Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my weekly ritual. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it!
Thing 1: Perspective.
Here’s what I want:
Things are pretty hectic on Planet Havi right now.
Teaching in North Carolina. Flying back to Portland. Taking off to Berlin.
Oh, and running a business at the same time. And writing a book. Wow.
So: I would like some tiny, sweet moments of quiet. Moments of grace, spaciousness, expansiveness.
Other than the ones that come during meditation or yoga or in the midst of the delightful whoosh of equal parts calm and chaos that is Shiva Nata.
Spaces. Breaks. Gaps. Little safe holes to crawl into.
Here’s how I want to get them:
Quiet little deguiltified reminders.
Or they could just show up.
Or I could remember to take them.
Or my gentleman friend could help me create intentional spaces for brief bits of not-doing.
Or? I’m open to possibility.
My commitment.
I will treasure these moments. I won’t wait until sickness or exhaustion make me take them. I will enjoy them even if they are brief. I will drink them in.
Thing 2: A blog post about Very Personal Ads.
Here’s the situation:
So I have been trying to write a post about these Very Personal Ads.
Well, about Very Personal Ads in general.
As a practice. As a concept.
About why this is not (for me, at least) an especially wacky practice. How (for me, at least) it has nothing at all to do with “law of attraction”-ey kinds of stuff.
Because people have questions.
And because they say stuff like “I didn’t know you believed in x, y and z” (I don’t) or “I don’t know how to make this work” (I do).
And the post is just not writing itself. And I can’t seem to get in the mood to write it.
I have lots to say about the topic. I just can’t write the post.
More about that:
It’s really important to me that people know they are completely allowed to have their own experience, whatever it is.
Because I have zero desire to dictate someone else’s experience or to impose my own Theories of How The World Works on them.
So if someone already has a life philosophy that’s working for them, awesome.
And at the same time, I want to give you guys the freedom to not have to subscribe to any particular reality theory to get big, crazy benefits from this practice.
And I want you to have tools that work, so that you can use Very Personal Ads (if that’s something that even kind of appeals to you) in a way that’s healthy and effective. And sustainable. And fun!
Ways this situation could resolve itself:
Maybe the post could write itself!
Maybe I could teach a clinic about how to create Very Personal Ads …
That could make it a lot easier to cover things like how to do it so it works. Or why it’s not necessarily a hippie spiritual practice, though it can be …
Maybe I can just give this time to gestate and stop trying to push a post that isn’t ready to be written.
My commitment.
I’m open to what comes up.
Willing to be surprised.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
The server issue is resolving itself nicely. Tech Pirate Charlotte is doing her magical genius thing.
The money showed up. We’re good for now.
And I’m still working on the “receiving support in a variety of ways” thing. But the working on it is really helping me.
And on Tuesday, I received amazing resources of support from an unexpected source and it was really freaking cool.
Big crazy biggification stuff happening over here. And a lot of people are coming together to make it happen.
So I’m feeling good about it.
Comments. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking for stuff by being more specific about I would like to receive in the comments. And that way, if you feel like leaving one (you totally don’t have to), you get to be part of this experiment too. 🙂
Here’s what I want:
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for.
- Thoughts or ideas about ways any of the personal ads here could come true.
What I would rather not have:
- Reality theories.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged or psychoanalyzed.
My commitment.
I am committing to getting better at asking for things even when asking feels weird. I’m commit to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and to interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible.
Thanks for doing this with me! Doing the Very Personal Ads with you is one of the highlights of my week.
What I want:
Patience with myself and circumstance when it comes to yoga. I’ve started doing yoga as a sort of rehab. It’s the only physical activity besides walking that I’m allowed right now, and as usual I went from enjoying it to being obsessed in no time flat. By obsessed I mean seriously frustrated that I can’t find a class that I feel comfortable going to on Monday that will make it so that I can get 2 days per week of yoga for my trip. I keep rationalizing that this feeling of determination to find something is ok, because yoga is my rehab and I should stick to my plans, but I also know that I need to learn patience, and that a week of less yoga here or there won’t mean much in the long run. I can of course do yoga at home alone but in my foolish brain it doesn’t seem to count. I’ve come along way with dealing with this kind of mania, but it seems I haven’t really conquered it.
