It is Friday and we are here.
{a breath for Friday, for this space, and for being here when we get here.}
And let’s start with an extra breath of joy and appreciation for today’s Supreme Court decision in favor of marriage equality.
What worked this week?
Asking wise-me to make lists.
For example, Marlena Wild (Incoming Me) wrote a list of nineteen reasons to explain why being exhausted is perfectly understandable, and this helped me out of the blame-shame cycle re not wanting to get off the couch.
And then of course I did finally want to get off the couch, because guilt and shame always intensify stuck, while acknowledgment, permission and legitimacy always ease it.
I also had slightly-wiser-me make a list of possible next steps for Operation Bolthole, as well as a list of What I Would Do Next If Money/Time/Fear Were Not In Play, which was very enlightening, as it always is.
Next time I might…
Choose the easy way.
This week I did a lot of [things that don’t make sense] in the interest of [reasons that make even less sense].
For example, when I landed in PDX, I decided to take public transportation instead of a cab. Even though I’m dealing with chronic pain and exhaustion. And even though I’d been traveling for six hours. And even though a cab wouldn’t have been that expensive.
I’m not even sure what I was thinking. To prove to myself that I could handle it? To placate the monsters who say I’m extravagant?
It ended up taking two hours to get to my house, instead of the twelve minutes it would have taken by taxi.
My love, my love, my love, there is nothing wrong with choosing ease.
I want to remember this, because Wise Me is right.
And the title of my upcoming Biopic if it were based on this week…
Wearing The Same Thing Every Day, So What.. The Havi Brooks Story.
Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.
- I am releasing and releasing, and even as I let go of seemingly endless anger cauldrons that I didn’t even know about, I discover more rage and fury with the current state of the world. A breath for presence, for acknowledgment, for legitimacy, for process.
- Tamir Rice would have been thirteen yesterday. Heartbreaking-heartbreaking-heartbreaking. I am done with putting up with apologists, with people still pretending that racism is not a thing. There was someone in my actual house this week trying to tell me that Dylann Roof murdered nine black people because of medication he was taking, not because he was a racist, full of hate and indoctrinated by people with a hate-filled agenda. And you could tell he believed what he was saying. Someone I follow — excuse me: followed — on Instagram ordered a cake for her local (Texas) police department because “After McKinney, it seems like the police aren’t appreciated enough”. A thank you cake? How about donating that cake money towards therapy bills for Dajerria Becton? I have blocked and unfollowed and muted all week, and I cannot take this anymore. So here is a poem called How To Play Dead, and here is We Can’t Have Nothing. A breath for for justice, for grace, for everything that needs to change.
- If you had told me ten years ago that the Supreme Court would okay marriage equality, I wouldn’t have believed you though I would have been delighted at the thought. Now it’s here, and I am delighted. And I am also feeling lots of other feelings. Sad and angry and upset, not just about all the people in this country who are vocally not onboard with love, but with the narrow definition. I will celebrate with a full heart the triumphant joy of “It is so ordered” all day every day, but no, I will not celebrate this toxic bullshit about “nothing is more profound” and “family, sacrifice and fidelity”, these are not the values I want to celebrate. I want Love and Presence and Sweetness and Agency and Inclusivity and Clear, Loving Communication. I keep thinking about the name of Jen Agg’s conference on sexual harassment/abuse in restaurants — Kitchen Bitches: Smashing The Patriarchy One Plate At A Time. Right now I really just want to smash ALL THE PLATES AT ONCE. Yes, I will celebrate this ruling, and no, I don’t find the wording of it beautiful at all. The language makes it clear that equality is meant for binary people in conventional, monogamous relationships.I’m glad it’s here. And I’m going to keep smashing things until we get to a culture which cares about the well-being, happiness and welfare of all people, including those who don’t have or don’t want family, who might be in alternative relationships or open relationships or don’t want to be in relationships at all, for people who don’t want to commit to a gender or to a person, for everyone who wants their own profound and beautiful connections that don’t happen to fit the norm. A breath for plate-smashing. Let’s smash some plates.
