Emergency Calm The Hell Down Techniques


Cure the freak-out
(and get more done)

Emergency calm-the-hell-down techniques to turn panic into steadiness.

We tend to do our best work when not freaking out.

But panic shows up when it shows up, and derails things.

This is something to soothe the panic and stop paralysis in its tracks.

Why I made this.

When fear, doubt and worry kick in, everything stalls. We get overwhelmed by the possibilities rather than inspired by them. We start second-guessing and run straight into the “what’s the point” wall again.

When this happens to me, I get so overwhelmed by what-if and why-bother, I go straight into sabotage mode. Or bed. Okay, usually both.

People often think I’m one of those frustrating naturally calm people, which is hilarious.

I got to this stuff because panic attacks and PTSD make it exquisitely hard for me to function in the world. This is how I make it through the day, run a business, make life work for me to the best of my abilities.

So. Let’s say that we could automatically press pause on all of this stuff

As soon as it happens. Or even before it happens.

The Emergency Calm package (e-book + audio) helps dissolve the panic so we can find our way to calm, centered, inspired, ready to do whatever needs doing.

The content is unusual, practical, very useful and — this is important — not annoying.

What this is:

Ten very unlikely Emergency Calm The Hell Down techniques that you have never heard of before.

Also some useful information on why they work, how to use them and how to tweak them and make them work for you.

Ways to use these when things get rough, which means more time and more excitement for the things you actually want to be doing.

But honestly? The best part is the audio. People love this and swear by it.

What this isn’t.

One of the frustrating things (to me) about this online world of offerings is so many things are just basic common sense repackaged as a “paradigm shift”?

I’m assuming you’ve already tried a bunch of stuff. So obviously I’m not going to give you the “let’s observe the breath” thing and pretend that’s enough to solve your problems. This also isn’t about the usual positive thinking stuff. It isn’t about self-mastery (“just push through it “). It isn’t motivational. It’s not about talking to the critic or stopping internal narratives.

This is about systematically dissolving the fear, anxiety, doubt, anger, avoidance, panic and endless criticism so that things can change. It works.

“This package is the perfect antidote to those mini-meltdowns we sensitive writer-type-people like to have from time to time. Not only do I now have a full arsenal of techniques to use whenever I need them — aaah! — but I also now understand why they work because Havi explains everything so well.

Her warmth, quirky sense of humor, and bulletproof B.S. detector make this process nothing at all like that horrible yoga class I took that one time. I’m almost looking forward to my next freakout.”

— Kelly Parkinson, Copylicious.com

Here’s what’s included.

Three amazingly effective, highly produced mp3 audio recordings.

These will guide you step-by-step through reacting to any freak-out moment that shows up.

The first one is for the real emergency freak-outs: this will talk you down when you’re in complete meltdown mode.

The second is TLC for anytime when you need a dose of calm or want to prep yourself before a potentially stressful situation.

The third recording is a training session to practice and refine the art of getting calm and steady, so you’ll be better prepared for next time no matter what happens.

You can also use them whenever as guided relaxation for instant everything-is-better-now. All three are effective, down to earth, and easy to apply to real life. No woo hippie-talk.

We kept these on an iPod at the Playground, and people swore by it.

The techniques.

A thorough, informative, gorgeous ebook that walks you through everything you need to know to get calm and stay calm in a stressful work situation.

Ten techniques, a ton of useful information, me geeking out on theory. Enjoy.

BONUS: cheat sheet diagrams

A mini-ebook for quick and easy access to diagrams and descriptions of the ten emergency calming techniques. Print this out, stick it on your wall and/or hide it in your desk!

Audio, ebook and worksheets come to you via the wonders of the internet.

“Smart, creative people with tremendous gifts to share with the world are often the MOST likely to get stuck debilitating inner criticism and self-sabatoge.

I am so glad that she is sharing her no-fluff, inspiring, useful and revolutionary tactics for breaking out of a state of stuck!

— Pam Slim, author of Escape From Cubicle Nation

“I feel so incredibly well-equipped now, knowing that I’m always ready to deal with anything. Basically it’s like I’ve gone from ‘Oh my gosh, there’s water everywhere’ to ‘Oh, okay, that’s water and I’m a duck!'”

— Dhyana Bohnet

The most reasonable question.

Why would this work when nothing else has? It just does.

If you’re anything like everyone else who works with these, you’ll use this material for the rest of your life, and get exponentially faster at calming the hell down when things gets scary and overwhelming.

It takes practice, sure, and it also works. And doing something with the fear is actually way less time-consuming than being in it. If it’s not working for you, return it.

Sometimes people say this is expensive, and it kind of is and it kind of isn’t. It is in the sense that it is an actual investment in tools. On the other hand, I have more than a hundred panics a year, and if I can neutralize them quickly, not only am I functional and productive again, I also have my life back. So say, a dollar for a moment that would have derailed me but doesn’t: it pays for itself fast.
The complete electronic version of the Emergency Calm The Hell Down package: $117.


If now is not the time for you, no worries. All timing is right timing. There’s tons of great material on the blog to work with in the meantime. It will all work out. I love you and I trust in right timing.


The Fluent Self