How it could come to me:
A revelation during a home yoga session or meditation.
Hearing a story from someone else that suddenly seems true.
Giving someone else advice on something similar and realizing that I should take my own advice.
Having it slowly ease over time.
My commitment:
To try to be ready for the revelation. To do work on my own in the meantime to be more compassionate in how I treat myself. To find a replacement thing I can do, yoga at home, nia class, a nice walk, that makes me feel like I’ve honored my fitness commitment to myself. To be grateful for struggles such as these that help me learn to be a better guardian and caretaker of myself.
.-= Lisa Lassner´s last post … =-.
Have you read the book Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser? I think of that book, which is excellent if you haven’t read it, whenever I read your Personal Ads. I do not recall it having an even slightly hippy-ish or law-of-attraction-y vibe, but I’m not the best judge because those things don’t annoy me so much.
Maybe the same way you refer people to a couple different books about web sites (eg, Blogwild!, which I just finished), there is some other resource (not necessarily the Klauser book) you could refer people to on the Personal Ad topic until your post just flows out of you. Because I definitely want to hear the Havi version. I haven’t gotten up the nerve to write any of my own personal ads yet, but I have used the method in the past and know it does totally work.
.-= Darcy´s last post … Book: It Sucked and Then I Cried =-.
Havi, I love the idea of you teaching a clinic on Writing Personal Ads. I’d sign up for it right away!
It’s great to hear that your server issue was resolved simply and easily, and that support is coming to you. Your exploration into different ways of receiving support inspires me.
My wish for you is that your days bring you many moments of grace, quiet, shelter and sanctuary. And that those qualities begin to fill your heart and your life in quiet, sustaining ways.
It seems to me that when I write a personal ad, I attune, in a very concrete and specific way, to the Me that includes the thing I’m writing the ad for. Thus setting into motion the process of incarnating that aspect of my soul into my everyday life. It’s both magical, and utterly natural.
My personal ad last week was for support to write my book and to take my business to its next stage of growth. I’ve received so much support this week, on practical, financial, emotional and spiritual levels. Thank you for creating the space for us to share in this lovely practice.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Sunday Poem #6 =-.
Havi, I’m hoping that in your abundance of quiet moments of grace that the new post on very personal ads will begin to germinate and grow into a fully formed article during these moments of quiet.
What I want: to stop stressing about the perfect way to turn my thesis into my book and find the peace to trust that the way it ends up will be the perfect way.
How this could happen: a) I could just wake up one day and have no more stress b) barring that I could learn to not be so hard on myself c) my own moments of quiet will unlock the answer of the best way to do this.
I am committed to trusting the process as it reveals itself to me, trusting myself to find the right way, and keeping an open mind because things often don’t happen in the ways I expect.
Thanks, Havi for being open to sharing your process with us.
.-= Carole´s last post … Introducing Conservation Gardener a visit to my garden =-.
I wish you many moments of quiet and peace.
My last/first personal ad was to understand some stuckness – and I received it (at least in part).
Law of Attraction stuff doesn’t bother me much, I find it rather fun to try to apply sometimes .. but when I was writing the ad, it seemed like the process of articulating what it is I really wanted was a way of making a decision, so to speak – a way of letting myself know that I was committed to this thing that I was writing the ad about. I have noticed before that once I actually make a decision, I start coming up with ideas (and noticing things) that support that decision. So the act of writing a Very Personal Ad, to me, seems very logical and natural.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the practice someday!
.-= elizabeth´s last post … feeding fear =-.
I would *love* to read that blog post whenever you are ready, Havi. But then I read whatever you write. If you copied out a page of the phone book with humourous comments, I would read! 🙂
Here’s what I want this week:
Clarity on whether I really want/am able to go to one of Havi’s workshops in Berlin.
