the point isn’t getting my wish (though cool things have emerged from wishing), it’s learning about my relationship with wanting, accessing the qualities…
wanting can be hard, it is easy to feel conflicted about it, and the reasons for that make this a surprisingly subversive practice…
this is the 336th consecutive week of wishing, come play!
here, now
I have just returned from twelve delicious days of
sun, sea, and sleeping in,
exploring the southern reaches
primarily through napping
deep internal exploration into sweet blissful quiet
and [here, now] everything is cold, dark and rainy
an odd sensation
wanting two things at once
this rushing pulsing urgency to act
aching desire to break down fences
bound over anything in my way
in order to take off for points south
not slowing until the sun warms me again
and my panther body feels the invitation to slow
to a graceful prowl
and, also, yes, the equally powerful pull
to hibernate and hide in bed
for as long as it takes until
spring comes
and the scent returns
what does this need?
as always
as in all things
because this the basis for self-fluency and
also the door:
it’s how we find our way back
to compassion, presence, love, all the good stuff
I call on my wise wild selves to whisper truth
to channel the compassion I could glow so easily
for a friend going through this
and forget to offer myself:
of course this makes sense
of course this is an understandable valid reaction
to the combination of the elements at play
[cold] + [transition] + [endings] + [season]
not to mention all the very extenuating circumstances
and the very legitimate ways that now might be reminding us of then
even though
Now Is Not Then
truth truth truth
no matter how much now looks like then
now is now
and, at the same time, acknowledgment and legitimacy:
it’s okay that we forget this
it’s okay that we forget truth
that’s what life is about,
forgetting and remembering, forgetting and re-remembering
you’re doing great, my love
look at you, being human
you’re totally nailing it!
yes, you forgot and remembered, you forgot and
will remember again
it’s okay, this is exactly how this works
you are safe
and I love you
I want to tell you about ruby jewel
I learned so much during operation ruby jewel
my twelve day adventure in the sun and in dreamland
though these days turned out to be the entryway,
the anteroom to ruby jewel
because this mission is much larger
more encompassing (that’s a compass joke!)
than I had anticipated
mainly I want to tell you things I learned about jewels
and about glowing
and maybe laugh about some of it
for example, the funny part
I planted two wishes here while I was gone:
1) what do I want to reflect, and 2) rooting for love
of course it turned out that what I want to reflect is LIGHT
and jewels reflect light
and light needs to be grounded (aka rooted)
because it is being conducted
through me
so reflecting and rooting,
as it turns out,
are the secret keys to being a jewel!
I wished them into being
not even knowing why I needed them
it’s so perfect and hilarious
twelve days, named
if you have ever worked with one of the
fluent self calendars
then you know how wildly sweetly disruptively magical it is
to invoke qualities with time
so here are the names of each day of the op
each name received in the morning of that day
and each one full of unexpected treasure
confident about doors
jewel heart
clear easy grounded
internal glow
to embark
when I am a jewel
glowing freedom
internal star access
in search of freedom
glow levels: enhance
a jewel returns
what did I learn about light and jewels?
means being a conduit for light
and conducting light through the jewel
that is you
this is mainly about Presence
I mean, yes, most things are mainly about Presence
but think about how a moment
(or a dance, for example)
is immediately altered
when you are fully engaged with
intention and intensity —
there for the whole experience
then, from this clear committed engagement
thinking about and streaming my light
asking it to be there
(remembering that it is there whether I can
feel it or not has the same effect as turning on light)
next, being deliberate and deliciously panther-like
in both movement and actions
sending yourself into motion
from this gyroscope jewel in your center
and, of course, choosing towards
that which enhances your light
and your ability to glow and to perceive your glow;
choosing away from everything which does not
intentionally doing things that bring you pleasure
that help you cultivate your
easy relaxed joy
I do not know if it is is also for you,
sharing it in case it has clues or sparks
presence is tricky
beautifully mysteriously tricky
and not only because the game is rigged
in every possible way to keep us disconnected
from ourselves and from now
many times on operation ruby jewel
I caught myself looking wistfully at my traveling companion
bracing myself for the impending disruptive goodbye:
knowing in two days time
a plane would take off for thailand without me
while I would go north to say a different goodbye
to my beautiful home
instead of HERE, NOW
this beautiful moment which is treasure
trusting that future moments will deliver
future treasure,
and that I am held in safety, sweetness and love
knowing that my only job is to
glow more, glow wild,
and trust
yes, to be HERE, NOW
with quiet passionate intention and intensity
if this moment is a door, any door, all the doors,
and I am free to walk through it,
then let’s choose joyful ones
choosing doors
for example, the door of acknowledgment and legitimacy for what is
including acknowledgment and legitimacy
for every moment of drifting away from now
every moment of sorrow-longing-despair-resistance
and wishing things were other than they are
presence means also being present with the not-being-present
and present with noticing if I am blaming myself for that
and present with blaming myself for the blaming
glowing compassion all the way to the root
let’s choose the door of compassion
let’s choose the door of turning inward to my thank-you heart
and the door of I Want To Be Here Now
the door of I Am Changing This Moment By How I Am In It
here is what I know about glowing
as learned from being a jewel for twelve days:
- pass light (let light pass) through your jewel
- ground it (ground everything)
- PRESENCE (relaxed positive being infuses relaxed positive doing)
- extra compassion, self directed (run your light through yourself to glow inward before glowing outward, fasten your own mask before assisting others)
- hold things lightly (not too seriously, and also hold them in the light)
what do I know about my wish this week
my wish is to embody this
to live this to the best of my ability
with the keen awareness
that this shit is not easy
bold presence or whatever you want to call it means
more interaction with [pain-fear-doubt]
but also more interaction with joyful aliveness
deep powerful stuff
our entire culture is built around not doing this
it’s designed to distract/entice/hold-in-place
acquiesce to stagnation
whether in jobs, family, structures, relationships
(including our relationship with ourselves)
I feel passionately about doing the opposite of this
being engaged in this [here, now] moment
and my yes that is my yes in this moment
surrounding myself, encompassing myself
in the qualities of spirit that are my compass
North: TRUST
Northeast: RELAX
Southeast: EXPAND
Southwest: TREASURE
West: GLOW
Northwest: WILD
what do I know this?
