flash sale secret rendezvous!
What is this Very Secret Offering!
As part of the Flash (Flood!) Sale, clients + friends can get discounted packages of secret rendezvous sessions with me!
What this is, in slightly more detail!
A set of three (3) secret rendezvous times with me, focused on your COMPASS.
Half-off today!
If you don’t already have a compass of guiding qualities (or a current one), we will discover/reveal one together.
We’ll gain useful and exciting intel about incoming you, and come up with a fun doable plan for taking this into real life so you can embody these compass qualities and play with them and use them to receive decisions!
Who it’s for
The first up to four people* who say yes to this today by 4pm PST
* see the list of (not-exactly-prerequisites but things that are important for this) below!
{conditio sine qua non / essential qualifications}
You know how to do entry and exit for our meetings.
The form is up to you and doesn’t need to involve my techniques, that’s not important.
I just need you to bring your wisest self to the forefront and do whatever it is that helps you move into presence and readiness in preparation for this shared interaction.
We meet as equals.
My expectation is that if you are doing this work, you are able to approach as equals, crown on.
You know I’m not your answer, you get that we are engaging in this as wild playmates each with our own power and wisdom.
If you have stories about how I am more X than you, or you worry that you are not enough Y, you can recognize a monster story and apply Self Fluency (skip a stone on it? alignment exercise?) to work through that shit on your own.
Similarly if for any reason your stuff comes up in the context of our play together, you are able to stay with Wise You and trust my good heart and intentions, and work it out easily on your own using alignment, or if needed, we figure it out easily with compassionate communication. I will always work on what is mine, you work on what is yours.
You are willing to PROXY and play with metaphors!
I can be a companion in the process of inventing a cover story, but trusting the process is a big deal because so much of what we will do will be deep on the level of wax on wax off aka the purpose will not be immediately apparent until the results suddenly are.
You do your own work.
Of course I can offer ideas and support, and help you generate a compass if you don’t have one yet, but I also assume you’re already working with qualities that currently speak to you before we start.
I really am here for whatever you need, and can negotiate monsters with you or whatever is needed, and my expectation is that you are already someone who is focused on knowing yourself deeply.
(This is where I am supposed to write words about why this is amazing)
Haha this is where I would normally write many, many words about why this is the best thing in the entire world, except the entire reason this page exists is that I’m on a deadline and working on a tablet and wifi is iffy, and I need to decide before the storm hits if I’m driving to another city or not, so I’m hoping you can feel my heart-intention, and if you’ve been reading my words and working with the concepts, you already know that it will be extremely sparkly and more than worth the cost of entry.
What if I just tell you three things:
- The last rendezvous I had with a secret agent (client), they said HOLY SHIT MIND BLOWN FOREVER THAT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE MAGICAL and that’s not really an unusual response to the kind of work we do together…
- All secret agents say our rendezvous time is powerful, fun, inspiring and a total fucking delight
- Feeling your compass and letting it [solve for x] for you with everything in your life is seriously transformative (I am not throwing that word around), and I cannot wait to see what happens when we do this together!
(temporary offering aka this message will self-destruct)
Flash flood sale = half-off!
Deliciously Simple
I’m trying to adhere to the principle of Keep It Deliciously Simple, and breaking all rules of copywriting here aka skipping all the parts about why this is amazing and how much you are saving etc. So I just want to quickly whisper that yes, the discounts are pretty fucking huge, and this is definitely a once in a once in a blue monsoon (haha hoping it’s not blue at all though) sort of happening. Mwah!
$336 USD instead of $672 for either a package of three (3) transformative secret rendezvous compass sessions with me (includes big magic as well as text + email support, all the details here)
This offer is good until 6pm PST or for first four people to sign up!
Payment is by PayPal using the Barrington’s Discretionary button (you write in the sum: $336 USD), because I’ve been dealing with monsoon-related ops and wasn’t able to set up the shopping cart, but that’s partly why everything is super discounted, so there’s that!
I really appreciate this last-minute under-the-wire support for this surprise sale, and I will send you an postcard from the magical desert center with a clue or superpower or wish for you!
What happens next!
Saying yes to anything is a door, and so we pause and breathe, because that’s what we do at a threshold, entering as we wish to be in it. Then press the beautiful button.
You’ll get an email with next steps & entry protocols and something fun that is definitely-not-homework whcih I like to refer to as Secret Undertakings!
button time
Here is the beautiful button of yes to claim your magical container of space/time/glow-power with me! This will take you to PayPal to select your sum ($336 USD) and then you’ll get an email from me!
all the small-printables
offered with love
I love that you want to be a part of this work, and I love you.
A full breath of love for heart-space, this shared moment we have.
If now is not the time, we will play together when the time is right. But if this is a heart-yes, come and let’s glow some big magic together. I am so excited for all the [as yet unknown astonishingly good stuff] that we will bring into being together. Here’s to the superpowers of Dedication & Fruition, to exponential and fractal good.
And in case you need the reminder (I often do!), you are a star for tending to this intentional process of getting to know your incoming selves, and if even considering this work is part of that, I think that is beautiful and admirable! So please know that I am here glowing appreciation for you regardless of whether now is our time or not.