It is February 16, 2021, and someone just sent me a link to this blog post I wrote on February 10, 2010, nearly exactly eleven years ago, asking me to update a link in it.
The way I like my box of in is empty, and in an ideal world I only receive deliciously good news.
Anyway, I reread the post and didn’t like it. Not sure what me of eleven years ago was up to. And while I have an enormous amount of love for her, we don’t share the same interests.
So I deleted. And should you find it, now you get this note from the future, pls feel loved & adored from the future!
If you want to read what I’m up to lately, try this.
Okay, bipolar bears and bi-polar bears is the funniest thing I’ve read all week! I’ve got lots of loved ones who have bipolar, and I suspect they’ll think this is hysterical as well.
A Havi and Selma playground? Ponds! Merry-go-rounds! Lots of trees for sitting under! Mmm, playgrounds for grownups.
.-= Julie´s last post … Would anything have kept you out of graduate school? =-.
Horse Quartet in stereo is even better, yay for a laptop and a desktop LOL 🙂
I am wondering if the roads will be good enough to go to stitch and bitch tonight, and grateful that we have the minimum amount necessary to be a winter storm rather than the feet of snow everyone east of here is getting.
I think a Havi and Selma playground would have lots of forts, a labyrinth, an angel refueling station or two. A beatiful clearing for doing Dance of Shiva, and a great big kitchen table 🙂
.-= Andi´s last post … For Aisha =-.
Huh. I’ve often found human flirting rituals confusing. Maybe I’m a bear.
.-= Riin´s last post … New stuff =-.
Still a bit confused and shaken up over this morning’s shaking. I mean, I know there are faults everywhere, but we just don’t. get. earthquakes. here. Tornadoes? Sure. Yes. I know what to do for those. Go to the basement. Or alternately, run out onto the front porch and look at the sky. (This was always my dad’s method, anyway.) But an earthquake? Uh. Nope. Didn’t cover that in grade-school emergency procedures…
But the Horse Quartet is a nice distraction. A really nice distraction. And I played it loud. In my office. To drown out the power tools next door. Maybe I’ll leave it on all day.
.-= Emily´s last post … Looking Inward, What Are All These Snakes Doing in Here? =-.
I almost got sucked in to the Geoffrey Chaucer blog and souffe fer my forte desire to peruse the rest of ye items, wouldn’t have made it back to see thar be an item about me! OK, I can see why Old English is so appealing–it’s ALMOST like pirate talk! I love that he has a “Lynes of Picke-Vppe” post!
I’m so glad you love Chaucer Hath a Blog! I laughed so much the first time I found it that I nearly broke myself. Best. Thing. Ever.
(Mind you, Horse! Quartet!)
What I’m thinking of right this second, is how I’m going to manage to sneak out to the kitchen and chop vegetables without being stormed by my two-year-old and forced to turn him upside down repeatedly for twenty minutes. It’s great fun, that, but tiring on the triceps!
A Havi and Selma playground would be amazing. Lots of soft surfaces for landing on, and climbing frames with totally non-challenging bits and other bits that you look up at and laugh at the thought of ever going up there – but nobody’s going to try and make you, so that’s all right. And swings, just because. And roundabouts and seesaws and trampolines. And many many fabulous people to play with. Cool!
.-= Lean Ni Chuilleanain´s last post … Eleventh and Fifth! =-.
I would love to go to a Havi and Selma playground! I think it would have pirate ships to climb on, and Shiva Nata studios with lots of options for appropriate or inappropriate music, and bathtubs, and beautiful outdoor spots for yoga and meditation and journaling, and swimming pools that you absolutely don’t have to dive into (but you can if you want), and a ginormous roller derby rink, and glorrrrious cafes and bars — and yes, Andi, I completely agree, there would be Angel Refueling Stations everywhere. Oh, Gods, I’d want to make an annual pilgrimage! (‘Cause I’m assuming it would be in Portland, so I couldn’t get there every day.)
Unsurprisingly, I’ve been thinking a lot about snow, and about being snowbound. We got nearly thirty inches over the weekend, and we may get another foot today. I still love snow, I completely forgive it for its excesses…but I’ve never been truly snowbound before, and it’s a strange feeling. Still, we have food, heat, hot water, electricity, even Internet. We’re doing all right.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Snow daze =-.
I think a Havi and Selma playground would look exactly like the Adventure Playground in Berkley, CA, out by the Marina, where everyone is Building the Playground All The Time. Little kids, big kids, grown-ups helping, there is a zip line and places to climb and places to hide and things to water and things to paint and places to squidge in the mud, and if you think of something new you can add it Yourself.
How cool is that?
.-= lee´s last post … What’s next? =-.
you can see it here:
.-= lee´s last post … What’s next? =-.
I’d love to create a playground for adults but without too much noise and madness. It’s one of my biz dreams to run a play space for adults in search of their lost mojo
And I loved your Bi-Polar Bears and ummm I was once labelled as a little bipolar thing myself – so neeeurgh. There’s humour everywhere as long as it’s enveloped in kindness too – it’s ok no?
Re-read one of your posts about pain too yesterday and combined it with Mega’s Idea Cataylst Workbook – got me acupressuring my way (in spire of sooo much resistance around this stuff) and I shifted from SUPER, OVERWHELMING, I’M GONNA HAVE A BREAKDOWN to…calm, neutral position. Amazing, awesesome stuff.
.-= Leila Lloyd-Evelyn´s last post … Stumbling, falling, starting over. =-.
The Havi and Selma playground would have a ball pit that was big enough for grownups to swim around and get lost in.
Oh my God. I missed the sound of the horses before.
Oh my word. Blissfully funny and sweet. Oh my word!!!
.-= Leila Lloyd-Evelyn´s last post … Stumbling, falling, starting over. =-.
I think the Havi and Selma playground would have Dance of Shiva-inspired jungle gyms. Eight-foot tall Pirate Queens doing Level 5 with legs. And 3-foot high Selmas with handles for people to ride (sorry, Selma).
Bipolar bears and the Horse Quartet – hilarious!
.-= Victoria Brouhard´s last post … Is Your Business Not-Quite-Born? =-.
Michelle’s Arrested made me cry. In a good way.
.-= Tami´s last post … Yoga+Music365 (day42) – Phases and Stages by Willie Nelson – The In Case You Missed It Edition! Volume 1 =-.