Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my weekly ritual. Yay, ritual!
Doing things slightly (okay, very) differently.
Not the usual way of two or three things I’m working on, broken down into what I want, ways it might work, and whatever I’m committing to.
But more like my ask for a place to live. Or that awkward love letter to a possible retreat space. Or my somewhat less awkward love letter to the Kitchen Table.
I also wrote a bunch of stuff that was crazy-meta, because I have been musing about the relationship between internal and external asks, and didn’t do a very good job of clarifying with Claire’s question last week.
So I’ve been trying to document some of the components of the ask … as I ask it. That will have to be its own post, though. Because this one is long. For now, just assume that the purpose of this ask is me getting clarity on what is needed, so that the next steps can happen in whatever way they need to happen.
Dear Destuckification Playground,
My love.
You do not know that you exist yet.
Or maybe you do know.
But I dream of you at night. And I dream of you during the day. And I am so ready for us to meet.
What I know about you.
You are a space.
A space for me and my duck to have some of our wacky events and workshops. To do magic in. To hold things that are strange and transformative and beautiful.
You are special.
You are more than special. You are kooky and strange and marvelous in every way.
You live in a building that is unique. Nothing strip-mall-ey about you. You are one of a kind. And you know it.
More about what you are like and what it is like to be with you.
Your floor is either wood or carpeted. It is easily cleaned.
We can do Old Turkish Lady yoga and non-sucky yoga and unbelievable Shiva Nata madness.
You are — or contain — a wide open space of at least 875 square feet (bigger = yay), without obstruction.
You have the perfect spot for our stage.
You have a lovely bathroom, that is easy to take care of.
The light is beautiful. It is pleasant to be near you.
You are infused with good.
Where you are.
So. You live in Portland, Oregon. Preferably in Northeast.
You are either right near the Kennedy School (Concordia = ideal), so we can put people up … or you are somehow huge enough that we can house people onsite.
You are on a quiet street. Quiet is good. But we still need to be able to stomp around and play music and stuff without getting on anyone’s nerves.
Pluses. We don’t have to have these things but we’d really like them.
You know what would be great?
A closet. That we could use as the Angel Refueling Station (which is kind of like a place to hide or to practice not being seen, or at least having an invisibility cloak).
Light. Safety.
Comfort. Possibility.
Welcoming. Grounding.
Playful. And silly.
Joyful. And wondrous.
A place where I feel like I belong.
Important things.
You are a space that is all about possibility.
Which means that I have a lot of room to do creative, interesting, unexpected things.
This is not about being a studio. You won’t be a yoga studio or a Dance of Shiva space. This isn’t meant to be a place that has regular classes.
It’s meant to be magical. And special things will happen there when they happen.
You are private. You are for my people. You are not visible to anyone who isn’t invited.
You can move between identities but you are always about play. Sometimes you will be a Biggification Playground. Sometimes you will be a Right People playground. Sometimes you will be a Shivanautical playground. A Writing Letters to Elephants playground.
It will all be awesome.
How this could work.
I don’t know. I don’t even know if you are for lease or for sale.
Nor do I know exactly how we’re going to work this.
Luck? Magic? Crazy coincidence?
Maybe someone who reads this blog knows about you. Maybe you are a space that can no longer be what it used to be (a church? a community center?) and there is now an opening.
Maybe one of our friends or connections has a something.
We can either afford you or something cool happens so the necessary money shows up … or something else entirely.
I’m going to focus on what it’s going to be like to be connected to you, and figure out the rest as things begin to move.
My commitment.
To love you.
To be patient. To appreciate everything about you.
We will fill this space with fabulousness. We will dance up a storm. We will do silly games and non-silly rituals.
You will be a place where the air is different. Where the accumulated effects of yoga and sound and meditation and quality goofing off will create a resonance of everything is better here.
We will never take ourselves too seriously, but we will always treat you with respect and love.
We will hang the pirate wheel. We will toast you with pirate-ey drinks.
We will keep the energy clear. We will de-gunk regularly. And infuse you with belonging.
You are loved and adored already. Just for existing. Even if right now you only exist in my head. I love you.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
More information about my Big Crazy Idea (see above), despite some frustration. And having a better relationship with the frustration.
