? Obviously, burnout sucks. Without having to...

Anatomy of a (half) day off.

A few years ago, one of my mentors got a bee in his bonnet about how Selma and I needed a day off. And not once in a while. Not right before I was about to fall apart. A regular thing. A weekly thing. I knew he was right. And everything in me said this was a Wise and...
The Fluent Self