- It’s 99 degrees Fahrenheit today, and it’s supposed to be 104 degrees (that’s 40 degrees celsius) tomorrow. I can’t do this and I’m having flashbacks to the worst summers in Tel Aviv. A breath for Now Is Not Then, for ice packs on rotation, for damp clothes, for blackberry smoothies.
- Body is so very exhausted. A breath for all the reasons for this.
- Trying to find solutions to complicated challenges that involve many moving parts. A breath for letting go of Either/Or thinking and discovering new options.
- I miss my lover and I miss having a comforting shoulder to cry on. A breath for this.
- Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week. May I choose to trust-more love-more release-more receive-more.
Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.
- After nearly seven weeks of dealing with chronic pain, my body gave me a break for most of the week. I was able to actually focus on other things aside from pain management, which might have something to do all these big feelings I’m now experiencing. A breath for the extraordinary thing that is not being in pain
- When things are hard and I start to hate everything, I remember that this is a normal and understandable reaction to life challenges. Permission softens me, it is the door jam that keeps me open to acceptance, and from there sometimes I even find my way back into my thank you heart of love. There is endless magic in trusting that — really and truly — Nothing Is Wrong: not the anger, not the frustration, not the crying on the couch, it is all okay and I am okay. A breath for me and for this.
- I am back in Portland in my beautiful house and not in the camper-which-makes-everything-fifteen-degrees-hotter. A breath for right timing.
- I had another amazing releasing/healing session with Danielle, which was reason enough to come back to the city. A breath for taking care of myself.
- My lover texts me with warmth and sweetness and affection, listens to my worries and helps me see doors. A breath for the way I smile just thinking about this.
- So much gratitude to past me for embarking on Shmita. A breath of love for this wild adventure.
- Each day I learn more about what I want, and what I do not want. A breath for yes.
- Thankfulness. So much is good. The Supreme Court said YES to marriage equality! Love wins. Grace wins. I have wonderful friends. And cheesy aerobics. And a bowl full of peaches. Everything is okay. Nothing is wrong, even when I think it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thankful for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.
Wham booms, wisdom, superpowers, salve and FBOTW!
Operations completed. Wham boom!
I slept, I worked out, I used ten pound weights like a badass, I wrote, I cried. Let’s call that a successful mission and I now award myself a billion sparklepoints. Wham Boom.
Superpowers I had this week…
I had the superpowers of Remain Indoors, Top Level Hiding, and Wearing Everything Purple.
Powers I want.
I want the superpower of trusting in the powers of doing nothing.
The Salve of Couch.
This is a salve for comfort, rest, permission, legitimacy, agency, acknowledgment, presence and grace.
It is a salve of not doing, which is also a wonderful way to get information about what you might want to do, when the time is right.
Marlena: Aw babe of course you don’t want to do anything, it’s ninety nine degrees out. Just keep drinking water, and if you’re drawn to do something do that, and if you aren’t no worries. It is perfectly permissible to just be half-passed out on the couch right now, it will pass.
Me: But everything is still horrible.
Marlena: What if it isn’t?
Me: I don’t get it.
Marlena: What if there is no better way to spend a 99 degree Friday afternoon than as you are right now, sprawled on the couch, catching up on social media, being silly, looking at videos of dancing birds, what if this is great. You already said there’s nothing you’d rather be doing. What if we just give a YES to how things are right now, it doesn’t have to be the perfect way forever, just, what if it’s a good setup for you right now?
Me: Huh. Okay.
This salve makes everything better.
Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!
This week’s band is from Lucky Lola and it’s called The Jim Convention. Their latest album is called Kindred Spear Its. They play reggae versions of Ella Fitzgerald songs, and it’s just one guy.
Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.
I am recommending the Emergency Get Calm, Quiet And Steady techniques, aka the thing that keeps me from falling apart. This got me through the 2am panicking this week!
How was your week?
Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.
Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.
Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.
p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!
yay for marriage!
What Worked:
Broken internet this morning which prevented trip planning which is good because that means right now I am at home instead of in a camp ground very far away.
No trip which meant my tired body could go back to bed.
Deciding No Traveling this weekend for the first time since April. A breath for staying put.
The Hard:
Short sleep, headache, blecky all day. Forgetting about drinking water for too long.
The Lovely:
Love for my old friend who is like my new friend again. And being able to laugh with her about things from 15 years ago and from 15 days ago. And not needing to talk about our break.