More movement — the good kind — on the furniture thing. I actually bought things that totally count as furnishings. And then we rearranged some stuff.
And now our couch is in the kitchen and that makes me very happy.
I also asked for a peaceful solution to the problem that doesn’t seem to have a solution, and it totally resolved itself for the meantime. Awesome and unexpected.
Comment Zen. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking for stuff by being more specific about what I would like to receive in the comments.
Here’s what I want (just leave them in the comments):
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
- If you live in Portland and you think you might have met my Playground space, please let me know!
- Celebrating with me for this wonderful thing that I want!
What I would really rather not have:
- Reasons why this might not work. This is not the time or the place for that one.
- Practical concerns (“you realize you need X type of insurance because –“). Again, there will be a time. This isn’t it.
- Anything that is going to be a downer.
- Reality theories. I don’t like words like “manifestating”. For me, this is a clarity practice and an asking practice and a “hey, what am I learning about my relationship to wanting things?” practice.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged or psychoanalyzed.
- Advices.
Oh, and I’ll add to that: If you happen to be related to me: as with everything else on this blog but more so, this isn’t open for discussion unless I specifically bring it up and ask what you think. Thanks.
My commitment.
I am committing to getting better at asking for things even when asking is uncomfortable and hard. Whenever I ask, I learn more about what I need and where I get stuckified. It’s all useful information.
Thanks for doing this with me!
As you describe the place my *upstairs* lights up.
The space of the space you describe is magic.
Just describing it helps me, reminds me of sacredness.
(Don’t know if you know, but I trained and ‘registered’ as a space clearing practitioner with Karen Kingston. Space in spaces was my *thing* for a long time.)
My ask:
That I am more of a tortoise than a hare for the next few months.
Remembering. Not believing panic. Trying it *just for now*.
Thanks, Havi, your writing is a source of reminding and permission that truly helps me live *my* life, and be more me.
.-= Andrew Lightheart´s last post … The One Freak-Out Rule =-.
An update on my search for a tenant/buyer:
– finally got the courage to email a former client who is in the commercial real estate business.
– he responded promptly and said to hold off selling unless it is absolutely necessary.
– he gave me the number of one of his associates to call for some creative suugestions.
– I called and left a message.
– some phone tag but then we talked and I got some good ideas on where to place ads.
– also advice on what type of businesses would be interested in a rent to own situation.
– late last week my current tenant asked to stay 2 more months.
Hooray! That buys me some time and gets me through the semester!!
My request is:
you are a small law firm, accounting firm, insurance broker or appraiser looking for a building on a main street that is easy to find. You enjoy nature and like a quiet working environment that puts you clients at ease.
I am a responsive seller/landlord who just wants a fair price. I will rent back the small suite, basement and 1 garage space until I complete my dissertation in 2012.
I commit to taking one small step per week. This week I will calculate the sq ft of the space.
so excited for the future dork dancing and arm-flailing (oh, and giggling) playground!
.-= Jacquelyn´s last post … How e-bakery got its Sprinkles =-.
Havi, thank you for sharing your irresistible, inspiring love-letter to your Playground! May it find you in perfect timing…
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … When It’s Freezing in February =-.
I am so excited for this playground. SO EXCITED. Notarizing your love letter, plus an addendum, if I might! If possible, a direct train line between my flat in San Francisco and the playground in Portland-area would be ideal. With cushion-y red velvet seats and free Peets coffee. And an on-board library filled with books I keep meaning to read again, like Anne of Green Gables. Can’t wait!
.-= Kelly Parkinson´s last post … Why I love guts =-.
Skates: I would like to discover a great pair of skates.
Now, this is harder than it sounds, since like most small business owners, I am pretty awful at spending money on things that aren’t the business. Also, it’s hard to justify buying roller skates in the winter: I mean, skating in my kitchen sounds silly, but also kind of neat. But at the same time, something about these skates feels important, like it’s a step back to the fitness level and life happiness level that I’ve been craving.
Ways This Could Happen:
I could magically find someone with a pair of great derby skates with outdoor wheels that wants a cheap price.