Situation: I am severely depressed right now, as in I’m off work with it. I have the Shiva Nata starter kit, but not the DVD yet. I’m really drawn to the Shiva Nata starter workshop, but have no idea if it’s even got spots left (I doubt it!) and the idea of a trip to Berlin, all alone, when I’m this ill, is daunting to the point of terror. I just cancelled a holiday to Scotland because there was no way I’d cope with it.
I would love to meet Havi in the flesh and do Shiva Nata with other people.
But it’s scaaaaary!
How the clarity could come to me:
A flash of sudden inspiration – yes! Go! Or – no! Don’t go!
A long conversation with someone who gets me, or is willing to listen enough to learn to get me, and pays attention to what might be good for me.
My commitment:
I’ll listen to my heart on this, for real. Even if it’s hard. Which it is.
.-= Lucy Viret (aka randomling)´s last post … Transition. =-.
I’d like to read your personal ads post when you get to it.
I really appreciate that you feel: “It’s really important to me that people know they are completely allowed to have their own experience, whatever it is.” I get it, I really do; I feel free to utilize that which works for me and leave that which doesn’t. My guess is that most of your ‘right people’ would take it similarly.
My commitment: I’ll be patient until you write it, and I’ll try to stop using the wait as an excuse for not moving forward with other stuff.
.-= claire´s last post … The afternoon storm =-.
Update on previous personal ad: Better sleep has come. On Friday I slept 9 hours straight. Same for Saturday night. I feel that the early morning waking phase has passed. And I am grateful.
What I Want Now: To have more focused and productive efficiency. I have a lot on my plate, a lot of irons in the fire, my fingers in several pies (insert your own metaphor here), and it is all stuff I want to be doing, with the exception of my day job, which is something I need to be doing to fund the rest of my life, until I get my itty biz going, which is one of the things on my plate that I want to be doing.
OK. So lots to do, and it’s all manageable, and I would like to get better at being focused on each single project/task as I do it. To pick one thing, do that for an hour (or however much time is appropriate). And then move to the next thing.
And, in the midst of this, to allow for time to dream and wish and let the fantasy go, and have down time. And not have that scheduled, per se, but to not allow it to interrupt stuff that I really need to get done.
What I find happening now is that I find myself bleeding tasks into each other, then getting lost in reveries, then becoming stressed that I’m getting behind and don’t have enough time. I do have enough time, I just need to use it better.
Ways this could come to me: I stink at figuring out ways things could come to me. I always want to say “The universe will say SHAZAM and it will just happen.” So I am open to anything that feels easy and painless and makes me go “ahhhh, that’s so much better.”
My commitment: That I will not overthink this. That I will trust that now that I’ve asked for it, it will find a way to happen.
As ever, blessings and thanks to Havi and Selma and everyone here for the space to do this and the courage to do it.
I have an update on a previous very personal ad: I found the apartment I was looking for! It has everything – great light, many windows, great details, space, room for a little office for me, laundry in the building, the right location.
My next personal ad is a request for an easy, good move. For everything to go smoothly with my roommate’s take-over of the current place, and for packing to happen without too much push-pull, and to easily make choices about what stuff to take and what to let go of. And to settle in fast at the other end, and be at home. My commitment is to give it the time it requires, every day. And to be open to the information I get when I hold an object in my hands – to be able to get rid of it if that’s what it tells me, without second-guessing or regret.
Thanks, Havi, for making this space for very personal ads.
.-= Germinational´s last post … Germinational: First day of fasting (for me) going okay. Helps that I slept half the day away! =-.
Update on previous asks: Have approval on the wee illustration commission to finish up the pencils and ink. Did some creative stuff for two other work-related things. Got some writing done that was unrelated to any commitments but fun.
This week I have two “Personal Ads”:
Thing #1: I would like to get one more unexpected job, client, windfall or project for at least $240, before August is over.
