I have been a bit wary about this passage between the months this time. Sometimes it happens.
It is part of being a spy. Bond Girl says:
All timing is right timing. Don’t sweat it.
So that’s how we’re going to play.
Come in, come in, superpowers of March, of marching, of smooth transitions. And when not smooth, conscious. Playful presence. Let’s do this.
Wriggling out of February. What worked?
The Vicarage.
Everything about taking two weeks off at the Vicarage.
Using Bork Bork Bork to run Rally (Rally!), or really, to [verb] it.
Putting phone in AIR/plane mode. Access. Internal. Resonance. Getting back to my plane. AIR. Plane.
So long, February. Things I might try differently next time?
I worried while I was away that maybe I wanted to bring too much of Vicarage back into daily life, but bringing even more Vicarage is actually what I’m wishing for now.
Which is another way of saying: Trust my instincts.
Landing into March. Hello, March.
Yes, we’ve been hanging out for a week or so.
But now I’m ready to sit cross-legged in front of you, March. To look into your eyes and extend my hand and say: I am here. I want to be here now.
Qualities I want for March.
Mystery. Harmony. Trust. Silence. Steadiness. Wonder. Simplicity. Resonance.
Let’s choose words for March.
Mystery. Definitely mystery.
I’m turning the page in the Stompopolis calendar.
And I love the “why it’s so crazy it just might work”. That is exactly what I’m channeling right now.
Oh, and guess what is the funniest? The superpower listed is… tada! The superpower of Trusting Your Instincts. That’s what I was wishing for anyway.
March superpowers
The March superpowers are going to be the Bond Girl superpowers:
Strong, glowing, radiant boundaries. Extreme sexy confidence. Deep faith in provision. And of course: trusting my instincts.
And the superpowers of crocuses: spring is here.
Things I’m working on and playing with in March.
Emptying and replenishing. Living in air/plane mode.
Letting silent retreat solve all the challenges, while remembering that they aren’t challenges at all: they’re mysteries. And I like mystery.
Things I’m looking forward to in March.
Spring. Equinox. Windows. Fake Beach Day. Spring cleaning/sparkling. Being Bond Girl. Turning pirates into spies. Spies who are playing at pirates.
What March could be like.
Sweet and welcoming. Playful and present. Full of flowers.
Slightly future me says…
This is right. This moment right now: it is right. Anything you do in it is right, because you are paying attention, and you will learn useful things about what it is to be Havi Bell.
Naming the moon.
This is a tradition I borrowed from Waverly. You can read more about how I do it if you like.
The Moon of Hidden Jewels.
It’s a madcap caper, isn’t it? Bond Girl might even know where they are….
I want to be here now.
Goodbye, beautiful February. Thank you for everything. Goodbye everything that is done. Thank you for being done. Mmhmm.
Hello, March. Hello, birthday month, for both me and The Fluent Self. I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad we get to play. I’m glad for the reminder that any time I say hello to you is the right time, and that I can’t say hello wrong, because being present and saying hello to things is part of being alive.
The secret word is ringleader. Ringleader. Over and out.
Play with me…
I mess around with entry and exit each month, going with whatever shows up.
For other versions, peek at 2011: July / August / September / October / November and December. Or 2012: January / February / March / April / May. A love letter to June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January
And of course last month.
Feel welcome to deposit notes for your entry into March here, if you like. Or drop off wishes or leave flowers.
We make this safe space by not telling each other what to do, how to be or how to feel. We make room for each other.
Wishing you a pleasure-filled, playful, welcoming March. And love. All the love.
Farewell, February. You brought Badger sunscreens and replenishing Friday nights and the poem-finishing mojo.
I expect things to be quite different by next February, so I am giving myself a permission slip to not sweat what to try when it arrives.
Hi March. You are challenging, because you are full of anniversaries of loss (one that coincides with other people’s favorite holidays, which amplifies the suck).
Qualities I want for March: cushioning. calm. stability.
Word for March: space. Owning it, minding it, enjoying it.
Superpowers: steering clear of provocation, quicksand, and stuck; stepping away once I recognize it. Being compassionate toward other people but not letting their monsters dictate how I engage with them (and everyone else).
Working on and playing with: grieving without being a ghoul. Rediscovering summer-school me.
Things I’m looking forward to: more Friday nights. More Friday night equivalents. Maybe a massage. More movement in the sunshine. More writing. More singing.
What March could be like: Centering. Lightening.
Slightly Future Me says: Thanks for clearing off the dining room table, sugar.
It’s Saltwater Moon. I’m missing Charleston. I’m planning soups.
Warm wishes and flowers to all who wants ’em.
Allo, March.
Ohhhh, hello, March. I have a hunch that you may be the month in which I receive my marching orders. If so, I shall greet them with a March-mellow attitude!
Meanwhile, I am leaving a bunch of daffodils on your doorstep.
I’ve been waiting to do so this.
So long, February. You had great stuff, like Pantheacon and a growing awareness of my own strengths. I felt myself being stronger, more productive and engaged. You brought more chances to work with the tools i’ve brought into this year. You had almost enough snow.
OPh March, so happy yopu are here!
You’ve come with clewsd and more light. You came with a raise! You’ve come wityh greater levels of calm and mellow, with less yelling and more picking battles and a LOT more being okay with not doing everything.
You bring more light and warmth! You bring a springtime pop of energy and I’m so glad. I could use it.
I love simplicity and trusting my instincts, these have already coem to the rescue. I cannot wait for flowers and more walks and swicthing out the cold weather clothes and starting to garden. You came with hints that Nothing is Wrong and Everything is REally Fine. I love that about you.
Also, flowers! Any minute!
Waving farewell to February hard and true…
Greeting March with hope and yearning…
Laying flowers
Sitting still
To say hello