It is Friday and we are here.
{a breath for Friday.}
What worked this week?
Losing my pants.
I did not intend to lose my pants, of course. Just the opposite.
We drove into Salt Lake area just in time for me to be able to make it to cheesy dance aerobics, which is my favorite thing ever, and hard to do when you’re on the road and sleeping out in the middle of the desert.
I set my one relatively clean pair of workout pants down, and went to brush my teeth. And then they somehow disappeared. The pants, not my teeth.
We’d been on the road for five or six weeks, a while since the last laundry adventure, and there was really nothing else I could wear.
I dug up a pair of shorts, if you can call them that. I mean, the shortest shorts imaginable. Shorts that double as cute underwear or a bikini bottom. Not really clothing.
There was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to bounce around to terrible pop music and do high kicks and jazz isolations, so there I was.
In those shorts. In the center of a room packed with sensible moms in sensible black yoga pants and sensible grey tops, with matching sensible ponytails.
And I am wearing these outrageously tiny shorts, also electric orange and electric sports bras, and a tank top that wasn’t exactly clean.
My hair looked like you might imagine considering 1) I’d cut it myself over the bathroom sink in the middle of the night before we left, 2) it hadn’t been washed or brushed in a couple of weeks.
So I got to find out what it’s like to be basically half naked while jumping around in front of total strangers and looking extremely noticeable while doing it. And, much to my surprise, it was okay. I got over myself.
Maybe I don’t actually need to wear pants. Maybe my insecurities are stupid. Maybe the things my monsters say are irrelevant. Maybe none of the things I think matter actually do.
Oh, and not one person said, What happened to your pants, sweetie.
Next time I might…
Have some sort of plan for re-entry….
So I’ve taught led run [verb-ed] a lot over the past several years.
Fifty one Rallies, and probably a dozen retreats. And I always put a ton of emphasis on the complicated process of coming back to real life.
Because once you have been inside of something transformative, you have all this intel about what you want and need in your life. And then you return to your day-to-day, and suddenly you see all the things that aren’t working, and it can feel kind of horrible.
So, hilariously, I returned from my forty three day adventure on the road with ZERO plan for taking care of myself.
I mean, I thought I had a plan. I had a plan for all the things I wanted to do.
I was not prepared for how it might feel.
Next time I’d like to have maybe a three day buffer period where nothing is on my agenda except for taking baths, curling up in blankets, staring into space. With no mention of work, no input from the noisy world, nothing but time to land.
Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.
- Monday. First a massive ptsd meltdown that took me for a ride, then bureaucratic hell which made it worse, and then spending NINETEEN HOURS in the truck, while still in the aftermath of that morning’s episode. It was truly, deeply horrible in ways I can’t even explain, and I never want to experience anything like that again. I know I need to tend to body first, I know this is my real job and only job. And yet, I abdicate responsibility so hard and just try to grit my teeth and make it through. A breath for the long slow process of learning how to take better care of myself, given everything I know about what I need to be well.
- Shame about all of the above, and more. It comes in waves. I know there is nothing I can do to alter the past. All I can do is meet the pain of the past, love myself, breathe, trust, take care of myself to the best of the abilities. And still, there it is. A breath for healing, and for being.
- My body misses yoga and dance and long walks. My body hurts. Surprise! Of course it does. A breath for this.
- I didn’t really get along with Salt Lake. It’s the most plasticky place I’ve ever been, aside from Palm Springs, and at least Palm Springs does plastic in style. Those of you doing my Year of Emerging & Receiving have read my journals, and know that back in the spring I was getting so many clues from all directions about Utah. So I’d been feeling excited about spending a few days in Salt Lake City and finding out what was there for me. And mainly I didn’t like it. Nothing bad happened, just not a good place for a Havi. A breath for releasing expectations.
- Sometimes insecurity kicks in, and Ludicrous Fear Popcorn, and I go whooshing down the path of the most insanely nonsensical worry. A breath for clear seeing.
- So much letting go and reconfiguring. And, as I do this, I can see where the thing that is working right now is not going to be working in the future. A breath for grieving what is to come, and for trusting that it will be okay.
- Coming back has been so much harder than I’d imagined. And everything is breaking, both literally and figuratively. Computer not working. Dental work next week. No desire to deal with any of the things that need my attention. It is very disorienting not having the boy next to me holding my hand, I keep turning my head expecting him to be right next to me and he isn’t there. The world is loud. I have a lot of questions about what is next. A breath for landing, for remembering, and for trust-more love-more release-more receive-more.
- Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.
Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.
- I am changing “ask and you shall receive” to “take care of yourself and you shall receive” because this was my magic this week, over and over again. Perfect example, I was sitting at the climbing gym and I was so uncomfortable but I wanted to be near an outlet. Then I noticed that I’d been feeling thirsty for a while and trying to ignore it. I immediately said, listen Havi Bell, take care of your wonderful body right now. But then I didn’t want to lose my seat and unplug my computer and there were like, a hundred reasons (“reasons”) to not go get water. Then I heard myself again and I knew nothing was more right than water. As soon as I came back from getting hydrated, this sweet guy came by and said, hey by the way there’s another room downstairs with couches and outlets and it’s super comfortable, you’d like it there. And I did, and my entire life got better. More of this please. A breath for thank you.
- The mid-life crisis/easing is going way better. Most of the time I’m feeling deliciously unconcerned about everything being wildly up in the air. A breath for trust, and for freedom.
- Operation Tranquility Recovery Magic! It came to its beautiful completion this week, as we arrived back in Portland after forty three days and five thousand plus miles of wandering. Feeling wildly thankful for the clarity and spaciousness of that gorgeous jaunt into possibility. This is one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Ready for the next op. A breath for receiving this.
- I did crazy brave things this week. For me. Like going dancing at a country western bar in Utah. A breath for adventuring.
- Finally, a plan is coming together! I think it is a really good plan. Excited! A breath for lightness and for new openings.
- This was the right time to come back. A breath for recognizing this.
- In theory, someone like me (a committed loner who thrives on quiet) should not enjoy spending so much time with another person, and yet, there you have it. I loved those forty three days of Operation Tranquility Recovery Magic, I loved smiling so much that my face hurt. I have a thousand new eye crinkles, and that is okay. A breath for logging a hundred and fourteen hours of holding hands while in a truck, and for joy.
- Thankfulness. So much is good. My beautiful home. My wonderful housemate. Postcards from Svevo. Dancing in Utah. Flowers everywhere. Hannuka and candles and warmth. Heart full of love. Tiny miracles everywhere. Everything is okay. Nothing is wrong. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.
WHAM BOOM! Operations completed.
Ordered the 2015 calendars(the Year of More!), got more writing done, and the plan that wasn’t coming together is coming together, thanks to the fractal flowers. Wham Boom.
Revisiting some wise important words of truth from past-me.
This post called These are my tools. YES!
Powers I had this week…
I had fantastic superpowers this week. My favorite was the power of It Looks Like A Carwash But It’s A Hotel With A Gigantic Bathtub.
Superpowers I want.
The superpower of I Do Not Even Slightly Care What Anyone Else Thinks, and the power of I Treasure Myself Completely.
The Salve of Take Care Of Yourself And Receive.
This salve contains, among other magical ingredients:
Permission. Permission. More Permission.
This salve is luscious in ways that are positively subversive.
The very act of applying it, letting it soften into my skin, feels so good.
I suddenly remember that there is nothing else to do other than make sure that I’m okay.
This salve quietly reminds me that this is the only thing that matters right now, or maybe ever: asking what I need, advocating for myself, resting into safety, layering on new experiences of good.
This salve smells woodsy and the tiniest bit sweet. When I wear it, I stand a little taller, walk with more graceful aliveness, smile at trees, blow kisses to stars.
There is a crispness of knowing: not only is it okay to provide for myself, it is vital to the balance of the world around me. When I wear this salve, I also become a catalyst of permission, safety, unicorn magic.
If salve does not appeal, you can have this in tea form, as a bath, cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.
Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!
This week’s band comes from Richard, and they’re called Hopefully Also Spooner, they are a Canadian zydeco band that uses cutlery as instruments, and actually it’s just one guy.
Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.
I am still recommending the Emergency Get Calm, Quiet And Steady techniques, since they are keeping things good around here for me.
So I want to seed a reminder that this is a thing, and it helps, a lot. Not just with calming down in the moment but with building the kind of habits that allow you to change your relationship with whatever is scary or uncomfortable.