How it could happen: A regular client could have a smallish project. A new person could want a painting and pay their deposit. A new client could need a medium-sized project and make this as their deposit. Something could surprise me.
My commitment: I will be open to new things. I will keep looking, putting myself out there, and making progress on the painting commission site. I will ask my current clients if they have anything. When the money does come in, I will set half aside for my Sept. quarterlies and use the other half to dye my hair for Pacificon.
Thing #2: I would like to find my way into yoga, with enough outside help that I don’t feel like I’m just doing it all wrong, and close enough to me that I don’t feel exhausted just from walking there.
How it could happen: I could be made aware of classes in my area that are affordable. Someone I know could want to do yoga at home with me, and know enough about it to help me get started. Something surprising could come up.
My commitment: I will be open to possibilities, to walking slowly to a new space, to meeting new people. I will try to fit it into my budget and schedule. I will try to find places to look for classes.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … It’s Coming Right for Us! =-.
I love the personal ads!
I am looking for an Accountability Coach.
What is an Accountability Coach you ask? Well, let me tell you what I think it is.
First, some background. I need/want to lose weight. I’m tired of saying it. I’m tired of thinking it. I’m tired of having limited costume options and I’m tired of headaches, which I could probably cure if my structure wasn’t under the duress I’m placing on it.
I’m tired and I’m tired of being tired.
I have discovered I can lose weight if I pay attention. If I plan my meals and track my calorie intake and workouts it’s actually pretty easy.
So, of course I don’t do it.
Because it’s change and change is uncomfortable which in turn creates anxiety and resistance.
I need someone to be accountable to, to get me through that resistance to success.
I’ve tried working with a friend, but when you’re working on an uncomfortable change together what happens is that two weeks down the road, someone doesn’t call and then other doesn’t say anything because they’re actually glad they didn’t call because they ate a whole bag of Oreos and don’t want to tell anyone. I’ve also tried the friend that isn’t working on the same goal and two weeks down the road when I haven’t done the things I said I was going to the friend doesn’t take me to task in a nice non brow-beating way because that’s not how friends are with each other and the friend loves me no matter what I weigh.
I don’t need anyone to design a workout or an eating plan or any of that. I’m good with making the plans and doing the research. I’m just not good at executing the plan over time.
So, I’m looking for an Accountability Coach.
The Terms:
I pay you a small amount (about $20 feels right to me) to check up on me weekly: review the goals from the previous week and make sure the goals are set for the next week. I think it would take 15-30 minutes weekly.
Together we would come up with rewards for achieving my stated goals (like a pedicure!) and non-shaming punishments if I don’t (maybe I don’t get the computer for a day).
I would also love it if we could also move into other areas where I could use some accountability like singing practice and laundry. I assume with the right person this would happen naturally.
Who this could be:
You are probably a Virgo but I’m open to other astrological signs. (I jest! It’s just that writing that makes me laugh)
Someone who’s just getting into being a coach or personal trainer and is looking for a client (albeit a somewhat unorthodox one).
Someone who knows me and thinks they’re strong enough to face my resistance
I’m open to surprises.
What I promise:
To give you lots of practice at Resistance Whispering. What can I say, I produce resistance in industrial size quantities.
Testimonials, tons of referrals, and perhaps a blog entry or two waxing eloquent about your awesomeness. Who doesn’t need that?
My honesty. Even if I ate an entire tub of dill pickle dip.
I know my right person is reading this.
What I don’t want is to be contacted by people that have a weight loss programme to sell. I don’t want to go the Jenny Craig, SureSlim, Weight Watchers, Dr. Bernstein, yada yada yada type routes. I know they work for some people. I guarantee you I’m not your right people.
.-= Christina´s last post … Sunday Personals: Seeking Accountability Coach =-.
Loving the very personal ads. And however the post comes is great. I’m going to join in this week!
What I want: more time to practice my Holistic Kinesiology. I want to cut back to 3 days a week in my regular job in October and increase to 2 days in my Kinesiology. This will help me fit in more clients and feel happier about leaving my job at the end of the year to pursue this full time. I want my manager to be fine with this and for the right person to come along to work the extra day for me. I want it to be perfect for that person too.
