very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write a Very Personal Ad (or Vision-Possibility-Anticipation) to practice wanting, and get clarity about my desire. Sometimes wanting feels conflicted or just plain hard, and that’s okay.

At the very least, we get to learn useful things about our relationship with wanting. It all counts.

What is Operation Delete 8?

The goal is: create clarity and spaciousness by deleting eight things.

  • 8 things in the downloads folder that I don’t want (like some menu from a restaurant because for some reason they had to have a pdf instead of a link).
  • 8 draft that are never going to be sent or published or whatever.
  • 8 documents in a folder.

Or any combination of these that adds up to 8.

This is because I am not actually going to carve out a day to delete the seventeen million monsternumber things or possibly seventeen billion monsternumber things that need to be deleted.

Even though I imagine that one day I will just magically be in the mood to do this. And I might. But let’s stop waiting for that day to show up.

Let’s create some spaciousness, and maybe it will show up.

Or maybe it won’t, but either way stuff is being deleted.

Sometimes when I’m working, I’m a bit like that stereotypical writer at the typewriter who types a line, wads up the paper and tosses it on the floor. Until the floor is littered with crumpled up first tries and second tries.

And then I never throw them away. And then the room is knee deep in paper. Not just in paper but reminders of That Thing You Tried Didn’t Work. You can’t see them because they’re all files on my computer, but I can feel them.

And they start to feel like iguanas. Like a mess of iguanas, which is actually a giant scary pile of iguanas and doom.

And then I avoid the writing room, or I feel uncomfortable while I’m there.

But I’m not actually going to spend a day putting all the papers in the recycling bin, because I have things to do.

So I am going to throw eight of them in the recycling bin, each time I pass the room. Or each time I remember.

This is Operation Delete 8.

What else do I know about this?

This mission is also a stand-in for other things that I’m working on. That is: working on them by not working on them. Like Operation Secret Maybe Mitten Visit.

And! This practice feels very light and freeing to me. It reminds me of the practice of Just One Thing or the related Ten Things Gone.

I know that probably I will delete more than eight. I actually just deleted sixteen blog post drafts from 2009. I’m probably not going to write those, they can stop being reminders of Things Not Done.

What are the qualities of Operation Delete 8?

The qualities have to do with freedom and spaciousness. And ease.

And now I just giggled, because look at the qualities I planted in last week’s compass of qualities, for my gym bag search:

Ease. Spaciousness. Freedom. Options. Play. Pleasure. Delight. Glowing.

Yes. Those are also the qualities I want for Operation Delete 8.

Del8. Delight-Del-eight.

Anyway. What I want is what I want, apparently, regardless of whether I’m focusing on a gym bag or on my writing.

How am I going to play with this?

It feels very important that this remain lighthearted and playful.

As soon as it becomes a “Do X Every Day”, I am going to lose interest, because that is not my kind of thing.

I would like it to feel a little like a game and a little like a ritual. A breath of spaciousness. Whoosh! Clearing out!

Maybe as a break, or as part of a break, or the thing I do whenever I get stuck. God, if I do it every time I get stuck, I will have deleted an actual seventeen billion monsternumber of things because I get stuck all the time. Excellent. Now I can be secretly excited about being stuck, because: deleting.

Also I would like to remember that sometimes the deleting itself will be loaded with Stuff. Identity stuff, desire stuff, I-wish-things-hadn’t-been-like-this stuff. Sometimes it will feel heavy instead of light. This is part of clearing things out.

So I would like to remember to drink lots of water to flush things out, and to do lots of walking/dancing/bouncing to disperse whatever gets stirred up. That’s just me. Someone else might need to do different things of course.

Anything else I know about this?

I can let this be easy.

And if it doesn’t feel playful, I need to make it more playful.

Also I can be a spy and make up secret agent code, and pretend that I am REDACTING things or deleting documents to save the mission!

What might help with this?

Oooh, maybe I have a costume for this.

I can interview the me who loves deleting things. Interview slightly future me aka incoming me aka slightly wiser me, and finding out what good things happen as a result of me deleting all the things.

Flowers. Flowers always help. And dancing.

What I want.

Some of these are secret agent code or silent retreat. Some are qualities and some are dreams. Some are re-asks and some are pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • Progress on the ops!
  • Miracles everywhere.
  • Regular dancing gigs at the ballroom, which is also the Spiegelsaal.
  • This doesn’t require my input!
  • Ha, it’s so perfect that it turned out like this.
  • Past me is a GENIUS.
  • I have what I need, and I appreciate it.
  • There is money for this.
  • I can see why this moment is good.
  • Trust and steadiness.
  • Hawaii.
  • Happy BeeNBeeNBee.

This week’s ops?

Aside from Delete 8, it might be Operation G Presto and it might be about the Book of Salves. It is definitely still about borders/boundaries, and about dancing.

I’m playing with…

Dance. Bath. Tea. Compass. Asking questions. Skipping stones. Taking care of myself.

Requests and announcements!

This year’s 26 Rallies are mostly full, but there are eight Rallies that have openings. Take a look at the new page…

I would also like support for our magical Red Rose Ballroom — likes on Facebook is great, as is spreading the word to anyone you know who might want to have an event, program, party, anything at all in Portland…

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

So. Last week, aka I want to write…

My quest for a gym bag was indeed actually about IDENTITY, as predicted.

I found a number of possible bags, but nothing that had all the qualities I wanted. So I think what I need to do is either get a genius pack backpack and cover up the unappealing-to-me logo with a patch, or get a sexy bag that feels like Bond Girl, and just carry my dancing shoes in a separate bag that I carry on my other shoulder to balance things out as I go from bus stop to bus stop.

It was a very interesting and useful quest, and I am enjoying all the things I am learning.

Also I said I would work on the Life of a Chocolatier, and I finished it! The 122-page ebook was finished, formatted and twice-edited. It went out yesterday to the people in my Year of Emptying and Replenishing program, and I am really happy with it. Yay.

Thank you, writing. Thank you, me who asked.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self