My darlings,
I am living by my commitment to begin this year with the practice of conscious entry. By preparing for the voyage. With the voyage, of course, as this incoming year.
And to do that, I am exiting the year that was.
I am taking myself out of the office (or out of my captain’s quarters on the pirate ship) for a while.
I am setting off on a personal exploration-adventure, on a private ship that is just me and Barrington and slightly future me.
And Selma. And Scootch. And possibly Drooly Monster.
Not gone.
Fridays I will be here for the Chicken.
Sundays I will be here for the Very Personal Ads.
And for all I know, I might be here lots of other times.
Because I imagine that I’ll be writing. A lot. And will probably wish to share a bunch of the processing. But it’s hard to say.
But closing down and turning inward.
The offices of The Fluent Self, Inc, Sovereign and Light-Hearted Pirate Ship At Large will be closed while I am voyaging.
The other two people who work full-time at our company will be working on various important behind the scenes stuff. They will not be responding to incoming requests other than to acknowledge that these have been read and received.
If you are waiting for a response on an application for Crossing the Line (password: haulaway), or regarding the stowawayship scholarship for Rally (Rally!), you’ll definitely get your answer soon!
If you’re waiting for the Mirror Pool page, no worries. I will have the First Mate send out an email when it’s up.
And if you’ve ordered a calendar or another product that mails, you’ll totally get it. Those parts of the business are all still running as usual.
I will also probably announce various announcings. Some fairly big announcings. I assume you’re on the Havi’s Announcing a Thing list (sign-up is on the events page), so you’ll know what’s going on.
Anything else will need to wait until February, when I am back from my big adventure.
What you can do while I’m off voyaging.
You can negotiate and fractal flower.
You can create safe rooms. You can name and notice.
You can skip stones and invoke superpowers and find clews and ask why.
You’ll try things. And you’ll use the tools.
You’ll use the tools.
There are 961 posts here.
Every single one written by me. Most of which are about useful tools and concepts for destuckifying.
In terms of material, that’s the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in destuckifying.
You’ll destuckify and you’ll practice.
You won’t be alone.
I’ll be practicing all these things too. While flailing to Shiva Nata and breathing in qualities.
And discovering important as-yet-unknown things about my relationship with and to this incoming year.
When I return I will still be the pirate queen. And I will also be the Director. With stories of my adventures.
I love you all, and I will see you very soon. Possibly even tomorrow. But definitely Fridays and Sundays for chickening and gwish-planting.
And there will be magical February playing that is being seeded right now as I type this.
The commenting blanket fort.
We all have our stuff. We’re all working on our stuff. It’s a process.
When our stuff comes up in reaction to something, we recognize that this is our stuff.
We own it. And then we consciously, lovingly interact with it, using the tools that we play with here. Or other tools that you happen to like.
We create safe spaces for ourselves to get to learn about our stuff, so that we don’t have to be in our stuff.
We live by this here.
That is the point of this blog. It is the point of the past seven years that I have been building this business. It is the point of everything I do.
If you’re able to be enthusiastic with me today about my adventure and say joyful celebratory things, I would love that.
If you’re not able to, use the tools.
As always, you can call silent retreat! Or you can leave an imaginary gift here for the ship. Like a flower. Or a pebble. Or a bottle of bourbon.
Love, as always, to the commenter mice, the Beloved Lurkers and everyone who reads.
Yay for adventure ! Enjoy your time, we’ll be there. Happy voyaging. *extrahugsinaboxforemergencieswhileenroute*
Bon voyage! (Waving a handkerchief from the prow of a ship also setting off.) Bon voyage! See you soon.
Throwing handfuls of pirate confetti! Bon voyage!
Smiling and waving and radiating enthusiasticicity!
Bon Voyage! Fair winds and high seas (high winds and fair seas?)!
Bon voyage! Waving you off with love and wishing you ALL the best!
I salute your awesome role-modelling!
and wish you a wonderful adventure!
I am enthusiasic-ing! Happy sighs and waving of pom-poms. For you and your voyage.
I love you and your ship madly, wildly. For what it has done for me in 2011 and I can’t wait to experience Fluent-Self-ing it up in 2012. Can’t wait to be witness to your stark raving crazy genius woman-ness.
Happy, happy internal adventuring! Thanks for investing in yourself and for all you do here. I’m so grateful for this community.
Happy adventuring! Looking forward to seeing all that your explorations will bring you!
*enthusiastic confetti tossing*
Bottle(s?) of Bourbon to you! Hurrah Hurrah and magical embark-ation throw-streamers that turn into butterflies before they hit the ground! Hopefully some of the enthusiastics butterflies will hang on to your sails.
Bon voyage! Smooth sailing and dolphin-encounters to you and the Ship’s Duck.
Yay! Bon voyage!
May dolphins swim in your wake!
Bon voyage! Have a glass of Basil Hayden’s at sea.
Exciting and wonderful travels to you in the spirit of “oh-how-I’ll-miss-your-amazingness”!
Saying celebratory things and waving excitedly. There is confetti. There are bubbles and balloons. And lots of good-wishing.
Also excited curiosity for what will come out of your explorations.
Also gratitude that you are doing this because it means others (me!) can do it too. Using the tools, I can make my own voyage of discovery.