How it could happen: someone could tell my manager they would love to work one day a week here. They could tell me. I’m open to other ways this could happen.
My commitment: I will remind my manager this is what I’m wanting. I will be patient. If it doesn’t work as I’ve asked I will assume it’s for the best.
Thanks 🙂
.-= Kerry´s last post … Dust on the mirror =-.
I said I’d do it, and I did it. Click on the “latest blog post” dealie and you’ll see!
But here’s the ad anyway!
Prolific communicator with endless opinions seeks same for pen-pal relationship. Let’s keep the centuries-old tradition alive and count among the last great correspondents.
Topics unlimited. I am not easily offended, but be sure you are likewise and can take what you give. Sample topics might include books recently read, life lessons learned from daily tasks, updates on major milestones, progress towards goals, and explorations on topics not discussed in polite society.
Regular correspondence is a must, although “regular” may be defined as anything from a short note once a week to an encyclopedic missive twice a year. I tend toward the latter but am flexible. Ideally, holiday and birthday greetings would be included in the correspondence (but would not count toward the “twice a year missive”).
The ideal candidate already has my home address, as I do not give it out online. I begin all replies immediately after receiving a letter; long responses will take longer to finish.
No dabblers, please. Apply by post; I have sent letters that have received no response, and would like to weed out such candidates.
.-= Laura G´s last post … In which I write personal ads. =-.
Personal ad:
A feeling of ease and fun in completing and launching my first information product
Here’s how I want to get it:
Divine grace
Remembrance and meditation
Try Shiva Nata
Get out the manila project file and take pen to paper (and fingers to keyboard) daily
Walk outdoors
I once had a note taken to the Temple wall in Jerusalem. May do this again.
Refer to the many information products I have already assembled for detailed instructions on how to do this
Get in touch with how this product can help the Right People, especially as I go to sleep, so my dreams and subconscious can get in on the act
Find more content that is about ready to go as I repurpose writing I have already done
Did I say divine grace?
What I do not want:
Externally imposed accountability reminders
My commitment:
I will show up to the process starting Tuesday. (Monday is newsletter day.)
I will not use the “how I want to get it” list to flagellate myself for not doing everything on the list every day. It is to be a reminder of steps I can take to move forward, not a burdensome ritual to be completed in full every day.
Finally, here is something I am plagiarizing from Pidge: I will not overthink this. I will trust that now that I’ve asked for it, it will find a way to happen.
Thank you, Havi (and Pidge).
.-= Diana Schneidman´s last post … Marketing freelance and consulting services in a recession =-.
I would also love to read your blogpost on personal ads, Havi. The topic intrigues me, and I’ve had a few nibbles at it, but it *does* strike me as low-of-attractionny and that *does* bother the heck out of me because that’s *so* not for me. Whew, enough with the asterisks already!
I don’t think you’ll upset people who believe in the law of attraction and play the ads that way, because they’ll probably be happy to continue doing that, and stack whatever explanation you have on top. But please help out those of us who can’t go that far into the wacky.
.-= Willie Hewes´s last post … If you register your site for free at =-.
I also am very interested in what you have to say about how personal ads work. Very. And wishing that quiet moments will wing their way to you. Flutter, flutter.
Got the headache relief I asked for the other week. I think meditation was the thing I needed.
What I want now: A way to get me and my treasures home safely and cheaply (ideally? $600 or less for plane and shipping) on Oct 18. Treasures include ukulele (which practically fits in my laptop bag) and 3/4-sized electric bass (size of a guitar).
How this could happen:
Delta and BA specifically allow guitar-sized instruments as carry-on. So one of them could have a fare sale.
I could get some good advice about carrying-on or gate-checking instruments on other airlines. This could come from someone here. Or from musicians in my family.
I could finish decluttering and realize I actually have so little stuff to take back that it changes the whole equation (so I can take a discount airline, or something).