nothing needs to be done
and so much is asking to be not-done
and undone, dismantled
through deep breathing, presence and wild intentional not-doing
the best way for me to stay in the compass
is to breathe, pause, notice, laugh
forgive myself over and over for being human
and forgetting truth
naming things and
repeating the names
and giving things new magical names
saying I AM HERE NOW
and I am here
and I am here
Lars reminded me that winter is good
for curling up by the fire
so I did that
and things got better
and then Steve reminded me that dodging winter
is actually a perfectly expected move
for an eccentric wanderer like me
so [here, now] is good
and choosing a new [here, now] for soon/later is good
and now-now has tea and cushions
and breathing sweet breaths
which I now know
is another way of circulating light
through jewels
and through me
superpower of receptive to all incoming good surprises.
december on the 2015 fluent self calendar is TREASURE MORE, with the superpower of receptive to all incoming good surprises
glowing light through (internal) jewels
is a good practice for month of treasure and treasuring
I am receptive to all incoming good surprises
and everything that comes from [here, now]
and from saying yes to doors
and to sweetness
thank you, past-me, for putting this
on the calendar
last week’s wishes
I wished a wish about rooting for love…
and I learned that the best way to root
is to send and receive from the earth
and to do this with light
in order to be more here, more now
which is the next piece
invitation: come play with me…
you are invited to share many !!!!!! about what is here,
or share anything sparked for you while reading
deposit wishes, gwishes, superpowers, qualities, ingredients, intel, possibly in code
safe space for creative exploration asks us to let go of care-taking and advice-giving
wishes are never late because whenever you wish is the right time for wishing
here’s how we meet each other’s wishes: oh, wow what beautiful wishes
I am simply leaving a heart and a stone because more articulate words aren’t here, now.
Actually, maybe that’s as articulate as it needs to get.
Ahhhhh, yes, that is what I want. More of that. More here and more now. I do not want to be always wanting or worrying about next year.
But all the same I am going to wish these change-and-progress wishes, because I do want them and it’s always worth wishing:
[to hear back from my working party on Operation Reversumbersible]
[congruence on Operation Safe House II]
[congruence on Operation Mission to Mars]
[Another New Opportunity to appear, somehow]
warm love for these beautiful wishes!
I wish for my home to feel cozier and lovelier. I wish for the energy to make it so, and I wish for the courage to make sovereign requests for assistance, and yes the game is rigged; even so, may it be so.
(Also, I wish for a nap.)
lately, so many small and big things just fell in place. so much gratitude, humility and joy. i wish to be receptive to those kind of wonders. <3
@Kathleen Avis – haha, those were my gwishes for last week/earlier this week. 😀 I’ve been inching towards a cleaner & lovelier home this week.
I wish for spaciousness and rest. I wish for recovery and energy. I wish for more naps. I wish for more puppy cuddles.
may it be so! <3
<3 to all
I wish to be present, to remembering my crown, and to find clews about how to heal this world's deep sickness
A slow deep breath for all the wishes held gently in this [here, now].
Another for me in this moment, to help me to be more fully [here, now].
I wish for deep and rejuvenating rest (minus the spending-the-weekend-in-bed-and-in-pain kind of rest this time please).
I wish for more / deeper / cleaner awareness…
Mmmmm – may it be so (for all of us)
* wards (safety), awards, rewards, joy-towardness,
* to ace the tests, and without apologies
* for both my physical and emotional immune systems to fend off the gross, draining, etc.
* sunny days with ponies and sheep
* for the rest of this year’s transactions to go smoothly
* Barcelona and St. Petersburg and Agadir
Starting with a forward fold, and warm wishes to all y’all.
What wonderful wishes! Especially Barcelona which is a big clue for me right now. May it all come to be with the greatest of ease, or something even better….
<3 <3 <3 Such beautiful wishes.
I wish for
mad listening skills (tune the dial to my station)
devotion to the next step, a step, any step – trust in movement
play and pleasure
I am most assuredly and rightfully Queen – serene and powerful
may it be so
tonight my dance teacher said “sometimes it seems like there’s static in your radio station when I’m dancing with you, let’s figure out how to clear and tune in”….
I echo your beautiful wishes and reflect them back in all directions, no return address!
“fasten your own mask before assisting others”
Huh so there’s what that usually means, self-care and self-rejuvenation and–
But also remembering that when it seems like people are trying to force us to wear masks (in the deceptive sense) it’s usually because they’re already wearing a mask themselves and to have compassion for that–
Oh but also in the sense of a masked ball, where everyone is in a mask but it is fun, it is part of the culture of celebration, and you get to choose your own face to mean anything or nothing
WUSIT. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Thanks for that.