I’ll look forward to the Chicken and the VPAs, and in between, I’ll continue (!) obsessively browsing the archives and sometimes I’ll pause to ask myself what Havi might say about a particular thing. Because I have learned so much from the blog and from my fellow comment mice.
Thanks so much, Havi.
Havi, I’m so happy that I found your blog some two or three years ago.
I’m over enthusiastic for your next thing. Please, do have some more fairy dust with you
Deep, satisfied, love- and pride-filled enthusiasm for this beautiful lived demonstration of congruent, clear and serene leadership, self-care (which is ALWAYS missionfromgod-care and therefore GENEROUS) and faith. THANK YOU.
How spacious to have a month where I can’t just rest into my habit of responding-to-external-stimulus, but have to step up and choose OWN adventure if I want to play here!!
Havi, the light within me salutes the light within you. Blessings!!
Love this. Happy travels, bon voyage! 🙂
Enthusiastic pouring of sparkly beverages all around!
Very excited to see the Ship back (or during interim calls to port) after this exciting voyage 🙂
Have a wonderful time! And haste ye back.
Have a beautiful voyage, and thank you for showing me how an imaginative person can take care of herself! Hooray for the voyage!!
Hullo Havi!
So many ironies, so little time. My name is Gina and for a long time my friends have called me Gina Danger (because my last name translates into Danger. So, funny how that works, huh.) This evening while generally wasting time and other silliness, I was googling Gina Danger, as people are want to do. Ok, maybe people aren’t necessarily want to google “Gina Danger” but you get my point. I came across a facebook page for Gina Danger, and to be clear, this is NOT me. This looks like an interesting woman who likes unicorns. But, I digress. The other thing I get called, in addition to Gina Danger, is the International Woman of Mystery. It kind of just runs together naturally, don’t you think? So, in addition to googling Gina Danger, I also googled IWOM. Because, really, what else is there to do on a Monday evening when the weather is teh pooh. So, in googling IWOM I came across some interesting camo-clothing that turns from a backpack to a snuggly (and again, to be clear, that’s not me) and I also came across this site.
Sadly, however, it appears that I have come to your door just as you were putting up the “closed” sign. Unfortunate, really, considering I think this looks like a very interesting place to hang around. On the other hand, it also appears that it may give me a chance to read some back-posts while you’re off gallivanting in the great unknown and perhaps find out more about Chicken Fridays and the like.
So enjoy the voyage and I’m looking forward to reading more when you get back.
Gina Danger
Yes yes! A quiet January – how lovely.
Enjoy 🙂
Wonderful! I am so excited for you–wishing you lots of love, mermaids, and happy whale sightings on your voyage.
havi! thank you for being off on your adventure. helps me give myself permission to live in my January the way I want to – slowly, deliberately, spaciously, with much rest and reflection. toodle-loo!
I hope you have oodles of fun as well as all the other.
Havi, yay. This is beautiful and graceful and lovely and yay, because as someone said up there in the comments, it not only cares for you, but permission-gives for me.
And now I am asking,
how shall I enter?
A few days later than might be expected, but still, the question is rich and fruitful.
And makes me want to dig out my waterproof notebook for tonight’s shower. (Rite in the Rain, if anyone else needs a waterproof writing system. Of course, smartphone in ziploc also works.)
Anyway, bon voyage!
Bon voyage, Havi!
Bon voyage, Havi! Your voyage is inspiring my own approach to January – and also inspiring me to acquire a bottle of bourbon (one for myself and one to leave for your ship)!
@Leela – I’ve been looking for a way to write things down in the shower since that’s when hot buttered epiphanies tend to show up! Thanks for suggesting Rite in the Rain – I think I’m going to buy a notebook!
Oh, what a lovely idea. Have a most wonderful voyage!
Have a wonderful adventure! I am bouncing enthusiastically on your behalf. And on mine as well, because I love to bounce. And my behalf loves to bounce.
Yes, I love this. I call January the blank month and don’t make any attempts to start the new year until February. I hope you have a lovely time off and re-emerge like the Groundhog in February, refreshed, to find lots of sunshine and new sprouts.
Yayness and sparkles! Hurrah for personal adventuring and pondering. Hugs and love, and sharing in your looking-forwardness and enjoying your enjoyment with you! Love love xox Noreen
Naming Moons – January the Moon of Retreat!
*** giggling and hidiing away! ***
waving a bright yellow hankerchief from the dock! Looking forward to practicing while you voyage. mwah! au revoir!
Me-who-participates-wholeheartedly-in-the-Enthusiastic: bon voyage, and so thrilled for your adventure!
[Other forms of Me are slightly anxious about missing your posts — but I’m so glad for how you’ve modeled clear, sovereign expectation-setting, and really, it’s kind of exciting to think about this month as a practicum while you’re away! Thank you for your writing, your present, and your intentional work to build this community!]
Hand-On-Heart Sigh for your amazing adventure.
Heartfelt enthusiasm, with sparkles and bubbles included!
A safe and joyful vorage for you and for your January gwishes!
And a cordial ta-ta for Barrington, as well.
Many blissful things to you on your journey, Havi!
A month of pirating adventures? What a exciting way to start the new year!!! Happy travels! I can’t wait to hear about all your wonderful travel tales.
Hi Havi! Delurking to say I’m so excited for you. May your voyage be full of magic and everything you want it to be!! Best wishes!
Bon voyage! And as we say in Japan, Go and come back!