I could simply realize that there’s a perfect simple solution.
My commitments:
I will check Delta and BA websites for fare sales at least weekly.
I will email musician family members for advice.
I’ll use Shiva Nata to crunch on this equation.
I’ll keep decluttering and/or working on decluttering stuckness.
I’ll celebrate if I get a good deal, and I’ll cherish and take good care of my treasures during the journey and once we arrive.
update I’m slightly less freaked out about making a living – I’ve got a gig which is not what I want to do but brings in money enough in the meanwhile.
What I want
to heal my trench foot !
Willing to
bathe it use the cream keep it from reinfection
to spontaneous healing !
What I want
to stop getting things like trench foot which put a spanner in my plans
Willing to examine why I want to do this
Open to spontaneous enlightenment !
.-= m´s last post … Yiddish Song Project =-.
I seriously love reading everyone’s ads.
And especially enjoyed the Diana-Pidge bit about “I will not overthink this”. AWESOME.
What a hard thing to do and what a neat thing to work towards. This is really neat.
Sending love to you guys and to all your beautiful wishes.
I hope you manage to find your space.
My personal ads to do with finding a new job have not been going well at all. Possibly this is because I’m looking for a job because I ought to, not because I want to. Well, I need the money, but I absolutely don’t want to relinquish being self-employed. Today I’m putting my efforts into making a living in a different way, so here’s my ad about that.
What I Want:
To work part-time as a massage therapist.
Specifically, by giving seated massages to people who would not necessarily enjoy going to a salon and getting undressed.
How I Want to Get It:
Through word of mouth.
Once I’ve made contact with my very first customers, I want them to be happy with my treatments, and to be willing to pass along the good word to their friends and colleagues.
My Commitment:
I will not be afraid to let people know that I am offering this service.
I will do my utmost to connect with my Right People – by cycling around my neighbourhood delivering flyers, by delivering posters to local businesses, and in any way that works!
I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one. Now to go and design some irresistible flyers…
.-= Eternal Magpie´s last post … Travelling Massage Therapist. =-.
I loooooove this! Thanks for this garden of desires, Havi.
More subscribers to my Moon’s Letter (e-newsletter).
It would also be lovely if folks contacted me about a gift (introductory) creativity coaching session.
Some of my Right People could be reading this! Folks could also find my blog/Moon’s Letter sign-up info through facebook, twitter, and myspace. I send out a lotta e-mails, so my e-mail sig could lure ’em in.
I’ve sent out a note to my current e-list, so subscribers/gift session sign-uppers could come from that. I’m joining a few ning groups. I have a tip sheet from the no-hype marketing guru Robert Middleton re: building an e-list…I could get subscribers through implementing thangs on the tip sheet. I’m being interviewed on a radio show this week and I’m the “guest writer” for a friend’s e-newsletter…both are spots where my Right People may be waiting for me.
Then there are always Wild Cards! I am very willing to be surprised.
Delighting myself first: having riotous fun writing it!! Releasing this strange creature from the sea every new and full moon, no matter how much my perfectidemon snarls and wails about “quality.” Spreading my gospel of glitter online and offline all da time.
.-= Almah´s last post … Welcome to Eco-Ecstasy, Enchantment, & Wild Experiment! =-.
I spent the last week trying to get clear about what I want so I could write a VPA, but I’m experiencing what-I-want creep.
What I want now:
Enough clarity to take a concrete step toward dancing/art, movement/creativity classes and retreats.
To stop second (and third, and fourth) guessing myself around whether I’m “qualified” to do such a thing
How this might present itself:
Divine intervention
A post-Shiva Nata epiphany (aka Divine intervention)
A post-Nia ephiphany (see above)
Someone I know could ask me to teach a class or lead a retreat
Someone I don’t know could read this and ask for same
My dates available and dates that space is available at the local retreat center could line up, and all my friends would volunteer to come be my guinea pigs when I present the idea
Some way that I totally can’t see through this fog
My commitment:
To keep preparing the work: the dancing, the arting, the brain research that connects the two, etc. while I’m waiting
To pursue those things that present themselves even if it scares me like crazy
Hi Havi,
Don’t all the major religions have some version of “Ask and you shall receive”? Without going into the “Law of Attraction” stuff (which I don’t really like, either), thinking and writing down the one (or other small number) of things that you truly need, thinking and writing about possibilities, seems to bring about a certain clarity.
