Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
This week was considerably less like dirt than last week.
But man, I have the tired.
Transitions. And so on. Let’s do the week.
The hard stuff
Those damn dogs.
Between the little yappy one that belongs to neighbor #1 and the giant bark-ey one that belongs to neighbor #2, I’m about to lose my …. temper? Mind? Patience?
Choose one and let me know.
Noise-sensitive + barking + HSP = headaches, nightmarish bad moods and complete inability to think.
I adore dogs. I really, really do. But I can’t take it.
Really anti-social.
Not that I’m ever “social”, per se.
(Oh, understatement. It is the highest form of humor. You can read my post on networking to find out just how badly I need to avoid my fellow human beings).
But this week I just couldn’t even fake it. I avoided my friends. And when I saw them, I wasn’t exactly a joy to be around.
Just really needing a lot of isolation at the moment. More, please.
I am completely and utterly exhausted.
Remember when I said — kind of half-jokingly but not really — that I thought I had vacation deficit?
Well, it’s caught up with me.
Because this week I finally got to the point where I was just not having fun anymore. The point where I had to stop and say okay sweetie, take the mental health week before it takes you.
The point where I could see myself getting wiped out with burnout flu.
The point where if one more person asked me a question, I was going to run away.
The point where … aargh. Okay.
I sat down with my assistant and my calendar, and — with increasing despair on my part, we tried to figure out what would need to happen for me to take a week off. And the earliest we could fit in an entire week was January.
Or right now. Like, tomorrow. Actually, it was not at all easy to cram into the schedule, but it was a choice between make-it-almost-work now or nothing.
I guess that’s as good a segue as anything into the good stuff. Shall we?
The good stuff
I have the best people working for me ever.
So my assistant (you know, the watchstander/bosun) decided to put me on emergency vacation.
She actually put “go on emergency vacation!” at the very top of my to-do list.
And then did all the necessary research and whatnot. And found a quiet place to send me and my gentleman friend away to so that I can at least fall apart somewhere pretty and pastoral.
Apparently I’m not allowed to do anything but rest and read. I bargained with her to be able to still write posts (because that’s my therapy) but the rest is mostly off limits.
Good foods and lovely people.
We went to the Farmers Market (hooray) and ran into Dana and Sarah.
We had dinner with Chris which was absolutely lovely. And his wife made an entire — and completely delicious — sugar-free meal just for me.
My gentleman friend made homemade pasta. And homemade pesto! With hazelnuts! Have I mentioned that I love him?
And Ez made pupusas.
It was the week of yum.
And … STUISMS of the week.
Stu is my paranoid McCarthy-ist voice-to-text software who delights in torturing me misunderstanding me. I can’t stand him.
The gems from this week, including Stu’s acetyl Freudian slips.
Oh, and this week? Instead of “acetyl”, he said asphalt. Even better.
- “tinnitus is to vault” instead of tonight is Shavuot
- “expenses” instead of blintzes
- “wiki guide on that” instead of we geek out on that
- “mayday I would have given it the Czech’s box” instead of maybe I would have given it the chance
- “boner ability” instead of vulnerability
- “making stuff hatpin” instead of making stuff happen
- “who Ray” instead of hooray
- “allied defense” instead of live events
- “creative fizzing” instead of creativity thing
- “you don’t have to be a good idiom” instead of you don’t have to be good at it
- “asian number fun” instead of observation number one
- “I said to my theory-loving gentleman friends” instead of I said to my dear loving gentleman friend
(Love the plural, Stu. Gentleman friends. What are you trying to say? Because really, you could just come out and say it.)
And, my absolute favorite if such a thing is even possible:
- “having a mosque aim wind sheer year and not people get out is quite a plus” instead of having a moth fly into your ear and not be able to get out is quite unpleasant.
Also: His second guess for moth was Hamas and his third guess was en masse. I’m starting to think that Stu doesn’t just hate commies. I think he hates everyone.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
Dude! “boner ability” instead of “vulnerability” THAT is a Freudian slip!
“Boner-ability is good in a relationship”. “Meet yourself at your boner ability”.
Ok, I’m going to stop now before I turn this into the kind of comment where people with *multiple gentleman friends* would hang out!
Taras last blog post..Time to have a yarn-y adventure!
+ Lots of compliments on my hair this week
Decluttered my computer corner
+ The poodle and cat invented a new game – Keep the Cat From Touching Mommy. Good for hours of fun.
