very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: Help coordinating a gigantic complicated project.

Here’s what I want:

So now that we have the new Playground space (YAY!), we have a crazy amount of work to do.

I’d thought this would mostly involve setting up the rooms, but the guy who left wasn’t happy about leaving and trashed the space completely.

It needs love and help. And a lot of paint.

We’re going to need lots of people. And also for people to bring materials. Like ladders. And drop cloths.

We’ll need people to move things and drill things and hold things.

And then we need a way to coordinate this whole gigantic project.

Ways this could work:

Maybe I could set up an event using our facebook page?

Maybe a Rally grad or friend of the Fluent Self in Portland will volunteer to coordinate this?

Maybe something else entirely?

I’ll play with…

Making the wish.

Working on the part that is my stuff — my disinclination to ask for help, my fear of vulnerability, my stuck around receiving.

Talking to my people and the roller derby team, because every time I see how excited people are to be a part of this, the more I realize that this is a community project. A project of LOVE.

And that’s a big deal.

So really this is two asks. One is for the help. And the other is to get better at receiving help.

Thing 2: Progress on the B&B&B.

Here’s what I want:

For a tiny sweet thing of mine to begin to take form and become a much bigger thing.

And for this to feel magical and tingly and exciting.

Ways this could work:

Rendezvous with Hope.

Taking it to the humming castle and singing to it.

Doing an OOD.

I’ll play with…

Talking to the monsters and finding out where our common ground is.

Thing 3: Let’s talk about CONTEXT.

Here’s what I want:

Oh man. I have a lot of things to say about a certain subject.

I would like to say them.

I would like to say them from the heart. Without judgment and without attachment.

From a loving, simple, grounded desire to give people context. Then they can do with that what they want.

And I would like this to happen in the most harmonious way possible.

Ways this could work:

Taking notes.

Doing Shiva Nata on it.

I’ll play with…

Putting it here as a placeholder.

Thing 4: Answers.

Here’s what I want:

Last week I wanted to devote some time to answering a question, and then that didn’t happen.

I set aside the time for processing, but then one of my people had a freakout, and I gave my time to that person’s freakout.

This really needs to get resolved before Rally, and I’m noticing that I’m feeling a little anxious about it.

So how can we do this?

Ways this could work:


I’ll play with…

Reflecting on it.

Remembering why this is so important to me.

Finding out why it’s useful that I haven’t been able to do this yet.

Thing 5: Easy speediness!

Here’s what I want:

Last week I had a lot of this quality. And I want it again.

For example, I was able to write the Friday Chicken in forty five minutes instead of it taking hours.

Or I was able to get massive amounts of things done in tiny amounts of time, using nests and the chrysalis. Or by listening to the Director, and letting her tell me what to do.

Anyway, more of that please!

Ways this could work:

Focusing on this during my daily glow-sitting. Shhh, don’t tell the monsters that it’s actually meditation.

Using the beads.

Being clear that this is what I want.

I’ll play with…

Skipping lots of stones with the Director, and asking her questions.


Here’s what I want:

If you’re in Portland, please show up at the bout this Saturday night and sit with me. I’ll be the tall one in the outlandish hot pink wig, and some sort of crazy complicated get-up, probably black and pink and zebra striped. If you can’t find me, I’m probably doing the Shiva Nata warm-up for my team, so wait a few minutes and try again.

I know people feel weird about approaching me, but I’m really sweet. And so is everyone else there. You belong. So please come.

And obviously you’re rooting for my Guns N Rollers, so do not wear green or gold under any circumstances.

Bout goes six to eight. Doors open at five. Be there early. Do not be shy about introducing yourself. I mean, be as shy as you want, but talk to me. I’m happy to answer derby-related questions and explain what’s going on.

Be prepared for a really exciting bout, and to possibly lose your voice from yelling. And your mind from awesome.

Tickets are $14 and totally worth it. And you get to know you’re supporting the league and our amazing athletes.

Ways this could work:

I can put an announcement on the facebook page.

I can tell you guys here.

I’ll play with…

Wishing my wish for joyful, fun, exuberant community and shared experiences.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

Let’s see. I wanted a chrysalis and I got one. It was amazing. Infinitely more amazing than I’d imagined it ever could be.

I wanted secret invisible Playground play days, and yay! We had nine people at the one on Wednesday, and we’re having the Enthusiastic this Toozday. Love it.

Then I wanted to do something fun for Tu B’shvat, and that happened too.

A big thing I wanted was to write the answers. And that did not happen. So I’m rethinking that ask.

And I wanted to close a bunch of doors, and that didn’t really happen either. I’ll sit with that and see what comes up. All in all, feeling good.

Play-filled comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Wanted: Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.
  • You can also do these on your own or in your head. You can always call silent retreat!
  • Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!
  • Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.
  • VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!


The Fluent Self