Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it.
Thing 1: my back.
Here’s what I want:
I strained a muscle in my back yesterday morning (a perfect storm of stress, disorientation, not being mindful), and now there are all these … unexpected limitations.
So what I want is:
— to maneuver these limitations with grace, patience and a sense of humor.
— to accept that yes, I am going to need help with a lot of things.
— quick, healthy healing.
And to not be too annoyed about stuff like my gentleman friend having to put my socks on for me.
Ways this could work:
Ice packs.
Information from my body about what’s going on and what it needs.
Softening. Mindful movement. Rest.
Lots and lots of rest.
Faith that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing even if it really does feel like one right now.
Permission to be in the hard. And appreciation for all that rest and how hard it is to make a priority when I have so much happening.
My commitment.
I will keep talking to and with my body. Asking it what it needs from me.
I will make this whole healing thing a priority and do my best to treat it … if not like a guest, then at least not as the most annoying thing that has ever happened to me.
I will do what I can to meet myself where I am — so if I am feeling annoyed and resentful, that’s allowed too.
To notice what my patterns are, without judging myself for having them. As much as I can, without pushing myself. To give myself support.
Also, yesterday afternoon I spent four and a half hours in bed. Two hundred points for me!
Thing 2: keep on avoiding Internet Hangover.
Here’s what I want:
These past ten days I have been using a couple of the techniques that Hiro is going to teach in her upcoming Internet Hangover class that I totally bullied her into teaching.
And it’s been incredible.
I only had internet hangover twice this week. Instead of oh, a hundred times a day.
And then I knew what was happening and cleared it. Awesome.
So I’m ready for these techniques to become deeply ingrained habits. A regular practice. So I can add some new ones, since I’m really just scraping the surface here.
Ways this could work:
Having a really clear intention that yes, I am changing my relationship with being online.
And also with how I navigate the experience of being on different sites, and monitoring what’s going on while I’m there.
My commitment.
To pay attention.
To be impressed with myself (two hundred points, baby!) for being in the process.
To recognize that these are big changes, and that they’re not only influencing my work but everything I do. So I’m allowed to take some time with it.
Big crazy gratitude for this stuff.
Thing 2.5: Lots of wonderful people in the Internet Hangover class
Here’s what I want:
While I was just writing about my relationship with internet hangover, one of my monsters came up and I thought:
Man, I hope I didn’t talk Hiro into teaching this class just because I need it so badly.
But what I meant was: I hope her class is packed with the kind of smart, fun, sweet-hearted people that come to my classes.
Ways this could work:
Lots of enthusiasm at the Twitter bar.
Everyone who needs this course finding the page, and realizing just how amazing it is.
I’m going to give you the link to the course page again, just in case you haven’t read it yet. 🙂
My commitment.
To be an enthusiastic evangelist for this thing because Hiro’s stuff has done the most remarkable things for my business and everything else in my life. And this, especially, fills an enormous need in the world.
Seven hundred points for the fact that I met Hiro!
Thing 3: Faith. Trust. To get better at letting things happen instead of making them happen.
Here’s what I want:
To release my need to push push push until stuff starts to move.
Ways this could work:
Patience. Practice. Faith.
Repeat as necessary.
My commitment.
To recognize that there are good reasons for me to cling to something that has served me well for so many years.
To acknowledge the power and legitimacy of old patterns, even as I’m trying to introduce new ones.
I can’t do Shiva Nata site on it right now, because of my back. But I can recite the numbers. Or listen to the numbers.
And let the math do its magic in my head. Let the sequences do whatever useful reprogramming needs to happen. Because that works too.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
I asked for smoothness with lease-signing and got it. We haven’t signed yet, but the negotiations are going really well and I feel good about it.
The second ask was about sovereignty stuff and, while it’s definitely been challenging, it’s been the focus of my practice all week.
And I wanted to make lots of changes to the Shiva Nata site and it wasn’t happening but then it totally happened. And I wrote up a page about the teacher training. Phew. Three hundred points for me!
Comments. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking for stuff by being more specific about what I would like to receive in the comments.