I hardly ever recommend these because the page is already many years old and needs rewriting. However, copywriting aside, this is still one of the best things I have ever made, by a lot. I have two boxes in my office full of the sweetest thank you notes from people, and so many of them are for this.
Come play if you like…
Join me in the comments. Some of us share hard and good, some of us say hi, or maybe we’re feeling quiet. My ritual doesn’t have to be your ritual. Whatever works for you. We’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way. Feel free to leave pebbles (or petals!), hearts, warmth, sweetness. Those always work.
Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.
Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.
p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever you like, it’s no big deal. And I am blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers. I love that you are here too.
What worked? Going to bed. Going back to bed.
Next time? More mise en place. Throw out the drippy container before the wayward sack of flour does it for me.
Bouquets of flowers and baskets of beautiful stones to all who would welcome them.
Cheers, Chickeneers! <- I am borrowing that from a fellow Chickeneer. I love this.
<3 and -o- for your week, Havi. and here's some <3 for your pants.
-perceived holiday obligations
-baking is killing my back, and my back's in trouble without baking
-making time to study for the test
-lack of qualified job candidates
+Mom's birthday
+the joy of sending flowers
+office is closed all of next week (a surprise to us all)
+bubble bath plans tonight
Thank you for putting these out there this week, 'cause I'm gonna have me some:
=Superpower of I Do Not Even Slightly Care What Anyone Else Thinks
=Salve of Take Care Of Yourself And Receive
=Permission Permission Permission
A pebble for you, Havi, for your week.
I started something new this week and the monsters thought the world would end, so we’re negotiating because I really need to do this new thing…
Also, I’m painting those words, trust-more love-more release-more receive-more, onto rocks and putting them around my house so that I see them and remember to…trust more love more release more receive more…they’re superpower pebbles. So thanks for that. <3
I leave three pebbles.
A pebble of picture jasper to remember the desert.
A pebble of labradorite to celebrate return.
A pebble of rose quartz for the mending heart.
I am smiling so big imagining this outfit. <3
– Epically small amounts of sleep. Almost to life with a newborn levels of lack of sleep.
– Fighting and hearing hard truths and also hard distortions.
– I was so very angry this week, often an anger only slightly related to present time, if at all.
– I'm leaving town in a few days and my to-do list is simply massive.
– Bleh. Bureaucracy.
– Being around people is soooo exhausting. Just wears me out, especially when I don't get breakfast.
– Found out this morning I was admitted to college, and my guesses about how they'd transfer credits were mostly right – I can probably complete this in 5 quarters. It feels good to be moving on that.
– My lovely husband man has spent so much time up in the middle of the night and the early morning so that I can get little nuggets of sleep and I'm very grateful.
– Despite so many things (especially sleep) going so very wrong, I am on track to have everything squared away before I leave, which will make coming back a lot easier.
– The waitress where we get Thai food loves my daughter and brought her the most beautiful dress from Thailand and I'm touched.
– Two-year-olds know everything. How to cry and how to laugh and how to adore clothes and their power but also be naked most of the time, and that everything is better if you're wearing at least one green glove. I'm having so much fun getting to watch all this.
Beyond categorization:
– Got on the embarrassingly hippy contraption and released a lot of stuff and got an introduction to a course of inner study I'm going to be following for the conceivable future. On the one hand, this was painful and scary and big and even if it eventually becomes something I do daily, I don't think I'll ever approach it lightly or without fear. And? Parts felt really good, and all of it feels very right, and I can see now how so much of my life story that didn't make sense was the prologue to this. So I'm taking this in, and exploring its boundaries, and feeling parts of my body and the rest of me that I've only just become reacquainted with.
It is Friday, and time to chicken.
The Hard:
Being described as “pathologically independent.”
The distraction of physical pain being gone means that heart pain can come in. Fine, come in. Sit down. Have tea.
The Good:
Taking a risk. Being willing to be vulnerable.
Arm and neck are healed. The pain of 3 months is gone.
My clients and my practice bring such joy.
The Uncertain:
Putting an offer in on a house that is so far away from here. Then putting a second one in when there were others. And not knowing what I think I’m going towards. But not having anything to leave behind either. And not knowing when I’ll find out.
–> “The distraction of physical pain being gone means that heart pain can come in.” <-- yes I know this so well, yes ohmygod yes
“Maybe I don’t actually need to wear pants.”