+ Friends offering support and help
+ Invited to a high level project at work to represent my global department (300+ people in 8 countries)
+ Did my PT for my shoulder and stopped because I was exhausted, instead of because I was in pain
– Husband now officially diabetic. Consequently, husband having a meltdown and me trying to hold it together.
– Hearing a colleague’s pregnancy announcement nearly made me cry but I had to be happy for her and it hurts so mcuh.
– Home remodeling stuff being all confusing and icky and confrontational. Contractors are so annoying.
– Poodle invented another game – Take Each Thing Out of the Trash and Put it In My Basket. Seriously, it was like a cartoon. She had a paper towel in her basket, I put in in the trash and came back to find her with a box she’d taken out. We had several rounds of this.
Stacys last blog post..Messy desk ⇔ messy mind
Vacation deficit can hit hard! Towards the last few days before I left for Guatemala I was struggling to go in to work, even though I’d only been doing 2 days a week for the last month preparing. But now that I’m almost 4 weeks in, I’m missing my work. Ah well. Its good to ride the other side of that discomfort for a little while, I think.
Bad Stuff:
Accidentally drinking not-so-purified water at a restaurant and losing most of Monday and all of Tuesday (both my wife and I) to fever and terrible stomach problems.
Good Stuff:
Antibiotics are a wonderful thing.
The new place we moved into is AWESOME, with a really chill and amazing other couple (Guatemalan & Hollandese), a private bathroom (just in time for the illness), and a shared computer & internet connection so I can actually read my favorite blogs and write without going to an internet cafe.
kballs last blog post..Lots of time to think
The not so great stuff: Being under-the-weather (aren’t we always under the weather? I mean, technically. The weather is always kind of over us? Bah. Nevermind. 😉 )
The great stuff: Was reminded (again) that I have FABULOUS true friends. And they taught me to say that everyone else can just suck it.
It’s my new mantra.
I’m digging it.
Have a great weekend!
All the best!
Deb Owens last blog post..i’m mad as hell and i’m not gonna take it anymore (anger is a wake up call)
I have to say, “boner ability” is ace. That’s got to be the subject line of a V!@gr@ spam email, somewhere.
In fact, maybe those spammers use Stu to come up with their bizarre ramblings. I wouldn’t doubt it.
fatnutritionists last blog post..Holier-than-thou, and getting holier.
There goes my weekend!
I think “Creative fizzing” for “creativity thing” is a riot. I don’t know why.
I definitely need to learn something from Havi and take a vacation soon. I am starting to get seriously burned out!
The good: Survived the week. Made progress. Completed some tasks. And actually did some blogging (hurray!)
The hard: Collections. I really hate bugging customers for money. Maybe I should hire an enforcer.
And my computer mouse died. And of course, I couldn’t find the right kind of replacement. Apparently you can’t buy desktop bluetooth mice anymore, the technology has moved on and left me behind. Lame. (I did buy a non-bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse instead. The mouse is fine, and I’m getting used to the keyboard. Slowly.)
Avonelle Lovhaugs last blog post..Avoiding the cone of silence
I am glad you are getting an emergency vacation. 🙂
I am running two programs this week; it has been emotional whiplash and I need Ouiser in a bad way. (Steel Magnolias reference)
The hard:
The hardest of the hard, my uncle passed away on Sunday. He was 82 years young, willing to learn and listen, even if he didn’t agree with you, and while his body aged, his mind never did. Now my dad is the only sibling left, the “king of us” as my mom and I said to him. Uneasy lies the crown. The baby will have to grow up (Daddy is the youngest of 4). The funeral was yesterday.
The good:
The good is really really good, while at the SAQA conference last week, I spoke with a collector who specializes in water imagery. Anything that has to do with water. I handed him my postcard with Gaffney SC on it (a water tower in the shape of a peach), and he told me his brother lives down the road from that water tower! He said he will look at my work when he gets back from his family reunion.
I also uploaded and was approved for a 1000 Markets shop, which is through Amazon. All I need to worry about is creating and uploading the work, and order fulfillment. Payments are taken care of on site. And unlike Etsy, you don’t need to be a member to buy.
I have been getting great feedback from my show at the Casa Nueva restaurant here in town. My group and I hang our library show tomorrow.
I’m taking the weekend off as well (once the show is hung), because this week has been very intense. I hope everyone here has a great weekend!
Andis last blog post..Can You Help Me Out?
Bad stuff:
– A cold on top of peak allergies. Sinus-med-induced brain fog ensues.