Here’s what I want (just leave them in the comments):
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I would rather not have:
- Reality theories (automatic deduction of 100 points for the word “manifest“, unless combined with destiny in the context of 19th century American politics.)
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.
My commitment.
I am committing to getting better at asking for things even when asking feels weird.
Thanks for doing this with me!
Ah, Sunday! I really look forward to the VPA postings!
First, an update on a VPA I posted several months ago when I was freaking out about my tenant of 5 years moving out. I had finally wrapped my head around my willingness to downsize and move into her space if I could find the right tenant for my much larger and terribly underutilized space. Due to work insanity, I have not had anytime to pursue finding a tenant other than finally sticking the “FOR RENT” sign that I had into the ground when it finally thawed out.
2 weeks ago I came to the office and found a message on my answering machine inquiring about the space. I called the man back and left him a voicemail. He called right back and we chatted. Turns out he is an insurance agent with a growing business looking for more space. I set up a time for him to come see it in person as it truly is a remarkable space when you get inside the building. Long story short, he LOVED it and he is coming to sign the lease tomorrow. Best part is that it will be a 3 year lease!!!! Hooray for not having to worry about tenants until after my dissertation is complete! He also asked for an option to buy after 3 years or a 3 year extension of the lease. YES, YES, YES!!!!
He will be moving in right after my tenant moves out so no gap on income. The only downside is that I have to move out over Memorial Day weekend. Considering my INSANE workload, this will be challenging. I am trying to do a little bit of packing, donating, tossing every time I’m over there so that moving weekend will be slightly less insane.
Now for this week’s VPA:
What I need:
Some way to cope with my oppressive workload that appears to not be lessening for at least 16 months since our one viable candidate for the director’s position withdrew his application this week. The search will resume in the fall.
What could happen:
– I could give a little less than 150% effort on my projects.
– I could ask for help. This is a tougher one as my department chair’s workload is also oppressive. Certain administrative duties either need to be handled by her or by me.
– The perfect candidate could appear out of the blue when I post our opening at a national conference in June. Although since this is an academic position, I would expect the only people that would apply at that time are those that have had to abruptly leave their previous appointments due to unfavorable circumstances. But with the economy taking its tool on funding of state institutions, maybe somebody’s program will be shut down putting qualified candidates into the job hunt.
– I could talk with one of my professors in the doctoral program about coping strategies.
What my commitment is:
– To take a few moments every day to breathe.
– To talk about my stress level to those who are supportive
– To find ways to let people help me
– To be willing to ask for help and not feel that I must do everything on my own
– To stop feeling guilty that I can’t give 150% to everything that I do
– To accept that good is good enough. Tough for a recovering perfectionist!
– To be grateful that I do have a job that I enjoy
– To be grateful that my current position is meshing very well with my doctoral pursuit in terms of content which allows me to get double-duty from many assignments!
Internet hangover? I have that every day! The thing is, I think I already know what I need to do. Take breaks, have a defined purpose, etc. It’s just so easy to get sucked in!
What I want:
+ To get back on a meditation schedule
I promise to appreciate it, to write a post about how much I love it.
+ To relearn, again, how to not laze around all day if I don’t get enough sleep. Forgiveness, structure, patience.
+ A little more love for the world. I’ve been down on it recently. I promise to kiss one object every day! Until I fall in love again with the universe.
+ To have a great preparation for my trip. Lots of prepacking, selling of stuff, donation of stuff, and general clarity.
See you soon
.-= Eric Normand´s last post … Cool health projects =-.
greetings VPA-ers and Havi, hope your back heals FAST FAST FAST!
My VPA for the week: I would really like to FINISH PAINTING THE STUDIO so I can move my chapeaux in and actually work in it! Summer is my busy season and I am starting to get more business (yay!) but need a nice organized PAINTED space to work in.
Ways this could work:
Not much else but me putting on my paint clothes and getting in there.
Releasing the need for it to be PERFECTLY Perfect…wabi sabi, blah blah blah.
Allowing myself to be in resistance and being kind to myself when that happens.
My commitment: to do an hour today, and an hour every day this week With treats available for the duration.
How’s that?