This is perfect and amazing and I cannot think of a scenario that I have been in where this applies that has not been comfortable, happy, and carefree. No more pants!
Silent retreat on the hard… A lot of it is mixed in with the good and everything is in transition and and and, the list goes on.
The good: no more college classes! Ever!! Silent retreat on the rest of that too, it feels too good to put into words. But I will yell my completion of higher education from the rooftops. Free at last. Life can start.
No more college classes – That made me exhale. Woot!
Joy for free-at-last-life-can-start!
Shabbat Shalom and cluck!
We are at the Solstice, days from Giftmas, week and chnge from the New Year. i frankly find it exhilarating and exhausting by turns, but i am not feeling alienated, depressed or cynical. i want to love this time of year, and ny and alrge i do.
what worked this week: garcinia cambogia. i’ve started taking it and i love the nergy pop that is not jittery. In all the evaluate-y energy of this time of year — New Moon and solstice the same day, plus other wacky astro stuff, looking at year’s end and evaulating the year’s work and magick–i am fidnign msyelf at my center more often than not, and able to weather storms wth greater calm, and i am also bit more productive than in past years. Also: enjoying myself, more baby steps = progress.
the sucks:
-so much work at work, and so many things distracting and derailing me, today’s loss of a full day off and a shirt week before going to Miami = too many things hanging over my head before i leave town
– seriously i cannot believe it’s the solstice tomorrow, and xmas next week, and then to Miami
-elder kid’s up and down grades. worryish
-the Occultist losing interest, which is probably for the best, and hating tht it’s for the best
-the lack of orange blossoms generally
– friendly dogs are toxic, ick, can’t take that energy anymore, but…
-oh the stuck, perpetual stuck.
-my praxis needs to deepen, neeeds to eveolve a little bit. resisting even lookng at this
-husband and the new normal and all the ways that sucks
the sparkle, so much!
-just when i was gearing up to create a plan for asking for a raise, my boss just gave e one, a big one, taking me up to where i should be for my longevity and workload.
-other abundance came in at the same time: a nice bonus, profit sharing, a windfall from hosuekeeping funds, even a freee lunch because my loyalty card was full. wow!
-living in gratitude
-in starting the evaulating of the year, i know i have achieved the important goal: integration. i feel stronger, more centered, more Sovereign than a year ago, than ever really. my Work has really fractaled. this is very good
– i delivered SuperAweseom Project. it was late and i felt shitty that i was not able to complete it on time. however, the work is good, i was disciplined thruout, my chops are returning for this work. This project was a gift to me, i am honored to have my anme on it, and having it done open the way for many ither new projects.
-i went to Tango class! i ave never doen anything like that. it was very starnge and i’m not sure i lved it, i was very bad, but i know i will go back. hooray for moving things off the ‘vaporware’ list
-clews everywhere lately, and the sprouting of tiny seeds long planted, clews and affirmations that i ddnt tend often enough, but still popped up. the postcards on the fridge are a big support for this and right now there is one that says The Healign Power of Dance.
-feeling delightfully, deliciously connected to source lately, including new (ancient) contacts.
-i ahve many clews about 2015, they are fun, i am excited
-Solstice, new moon right on top of each other. I have 3 invites this weekend, inclduing a date at starhouse with a dear altarsister AND our kids
-feeling very happy abut the holidays
Oh, Friday Friday Fried Day…
MrB and I flew to Las Vegas on Monday and came home tonight. We didn’t see or do much because every time we stepped off the elevator, it was into a huge din! Vegas is a high energy place and we are low energy people so it wasn’t a good fit. I got some good intel from this trip, some of it for traveling and some of it for being home.
Hard things included: Too little sleep and not enough exercise and not having sparkling water. I just plain don’t like still water and don’t drink it unless I must.
Good things: No pressure to *do* things just because they were there to be done. The TSA bag plan worked brilliantly. (I have a small bag that I put things in for going through security: the laptop, which needs to go in a separate bin, and the baggie of liquids. Two baggies, one for him an done for me. I dropped them into the bins, and when we were through the scanner, I put them back in the bag, and when we were at the gate, I put them in the bags where they belonged.
I made plans to treat myself like a Tiny Sweet Thing, and a list of what Tiny Sweet Vicki would need when we got home, and I’ve done those things and it feels very good to be cared for by myself in this way. The last thing on the list for tonight is to get to bed, and I’m going now.
