very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: a word for the practice of making things congruent

Here’s what I want:

To invent or discover a word or metaphor that describes the thing I’m working on the most right now:

Bringing things in my life into a greater state of CONGRUENCE.

Ideally this would be a verb, but it could also be a descriptive phrase or even an image or a person. In the way that Bruce Wayne is my stand-in both for prosperity and for the state of intense dedication to the physical (agility, gracefulness, power, stability, strength, determination and endurance).

Ways this could work:

I could ask for help from metaphor mouse, speaking of reluctant superheroes.

I can map it out.

Do some Shiva Nata on it to see what the patterns are.

Ask Bruce Wayne what he’d call it.

I’ll play with…

I think I’d like to interview Barrington. And also the Director (the me-who-is-coming).

It would be interesting to see what they know about this, and maybe that would give me a direction.

Thing 2: the week of Congruencing!

Here’s what I want:

Okay, so I don’t have my word or metaphor yet, but whatever it’s going to be called, that’s what I want to be doing all week.

Ways this could work:

Maybe a list of things that need to come into congruence.

I can also use my list of Things I am Done With.

For example:

  • Not having a place to put a certain type of thing.
  • The bag of Back and Forth.
  • Yoga coming after work.
  • Answering questions with anything other than a heart-sigh.

And then I can play, Rally-style.

I’ll play with…

Patience. Permission. Exploring without attachment to what I think I need to find.

I think it’s time for some stone skippings.

Some old Turkish lady yoga.

And lots of entry and exit. This is another form of preparing for the voyage, isn’t it.

That feels better.

Thing 3: Speaking of things that I am done withā€¦.

Here’s what I want:

Doors that are closed need to stay closed. Not to be approached and not be knocked on. This station is closed!

This is showing up in several ways right now, most of them symbolic. Also there are ways in which I am still knocking on some doors that are not doors for me any more, and I’m looking at that too.

Anyway, there’s this thing with random strangers knocking on the door to the Playground while I’m in yoga or meditation.

Because they apparently want to know how to get to the bathrooms. Or because they’re supposedly confusing my center with another business, despite the GIANT sign that announces: The Destuckification Playground!

And there’s this other thing where people try to log into one of my online programs. They can’t, of course, because there’s no way for them to get in without our system having given them a password. But when we close out each year, we always find about eighty names of people who have tried to log-in. Even though the entry page states that this is a closed, private community.

The fact that both of these things are scratching at the door of my mind right now (see? doors, it’s all doors here) shows me that this is my stuff.

So I’m going to investigate that. And I want better systems, better boundaries, better ways of making it clear that some doors are not for being knocked on.

Ways this could work:

Talking to slightly future me and figuring out what she knows about this.

Flailing on it with Shiva Nata.

Inventing ridiculous signs and then using that as a starting point for play.

I’ll play with…

Noticing all the places of entry and exit.

Stopping to pause (paws!).

Closing places I have left open.

Thing 4: the new assumption.

Here’s what I want:

To intentionally, playfully and steadily operate under the assumption that everything is good!

And to find out how things are good. In what way are they good?

Ways this could work:

I can ask:

“How does this thing that doesn’t appear to be good actually contain elements of good? And how can I use this to my advantage?”

If I’m in resistance because a certain situation is clearly full of not-good, I can try to find the useful.

If I can’t find the useful, I can still find out what I’m learning through encountering this now.

I’ll play with…

What if I’m wrong about everything I’m currently assuming?

What if this new assumption holds some unexpected treasure?

What if I don’t have to believe in the new assumption in order to receive benefits from experimenting with it?

What if everything that is against me is an illusion? Because Orna said it is, and Orna has never been wrong about anything.

Thing 5: ease-filled happy signing of the lease.

Here’s what I want:

Okay, this one might have to become an OOD, because I suspect that this is not all that I want.

I want to sign the lease on the new Playground space, but what I really want is to feel supported and excited in every part of this adventure.

And there are certain things that are potential dealbreakers, and I need those things to go smoothly. Or to resolve themselves in ways that I haven’t thought of yet.

But mainly I want to feel joyful and elated, because this is a giant gorgeous symbol of giant and gorgeous progress on my giant and gorgeous vision. I am whoah-struck! So let’s have more of that please.

Ways this could work:

I think breaking out an OOD, and working through the whole process and destuckifying is important.

Especially the aspect of making peace with being a grown-up.

And taking apart some of my old patterns of being apologetic and wanting to accommodate out of fear, habit or guiltā€¦.when actually what is necessary in this situation is radiating strength and establishing clear, beautiful, loving boundaries.

I’ll play with…

Man, this is a big ask with a lot of disparate elements.

I think I want to focus on figuring out what I want and need.

This relates to several asks from previous weeks that have to do with trusting my instincts. Hand-on-heart sigh for me-from-then.

It all comes back to wanting the wanting.

Thing 6: sleep, again.

Here’s what I want:

So I’ve graduated from waking up in the middle of the night and feeling miserable to waking up in the middle of the night and feeling peaceful. And then falling back asleep.

But I’m ready to go through the next door:

Deep peaceful uninterrupted slumber.

Ways this could work:

Congruence. Putting more of these small changes into effect.

Morning rituals. Evening rituals.


Talking to all the different parts of me.

I’ll play with…

Listening. Curiosity. Sweetness.

Thing 7: enthusiasm!

Here’s what I want:

I am about to send out the announcement about the Floating Playground.

And to celebrate the way I would with a real Enthusiastic: where we all exclaim over puppies! And how cute the puppies are!

Ways this could work:

Tuning into my own enthusiasm.

Filling up on the superpowers and the qualities.

Showing you guys the link to the puppies page, which is also a door to what’s next.

I’ll play with…

Hand-on-heart sigh for my desire for Enthusiasm.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

Those were some big asks. I wanted comfort and healing for a broken heart. And I didn’t think that would work, but I got it.

I wanted sleeps, and through the magic of hypnosis and herbs I am sleeping. More, at least.

Then I wanted to not care so much (or at all) about that thing. And while I still care about it, not weighing on me as much as before. I kind of think it’s all going to be okay.

Then better structures for RAWR Mondays! Feeling good about that.

And good wishes for Eclipse. I saw her but forgot to ask. So I’ll keep wishing!

Play-filled comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Wanted: Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.
  • You can also do these on your own or in your head. You can always call silent retreat!
  • Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!
  • Things we try to keep away from: the word ā€œmanifestā€, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.
  • VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!


The Fluent Self