Oh, wow. Hello class that is exactly what I need.
What I also need: A better home-finding process. One that does not involve the rest of my life being swallowed and that does not make me unhappy about the awesome program I’m going for next year.
Current situation: I’m frustrated, tired, and generally discouraged. Ick. This won’t do!
Things I’ve been doing: Checking Craigslist (exhausting, because this is a college town and it’s April…). I signed up for an apartment-finding service, because I thought they would do more legwork for me and save me time, but it has not been helpful so far.
Things I can do to make this better: Put up my own ad. E-mail the couple of people I know in Gainesville and see if they know anyone whose living situation is like the one I want. Try to trust that this will be okay. Keep my practices going because they’re comforting. Try to not be so glued to my e-mail and the websites (hard, because most of my work right now requires me to be on the laptop). Ask if anyone here has any other ideas…
Good luck with everybody’s VPAs! And I hope your back heals quickly, Havi. That’s no fun at all.
Yay, Havi, five thousand points for you for all that you’re creating right now! 🙂
This week, I have two VPA’s:
VPA #1:
Dear blessings that are already on their way to me. May your journey here be joyful, and your arrival happen in perfect timing.
My commitment: The porch light is lit for you. A warm bed and a fragrant bath waiting for you. Hyacinths bloom in a vase on your night stand. And a feast simmers on the stove to celebrate your arrival!
VPA also #1:
Dear Havi’s Playground, and all the other blessings that are already on their way to her. May your journey to her be fun and filled with delight. May you dance into her life in perfect timing.
My commitment: I’ll help Havi light sparkly Playground candles for you. We’ll stock up on bubble-blowing supplies, toys, costumes and other gleeful stuff. We’ll have a great party to celebrate the Gorgeousness of You.
Wishing you all the miraculous arrival of your own VPA’s.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Playful Discovery: The Cure for Internet Hangover =-.
I generally do the VPAs in my head; however, it seems like the doing is brief and vaguely formed, and I would like to start writing them down. So here goes.
What I need:
I need the perfect ritual to say goodbye to my day job: something that lets me appreciates everything it has taught me, while also helps me disengage myself from the place and the job.
My commitment:
I will give out the cards I’ve made for the people I’ve worked with most – so they know I appreciate them. I will do my best to remember that nothing about me is changing – only the work I do. I will appreciate the tasks that remain this last week. I will take care of myself. I will do Shiva Nata and see what comes up. I will be open to magic.
What I need:
I would like to finish (and post?) my services page.
My commitment:
I will spend time on it. I will send it to someone and see what they think. I will do Shiva Nata and see if I am ready to post it. I will remember that I am not in a hurry – nothing needs to happen immediately – and if it doesn’t get finished or posted, that is ok. Also, I will remember that however I feel about it – even if it is worried or anxious – that is ok too.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … ode to joy, volume 16 =-.
Good luck with your Playground! And your back — that happened to me last week and was disconcerting and difficult. May your healing go as quickly as mine did!
Update on Last Week: My back no longer hurts! I have a little lingering pain in the joints that were strained while compensating, but event that’s fleeting. Also, I found some clarity and ran with it! I’m donating 10% of all my art & Etsy sales to charity, starting with Kiva for April & May. I have already sold a card, which puts $1 in the kitty, which feels a little like that first dollar in a tip jar that gets everyone else going, like a seed from which good things will grow.
This week I have just one ask, and it’s a continuation of last week!
Thing 1: To keep having ease and joy with my daily art posts, to grow an audience in good time, with diligence and bravery on my part.
I will keep posting every day, and people can find me through Tweets and ReTweets, friends and blog comments and other magical manners. I will post old art where I have nothing new. I will post doodles or sold pieces when I’m tired of posting things with price tags. I will make silly things when I’m not feeling serious, and serious things when I’m not feeling silly.
I will acknowledge my inner Piglet with tea and cookies, and assure him that being seen won’t really be harmful even when I’m just a Very Small Animal. I will cherish each little comment and tiny sale, and carefully fan them into bigger sales and more interaction. I will allow my moments of downanna, acknowledge the malignancy of goblins dancing around this subject, and do my best to recall this feeling of possibility and wonder, even when faced with doubt and fear.