– Insane winds kept knocking out power. Not great for productivity. But at least my computer’s new battery back-up worked, which is more than I can say for the last one I owned.
Good stuff:
– Scored a fantastic display venue for our next Downtown Artwalk: brand new music studio on Main Street eagerly awaits my musical instrument images. Match made in heaven!
– My husband passed his LEED exam – yay! I hadn’t seen him this cranky since he was writing his thesis 20 years ago. Not that I should ever talk about cranky…
– I’m doing a one-on-one photo workshop this weekend for a home-school student. Architectural studies at an old fort with cool, creepy tunnels and fabulous views of the Penobscot River. Can’t wait!
“Boner ability,” huh? Are you sure you should have named him Stu and not Beavis?
I hope you have a wonderful, restful time vacating. Yes, that is the word I meant to use; Stu is not helping me. Go, vacate! 🙂
Liz Grandmaisons last blog post..Asticou Gardens
Hello! This is my first helping of Friday Chicken, and I fully intend that it won’t be my last!
The hard: Low, low energy this week. Dragging myself from place to place, ever more slo-o-o-owly with each passing day.. Also, which is worse, I let thus be my excuse to wiggle out working on my PhD projects this week.
The good: Each time I suit up and show up *despite* feeling lousy, I learn that I can still do radiant work with my music therapy clients. I don’t have to feel good or be “ready”; simply being present is enough.
Also, an especcially good week with my daughter, who is wise and wonderful and growing all the time!
Thanks, Havi, for creating this space. I’m fairly nee to your blog, and very happy to have discovered it.
I wish you a refreshing and restorative vacation. I hope you’ve also blocked out that week in January for vacation time!
Some of the bad:
– Not getting around to doing many of the things I’d have liked to do, and being a bit frustrated because of that.
Some of the good:
– Some stucknesses seem to have shifted a tiny little bit, and I have been able to make my project move forward a little more.
– My gentleman friend is back!
– We signed up for a summerful of yummy veggies from a CSA farm owned by the nicest farmers!
Josianes last blog post..When life hands you lemons *and* makes the lemonade
I worry about the mind behind Stu. I really do. I bet he has a volcano somewhere in the Pacific.
I don’t even want to go there with the hard right now. It’s just there and I’m going to leave it where it is for the time being.
Joely Blacks last blog post..TGIAD 32: The reckoning
The good:
Finally getting around to cleaning my studio. So messed up I can’t work. So I decided that, instead of a vacation, I’d clean “mole land” (aka the basement where I work and never see the light of day, which is bad for a photographer).
Selling our old dishwasher for cash money and getting it of my working space. Score-O!!
The bad:
Not getting ANY new work done. Bad, bad, bad.
Rainy days Tuesday, Wednesday and most of Thursday. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. (Sorry). So there went the week.
So glad you are taking some rest time off Havi. You deserve it. And thanks for the laughs. Boner ability was my fave too.
Happy Trails!
james Parkers last blog post..Scouting the Grand Canyon
The good:
Took a short RESTival (far less “shoulding” when it’s a RESTival than a “vacation” for me). Used the holiday day and two more days to escape the 5th Circle of Hell for a short bit.
Cleaned the fish pond! Yes, sounds like work, but now I can see the little fishies swimming around and around, plus one of the water lilies bloomed after the cleaning.
Time with my SBH. Best. Thing. Ever.
The less-good:
Had to return to the 5th Circle yesterday and today. Ick. Between Pam Slim and Naomi, I’m bound and determined to change this.
Friend for whom I was doing a favor turned said favor into demands during the RESTival. Had to deal with that. Ick.
Havi, I hope your RESTival is filled with glorious nothingness! 🙂
christys last blog post..Boundaries – and Communicating Them
Yeah, i’m with everyone. Boner ability? As in, “Dude, could you show a little more heart and boner ability, man?” Oh my. Perverse joy. Thanks, Stu.
So happy you are getting a week of vaca. That is just vunder-bar. That would be Stu. Viz a Gehman accent. And then you could read it in German and it’d sound like fun-der-bar. And who couldn’t use some fun on a vaca. Oh my.
Heidi Fischbachs last blog post..Wearing less. Like a skimpy, sexy dress.
The Good:
It was a short week at the office with a holiday Monday and an all day class Tuesday.
The wife of the boss (who is one of Deb’s crazymakers/energy vampires) was busy being busy and out of the office all week.