I can try and resolve my stucknesses involving money, or get to a place where I feel like I have enough of a safety net that I can start buying things for fun.
My Commitment:
To keep exercising so I can keep working towards my goals and resolve general body stuckness.
To keep an open mind about timing, and feel like when I find the right pair of skates, it will happen.
.-= Holly´s last post … The Top Five Website Copy Mistakes =-.
@Kelly — ooh, magic train. LOVE.
@Gadgetgirl — I may borrow your “committing to one step for now” thing, that is super helpful.
@Andrew — exactly, space in spaces.
Kisses to all and lots of good wishes for all your Very Personal Ads. Yay!
You should be at Hollyhock. It’s not in Portland, but still you should be here:
Your playground sounds wonderful (in an I’m wondering how much a plane ticket to Portland is kind of way). I’m looking forward to seeing it come into existance.
Now that I’ve thankfully recovered some energy I want to work on a stuck that came up a while ago. I might try talking to it, journalling, but most of all not hating myself for it and being convinced that it’s yet another proof I’m a complete idiot.
I also want to stop putting off telling someone I need to step down from something. I know that the longer I leave it, the worse it will be, but…. Again, I know part of me’s putting it off because it sees this as a defeat that equals failure, and nasty personness. And then I beat myself up about that too. So I’m just going to be kind to myself to other, and if I need a couple of days to think of a letter in my head, then that’s fine.
.-= Jane´s last post … Winter Light =-.
Your playground sounds sooooo magical. I hope it comes to you soon and with ease!
I am open to lots of calming, soothing energy to enfold me. I dont care where it comes from so long as it comes softly, gently. People could send me reiki. I could ask for it. I could try more acupressure.
I could try and clear more space in my flat so that eventually I will start meditating or at least doing some relaxation exercises. But slowly slowly as always.
I’d like a bit more reassurance from people around me really. Although if they can’t give it I am committed to giving it to myself! I could find myself around people who both empathise and reassure me that they believe in me and can see a good future for me ahead, the one I dream about – even if reality is kinda clashing with my dream space right now.
All in all I would like to feel calm, grounded, hopeful.
I need to stretch. I need to find ways to do stuff I love doing and look after myself at the same time.
I probably need to look at this pattern some more.
I’m committed to doing small things which bring this into my awareness. Because the truth is I’m not sure all of me is ready to give up the giddy and slightly stressy overwhelming feelings that come up when you really begin to think you can have a good life!
Other stuff
I got feedback about the boundaries I have created around my very new (and messy little) blog. What I asked for, or requested, was totally ignored by a couple of people. I got sucked or suckered into justifying myself.
I need to find ways to remind myself that I really don’t need to explain myself. I trust myself enough right now not to care that they totally missed the point. So it’d be great to find a way to be kind but clear and ensure that people don’t dump their stuff at my door. Hmmm.
I wrote a wee VPA on my blog a few weeks back. As a result a few good souls got in touch and it just made me feel excited, supported and hopeful. People did their connecting mouse thing and I thought – wow amazing. Lovely, lovely, unexpected supportiveness.
.-= Leila Lloyd-Evelyn´s last post … Stumbling, falling, starting over. =-.
Oh, Havi’s playground! You are indeed loved and adored already! And now, you not only exist in her head, but in ours too. I can’t wait to meet you!
.-= Josiane´s last post … Taking action instead of resolving to do so =-.
I have a young guest for a week, the daughter of friends, who wants to improve her French grades and I volunteered to work with her. I have no experience whatsoever with teenage girls so I am asking to find a good way to make her attention span for French grammar exercises maybe not as long as her attention span for Facebook but about as long. I am asking to be a good motivator and to have fun with her.
I am asking for mutual access to and respect of our respective worlds.
@Andrew: like the tortoise and hare thing; I had a hare morning and definitely ask for more tortoise.
May all your VPAs show their effect, have a wonderful week everyone. See you for the chicken!
First, I love PDX anyway, but I would totally love it even more if it had A PLAYGROUND. So, some more juice on that one.
Next: update!
I pulled together everything I needed for my bookkeeper’s visit and we are DUNZO for the year. She also said I did it gracefully, which blew my mind, since it looked pretty clunky and horrid and duct-taped to me. But hey, she oughta know, and I’ll take it!