G’night, y’all!
It's still Friday in Portland!
Hard: money stuff.
Good: I composed a round! Someone asked me to write one, and I did.
That salve will surely help me through the holidays; thank you! I now invoke the superpower of Remembering to Pause…
So much here that is being done in Grand Fashion! ADMIRE.
And like a fairground stripper!
The hard:
– people are exhausting
– noise is exhausting
– people in noisy places are extra exhausting
– why can I not just go home when I have ceased to have fun?
– I have been celebrating Advent like nobody’s business, but even I have to admit now that it’s nearly Christmas
– really I would just like to hibernate
The good:
– people are lovely
– I have a friend who is as exhausted as I am, so we can whinge about it together
– I have a friend who asks me exactly the right questions
– mermaids jumping out of the sea bearing the perfect simple solution, whoosh!
– I am capable of having exactly as much fun sober as I ever did drunk
– solstice! Days get lighter from here on!
Breathing for the pants of the world.
+A breath for the Days of Burning, when the pain kept me in, when my body disagreed with reality. A breath of forgiveness for the Advice I Did Not Want or Need. Releasing with a breath of gratitude for Agent Nofil rescuing me.
+A breath for the car accident. A breath of gratitude that all humans and vehicles are pretty much okay. A breath of healing for my lower back which absorbed the impact of the crash. A breath of mystery for [Code Orange]. A breath of love and compassion for the person who rear-ended me. A breath of appreciation for me for instantly activating Superpower of Doing Everything Exactly Right.
+A breath for the Alchemical Sacrifices. All life is rehearsal. Try again next time.
+A breath for the Great Backpack Caper. A breath of compassion for the pianist who put his black backpack on a bench, then picked up a black backpack from the same bench and went home before realizing it was not the same black backpack. A breath of gratitude for everyone who helped me solve the mystery of who ran off with my backpack and tracked him down so he would come back to the rendezvous point, for the friends who stayed with me and talked to me about things I like to distract me from panicking, for the friends who did not leave without me even though it meant they did not get home till after midnight..
+A breath for the Mystery of Wide Dice. Whyyyyyy, dice? Another breath for you. Planting seeds for the very simple perfect solution. Noticing the shiny thread between this and the Alchemical Sacrifices.
+A breath for [Knee Puppy]. In. Out. You are what you are.
+A breath for Railing On The Rails. WOW.
+A breath for the dishes that do not do themselves.
+A breath for Project 2Z2Z2Zx3 which is not done yet. A breath of enthusiasm for the future me who is done with this mission. A breath of celebration for when it is done. A breath of All Timing Is Right Timing. A breath of All Singing Is Right Singing.
+A breath for the weird abbreviated version of The Sing Off. Appreciating what it was even if it wasn’t what I (we!) wanted.
Breathing for the caramel truffles of the world.
+A breath for the Hunger Games trilogy, which I have started reading a couple days ago and am probably going to finish today because I can hardly stand to do anything else. A breath for the libraries full of books great and terrible that I can go read anytime I want (except when they’re closed, hahahahahaha)! A breath of gratitude for every person who works in libraries! A breath of gratitude for every person who writes books for me to read (of course they are for me)!
+A breath for Chanukah parties! I went to two yesterday and they were wonderful! A party of latkes and a party of singing and drumming! Best Chanukah ever!
+A breath for yarn! So much yarn! Yarn all the things!
+A breath for the SFRG Epiphanies. 1 + 1 = 1!
+A breath for Project Deedahdo. I’m doing it! I’m doing it!
+A breath for Messiah singalong! MESSIAH SINGALONG!!!!!!
+A breath for Code Orange. THIS IS REALLY WEIRD BUT OKAY I’LL ENJOY IT! And maybe consult Agent Beehive and/or Agent Portal and/or some other knowledgable agent?
+A breath for the Flower Adventure. It’s coming! It’s coming!
What worked?
+Wondering instead of panicking
+Yessing instead of noing
+Bending instead of breaking
+Big Fat Permission Slip
+reading books 🙂 🙂 🙂
+splashing in the Q-Pool
Next time?
+More colors
+Hiding is not neutral (but it is still allowed of course of course!)
+Superpower of Wrapping It Up along with Salve of Endings Are Okay and BFPS of It’s Okay for Endings to be Hard Too.
+Superpower of C-BOOM.