I have finally decided to get OUT of this dead end job that makes me sick/miserable/drained and filled with dread 40+ hours each week. (and taken pro-active steps to make it happen)
The Bad:
Public speaking nightmare-Me, who would rather blend into the background and be invisible at all costs had to sit ON STAGE at a high school senior night and stand up at the PODIUM and speak OUT LOUD in front of EVERYONE (without vomiting and/or passing out)to
award a scholarship to a very deserving young lady.(good)
The Good: Said public speaking is over with and never to be repeated again!
Love “creative fizzing”! Adore it.
The hard:
– The husband has been really sick. He’s a pretty easy patient, actually, but I hate to see him feeling so bad.
– My work motivation went AWOL this week. I have a pile of stuff to finish and my desire to make any progress at all is nowhere to be seen. I start something, then just give up and wander off less than five minutes in. Ugh. I’m giving it until Monday before I take drastic measures.
The good:
– I was invited to participate as one of only a few artists in an open house week after next, I’m packaging up some etched pendants to send off to a gallery on the other end of the state, and I got another custom order this week.
– The gardens are really coming together. That is the one thing I did make actual, visible progress on this week.
– I indulged myself and ordered a show banner, a light tent, and a new yoga mat, and all three came in this week. I rarely go on a spree like that, and it felt good to treat myself. And the yoga mat (from @lotuspad) is awesome beyond all expectations.
Lori Paximadiss last blog post..punchjordan Divine Finds Open House
The stu-isms will never get old for me!
This week has been great, I feel like I am finally hitting a nice flow in my business. We just hired a full-time assistant to do all the busywork details that were not getting done and it feels amazing! At the same time we seem to have reached a tipping point where someone else is now handling MOST of my emails which has taken some time to happen, as I allow myself to let go more and people train themselves to email her more. It feels gooood!
Laura Roeders last blog post..Small Business Systems – Think Beyond Just One Action
Emergency vacation FTW! Sounds like you chose your crew well, Pirate Queen. 🙂 I hope you’re feeling better soon.
My bad this week (listing first so I can end with the good): sick critters. My dog is feeling better, but my ferret… his li’l heart is weak. Nothing can be done. His quality of life is excellent still, so he’ll keep on keepin’ on. Weasels are amazing.
My good: Getting fantastic feedback on my fiction website. Things are looking up. 🙂
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Craving solitude.. I totally identify with that. Being a mom of 3 with 2 dogs and 3 cats I rarely get it though :/
The Hard:
A lot of negativity, plus the real world jumping on my back. Not a lot of rest, and anxiety attack and insomnia.
The Good:
A new blog! And a new Life Coach friend there who is trying to help me out. Along with Havi’s wisdom, there’s no way I can fail!
Good for you for taking the emergency vacation! It sounds wonderful. 🙂
Kimberlee Ferrells last blog post..Law of Attraction: I’m Trying It, Part 1
Properly loving “making things hatpin”. Must be an English thing.
+ work really really busy this week
+ kids settled into holiday club no worries – big relief
+ am programming in the evenings. It’s like a drug, man
– we really really need to sort our systems out
– MIL heading 4 OFSTED inspection with adult basic education company she runs. It’s all about the paperwork & measurables & not about the excellent work they do changing lives. Plus a change made to admin systems last year which everyone knew was wrong at the time now means MIL heading 4 breakdown. Properly, no kidding.
Must go, though, weather finally turned & BBQ awaits…
This week felt, I have to admit, mostly hard, but the best part about the Check-In is that I’m reminded of the good and, somehow, always end up smiling.
The Hard:
Oh, stuff! Someone’s Big Launch stirred up all my money stuff — I had $3.17 in my checking account for the entire time, and that has only just changed today, and only by a little. I didn’t get to buy a product I wanted, but more than that, it’s like all the muck that had settled at the bottom to give me some clarity has been stirred up and is clogging everything.
Insomnia! This creeps up on me every once in a while, and hopefully last night will have been the Big Finish — if not, my crankypants will be yanked up to my armpits this weekend due to lack of sleep.
Crankypants! Everything is just annoying the crap out of me this week. I suspect this relates to the aforementioned Stuff, but I swear if I seen another web page that promises to Help the World (for only $19.95) I will spontaneously develop the ability to glare people to death through the internet.
Antisocial blah! Cancelled most of my in-person stuff this week and hid in my apartment. Still not sure this was the best idea, but I just was not feeling fit for human company. But, it means I’m feeling sort of adrift and out-of-touch now, and I won’t be seeing my usual Friday-night friends, and, well, blah.