I yam still on a clarity search rather than an Actual Item Hunt, so I’ll stick with doings for my VPA.
What I want: My perfect new card for SXSW.
Ways it could work: Copywriter fairies? Tagline elves? I’m open!
My commitment: Same as last week, b/c I am in a time of not-doing: To get plenty of good sleep. To keeping a pen/paper by my bed and other recording device on my person at all times. To doing Nei Kung as early on in the day as I can stand.
All blessed thankfulness to the beneficent universe. Also, “Hi, Selma! Teddelia sends regards!”
.-= Colleen Wainwright´s last post … What can you do during the not-doing? =-.
I’m new to your site, I can’t even recall how I stumbled upon you but this is the right stuff. Thank you!
I was reading about the Red Velvet Rope, which is about boundaries, but it’s also very close to the chinese story about the Red Thread, about connections and laws of attraction. You know of it? That’s been my way of thinking and I’m going to add in the Rope to compliment my Thread. I have threads AND ropes, dammit.
BTW, I’m really loving the dammit list. So cleansing.
Here’s a love letter to my office…
I want you, we belong together. You are the place where I can find the calm and retreat to create and think.
The important parts:
You have a WINDOW, dammit. You let in light and allow me to be a part of the world, yet apart from the world. You have a frigging door. With a sign. Not sure what the sign says yet, but there is a sign.
You have a desk— a just right longish desk. Files beneath. Not a load of books but a few. You have my writing and art supplies. A standing counter- not long but enough to paint at when I don’t feel like writing.
Other bits:
It will be respected as a place for me. My refueling station AND my place to practice not being seen AND my invisibility cloak (I love the idea of the invisibility cloak to hide from my wee children).
The ways it could work.
I need to make it part of the plan that we are drafting now. I need to say what I need. I need to be unapologetic.
My commitment to you:
I will design you.
I will protect you from intruders.
You will be my favorite place to be alone.
Much good will come from you.
The last time I wrote a VPA here (even a day late!), it happened in ONE day. So let’s give this another try!
My ask: 6 more students in my Rock the Real World classes. (classes about selling crafty goodness in the “real” world, craft shows + bricks+mortar shops: )
Why: Because I am pouring everything I know about rocking craft shows and everything I’ve learned owning a bricks+mortar shop into 4 hours on the phone with people who *need* this.
Because I know that people have these questions. And that I can help.
Because I know that branching into real world sales can take some (many!) people out of their soul-sucking dayjobs.
Because I want to help these people and this is the best way I’ve found to help them out of the soul-sucking and into the crafting.
How this could work:
Students could come from the places I’ve shared it.
Already-registered students could tell their friends.
Some maybe-students could decide this is right for them.
I could become inspired to share this is new and different places.
My promise:
To pour my heart into this.
To share everything I can.
To answer all questions.
To hold a very silly, very fun class that encourages and uplifts.
To remember the *overwhelm* and to help ease it.
.-= Tara´s last post … Growing with Craft Shows =-.
I think that I might love your playground, just from the description. I am excited for you two to find each other!
Update on last time, which was actually two times ago: I asked for a bunch of stuff to nourish my brand new vision of my thing. I did two big things: solved logistics and technical things and photo angst to take and edit and place my perfect header, and wrote a piece for publication that I’d been putting off. Hooray! Also, I finally accomplished some space-cleaning-up I’ve been asking about for MONTHS.
So this time, what I need is a new metaphor, because I just figured out that the way I’m thinking about a particular thing in my life is as waiting for rejection or acceptance, and that is not any fun.
It is essential that this metaphor feel good to me. I would like it to also not feel too terrible to the other person involved, if that can happen.
It has to happen by magic, because my thinking brain has no more helpful thoughts on this right now. Fortunately for me, I’m a witch, so that means I have some specific ways of inviting magic on particular topics.
So I’ll use them, and then there will be a new metaphor, and then we will be on to the crazy creative goodness!
Oh Havi, your playground sounds wonderful. I definitely second your ad, I want to see it become real, too. The only problem is that I live too far away to give it personal and in-person love…
My VPA is for an employer. Money is coming in way to slowly compared to bills and expenses and everything, despite everything we do to try to keep the expenses down.
