Dissolve-o-matic audio download

Procrastination Dissolve-o-matic audio

Listen in on some sample Dissolve Procrastination sessions!

So this is pretty cool. You get to listen in on sample sessions (from I think 2006? 2007???) in which I work with real, live people on real, live stuff. Obviously everything is shared with permission and everyone involved knew that these sessions would be live.

A few things I want to mention first…

A note about the audio

If you’ve ever ordered something from me (Emergency Calming Techniques, etc) you know that normally I deliver recordings with super high production values (polished and edited within an inch of their lives, with music, etc). Not this time. Ahhh.

These recordings are just me talking on the phone with people. They are unedited. The sound quality is totally listen-able but it’s not the highly produced stuff you’re used to getting from me. These are all about content. Really great content. Just so you know.

A note about process

The thing with working with real, live people is that sometimes (most of the time) one issue is tangled up in a bunch of other issues. Sometimes we have to get at more than one thing … and you’ll notice that I adapt the technique in different cases to get different results.

So we’re not trying to solve a lifelong problem in fifteen minutes. This is not the “praise the lord — I can walk again!” of late night television. I mean, okay, sometimes that happens but I thought it would be more interesting to share some of the more challenging situations, maybe situations that might feel more like yours.

We take a big chunk of stuck and shift it to get relief, perspective, focus and an idea of where to go next. The idea is to see if we can 1. step out of this procrastination guilt fog right this second and 2. get some perspective on bigger life patterns.

And please join me in breathing a heart-breath of warmth appreciation for the wonderful, brave fellow secret agents you hear in these recordings. All of them graciously agreed to let me record our sessions and share them with you, in the hopes that anything here might help or spark some insights for you in your own process.

A note about witchiness and [your mileage may vary]

These techniques are um, a bit unconventional, and my entire methodology is too. Also, I’m working with people who already know I’m a witchy tree-hugging sorceress so they’re up for playing with me in unusual-technique-land. If some of it seems kinda out there to you, that’s okay too. A healthy dose of cynicism is welcome always. None of this to be your thing, and you absolutely never have to practice anything that doesn’t feel resonant for you. People Vary, and that’s good! Your process is your process. But come dive into the weirdness with me for a little while and find out how it feels.

One last suggestion

Follow along! Even if the thing we’re working on in a call totally isn’t your issue, it’s still a chance to practice the technique. Open your Fairy Dust copy and follow along as we play, notice what you notice, feel how it feels.

Session #1: “Dreading doing those follow-up calls!”

In session #1 we have a super common stuck situation: knowing it will help you and others if you nmake follow-up calls to people who’ve already expressed an interest in your service. Wanting to have it done but just not doing it.

This was not a super high-stress ruining-my-life issue, but more of an ongoing nagging irritation, but of course with some serious repercussions. Listen in as we move from heaviness to something a little lighter, from embarrassment and fear to "Hey, I just realized what I really want and need in this situation."

Results from the very next day, via email: "Guess what I just did???! Yes. Spent 2 hours making follow-up calls. Thanks!!"

» Session #1
Running time: 12:07

Session #2: “I can’t get started because it’s just too much pressure”

This session showcases a more ongoing problem: serious avoidance mode coupled with a dose of burnout, really wanting to spend time working on writing a book but just not doing it. Totally understandable. We avoid what we are passionate about, it’s a thing! Also capitalism and being busy all the time are things, so there’s that.

This is an ongoing issue that’s tangled up with a whole bunch of other old, stuck patterns. We start with a huge nasty pukey orange prickly overwhelming mass, in her words, and move through to some relief as well as some important understandings about bigger life patterns. Powerful shifts abound! Superpower of that please.

» Session #2
Running time: 38:30

Session #3: “Big horrible dark cloud hanging over my head for over a year”

Warning: core issues! Core issues! (siren noises).

This is also something lots of us can identify with, when a small stuck spirals into the biggest stuck. It started out as just "not doing a thing" and ended up morphing into a big horrible dark cloud of chronic avoidance. Hiding from phone calls plus shame, embarrassment and fear. Really hard painful stuff. And again, totally understandable and reasonable.

We start delving into some deep patterns but in the most painless way possible. We discovered that as the emotional hurt started to soften, her physical body wanted to tense up, so we practiced following the pain to see where it leads us (to pretty interesting places), guided by intuition.

First we seem to go somewhat off course as I pick up on a theme of "release" that’s actually getting in the way (it’s her desire to release something that isn’t ready to leave yet). And then it takes us right to the core of things. Just like a labyrinth.

» Session #3
Running time: 46:45

And the technical infos, if you are new to this whole downloading stuff thing

All the audio files are in mp3 format and can be played within your browser or your media player. Just click on the cute little icons to play.

You can also download them, listen to them using iTunes or throw them on your iPod if you have one. If you’d rather save and download for later, here’s what you do:

» Windows: right-click link and select "Save Target as" to hard drive.
» Mac: control key + click on link. Choose ‘Download link to disk’.


Thanks again for being a part of this. I love you and I love that you are doing this work, and I have full trust in All Timing Right Timing.

The Fluent Self