The Good:
Did some laundry and made the bed. I am one of those who pulls the sheets off the bed, and so I always forget how much cosier and more comfortable it is when it’s all put together properly. Plus, smells like clean laundry!
At the exact moment that Novel #3 declared it was going back into its cocoon for further development, Novel #2 poked its head up and demanded my attention, and gave me a clue as to how it needs to be finished. And during the insomnia I did a character sketch, and wrote about 500 new words on it, and have been reminded how much I like the world and the people in it.
Made time to actually attend one of my teleseminars rather than just listen to the recording, and got so much out of it. Did art while the call was going on, participated with questions, and generally had a really inspired and awesome day on Wednesday.
Finished some tiny commissions, and am hoping to get the boring mechanical parts of one other commission done today so I can photograph it for the client.
Made some real progress on my art commission site (Yes, I have business but no site with which to gather such. And yet, I worry I cannot do this. Oh, stuff.), and am really enjoying the funky, gothy, weird design that’s coming out. If you can’t be your freaky self on an art site, where can you, really? Also, I love the name to bits.
Also, it’s been a beautiful sunny week, totally opposite my disposition. I got out somewhat frequently, opened the windows, opened the blinds, and even managed to get some gratuitous exercise playing DDR.
There was a lot of good in my week, definitely, but it still seems hard to see through the stirred-up muck. Tfu tfu tfu, as Havi would say. The day is glorious! I think I’ll go for a walk, and hope to leave some of my muck out drying in the sun.
Amy Crooks last blog post..The Vendor Client relationship
As part of being back in the real world, I’ve decided to come out of the lurking phase of reading your blog and participating – at least in the weekly chicken, for now.
The hard: OMG – the post-vacation hangover
• Coming back to San Francisco from Hawaii. From quiet, calm people and listening to rolling waves to the city full of hookers and hobos and junkies (oh my!) and listening to sirens. Ow ow ow.
• Looking for a job. Or getting unstuck enough to actually start the one I have.
• Ankle still hurting – third week – boo to having to sit through everything in life.
The good: Being in love is pretty much the best thing ever
• Returning from the honeymoon and still having my best friend in my new husband.
• Starting to make plans to move away from the city (or at least away from the icky part of the city) to somewhere we can have a garden. Fresh tomatoes!
• Making thank-you cards to all of the awesome people who came to our wedding. Realizing that we have the most intelligent, interesting, funny friends that we don’t see nearly enough, but when we do, it’s a hell of a party!
• Ankle is healing. Slowly. But at least it’s getting noticeably better.
Have a wonderful week off!
((hugs to you, Selma, and your gentleman friend))
PS – I just went to the store in the lovely sunshine, and bought their weekly one-day special – a $5 Friday Chicken!
Amy Crooks last blog post..The Vendor Client relationship
My new blog post is very much a verboser version of a Friday check-in, but I’ll check-in here too because traditions are important.
The Hard Stuff
-Prop 8 was upheld
-Last week at work and they haven’t been able to replace me after trying for a month and a half. Lots of stress, lots of guilt.
-Moving all my stuff to my mom’s garage in Norcal and driving back to Southcal over Memorial Day weekend was kind of hellish (to understate the point)
-My best friend just found out his best friend from high school is in jail for attempted murder, they hadn’t talked in years, but scary stuff
The Good Stuff
-I made a new friend and found out how good a friend someone I met three months ago really was.
-My partner’s parents let me sleep in their spare bedroom for the week and they have the coziest house ever!
-The amount of hope and courage that activists showed in the face of defeat after Prop 8 was upheld was moving and inspiring.
And it is absolutely difficult “making stuff hatpin” sometimes.
Keely H.s last blog post..I Lived Through the Week To Tell You This Tale!
Blech, OK, the hard:
–lots of transition states right now, for myself and almost everyone I know. (death/retirement/moving. my own transition states are less dramatic than that, but still present.)
–not working on the things I’m supposed to or I want to.
–feeling overwhelmed and, well, wimpy, if it seems like I can’t deal with my everyday life!
The good:
–I have a bunch of good food right now — I have been eating well — and I have an awesome dinner for tonight.
–Yesterday, I asked to take today off (I never do that) and so I got to have the day off!