I’ve discovered, after living with my spouse for nearly 14 year (Anniversary on Wednesday. Yay!) that even knowing each other as well as we do, I have to tell him what I want and need from him. Such as “I don’t want solutions right now, dear, I need sympathy and a hug, because I’m feeling down.” or “I’m trying very hard not to nag or criticize and please don’t take it that way, but I need to tell you about an action of yours that’s bothering me. Can we peacefully find a resolution?”
Ask and you shall receive.
So in that spirit, here’s what I need: I’m two terms away from finishing my Master of Arts, and we’re seriously running low on funds. I’ve been trying to find a job, but with not much success. So I need to turn it around. I need income, period.
How this might happen: Someone might offer me a job. Someone might offer me some writing, editing, or possibly teaching work, even if it is temporary. Some other opportunity might come up.
My Committment: To be open to any and all possibilities, rather than fixating on a job. To in the meantime pursue what I’m passionate about, and trust that it will bring me what I need before something really untoward happens, such as bankruptcy.
Cheers, everyone.
My personal ad #1
I would like to delve deeper into the connection I have with my blog followers. I feel that I need to tap into the energy they are communicating to me through their comments, visits to the site, content they seem most intrigued by and so on.
How This Might Happen:
I will draw up a clearer mission and then center every post around that. I purchased a dry erase board this morning so that I can brainstorm how to fulfill the needs of my reader in a visual way. Being in the art world has made me a very VISUAL LEARNER.
My Commitment:
Be flexible at all costs. I will not assume that mistakes won’t happen along the way. Hindsight is 20/20.
Feels good to say this. Thanks, Have et al.
I will *definitely* read your more extensive post on Very Personal Ads when you write it! And I will be *patient* until it’s ready, you’re ready, and it’s written.
I am observing with interest the resistance I am having to doing this. It totally makes sense to me that this would work and yet my emotional reaction adds “it works for *everyone but me*”. I find that I am afraid to do an ad because whatever I ask for, I’ll get the opposite, and probably in a painful way.
So I think I’m going to have to try it out with some smallish thing that would still be noticeable when it happens. Sort of overwhelmed at the moment, what with the domino-effect financial shitstorm my husband and I are facing now, so hard to think what to choose. Will continue pondering and hope to have maybe a couple by your next invitation to post VPAs.
.-= Anna-Liza´s last post … Mr. Pollyanna Is Playing with Fire. Again. Come Watch! =-.
Dear Universe,
I’m trying really hard not to hold a grudge that I still haven’t found the perfume of my dreams, or indeed any perfume at all, but I’m willing to let bygones be bygones, because I need something much, much bigger from you over the next couple of weeks, and I can see that you might have been shepherding your resources in preparation for this request, which, being the Universe, you could totally see coming.
Please, dear Universe, I need the following superpowers over the next two weeks:
Shao-lin Organizational Skills, so that I’m on top of all the prep, scheduling, and management of three people going back to (three different)schools–with associated supplies ($672 worth of nursing school textbooks!), music lessons, bento-box preferences, and forms to be signed.
Inexhaustible Stamina, so that I don’t mind not sleeping while anyone needs me to stay up and talk through the hypomania while the new medication takes hold.
Power to Emit a Cloud of Enveloping Calm and Orderly Peacefulness, to de-escalate all the tension being generated around the house.
And that whole White Tornado-Whoosh-The-House-Is-Clean-The-Laundry-Is-Done-The-Cookies-Are-Made-and-Everything-Smells-So-Nice deal would also come in handy.