I keep getting nibbles and interviews and every time, the fit isn’t right, or something seems to derail it.
I’m a weird, generalist researcher/writer/editor with a huge amount of education and an awesome ability to understand and explain technical things, pull data together and see how it all fits together, to write explain-y, viewpoint altering articles, chapters, lessons and other write-y bits.
I need an employer who gets what I can do, and values it. Who will turn to me and say “You’re exactly who I need, let me load you down with work!” That I can develop an awesome relationship with for huge mutual benefit. As an employee, or a contractor, I’m open about the legal details.
Thanks for this space, Havi. This is much more positive than growling and muttering uselessly to myself.
Oh my goodness, a playground! Even though in my under-caffeinated state I feel like I am swimming through cotton, I am big time exuberant about this playground!
I haven’t settled on a VPA for this week, but I felt like it would be some blend of ungrateful + incongruent to not report on last week’s ask for clarity… because wow, the grace and utter hugeness of the clarity I received is blowing me away.
And because this space has happy magic; I don’t think I would have held up to my commitment if it hadn’t been for posting here, and the extra Shiva’ing made all the difference. Yay for VPAs!
.-= Briana´s last post … More adventures in snobbery =-.
Seconding Andrew’s comment – the magicalness of your playground space is palpable, and wonderful, and it made my heart happy just to glimpse it. I can’t wait to hear more about it as the relationship unfolds bit by bit, like an ongoing bedtime story.
.-= Tracy´s last post … On Mark-Making: Post-It Notes from the Universe =-.
Love letter. What an lovely, yummy idea. I’m going to write a love letter to my ask this week. *giddy dancing and giggling*
I’m now hooked on VPA’s. last week I made significant progress on my ask.
.-= Deanna´s last post … Code is poetry- does that make it art? =-.
The playground sounds awesome, somewhere I’d like to visit if I could swing it. Bon chance!
I look forward to your future musings on asks. After reading your current one, I felt initially more confused about the process but now less so. The internal and external are intertwined, with a symbiotic relationship under ideal circumstances. When the internal and external are unbalanced, an ask focusing on either can provide information to restore balance. If you’re paying attention. And looking for balance. An evolving theory at any rate.
Update: Kathleen’s suggestion of “Green Man” for the word I was looking for was right on. Thanks again!
This week: I’d like to accomplish some things despite how much of the Olympics I’ve been watching/will watch. Conversely, I don’t want to feel bad about getting swept up in the excitement of the games. Just because I haven’t been as interested in the winter sports in the past doesn’t mean I can’t be pulled into them now.
So, some laser beam focus for getting things done during periods of reprieve; i.e., hockey, figure skating, and NBC’s loads of jibber-jabber; would be good. Time for the rest I accept because it inspires and amazes me. I am a sports fan two weeks every two years. It’s allowed, dammit!
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook, page 3 =-.
I am sending so many happy space vibrations your way….I’ve never been to Portland but I am picturing your space and it is COMING to you!!!
Much love,
Playground? Playground! *bounce bounce bounce*
That’s a very exciting idea. It reminds me of a daydream I’ve had, off and on, for a few years now: to own a place by the sea where I could host classes/workshops/retreats. Love it!
Quick update on last week’s VPA: It took a few days, but we did get someone to help us get un-snowbound. Whew!
This week…wow…
I have a big ask, so big that it feels like Athena trying to burst from my forehead. So big that it’s hard to get clarity, hard to ask coherently. So, here: let me just throw some paint on the VPA canvas, and call this something that I would like to ask for:
Creative sovereignty.
I have had it up to here with any “shoulds” intruding on my creative work and my creative identity. They sneak in like — like sneaky skulking things. With my PhD, especially, it is so hard to find the “want to” being smothered by “gotta, have to, supposed to, should, must, better do it or else…”
But it isn’t just school stuff. It creeps in everywhere. I must have some misguided inner alchemist who can spin dreams into drudgery before I know what’s happened.
And it is really, really hard to be the whole-hearted, biggified creative artist that I want to be with all of that crap muddying the well.