I will do!
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Charitable Impulses =-.
Oh, your poor back! I hope it recovers soon.
Update on last week: I asked for a dissertation topic, and actually, I did have a very intriguing idea fall into my head with a satisfying click this past Monday evening, in a quiet moment when I hadn’t even been consciously looking for one. I’m not sure whether I’ll end up using that precise idea or whether it will morph into something else, but if nothing else, it’s given me some much-needed energy and sparkle.
This week, I am asking for a positive experience in my oral defense for my preliminary exam. I want to pass, of course, but whether I pass, conditionally pass, or (unlikely, tfu tfu tfu) fail utterly, I want to feel strong, serene, secure, and (yes!) sovereign.
How this can happen: Lots of preparation, in the hard and in the soft. Lots of self-care. Plenty of compassion for myself and for the examiners, who after all are people I respect, admire, and like.
My commitment: I will focus on loving and cherishing myself, whatever happens. I will not let my sense of self-worth be contingent upon the outcome of a single 1-2 hour event. I will prepare to the best of my ability, and then I will take a deep breath, and bring my whole self into the experience.
Love and luck to everyone’s VPAs!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Liberation =-.
@Kat – you got a click! You got a sparkle! That is WONDERFUL. I also say tfu to failing, and second your wish for a positive, sovereign experience. Go you!
@Amy – man, you are killing it with the VPAs. It’s just the greatest thing.
@Elizabeth – aw that is just beautiful and inspiring. A ritual! Of course. Yay.
@Hiro – oh how beautiful. And hyacinths! In a vase. I just love this.
@Beth – yeah. YEAH!
@simone – sending you magic whooshiness and love for the studio painting, hope it all comes with ease and with no need of perfection but lots of fun.
@Eric – kissing one object a day = the sweetest.
@Gadgetgirl – wow wow wow. I cannot believe how great your VPAs turned out. AWESOME. Love it. And wishing you all the right things with this new one. Your commitment bit is beautiful. Yay.
oy to the back thing, havi! a fast and easy recovery. oddly enough, i’ve been battling/ trying to be open/ learning from a sore, stiff neck myself, and it’s been…an adjustment for sure. so openings and relaxation to you!
my vpa: i would really like my aforementioned painfully stiff neck to work itself out and give me whatever message or insight i need to get out of this whole experience. dear neck, why so stiff? what are you still holding on to?
ways this could work out:
it could just need time and patience.
i could do some easy shiva nata to open up a space to listen to whatever is knotting up there.
i could stop pushing at the pain and the experience. (um, pattern alert: pushing pushing pushing as a way to change or alter something i’m not comfortable with…)
i could go out and get a heat wrap or pad for it, as my mom recommended (and it is always a good idea to listen to a jewish mother’s advice…)
it could just happen
my commitment:
to set up a place where i can gently check in with it
to get a heat pad if necessary
vpa #2:
you are a warm, loving, laughter-filled yoga studio, with compassionate teachers centered around yoga philosophy and passionate about teaching, alignment, love, and play. you are filled with light, not too big, and not too far away from me. you are committed to community and learning and you have a really big heart. (you could also be a yoga teacher at a studio, too. that would be cool.) together, we create a place where my loving investigation of myself and my heart and my capacity stretches and grows.
how this could work:
i could ask for some recommendations (um, anyone know of anything like that around la jolla/ san diego/ encinitas?)
i could explore more
i could experiment with different teachers and styles and studios without forcing a commitment or decision
i could be guided by angels to just the right place
my commitment:
to explore a new studio next week, or at least a new teacher
to ask for recommendations
to be open to finding my magical heart-home and keeping the wishing space open
Sorry about your poor back! I hope you heal quickly and get to relax while you’re at it.
VPA’s For This Week:
Dear Potential Rental House:
I am a wonderful and loving owner looking for a nice house to spoil and decorate. Ideally, you will have an office space that can accommodate one wall being taken up by a massive white board, and will be surrounded by lots of soothing trees, birds, and quiet. Ideally, you would also be available in mid-May or June, so I could move into you either before or after my Europe trip.