Finally, I’d like the power to keep anything drastic or complicated from happening at work, or else the power to bilocate. You can decide, dear Universe. And I’ll give them back gladly, and relapse into mild-mannered me when I don’t need them quite so much.
Also, don’t forget everybody else here.
.-= Melynda´s last post … Project Project Gutenberg: The Devil’s Paw =-.
Hello everyone. This is itself the answer to an unpublished want ad of mine. I am deeply grateful for the chance to ask for what I want. I’ve had to learn to do this over many years. So,here goes. I’ve got three. Thanks for patiently reading.
A Good Part Time Job
Here’s what I want:
I am looking for work that will allow me to pay my share of housing costs and eat the necessary amount of food to be healthy. Having this would free me up to pay the best attention to fulfilling my true purpose in life and allow me to have time to work out.
I want part time work, no more that 25 hours per week. I need to take home $350 a week. My gifts include childcare, organization, leadership, problem solving, teaching (I’m an excellent tutor), concretizing visions, kindness, and clarity. I am looking to be a help to anyone who is humane and patient with a sense of humor and an open attitude.
Here’s how I want to get them:
I’d like it to come to me easily and with harm to none. Otherwise, I am open to how I get this.
Ways they could come to me:
This could come to be by someone reading this and thinking that I am someone who can be of help to them; or a friend of someone reading this (or the friend of a friend).
My commitment:
My commitment to this is to work with diligence and integrity and to be profoundly grateful for the chance to support myself while I pursue my greater dream.
Patrons/Investors for The Nine Project
Here’s what I want:
I want compassionately engaged patrons and investors for my project, The Nine. I want someone who wants to bring about the change in children’s perceptions of themselves that I seek to bring about through The Nine. I want someone who wants to be an important part of bringing this about and can buy into the vision and enhance it.
Here’s how I want to get them:
I want someone to visit my blog site to learn more about what The Nine is about or my promotional site and contact me to know more about what I intend to do.
Ways they could come to me:
I would love to be a guest on a podcast devoted to spiritual ideas and endeavors.
My commitment:
To work diligently with anyone who can be engaged in bringing this world changing vision into reality and to share the blessings freely with all who enlist in this endeavor.
A logo for The Nine
Here’s what I want:
I am seeking a graphic artist to create a logo for The Nine, who is willing to delay payment or provide this work without money compensation.
Here’s how I want to get them:
I would like this to come easily to me and with harm to none.
Ways they could come to me:
I can see someone who is talented but untested who would like to add to their portfolio. Or an established graphic artist who likes to or wants to do a charitable piece of work for a project related to the spiritual lives of children.
My commitment:
As with a patron or investor I am committed to work diligently with anyone who can be engaged in bringing this world changing vision into reality and to share the blessings freely with all who enlist in this endeavor.
.-= Diana aka Sojournerjoy´s last post … Trying to Make it Real Compared to What (Installment 2) =-.
Feeling overwhelmed about my life needing a lot of fixes, patches, changes, organizations, etc. Everything from regular exercise, to getting over this sickness that I’ve had for longer than I’m normally sick, to getting a reasonable to-do list structure that I can trust enough to use enough to make it work, to making sure that I actually have it within me to commit to things and structures in my life, etc.
Looking for some clarity about how to do that in a way that WILL work for me, especially how to feel organized and able to tackle it piece by piece, rather than just staring in passive horror at the tangled mess of it all.
It might come through a friend sharing a solution, or many friends sharing many solutions
It might come in a moment of sheer wonderful insight
It might fall into place through me taking my attention away from it and getting on with other things
It might come about through some sort of opening or change in the structure of my life
I might realize that I’m actually OK and this is all in my head and human beings are like this
My committment:
Given an insight or a structure, I’ll get started on the work. Until then, I won’t make myself feel wretched about having a big tangled mess of stuff going on. I also won’t overload the system trying to make every change under the sun… I’ll respect the hard work I’m doing and try to keep the load light enough to make some progress. I will try so hard to be patient with myself.