It’s Sunday. I don’t have to have a point.
Tracing memories.
This past Tuesday I sent you all on a mission to reread and mock mercilessly brainstorm ways to revise an old post of mine as part of our whole ongoing Blogging Therapy series thing.
The post in question, among other things, recounts an episode from a few years ago, when my gentleman friend and I were in Berlin for two months and semi-accidentally landed this insanely great house-sitting gig.
Like, a house.
Well, two floors of a gorgeous old apartment building.
I know!
I’ve lived in pretty much every part of Berlin, in a huge variety of places … and while not all of them were semi-legal drag-king-inhabited squats in abandoned buildings, this place was pretty outrageous.
Actually, we were kind of afraid to touch anything because it was all way more fancypants than a. our place in San Francisco or b. pretty much anything we were used to.
And we were still kind of in awe that despite our incredibly stupid plan to go to Berlin for two months and just count on our ridiculously great “apartment luck”, it was totally working.
Get this.
One of the many oddly fabulous things about this place we were staying is that they had one room that was a trampoline room.
And when I say “trampoline room” I mean that the entire room, which was actually quite large, was taken up by this enormous trampoline.
This is Berlin we’re talking about so the ceilings are ten miles high. One wall was floor to ceiling windows through which you could see the tops of trees poking up. One wall was mirrored.
And the rest was trampoline.
I wish I had pictures because there is absolutely no way to adequately explain how insane this room was.
You know, we’d tell friends about it and they’d say “Whoah, that’s crazy. A trampoline room.” But then they’d come over for dinner and freak the hell out over the enormous room that was all trampoline.
Mixed feelings. Mixed everything.
Those two months for me were all about mixed feelings.
I was loving the Shiva Nata workshops I was teaching. But I was conflicted about where my Fluent Self business was going and whether there would still be room for yoga stuff and general wackiness within the coaching/consulting practice I was building.
I was loving being back in Berlin. And being there with my gentleman friend (we’d both been there many times separately but never together). But I was pretty much a wreck over meeting my ex.
Loving seeing old friends. Sad about saying goodbyes again.
Also, I was speaking more Hebrew than German because my ex and my best friend and a whole bunch of other people from Tel Aviv were in town at the same time.
And I was teaching in German and writing in English. And it was all … I don’t know.
Anyway, it was jumbled, tumultuous times. And for all sorts of reasons, the jumbled, tumultuous jumping on the trampoline helped me clear my head and climb back into my body.
But of course I was conflicted about that too.
The simple living advocate and the yoga teacher in me were not into the decadence. Not at all.
An entire room for a trampoline? Oyvavoy. That’s no way to live.
The ex-hedonist in me thought it was pretty fabulous. And the six year old in me just wanted to bounce around all day. Bounce!
Anyway, I was mostly disapproving, theoretically. But in practice …. I loved the sensation of freedom and intensity that came with pure, ecstatic jumping around.
I got to jump every day for six weeks and then we landed an even more outrageously fabulous house-sit. In a three-story penthouse apartment in the Sophienstrasse in Mitte.
If you’ve ever been to Berlin for more than five minutes, you’re already gasping. If not, just assume that it was spectacular. But no trampoline. Alas.
And that was that.
A couple of months ago I was on the phone with one of my clients in Switzerland and she mentioned that she bounces.
On a rebounder. And does the Shiva Nata portion of her change-yer-habits practice on it too.
I was intrigued. I started researching and then gave up entirely the second I found the one I wanted.
It was the decadence thing again. Yes, my stuff. My patterns.
Like, how can someone who boycotts box stores and makes her own conditioner out of stuff in the kitchen and generally believes in not having very much stuff …. how does she justify something like getting a trampoline?
Even if it’s a really, really tiny one …
Anyway, that was where I got stuck. So I gave myself a few months to work on that and with that.
In the meantime I was getting these huge amounts of email, some of which was highly critical and hurtful and a lot of which was requiring me to be very clear about setting boundaries.
It eventually occurred to me that my ten-minutes-in-meditation that I was doing over every tough thing in my inbox was taking a lot of time and energy.