Texts with the boy last night.
Summer clothes and free shoulders.
A whole day tomorrow that is mine and doesn’t involve driving.
The right clients. And a flowing flow of work.
The Hard:
1. I ended up in the difficult position of choosing between a dangerous blood sugar dip and eating a muffin whose first ingredient was literally sugar. I ate the muffin, and didn’t enjoy it, and spent three days even beginning to come out of the hell of having been sugared.
2. On Saturday I got to go to a ritual I was sooooo excited for and then something mysterious and frustrating happened. My story is that something I’d said earlier and some things said about me were misinterpreted and so I was excluded from half of it out of good intentions. Of course I didn’t check this because I was having ALL THE FEELINGS to the point I wasn’t sure if be able to speak and because it was very public and because when I did try to say “no, I want all of it please,” this was not heard.
3. (This next one is scary: I’ll preface with an “everyone is perfectly fine now.”) Then Saturday night my daughter got croup, wherein she coughed so hard she threw up and also couldn’t breathe and we drove to the E.R. at 2am.
4. Then Sunday driving home she threw up in the car. So I was trying to wipe vomit out of my car with a t-shirt on the side of I-5. Also not fun. Though one thousand million times better than not breathing.
5. Starting summer classes on Monday with zero break from trip and illness and no time to prepare and also getting sugared = rocking start to summer quarter. And our professor assigned reading *before* the first day, and my textbooks were over $300 for only two classes and they’re customized for my school so I can’t sell them on the internet after and they’re loose-leaf so I can’t sell them back to the bookstore.
6. 2.5 hours of one class is too much in one go. 2.5 hours of one class and then four hours on campus and then 2.5 hours of another class late in the evening with lecturers who struggle and really immature other students? Really not ideal. But it’s only 4 weeks. I’m already 1/4 done.
7. It is hot as fuck right now and yesterday I got lost in this terrible area by the Ross Island Bridge in the blazing sun missing bus after bus. Bleh.
8. Money.
The Good:
1. This is probably my sanest and quickest recovery from a sugaring yet. Helped by my very clear clarity that while my entire body might be screaming for more sugar, it is very much not worth it. So there was only the one sugaring and no repeat resugarings.
2. So while I was very frustrated by the ritual, afterwards a bunch of people thanked me for some stuff I did that I wouldn’t have been able to do had I had the whole experience. And those thanks were sweet and also a big clue. And it was good to be a little less tired since that night was the child-coughing-too-hard-to-breathe thing, AND it was a super beautiful ritual anyway. Plus, maybe this good is grudging, but I need to see how angry I am most of the time and find appropriate assertive ways to express it, and this is a step that way.
3. By the time we got the little bug to the ER, she was breathing fine because it wasn’t dry air conditioned hotel air, so we got to take her home and open all the hotel windows and she’s been breathing fine ever since. It is also veeeeerrry nice to have a doctor for a MIL who is calm and informative when called at 2am and who went through several bouts of croup with my husband when he was a child.
4. We’re at the end of the week and everybody’s healthy.
5. I have been completely overwhelmed with a desire for clarity for a few weeks now and the I finally VPA’d about it and last night I had the most amazing experience. First I had this big clearing in my womb and then I got to do a healing with my feminine for someone that left us both pretty amazed at the power of said feminine (my femininity and I have been on the outs since before puberty, so this was good), and then I got *exactly* the clarity I wanted in such a deeper better way than I’d imagined. I literally danced with joy. I know what I’m doing with my life now. Not maybe a map, but a Jack Sparrow compass and a shedding of what was in the way.
6. Twice this week I told somebody something I wanted and was angry about! I told someone to shut his car door since it was blocking the bike lane and he wasn’t getting in or out, and I yelled out the window for people to stop setting off fireworks after they woke me up last night, and they did. I GET ONE MEEEEEELION SPARKLEPOINTS. Can’t even begin to express how hard this stuff is for me.
7. At a more mundane level of “what to do with my life,” I got to tour a school I didn’t think I’d like and it felt pretty good, so compass that way for now. And I found out I can probably afford it and can probably get into it and other things that fall into good, I think.