Creative sovereignty. Somehow, I need to turn that yoke into a crown.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Snowbound artist date =-.
Dear sadness,
I hear that you like living in me very much. You must find me a very comfortable home to have stayed for so long. I’m grateful that you’ve had a place to hide. Sometimes we all need a place to hide.
My request is that you go outside and play in the snow and the sunshine and the trees for a while. That you remember how it feels to play. To laugh for no reason. To feel the life in your belly.
How this could work
I could wake up, see the orangey morning light coming though the windows and have my sleepy self be inspired to get up and play with the rays of sun. Maybe glitter pens and glue and pictures find their way into my hands and I find myself playing on the page. Maybe playful invites fly unexpectedly through the mail slot or land in my in box or magically appear in my phone. Or so much more delight.
My commitment to you
I won’t leave you or reject you. I will do my best to accept you, perhaps even love you. And I will attune my magic senses to the whispery winds of playful, wonder-full, magical invitations.
@Jen – that is one hell of a *beautiful* Very Personal Ad. Waving to your sadness and sending it and you love. Wow. Thank you for the inspiration.
@Kat – *BOUNCE*
Exactly. This is a Tigger sort of place too.
KISSES to all of you. You rock. These get me through the week. Seriously.
p.s. hey colleen … Tedelia??
Hello, Perfect Little Job.
I saw you in the want ads. You are perfect for me, and I am perfect for you. I want you.
I’ve been looking for a job for a very long time. Things are getting desperate, and I will take any job I am offered. But I want you.
You are part-time, yet you pay well enough to cover all my living expenses. You will allow me to have time to pursue my Thing, without having to worry so much about money.
You are during the part of the day I work best. You are in a quiet place that makes me feel calm and safe.
You are doing something that I love. Something that I used to do all the time but haven’t gotten to do in several years. Something that I have missed.
Something that I would do for free, just because I enjoy it. But I really need a job, Perfect Little Job, so I am glad you are a job instead of an opportunity to volunteer. I can’t believe you pay twice as much as other jobs I’ve applied for that I know I wouldn’t enjoy.
I will be good at you. I *am* good at you. I have done this before, for years and years. You will help me by keeping me financially safe, and you will allow me to help other people. I love being helpful.
I will appreciate you, Perfect Little Job. I will not take you for granted. I will love you and be grateful to you and for you. I will try my best to be my best me for you.
And Perfect Cover Letter? For the Perfect Little Job? Please come find me. Help me write you. Help my personality and experience shine through while still being professional. Help me get an interview. Help me get the Perfect Little Job.
Thank you, Havi, for creating this space for us and for our asks.
.-= Rachel´s last post … The Bakery Analogy: Or, Why I’m Emily, Even Though My Name Is Rachel =-.
And now the Playground will have a Booty Cave, I hope! Where we can all roll around in our bountiful spoils and be abundant!
An update on my VPA from a few weeks ago: The Powers That Be have decided NOT to form a search committee to replace me, they love me and want me to stay and were very constructive about finding ways to Help Me Fix The Problem that they thought was My Fault! Aaaawwwwwwww yesssssss.
Ask and ye shall receive! (i before e except after c)
Still thinking about my ask for this week, may just roll around in the glory of this answer for a while!
WOOOOT! Love and kisses to all askers!
.-= chicsinger simone´s last post … royal eagle valentine bonbon brooch =-.
Hello again lovely VPA space! I’m getting addicted to you. Because you seem to be WORKING! Interesting. And I keep VPAing about the same *thing*, which I will do here again today.
Dear *thing*. I love you. You are wonderful the way that you are unfolding in such an unexpected and easy way. So much bigger already than expected! Wow. What I would really like, is if you could reveal yourself to me tomorrow. That would be wonderful. And I would like it to be beyond my expectations. The *thing* that I don’t even dare to believe. Yes you.
What I want: I would really like it if my *thing* actually came to be tomorrow. Things were offered and I like, no, love them.
How this could work: “Someone” could call me, and tell me what I want to hear. Or more than I even could hope for. It could all just magically unfold in the lovely way that it has been so far. Truly great.
My commitment: to not forget how fortunate I feel. To have patience. And to continue to ask for what I want.
