Into The Secret Agency

What is this Very Secret Offering!

Flash (Flood!) Sale means *extremely* discounted packages of secret rendezvous sessions with me.

(temporary offering aka this message will self-destruct)








Extremely on-sale flash flood pricing

Deliciously Simple

In keeping with the principle of Make Things Deliciously Simple, I’m breaking all copywriting rules and skipping the parts about why this is amazing and how much you are saving etc. So I just want to quickly whisper that yes, the discounts are fucking huge, and this is a once in a blue monsoon (haha) happening.


$777 USD for a package of seven (7) transformative secret rendezvous sessions with me

This includes big wild magic as well as text + email support, all the details here

This is less than a third of the regular price, good today only.

{conditio sine qua non / essential qualifications}

You know how to do entry and exit for our time together.

The form is up to you and doesn’t need to involve my techniques, that’s not important.

I just need you to bring your wisest self to the forefront and do whatever it is that helps you with presence and readiness for this shared interaction.

We meet as equals.

My expectation is that if you are doing this work, you are able to approach as equals, crown on.

You know I’m not your answer; we are playmates and allies, each with our own power and wisdom.

If you have stories (that I am more X than you, that you are not enough Y), you recognize a monster story and apply Self Fluency (skip a stone on it? alignment?) to work through that on your own.

Similarly if for any reason your stuff comes up, you are able to stay with Wise You and trust my good heart and intentions, and work it out on your own using alignment, or if needed, we figure it out easily with compassionate communication. I’ll always work on what is mine, you work on what is yours.

You are able to PROXY and play with metaphors!

I can be a companion in the process of inventing a cover story, but trusting the process is a big deal because so much of what we do is on the level of wax on wax off aka the purpose will not be immediately apparent until the results suddenly are.

You have your own compass, you do your own work.

Of course happy to offer ideas and support, but I also assume you’re already working with qualities that currently speak to you before we start playing together.

I really am here for whatever you need, and can talk to monsters with you or whatever is needed, and my expectation is that you are already someone who is focused on knowing yourself deeply.

If you don’t meet these criteria yet, and that’s not just a monster-perception, no worries, these are wonderful things to work on in life (in general, not just for working with me!), and I suggest some devoted time to self-study, maybe reading as many blog posts as possible, and I will also try to post more about the [how] of these skills! All timing right timing! Love more trust more! We’ve got this, babe, I promise.

The door of yes (enter as you wish to be in it)

Saying yes to anything is a door, let’s pause and breathe at the threshold.

Here is the beautiful button of yes to us doing magic together.

You’ll get an email from me within 24 hours with next steps & entry protocols.


Can’t wait to play with you, fellow secret agent!

all the small-printables

It’s so easy to get sucked into frantic decisions and accompanying doubt-panic-dread, so let’s not do that. That’s not fun for anyone. Let’s do the opposite: pause and breathe, remember what is important, feeling our warm quiet truth-glow. Let’s connect to ourselves so that when we say yes, it is grounded and comes from love.
We don’t do refunds or returns, see our thought process and administrative considerations behind this policy.

Offered with devotion and love

I love that you want to do this powerful transformative big work, and I love you.

A full breath of love for this time we have together.

If now is not the time, we will play together when the time is right. If this is a heart-yes, let’s glow some big magic together. I am so excited for all the [as yet unknown astonishingly good stuff] that we will bring into being together.


The Fluent Self