My Commitment to You:
I will promise to keep looking and not get discouraged because I am not sure that you exist. I will also promise to not rent a house that is not you out of desperation and hatred for my current house.
Things I Could Do:
Take lots of long relaxing country drives to look for you. Commit to spending a certain amount of time per week looking for you, since June is soon! I could also try and get over my paralyzing fear of realtor’s and call around to see who deals with rentals outside town.
.-= Holly´s last post … BlogPawty Giveaway! =-.
Refuah shleimah!
I didn’t mention last week (doh) that one of my BIG VPAs from earlier this month came through in a BIG WAY:
“That my workshop in NY is FUN and in FLOW, and effective at helping my students FEEL GOOD about their artwork and ideas, AND that I sell lots of art while I’m there. That everyone leaves the workshop utterly delighted that they came. AND that I feel RELAXED and WELL-RESTED throughout.”
Check, check, check. The only thing I didn’t get as much as I wanted was the well-rested part. :-}
This week’s VPA:
Dear Ideal Clients:
I am so delighted we found each other, and that you’re so pleased with the various ways in which I can help you! You’re so fun to work with, and you pay me very well, and you keep coming back with more fun and challenging work! Yay!
My Commitment to You:
I will keep working on ways to attract you to me, to let you know I’m here. This includes continuing to work on the areas where I’m stuck: notifying my past client list of my new services; updating my website; unstuckifying around figuring out what prospect target group I want to start with and contacting them in the appropriate manner.
How This Could Work:
I could just do *one thing* and thoroughly congratulate myself for it. And in the meantime, I can be appreciative of the things I’m doing well, and fully loving of myself. I can continue to take walks, which always helps with everything.
.-= Melissa Dinwiddie´s last post … My pocket journal =-.
Delurking for my first VPA. I’ve written imaginary ones before (in my head) and decided I should take the plunge to actually put one out there and see where it goes. Thanks for providing the space to do this.
What I want
I want to find a way to let go of being defensive and angry so often. I seem to be throwing shoes in most of my conversations with my partner. Yuck!
Ways this could work
I could find ways to talk to my monsters about why I’m being so defensive and angry. (Can’t wait for my monster coloring book to arrive and help me with this!!)
Pay attention to when I’m getting angry and try to stop myself before I make the defensive remarks.
If I can’t stop myself before I make them, try to apologize right after I make it.
I can find ways to stop fanning the flames.
My commitment
To practice being patient with myself when I don’t get it all solved right away.
To recognize that there are legitimate reasons I developed these protective skills even if they aren’t so useful now.
Love the anger and defensiveness. What I mean is love the part of me that gets angry and defensive in a practical supportive way not in a cheesy woo-woo way. Really it’s about loving myself, I think.
To keep trying and being open about my struggles with my partner.
Last week, I basically wanted to accomplish a lot of work and play. Didn’t finish everything on my List but I rocked the maturity to know that some things that weren’t on it needed to happen first.
This week, more of the same, please. Focus & fun. The people distractions will soon be home (which means I actually have a little more time to work on my List before its intended deadline).
Also, I want to try out more of the ideas from Improv Wisdom, a cool book I just read. To experiment with being less in my head, less self-censoring.
How? Really listen to people, say hello, say yes, …
Commitment: To have faith that I don’t need the perfect words all the time, I just need to be present. To be in my life rather than examining it all the time.
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook, page 22 =-.
Update on my VPA from two weeks ago. I got lots of signs which I had asked for and was able to make a really hard decision. Once made, and voiced, I felt a whole lot better.
Thing I want this week:
I would like to continue to tell myself that it’s okay that not everyone is my “right” people. I’d like to not feel bad about myself when I realise someone isn’t my right people (like, OMG why don’t they LIKE ME!!???). I would like to attract my right people to me by being my most authentic self.
How this could work:
Remind myself of all the right people I have met lately and all the signs that have allowed me to continue down the path of a new adventure.
Tell myself that I’m rockin’, brilliant, funny, and all sorts of other nice things so I feel *GOOD* about myself. Spend more time with the people that reaffirm that I have right people.
