very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.

Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.

Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.

And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!

Let us dooo eeeet.

Thing 1: to find the organization that needs our refrigerator.

Here’s what I want:

Hoppy House has a GIGANTIC (also gleaming and beautiful) refrigerator that is much more bad-ass than we need. You might remember that I asked — several Very Personal Ads ago — for help finding a small, energy-efficient refrigerator.

And find it we did. But we need to move out the current one to make space for it.

So I’m happy to not sell it, and let it go to an organization who needs it — as long as they can physically take care of moving it.

Ways this could work:

  • I could ask Hope, my realtor friend who helped us get the Playground, if she knows a good place to contact.
  • Maybe some other friends are familiar with organizations — possibly a women’s shelter? — that could use these and has people who can do the moving.
  • Maybe some of my readers can make recommendations.

My commitment.

To wish happiness to whoever ends up using this beautiful peace of equipment.

To appreciate the symbolic bits in this transition — to recognize what it means to downsize in a way that isn’t about less good, but about more good.

Thing 2: Projectizing!

Here’s what I want:

Oh boy. I have two small missions that really, really need some love and attention from me.

Also, they are extremely time-sensitive. And I care about them a lot, which is probably why I’m avoiding them.

So they need time, and as soon as possible. Today, really. That would be good.

Ways this could work:

I can process the process and write about why the stuck.

Dance of Shiva on it for some hot, buttered epiphanies.

Go to the Playground.

Ask smart questions.

My commitment.

To stay curious, without being judgmental.

To be patient, without pushing.

To find out what I need in order to do this.

Thing 3: More time with my body.

Here’s what I want:

This is a follow-up to an ask from a few weeks ago.

I want to be spending more time hanging out with my body.

And I want this to be active time. Not active as in doing something active. It doesn’t have to be high-paced aerobic anything. Unless I feel like it.

But active in the sense that I am present and here, as opposed to a more casual, passive way of being with my body.

Ways this could work:

Time to just breathe.

Be in water. Be near water. Walk. Move.

Take a class.

And, of course, more shivanautical escapades.

My commitment.

To pay attention and notice where this gets stuck or feels painful.

To give it time.

To find out what I’m trying not to encounter.

To remember that my absolute biggest priority in all of this is safety. Does this feel safe?

No forcing. No violence. No guilt. Just love.

Thing 4: Rally!

Here’s what I want:

Our lovely Rally (Rally!) is filling up with the most amazing people. Fun!

I still have not rewritten the page, though I made some small edits and it is considerably prettier.

Anyway, while I’m figuring out what I want to say, it would be lovely to say hello to the next batch of Rally-ites.

Who’s coming?

Ways this could work:

I can finish writing the page.

And I can remind you that it exists: the page about how great it is to rally (rally!).

I can go to the Playground and wear costumes and play.

My commitment.

To buy gorgeous presents for the Playground and for everyone coming to the Rally.

To write love letters.

To skip around the room.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I asked for a new Tech Pirate for our pirate ship, and we got a ton of people wanting the job. THANK YOU!

We (the First Mate and I) are still in the process of decision-making on that, and we really appreciate how many amazing people want to help us out. What an amazing thing.

My second ask was about trust, and that was kind of the theme of the week, as it turned out. Movement! So. Not done with this one, but the progress has been big and surprising.

The third thing was to finally put up a Facebook page for The Fluent Self, Inc and our pirate ship.

But it was really to stop being so stuckified about how I didn’t want to do it.

And then Kelly and Jacquelyn and Maryann gave me so much support with this. And reminded me to use Metaphor Mouse.

And now we have a Facebook page that is a secret bar.

Which is fabulous. It’s still totally a work in progress but you can come hang out with us there –>

Thanks, guys.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!

What I’d rather not have:

  • The word “manifest”.
  • To be told how I should be asking for things.
  • To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.

Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! So glad for everyone doing this with me.

The Fluent Self