
The world is way too noisy for me. I’ve been on email sabbatical since the beginning of 2009 (I know!), and am generally retreating from everything as I lack desire/capacity to take on Any More Things To Do.

So I’m waving a loving hello from the distance, but if something comes up and you need to reach someone here, this is the place.

As you have probably already guessed but to clarify and save time, requests that never get a yes include: interviews, guest posts, joint-venture thingamabobs, advertising, reviews, whatever the internet is up to these days. <3

If you need to contact the First Mate:

10 + 14 =

If you don’t like contact forms…

The address havi (at) fluentself (dot) com will also put you in touch with the First Mate.

Do you want to say or send something lovely by mail?

1526 NE Alberta Street #218, Portland, OR 97211

Love and appreciation,

The Fluent Self