And that maybe things would be a lot easier if I could just kind of bounce it out.
Yeah, I was crushing hard on this trampolina.
It showed up a few days ago.
And I pretty much can’t stop bouncing. It’s that great.
Also, it’s in my office (of course). So now I feel like I work at Google or something. You know, one of those companies where they cater to you tremendously because they want you to be creative and feel appreciated and loved.
And it hit me:
I do work for a company that would do anything to help me be creative and feel appreciated and loved. Mine.
And if I want my desk to be a chaise lounge and my conference table to be a rebounder, then by golly …
Tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp*.
That’s the sound of me. Jumping and bouncing. On my trampoline.
*Bonus Freddy the Pig reference: which book is that from?
They recommend doing ten minutes. Twice a day.
The first day it hurt so much that I gave up after about three minutes and spent the other seven cursing being old and tired.
Later on I barely made it through ten minutes and had to spend the rest of the day recovering.
But then I got hooked.
And yesterday I did twenty minutes while dancing around to Been Gone Too Long by The Snake Charmers** (which is awesome, by the way). And now I’m hooked.
**You follow Marie — @snakecharmers — on Twitter, right?
I told you there wasn’t a point.
Things move and change.
Seeds are planted. Stuff grows. Things emerge and lead to other things. There are twists and turns and surprises. Sometimes whatever it is will take some time to get there.
I’m not ready to decide what the point is today. Or if there is one. I’m just hanging out and watching patterns.
Absorbing information. Connecting dots. Closing circles. Bouncing.
A lot of bouncing.
BOUNCE! That sounds so awesome. I want to come hang out in your office. (Oooh, that reminds me. Before you gave up e-mail, I’d sent you an e-mail about meeting up while I’m in Portland in March! How shall I reach out to you about that now. “Melissa???? Can you make it so that I can pounce on Havi and give her huge hugs in person the second I land at PDX in March? LOL)
This entry made me feel good. Just really good. Cup of tea.
Joely Blacks last blog post..The revelations fall like veils
My exercise routine mainly involves jumping rope. Not quite as exhilarating as a trampoline (!), but involves some controlled bouncing 🙂
Now I really want a trampoline, and to go to Berlin.
Zoes last blog post..A Response: Declining Temptation
I love this post. It is SOOOO not about nothing. It does have a point — a very big one at that. I am so glad I discovered you on Twitter. This post made my day and I can’t even describe why! 🙂
I think the thing I like best is that you found a way to balance. Hopping, running, singing — whatever we need to balance out the bad and the stress in our lives. Also, I love the part when you talk about how things move and change. That is SO TRUE! You never know where life is going to take you. And when you think you do, a curve ball gets thrown your way and you find yourself shaking your head wondering how you ever got where you are.
Thanks for sharing!
Tara Geissingers last blog post..4 Simple Ways To Gain Media Visibility
Bounce away, my wonderful, creative friend! I have a rebounder too, which is sitting out on the porch right now because of my hip thing. And sometimes I dream about bouncing high over the treetops and back again. 🙂
Love the story about theBerlin trampoline room. When you’re interviewed by Oprah and she says: “So, Havi, what fun and fabulous things are you going to do next?” will you say, “I’m bulding a trampoline palace with ninety-foot-high ceilings so all my friends can come over and bounce with me.”?
Hiro Bogas last blog post..Creative Connection: Where’s Your Muse When the Baby’s Spitting Up at 3 am?
Oooh! I have been thinking for about a year and a half about whether I want a rebounder, or whether it’s just one of those faddy things that I’d regret.
I’ve been thinking about it even *more* since my ankle went wonky on me this past fall and I’ve had to cut wayyyyyyy back on running (sob – I love running), which has caused me to promptly start gaining weight. (ugh)
What do all you rebounders think – would a slightly cranky ankle protest about a rebounder, or would it be okay?
And is it really, truly just ten minutes at a time?! wow!
Fun, Havi! (and boy, it’s always an adventure reading your blog – I never know what’s going to show up!)
Wow! A bouncing conference table? Uplifting, expansive, inspiring – I love it!