8. I have this weekend off! Nothing to do but clean and garden and homework.
Hello, Rhiannon. Thank you for sharing about the sugar incident! I am very new to staying off sugar and am now dealing with something I thought was a Failure (or rather a failureagainofcourse, which is how my monsters pronounce failure) up until I read your chicken and realized it actually was just a Sugaring. Hello, Sugaring! I’ve never met one before, but from your words I gathered that they are 1. quite common, 2. legitimately a pain in the ass and 3. harmless (will eventually leave by themselves). And knowing that helped, a lot! Thank you.
Also, yay reframing and yay sharing!
Yes indeed, tremendous things seem to happening in the world these days, for better and for worse. Plenty of deep breaths and couch time seem like a good idea to me. Thank you for the salve!
Hard stuff:
–A painful and rather awkward infection, requiring antibiotics and other things for which I am grateful but which, all in all, I would rather not need.
–I accidentally backed into my mother’s (vacant) parked car, in circumstances pretty much *exactly* parallel to the way she backed into my car two years ago. Nobody was hurt, and insurance will cover everything, but oh wow, embarrassing and upsetting.
–I had a really lovely birthday. Special breakfast, lakeside picnic lunch, super-special dinner with cake, and a very festive new outfit to wear that had my daughter expressing spontaneous delight, not once by many times, at how beautiful she thought I was.
–A very intriguing new work opportunity was offered to me on a silver salver. Yes, thank you!
–People I love came to visit me!
–Lots of good food.
I now invoke the superpower of Remembering Agency… <3
Happy Birthday!
Thank you, Rhiannon!
Happy Birthday!!
Oh such week, much and more.
Today is my birthday! I turned 50! And the Good Fifty Fairy brought me soooo many gifts.
what worked this week: work thru the list. keep going. be kind. Brahmari. altar time
the sucks:
-Tamir Rice. Charleston. etc. Tears and rage.
-the spaces were the husband and i dont fit, dont get along, dont coem toegtehr. a breath for sad and worried
-the stuck. the addiction. the lack of progress. the snails pace of me.
-i don’t like the way parts of my body look. not always and not every part. but it’s there
-some green eyes
-feeling like poeple really do think i’m not as smart, not as competent, not as creative as i really am.
-and i’m one. i’m not as aesome as i could be, ought to be, used to be
the sparkle:
-i’m in the Bay Area for my birthday
-and for the 50th anniversry of the Grateful Dead is happening at the same time
-and we went to the Rosicrucian Museum and it was great
-then i went to a beautiful Goddess event and met online-friends and got SO MUCH blessing, questions answered, Guidance and pleasure
-i was so afraid of [x] and it was such a challenge, and i did it
-we have enought time and space and quiet to listen to each other, and realizing i love my husband nd as hard as things can be, we love each other. a breath for re-discovering the spark
-clews, hints, re-affirmations
-blessings pouring on me, every day. gratitude
Love you all! Happy FRiday!
Happy Birthday to you! We both turned 50 this week!
omg that is awesome
The hard:
– releasing more stuff. I keep being surprised that I have more stuff to release, but apparently so.
– [work stuff]
– actual honest to goodness depression, which is not supposed to happen IN JUNE.
– people being Wrong on the Internet, and me being in my stuff about that, and also seeing how they were in their stuff, but failing to get out of my own stuff
– and therefore not being able to be as happy as I’d like to be about the good stuff
– seriously, all the awful gendered stuff around marriage is such bullshit. I don’t think I’d do it again, even though I am very happy in my own.
– my favourite navy blue linen dress is wearing out
– stupid telly that I don’t understand and that keeps breaking. Feeling that I have no control over the technology, and not enough brain at the moment to teach myself.
The good:
– the depression is always as bad as it always is, but I am getting so much better at recognising it and dealing with it, and I got out of it within about a day
– [other work stuff]
– notwithstanding above points, six years, baby!
– fluffy ducklings
– roses everywhere
– yay, same-sex marriage! At the very least, this is going to mean some people are happier than they were before, and a baby step is still a step.
What worked:
– permission. Permission to recognise that stuff is probably a useful learning experience, but simultaneously hate every minute of it.
– sewing on the train
It’s a good day for chickening in!