Thanks everyone. I love this space!
My very first VPA & I find myself a bit afraid to ask for anything. Hello fear, what are you telling me? That asking might mean committing to ‘more’ & feeling overwhelmed? I’m going to ask anyway because dear fears, I can always say no later.
My VPA: I want more cool opportunities to come knocking on my door.
How this could work: I could redo bits of my website to make it more obvious to people what I do. I can keep trusting that this works – I stopped ‘pushing’ at the start of the year & I’ve been offered two cool things already.
My commitment: I’m going to sit with my fears & hold their hands so they learn that it’s safe to ask.
.-= Kirsty Hall´s last post … Quick Update =-.
As I read your letter I could *feel* the space, and almost see it. I can’t wait to cross the country and attend something magical there.
I have to ask a question, this has REALY been bother me.
What is “Old Turkish Lady Yoga?”
Thank you for creating this wonderful online space, and the physical space to come!
.-= Andy Dolph´s last post … Harry Potter The Exhibition – My Review =-.
Yay! I hope you and this space find each other soon, because I live in Portland and would love to come.
In fact – if you are interested in talking to others in Portland about this, you might find a kindred spirit/space over at Zoomtopia on 8th & Belmont ( The dance group tEEth has taken up residence there among others.
But regardless: best of luck! This is exciting.
.-= Faith´s last post … Palm Reading =-.
Maybe these guys have an idea of where to get a pirate ship…
For a minute I was thinking about the Common Grounds Wellness place on 33rd… and then I found out they were actually using their space.
I can’t wait to see where your place turns out to be because it sounds divine!
Update on last VPA – first, second AND third yoga classes went well (it’s been a while since I’ve done a VPA).
It turns out teaching is FUN! Especially when you are very well planned, have your lovely teacher give you feedback on your class plan, and you invite lovely, supportive friends to come take class.
The breathing was good too.
.-= Tami´s last post … Yoga+Music365 (day48) – The Greatest by Cat Power – Handstand Heimlich Edition! =-.
Your description of your Playground sounds fabulous — I really hope you and it find one another!
My VPA for this week… more paid writing opportunities in areas and/or about things that I really want to write about.
How this might work: one or more of the ideas I’ve already sent out there might be picked up. I could find some more ideas that thrill me and some more places that would be perfect to send them. One of my fiction-stories might be accepted, or I might, as I keep on writing, get the perfect match of story, style, and publication.
My commitment: to keep on writing, and to keep on dreaming up ideas and putting them out into the world.
.-= Juliet´s last post … Puppy update! =-.
Perfect job: A great saving the world, make a difference, social or environmental justice styles, web development job in the UK.. maybe even somewhere near Birmingham
How this might work: Someone I know might let me know about a job they’ve heard about. I could find something perfect online somewhere. Someone I’ve never met may somehow find me and let me know about this job. It could turn up in a mailing list I’m on. I could find a great agency and they find it for me. Some other fantastic thing might happen. It might turn out to not even be a ‘job’ in the traditional sense, just something that will support me and engage me 🙂
My commitment: to keep looking, to keep being open to something perfect, to hold the possibility of a perfect job open. To put myself out there and make it known that I’m looking.
.-= Robbie Mackay´s last post … Quote for the day =-.
You ask for group celebrating and I’m celebrating. With you. Right now.
Toasts to the Playground in its becoming. Toasts to you for this vision. Yays for all of us who will have the pleasure of being with you in this space.
I’m there!
My ask:
May the very right person find our very lovely condo outside Dayton, Ohio and want it for their very own because it is exactly the space they need in this exact time of their life.
If they could find it right away that would also be really really excellent.
.-= Maureen Carruthers´s last post … Read less, Do more =-.
“You will be a place where the air is different.”
Mmmm, mmmm, mmmmm. I love this post. What I like best is your Comment Zen — saying straightup what you want to receive and what you’d prefer not receiving. What a great way to ask for help.
Here’s my VPA:
I want a fulfilling lasting relationship with a man who lights me up and who I light up in return. And I want to feel whole and fulfilled right now without that partnership in my life.
Thanks for giving me a place to share this outloud. And I’m excited that your playground now exists. Congratulations.