Also, it’s in my office (of course). So now I feel like I work at Google or something. You know, one of those companies where they cater to you tremendously because they want you to be creative and feel appreciated and loved.
And it hit me:
I do work for a company that would do anything to help me be creative and feel appreciated and loved. Mine.
And if I want my desk to be a chaise lounge and my conference table to be a rebounder, then by golly …
This is entirely the reason we’re moving. I need to pamper myself and love myself, and having a rich, warm, welcoming home with lots of windows and a big open kitchen and an actual officey room is it. That’s what I need.
This reminded me to keep an open mind and find what feels right and good to furnish our office, instead of leaping immediately to desks and office chairs. Oh, how I needed that reminder.
Thank you. (:
Kyelis last blog post..Introducing Book Bonanza Wednesdays! Chapter 1: The usual error
Now I want one. Yes I do. And it’s all your fault.
Actually, I lost a lot of weight last year; now I’m trying to find some regular exercise that doesn’t suck, cost way too much, or feel like bootcamp. Mabye bouncing is the answer.
Fi (@fibowman)s last blog post..Book review: Blending Photos with Fabric 2
When I was a kid there was a trampoline place near my house. They had all these pits dug in the ground, and they’d placed trampolines over them. You could pay a couple of dollars and go bounce for an hour. We loved that place!
I have read that rebounding is good for your lymph glands – it helps clean them out or something, like when you are dieting. I’ve thought about buying one for a long time, as well. Maybe this will push me over the edge! Thanks Havi.
Lynn Jacobss last blog post..A Photo a Day
completely fabulous! so-not-sticky, so-not-sticky, so-not-sticky 🙂
still giggling with a side order of hiccups …
Havi meets Tigger…..coool… 🙂
Evelines last blog post..How To Stay Calm……
Sounds like bouncing loosened up and flung off a bunch of beliefs that were tying you down. COOOL! Why have therapy when you can bounce, bounce, bounce with mindfulness AND abandon. Your post is a real reminder to me to look at where I am NOT having crazy-ass, insane, unexplainable fun in my life that brings me that bubbling, can’t catch your breath joy. MUCHOS GRACIAS
Adoring the idea of a trampoline room. Freaking the hell out at the notion of placing said trampoline between a wall-sized mirror and a wall-sized window. Nyah. *bites fingers*
I’m glad you bought one for your office. It’s not decadent. Decadent would be buying a ton of them and placing them around the house so you could bounce from room to room.
Chloes last blog post..Death to 2008
This may be totally random but I also hang out on a homeschooling e-group for folks whose kids are creative learners. One thing that many people in this group have in common is that their kids have all kinds of sensitivities. And I remember that you said once that you were highly sensitive or something. And mini-tramps are OFTEN recommended by these moms as things that really help their kids with focusing and sensory integration and whatnot.
So this love of the trampoline that you are talking about sounds like “well, duh” to me. Though that wouldn’t be a very nice way to put it and I want to put it nicely because I think it is great that you have discovered this. Not decadent at all.
JoVEs last blog post..Check this out…
Thanks @JoVE for the reassurance. I believe I’ve read that too. Forget to give myself special treatment.
@Chloe – thanks for the laugh. I would LOVE to bounce from room to room but yes that might be a tad excessive.
@Fi – we need to get you doing Shiva Nata already! You’d be an awesome Shivanaut. 🙂
@Grace – yes to 10 minutes. Can’t advise you on the ankle. My less-than-happy knee took a while to warm up to this thing but has stopped talking to me.
@Jess – Oooh, you’re coming to Portland! Yes, let’s definitely figure something out. I’ll be in Austin at SXSW for part of it but then back …
Everyone else – I adore you madly, each and every one of you. Thanks for your sweet, sweet words, my dears!
HOORAY. Seriously. Hooray!
Dear Havi,
I’m so glad that you didn’t let that part of your mind that has all kinds of opinions about decadence or morality or whatever keep you from giving yourself something that is making you SO HAPPY!
Bounce, bounce, bounce my sweet, sweet, girl!
Hugs and love,
I LOVE bouncing!! Have bounced my way through 2 mini tramps, the most recent from Gaiam. The springs go all crazy after awhile and start popping…then I need to replace them…not as much fun as just bouncing free!