+Superpower of The Most Delicious Food.
+Superpower of Find My Way
+Superpower of Adventure Mapping
+and of course Superpower of B.Y.E!!!
And our fake band of the week: Nut Rumpus!
Havi, I just got to read this and your description of jumping around half naked in front of strangers made me laugh so hard. You paint such vivid images with your writing. <3
I am totally going to remember that story the next time I get all judgy about someone who comes to yoga class in clothes I think are not right. Maybe they lost their pants. Maybe they don't have to wear pants.
Breathing for the pants of the world.
+A breath for the Days of Burning, when the pain kept me in, when my body disagreed with reality. A breath of forgiveness for the Advice I Did Not Want or Need. Releasing with a breath of gratitude for Agent Nofil rescuing me.
+A breath for the car accident. A breath of gratitude that all humans and vehicles are pretty much okay. A breath of healing for my lower back which absorbed the impact of the crash. A breath of mystery for Code Orange. A breath of love and compassion for the person who rear-ended me. A breath of appreciation for me for instantly activating Superpower of Doing Everything Exactly Right.
+A breath for the Alchemical Sacrifices. All life is rehearsal. Try again next time.
+A breath for the Great Backpack Caper. A breath of compassion for the pianist who put his black backpack on a bench, then picked up a black backpack from the same bench and went home before realizing it was not the same black backpack. A breath of gratitude for everyone who helped me solve the mystery of who ran off with my backpack and tracked him down so he would come back to the rendezvous point, for the friends who stayed with me and talked to me about things I like to distract me from panicking, for the friends who did not leave without me even though it meant they did not get home till after midnight..
+A breath for the Mystery of Wide Dice. Whyyyyyy, dice? Another breath for you. Planting seeds for the very simple perfect solution. Noticing the shiny thread between this and the Alchemical Sacrifices.
+A breath for Knee Puppy. In. Out. You are what you are.
+A breath for Railing On The Rails. WOW.
+A breath for the dishes that do not do themselves.
+A breath for Project 2Z2Z2Zx3 which is not done yet. A breath of enthusiasm for the future me who is done with this mission. A breath of celebration for when it is done. A breath of All Timing Is Right Timing. A breath of All Singing Is Right Singing.
+A breath for the weird abbreviated version of The Sing Off. Appreciating what it was even if it wasn’t what I (we!) wanted.
Breathing for the caramel truffles of the world.
+A breath for the Hunger Games trilogy, which I have started reading a couple days ago and am probably going to finish today because I can hardly stand to do anything else. A breath for the libraries full of books great and terrible that I can go read anytime I want (except when they’re closed, hahahahahaha)! A breath of gratitude for every person who works in libraries! A breath of gratitude for every person who writes books for me to read (of course they are for me)!
+A breath for Chanukah parties! I went to two yesterday and they were wonderful! A party of latkes and a party of singing and drumming! Best Chanukah ever!
+A breath for yarn! So much yarn! Yarn all the things!
+A breath for the SFRG Epiphanies. 1 + 1 = 1!
+A breath for Project Deedahdo. I’m doing it! I’m doing it!
+A breath for Messiah singalong! MESSIAH SINGALONG!!!!!!
+A breath for Code Orange. THIS IS REALLY WEIRD BUT OKAY I’LL ENJOY IT! And maybe consult Agent Beehive and/or Agent Portal and/or some other knowledgable agent?
+A breath for the Flower Adventure. It’s coming! It’s coming!
What worked?
+Wondering instead of panicking
+Yessing instead of noing
+Bending instead of breaking
+Big Fat Permission Slip
+reading books 🙂 🙂 🙂
+splashing in the Q-Pool
Next time?
+More colors
+Hiding is not neutral (but it is still allowed of course of course!)
+Superpower of Wrapping It Up along with Salve of Endings Are Okay and BFPS of It’s Okay for Endings to be Hard Too.
+Superpower of C-BOOM.
+Superpower of The Most Delicious Food.
+Superpower of Find My Way
+Superpower of Adventure Mapping
+and of course Superpower of B.Y.E!!!
And our fake band of the week: Nut Rumpus!
Time to land. Oh my goodness, this is exactly what I need. And the salve of Taking Care of Yourself & Receiving is also exactly what I need.
I am going to escape into Manhattan tomorrow and not feel sorry about it.