Iguanas = the things you don’t feel like doing.
Sometimes you have a mess of them. And sometimes a giant pile of iguanas and doom.
Calling them iguanas makes it easier. Kiss to Karen for the awesome Inowanna Iguana.
Also: wanting to avoid things is normal.
The hardest part of putting an iguana to bed.
It’s not the way they want another story and then another one.
Or having to remember to bring a glass of water IN THE BLUE CUP like they want it.
It’s deciding which iguana to put to bed if you only have time for one of them.
When all the others are crying and clamoring READ ME A STORY TOO. TUCK ME IN TOO. DON’T YOU WANT TO TAKE CARE OF ME TOO?
Oh, sweet iguanas that I avoid so studiously.
I wish you could please put your enormous-eyed sad-eyed glances to some other use because right now I can only deal with one of you.
And whichever iguana I choose, another one is super sadmouse mcgee.
But if I hesitate and waver, pretty soon a day is gone and not a single iguana has gone to bed.
So one. It will have to be one.
And I’m choosing this one.
Goodnight, Iguana!
(This post made me laugh so much it should be criminal)
Hugs to you and your iguanas! I have a clamoring crowd of my own today. I will kiss them all on the tops of their tired and cranky heads, and put one to bed, right now. Then, later on, perhaps another. Thanks for the image and the inspiration!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … The wilderness within =-.
Oh, random, not weird hug for ya.
I so get this. It. Gets. Hard. We love some of our Iguanas. We want them to stay up with us sometimes…secretly…or even openly. But to bed they must go.
I just had to put one of my iguanas to bed. It was purely a case of wanting my iguana and eating it too. Hard. But to bed she went. So now I can put my attention on the iguana that really needs it.
It gets a little quieter after the bed-putting. Hear the crickets? And oh, that pretty new bird song. Sigh. Rest. Want to share a bourbiguana with me? Perhaps some biscuits with jamuanna?
Oh, Havi, I love this! My iguanas are sleepy and cranky and don’t want to go to bed either, even though they’re really tired.
We’re having a slumber party now… 🙂
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Tsunamis In the House of Wholeness =-.
Wow, I’m in total awe. I can’t even get all my iguanas in the same space much less to bed lately. I know what the issue is and it’s also an iguana.
Working on that.
Yet for the one you chose and got tucked in. – Sleep well little iguana.
It’s in the air, it’s in the air … something about this week has everyone’s Iguanas making them cry! How very fascinating. Putting them (and yourself) to bed one at a time is a great idea 🙂 Like Pam Slim says, When in Doubt, Rest. Tia @TiaSparkles
.-= Tia Singh´s last post … Lessons from the Blackhawks Stanley Cup Win =-.
Oops didn’t see the twitter link below – that’s way cool, what app is that? I’d love to add it to my site, thanks!
.-= Tia Singh´s last post … Lessons from the Blackhawks Stanley Cup Win =-.
The real Havi magic is how you got them all to brush their teeth already! 🙂
.-= Barbara Martin @Reptitude´s last post … Creativity can be so Messy =-.
studiously ignoring the stocking feet moving down the hall and the muffled giggles…
The iguana that’s sleeping, wasn’t it about writing a short post? 😉
Watch out Seth Godin!
I think this might be the first time I posted here. But I read your blogs, a lot. This one made me laugh – I just kept picturing a bunch of iguana eyes, looking in a bunch of different directions – laughing silently.
.-= Heather Villa´s last post … The 7 Things Coaches MUST Do In Their Business Today =-.
You’re welcome to send one my way – I can bring it water in the blue cup *hugs*
.-= Rose´s last post … Finding the Pieces =-.
Which reminds me, my I Gotta Make An Iguana List Iguana is giving me the hairy eyeball right now!
My iguanas fart a lot so they’re hard to ignore : )
InowannaIguana LMAO
love it!
Tia, I *believe* that’s TwitterLink Comments: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitterlink-comments/
Havi, what a sweet way to put this. I feel bad for all my sleepy, sad iguanas now!
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … Sometimes, you got nothin’ =-.
Ohmygod. Maybe *I* am an iguana!
A few days ago I wrote a blog post about water tasting better from a blue glass…
*checking for a tail*
It’s tough being an iguana momma…
my iguanas are acting like 7th graders–trying to see if i’ll actually do what i say i’ll do, and willing to take the risk that i won’t–and every time i try to catch one to put it to bed, another pops up.
i’m just now realizing as i type that in general, i have an almost allergic reaction to anything that feels like being teased, so maybe one reason why this week has been so tough is that i feel like my iguanas are teasing me, and i’m shutting down while at the same time trying to get everything done perfectly to avoid the teasing…
le sigh. and also, le interesting. i see some shiva nata in my future.
Goodness, I just put the fattest, most gigantic iguana with big googley eyes to bed! Whew! *exhales profoundly*
I’m sure he’ll just go wake up his friends. But for now, for just a few minutes, they’re going to have to get their own cup of water in the blue glass . . .
Today I was thinking about what an awful term “deadline” is and how whenever a task has a deadline it instantly transforms into an iguana for me. I was trying to metaphor mouse it and couldn’t. But you’ve figured it out for me. They’re not “deadlines”. They are “iguana bed times”. Gee, so much easier to deal with now!
@Lindsey – oh I love it. Iguana bed time instead of deadlines. That’s wonderful. Yay.
@jessie – huh, what an interesting realization.
@rebecca – iguana mommas unite! Also, that’s really trippy.
@pearl – that made me laugh. I can picture the whole thing. Just perfect.
@tia – It’s a plugin. I think we got it from the CommentLuv people. http://comluv.com/download/twitterlink-comments/
@LaShae – kiss!
@Tori – good night, iguana! I’m going to have to start saying that ALL THE TIME. Love it.
Ooh! I love the idea of an Iguana list… so much better than a to-do list. Which is funny, ’cause I used to be a major to-do list girl, but in the last year or so just thinking about writing a to-do list makes me cringe. And the not wanting to write a to-do list (not to mention the actually not writing the to-do list) has been making me feel very irresponsible and unproductive 🙁
Now I imagine myself as an Iguana Wrangler, rounding up all the stray little Iguanas so that I can tuck them into bed! I need one of those old cartoon loooooong beds, where the kids get all lined up in a row, with the covers pulled up to their chins… there are some definite possibilities here 😀
.-= Heidi´s last post … Review; Monster Manual & Coloring Book (of doom!) =-.
Mmmm, picking just one? Yup, I can do it. Disconnecting from the internets & doing just one thing.
I love the iguana bed time too, thank you Lindsey.
Hi Havi,
I had interpersonal iguanas this week. Thought about them and wrote about them. They are still crying. Sometimes you just have to leave the room and close the door — then put myself to bed.
Good night all.
.-= Devin´s last post … How to Write an Angry Letter =-.
Thank you, Havi!
I just handled the 7 voicemails I’d received between last Thursday and today.
Didn’t wanna do it, but I did. And you know what? Doing it wasn’t so bad.
Ironic, since I first found you through your article about phone dread. 🙂
Sending you affection and giggles,
Dear Fat Iguana of Borrowing Money, I’m getting to you… one Fat little Iguana at a time. The Iguana of Student Loans has been dealt with, please be quiet for a minute so I can appreciate that hard work. You will be dealt with in good time.
The Management.