Please do tell…did you get the cool kind that doesn’t have springs? I remember hearing about them…can’t remember the name of them. I know they’re pricier (is that why it felt decadent?) It’s so worth it if it works well, holds up over time and allows you to bounce your way to happy, bubbly wellness over and over again!
Does Selma bounce, too?
Debras last blog post..Energetic Storm, Take Cover!
Havi, I have wanted to learn yoga-y stuff forever! Now may be the time. Plus, have just been looking at mini tramps, and they are not nearly as expensive as I thought – plus you can get one with a handlebar for safety when you have a dodgy knee and not too confident physically yet. Now to negotiate the ‘where are you going to put it issue’ with other half…
Fi (@fibowman)s last blog post..Deadline looms so work will be done!
the decadent buy… I can think of two a silk velvet scarf which cost over a weeks wages and I wore for 10 years and a camera which cost £100 which changed my life. Each time I handed over the money and ignored those clamerous voices it was a huge huge benefit to my life.
creativevoyages last blog post..More from Liberty’s
Just a thought on non-decadent decadence. When I want the sort of “thing” or “toy” like your tramp, I turn first to freecycle and CraigsList (the free section).
I set a timeline for it to appear for little/nothing there. If it appears, I grab it.
If it doesn’t, I wait out the time, reassess my “desire” (is it something I really want? or is it just a thing I think will make me happy, but not really?).
If it hasn’t come and I really want it, I usually buy it (if I have save sufficient funds). If not, I let it go.
It’s the best way I’ve found to be decadently non-decadent while simultaneously reducing the junk that goes to the landfill by those who purchased it originally and now want to declutter.
Just a thought.
christys last blog post..How To Destroy a New Media Company in Three Easy Steps
I can speak to this. I’ve loved rebounding for years. As a teenager I’d rebound for 30-60 minutes every night and it helped me with my weight issues. I wore out a rebounder or two. My grandmother actually got me into rebounding because she’d started rebounding in her 60s and was a rebounder into her late 70s (very gently but it did her a lot of good.)
Then in my 20s/30s I abandoned it for long stretches of time. About 7 years ago I had a really bad ankle/knee injury — bad enough that I was under supervised PT for a few months. One of the PT exercises involved balancing on a board, so after it was over I decided to give rebounding another go. What I found at the time was that my ankle and knee were NOT ready for rebounding at that point — in fact for a few years they didn’t seem ready (although I may have been wimpy).
When I rebound now, it doesn’t bother my ankle at all and in fact it makes my ankle feel better in a way that it hasn’t since the accident. My suspicion is that my ankle needed a long period of time to really heal up — while I was functional the trauma was still not resolved.
Part of the problem was that when I was a kid, it seemed like the rebounders were a lot sturdier than the ones I bought as an adult. As an adult, I would go to WalMart and get whatever cheap rebounder they had on sale, and the quality wasn’t there in the mat or springs or frame.
I just recently started rebounding again, on an inexpensive rebounder, but I also just bought a top-of the-line rebounder that is supposed to be much higher quality and was around $300. It’s just arrived and I am anxious to give it a try.
My advice would be to take it slow, let your ankle tell you how it’s doing, and get the best quality rebounder you can afford.
If you can say, which trampoline did you get for your indoor setup?
.-= Peter Beck´s last post … Do You Make These Mistakes And Run Behind? =-.
Hi Peter!
Sure, not a problem. I spent freaking *forever* researching this to death. In the end I went with the Bellicon Rebounder from Qi Bounding (
Love it. Not cheap. But yes, love it.
Heeeeeheeeeheehee… okay, maybe I’m the only person who thinks it’s that funny that I JUST PURCHASED (like, minutes ago) the Shiva Nata Starter Kit (you can do it on a rebounder !?!?!) and read this archive post sort of at random while I had the “Dust off the DVD” MP3 files downloading in another window. So now I feel compelled to go dust off my rebounder, which I have not used in at least 2 years and had almost forgotten I own, and jump on it.
Synchronicity rocks.