Breathing for tangles, mysteries, big ol’ question marks.
+Breathing for the Mystery of Colors. Breathing into the sadness, the fear, the history, the future, the right now right now right now. Breathing healing. Yes.
+Breathing into the Mystery of Why Are These Doors Closed? Noticing the question. Breathing into other possibilities for this question.
+Breathing for the Mystery of Exploding Candies. Whoa. Slurp!
+Breathing for the Mystery of Celestial Body. Breathing into the enormity, into the powerlessness, into the tapes about what all this means. Just letting it be what it is.
+Breathing for the hard and confusing parts of Agent Fireside’s epic Reentry. Whoa. Boom.
+Breathing for the Mystery of Big Red Question Mark On My Face. What the incredible fuck? Breathing into whatever it means for the Celestial Body. Breathing into the frustration, the helplessness, the resignation. Breathing into the breathing.
+Breathing for Operation Jugglepins. Whew! Big order of Superpower of I Totally Got This. Yes.
+Breathing for The Mystery of Mutterclap. It is okay that this is so.
Breathing for donuts, sweetness, delight!
+Breathing for Operation Pterodactyl! WHOOOO!!
+Breathing for MountainFest! Which is secretly a Festival! Oooooh!!
+Breathing for interesting books! BOOKS! I love books!
+Breathing for CircleCabana! Yay!
+Breathing for singing! MMmmmmMMMMMMMmmmmMM.
+Breathing for practicing the guitar! Yay! YAY!!!! GUITAR!!!!
+Breathing for the Brilliance and Hilarity of Rainbow Fortunes.
+Breathing for Agent Capeside. Hello, hello!
Invoking Superpower of Things Slide Gently Into Place.
And this week’s Fake Band is: Extraneous Hair Particles! They’ll be touring the Midwest circuit for the next few months, along with Fakazoo, Primal Pumpkin, and The Funky Tomatoes.
Ok, this sparked serious sparks! So I will come back to chicken later. Right now I need to sit and think about (plate-smashing). Thank you for links to the poems and of course for all the being yourself Out Loud. It is very good for me to see how you (integrate personal politics with spiritual practice).
Epiphany: Apparently I have been operating under the assumption that I can be either a Radical Feminist Lefty (and that that = torn-up, agressive, sullen and deeply unhappy) or a Zenned-out Yogini (which for some reason I equated with disengaged and passive). Another AND-OR situation (and of course of course now I can see the infinity of third options, and if course of course I invoke the qualities of Intelligence, Nuance, Congruence, Integrity, Herenow and the superpower of All Parts).
And this may be out of line, and I do understand why we Do Not Give Advice, but I am itching to remark a remark: the content you consistently put out (Chicken and VPAs) is VERY valuable to me and I absolutely would pay for it if there was a way to do that.
Search Havi’s blog for “Barrington’s Discretionary”. It works through PayPal (PainPal in my dimension which Doesn’t Work). You send Barrington’s Discretionary farkleberries, sparklestuff, or money (I’ve tried only money) and it comes out in Havi’s dimension as Whatever She Needs – flowers, breaths, pebbles, hats – maybe even money.
thanks Questing Lee!
Hello, Saturday! It’s lovely to be spending time with you.
What worked this week? Using up thises and thatses on hand.
What next? I might try “a list of What I Would Do Next If Money/Time/Fear Were Not In Play.” Merci, Havi.
Hard, distressing, etc.
1. Friends having to contend with doctors’ egos and other ridiculousness.
2. Charleston. Tunisia. Greece. And all the places not mentioned in the news…
3. My weekend was full before [w] and [i] landed on my plate. Oy.
4. The “they don’t appreciate how much time it takes” chorus sure is making a lot of noise.
5. Forgetting there was a swim meet when I made time to get to the pool.
6. Oh, tablet, why the going blank?
7. That blues show looked like a lot of fun, and would’ve been free for me, but there was cooking to be done.
8. 15 days since I last worked on the poem I started earlier this month.
Good, rewarding, etc.
1. Bean seedlings already more than six inches tall.
2. Aha. Old chopsticks ready to use as stakes.
3. I am a project management badass, and it is so satisfying to get things done.
4. Definite improvement in dental situation.
5. Catching up with an old friend amongst her doggies and daylilies.
6. Still stupid about sunk costs more often than I’d like, but successfully detached from one unproductive connection this week and am close to dismissing another.