My commitment:
Continue to be open to new possibilities and increase my awareness of the people around me.
My VPA for this week: to allow myself to take most of the week off. It’s been a tough (if AWESOME FUN) weekend, and I want to take advantage of my freelance schedule to goof off for 4 days out of the next 5. I’m already set up to visit a couple of friends over the week.
My commitment:
– Remind myself that *I* make my schedule, it doesn’t make me.
– Remind myself that it’s OK to goof off.
– Not spend the entire time messing around on the internet 🙂
.-= Juliet´s last post … Round-up =-.
Here’s what I want:
To be gentle with my Tiny Little Thing and just let it unfold as it will even though it is not a Thing but a Relationship.
Ways this could work:
I could get reminders of my sovereignty.
I could remember to hold my boundaries and not ask everyone’s opinion.
I could notice when I am dissecting it.
The Yogas.
My commitment.
I will protect it from all those Who Mean Well but tromp on my Tiny Little Thing by saying “Have you thought of this?” and “We just want you to be safe”. My Monsters are good enough at that, thank you.
To notice, to play with my Stuff when it comes up, to not be impressed by others Stuff. To just indulge in the Wave of Happiness and try to stop worrying about where it is going to hit the shore. The journey is part of the fun.
Have another VPA.
What I need:
Someone to teach a Behavior Modification & Stress Management course for my program this summer. Starts in 6 weeks. Is held on Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 9pm, but could be done partially as blended learning. Instructor must have a Master’s degree to teach at our institution. Would truly be awesome if the person had experience with working with people with chronic diseases.
Ways this could work:
One of the numerous contacts that I’ve emailed over the past 2 days could know someone who is willing to teach on relatively short notice.
My commitment:
To aid the instructor in navigating our system. To provide plenty of source material. To provide them with relevant journal articles that show the link between stress and chronic disease. To provide clear learning objectives.
Havi, I was going to write something about figuring out my photography business stuff until I read your VPA to release the need to push, push, push. Then I realized that what I really need is something much more like that.
My VPA: For this new photography journey to prepare for launch in a calm, gentle, relaxed manner.
Ways this could work: Faith. Readiness. Knowing it’s all happening.
My commitment: Dance of Shiva. Long shavasana. Getting to bed by 10 at the latest. Taking a pen and paper everywhere, and writing everything down.
.-= Kylie´s last post … 25 things for 25 years =-.
Poor back! Having to do all that breaking. Poor Havi! Having to do all that slowing down. It sounds like you are all poised for a good week of making peace, so I’ll leave you to it and I’ll get on with tidying my own bidness.
Oh–and of course, I signed up for Internet Hangover class IMMEDIATELY. I mean, please. Me? Please.
UPDATE on “last” week’s: I made it! And while it literally-literally did not totally come together until the night before, come together it did, and I did not freak out.
This week!
What I want: To clear the decks for next quarter.
Ways it could work: Shifting back to First Things First. Dedicated time each day. Meaningful rewards for digging through and processing this very sticky, clammy, sludgy layer of clutter.
My commitment: To look for the love. To remember that “help is everywhere” and ask when I need it. To drink lots of water (takes sip).
.-= Colleen Wainwright´s last post … Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! =-.
2 friends died this month. Whoa. And oh, it’s finals week, I’m negotiating housing in a different state, trying to figure out whether to stay with my boyfriend, flying to another country in two weeks… ahhh…. (many of these things have sweetness hidden inside of them, but…)
My ask:
For my decisions not to be rushed by people or feelings, not to be intimidated, not to be false, not to be anxious, not to be self-destructive.
How this could work:
I could ask for more time whenever possible.
I could meditate more.
I could take people’s advice and help but not take to heart their frustration when I don’t do it THEIR WAY.
I could find middle ground and 3rd space.
I could stay open to things working out WONDERFULLY.
My commitment:
To meditate asap. Daily.
To take deep breaths when receiving advice.
To take deep breaths when delivering decisions.
To speak from my heart and to have compassion for everyone involved, including myself.
To get ready to KICK UP MY HEELS with joy when this is resolved.