7. Logging on yesterday to photos of that longtime Dallas couple, musicians happily hollering about the E-flat POTUS put into “Amazing Grace,” my two improbable finalists in Nottingham…
8. Candied mint experiment not panning out (so to speak) for intended purpose, but results still tasty.
Warm wishes to all y’all.
Hello, Saturday!
So this was a week spent mostly Off The Wagon. In the sense of “falling” off the wagon (I prefer to think “jumping” to make it sound less dramatic. As in, no need to freak out, monsters, see, I just jumped off the ole wagon for a bit. I’m sure I will jump back on as soon as I am ready) with some healthy habits. And also Off The Wagon in the sense of postponing operation Oregon (literally heading west to start a new life in another country).
Worked: making things sound less dramatic! crying. capers from the Art of Embarking. Pretending to be a character on the Oregon trail (the video game)! Trust and receptivity. Remembering that Depression Lies (which I learned from Jenny Lawson)
Next time: journal more. sleep more. stay hydrated. remember that Seeing Can’t Hurt Me. interact with the fear!
Mysteries, hardships:
1. a messy confrontation with someone
2. huge unexpected expenses made my carefully planned budget void and I now might have to ask my family for a loan
3. which is actually not such an impossible obstacle in and of itself, but it triggers my deep issues about money and self-sufficience
4. somehow I missed an important deadline and that means a thing that is absolutely central to me won’t happen for another year
5. oh my god I actually finally am moving countries and i t is so scary
6. intense things happening during meditations, scary, uncomfortable
7. I need more support and space to process things and I don’t know how to get it
8. So many things toxic and broken in the world
1. I am having a full-blown, transformative CRISIS. It is intense and challenging and wonderful and exactly what I need.
2. When I do get enough sleep and eat well, I feel SO amazing.
3. And when I don’t, my body complains immediately and loudly, which is amazing in it’s own right.
4. Beautiful surprise from my coworkers. I had no idea I was so loved
5. Staying off TV = more time for cryptic crosswords!
6. The beauty and tenderness of saying “goodbye and thank you” (to people, but also to this city, to the river, to all I am releasing)
7. And of recieving the goodbyes and thank yous (and the flowers that sometimes go with that, of course)
8. I truly couldn’t imagine I could ever forgive myself for missing deadline for *thing*, much less find the treasure. But of course I did. I actually gained a whole YEAR for Entry and Provisioning for *thing*, and it turns out it is also perfect for practical and money-related reasons. Nothing Is Wrong.
Love and warmth to everyone!
What worked this week: avoiding the feeds on twitter & Facebook, except when I needed to use them for volunteer work that I do. Much better for my emotional safety.
What was hard:
-feeling like no matter how I choose to spend my time, I am always making the wrong choice
-wanting a new job, but not wanting to apply for new jobs
-that tired feeling
Pebbles and hearts to all today and this week.
Smash! Smash!SMASH!! Go the plates! <3<3<3
What worked – The Dude coming out of Sick Bay on my vacation day Monday with less pain and “lighter” than the last two times.
The salve label said, “The Salve of Deep, Guilt-Free ____________”. And so it was – a blanket salve. It mainly was a salve of permission to cry.
The Wolf fed itself and went away – presumably happy.
Church variety show dinner and movie another night with my girlfriend.
The Hard
Wearing the Common Female Torture Device whenever I’m vertical.
Not Being Allowed Tea.
Head spinneys hard for two days, and on and on, daily.
Procrastinating at building the key to the Door that Must Be Opened by That Key or No Quest.
The Good
Used the “It’s Just a Test” card for everything to do with the Last Required Class.
Enjoyed the last ProfOrg meeting. Especially seeing the new officers installed and none of them are me! A member asked me a question for my former office, and I felt upwelling joy as I directed him to the person who replaced me.
THEY were Monitoring me to see if my heart is working right.
I am able to just do things with less Monster Input.
Volunteer cherry tomatoes in My Own backyard.
What will I do next time? See what’s up with the small, dark, strong fears.
Happy Chickens to you!