–I cashed in some quarters for the landlady. It’s been since February and I’ve never dealt with it. The bank is . . only 9 blocks away. No excuses. So I went today (hooray) with $150 in rolled quarters to deposit. When I handed the quarters over, the teller gave me this *look*, like I was her personal angel. “Really??” she said. Um, yes, really. “We just completely ran out of quarters!!!” she said. “This is so great! Thank you so much!!” (like I had done her a favor!) “Susan, look: Quarters!!” and etc. So I was really somebody’s personal angel, at 4pm on a Friday, and all because I finally got up off my nine-blocks-away and dealt with a long-overdue task. (I just imagine the teller retelling this story to her family at dinnertime — she was that happy.) Guess I ought to imagine all of my long-overdue tasks playing out like this!
I so look forward to Fridays and to what the latest Stu has come up with!!!
Here’s wishing you a very restful and restorative week away. Heartily second the notion that you have an AWESOME pirate crew!
The Hard:
– Traveling from Chicago to Seattle. Especially when the flight got started 2 hours late, partially due to the incoming plane being late, partially due to a “ground stop” due to a thunderstorm that moved through while they were loading up the plane. Very, very exhausted when I finally got to my hotel room.
The Good:
– Messing up my hotel reservation and ending up almost 2 miles from the convention center BUT on Puget Sound! My bedroom window looks right out onto the water and the Olympic Penisula mountains. OMG!!! I’m a water sign, FYI. It has been SO restorative walking along the waterfront each morning and night to get to the conference.
– Linking back up with friends from high school who I have not heard from in 30 years! Haven’t laughed so much in years!
There’s more, but it can wait until next week as I need to head to bed so I can get one more walk along the water before the shuttle picks me up tomorrow morning for the return flight.
It’s been a hard, weird week, and it started last Saturday at one a.m.
The hard: Someone tried to steal a 5′ x 5′ x 5′ plastic play cube out of our yard – the one our kids use to jump off to swing on the rope swing. Husband heard it, followed the guy, called police, got the cube back … we got to bed about 3 a.m. Kids never sleep in when you need them to.
Husband’s grandmother fell and broke her hip on Monday morning.
This was one of those weeks at work when a gazillion things went wrong all at once.
Looks like our chances of avoiding foreclosure are down to slim and none, although we’re not giving up.
Call for interview for job for husband cancelled, company is holding off.
The good: Husband wrote awesome guest blog post about the wee-hours-play-cube-caper – you can read it here: Promise, it’s funny and also thought-provoking. Also, LPW (long post warning).
Short work week, and also summer hours so I got to leave the office at 2 p.m. today.
Got Rolfed today. Good session – next week, more focus on the feet.
Singing lesson to look forward to on Sunday.
Kids will spend weekend with grandparents, so husband and I have surprise date night tomorrow.
Next weekend we go to Apogaea with a bunch of friends and goats.
Anna-Lizas last blog post..Pollyanna Knows the Feeling
Recently discovered the goodness that is your blog.
Please take care.
thank you Havi – great place great time – first time post, just feels right at the moment
– things are overdue
– forest of frustrations
– bad friking cloudy weather
– fear of failure
– self doubting
+ admitting fears and getting comfortable with them
+ accepting that I don’t know who I am
+ decision to take it on (…this is my battle )
+ meeting my best friend who cheered me up
+ meeting my gentleman friend who made me beam
Andreas last blog post..Approved: The Reds are right
Thanks Havi for being the most wonderful port in a storm (aarrrgghh). All the way from Tatui, Brasil….
+dogs strange “leaking” has been kept in check with meds
+sons reading skills are making him proud of himself
+chatted with sister and sister-in-law for special bonding time………sigh
+have been reading your site and FINALLY started putting together my blog with updated website (still much to do, but it’s finally started and going to be GORGEOUS)
-3 days straight of cloudy, cold and rainy (Gah!!)
-hair dryer died
-very worried about girlfriend (amiga, not namorada) living and trying to find work in South East Michigan.
-still don’t know when we will be visiting home. We’ve been in Brasil since September 08 and the homesickness is starting to really kick in.
xoxoxoxooxo P
Havi, this is me waving as you sail by, O Pirate Queen, on your Most Excellent Emergency Vacation Adventure! 🙂 May it be completely restful and nourishing and heart-filling for you.
My hard this week: My computer died. We gave it a decent burial. New computer took until this morning to arrive. 400+ emails in my Inbox. Loads of stuff that didn’t get transferred over from old computer to new one . . . lost in the Land of Missing Data.
My good this week: My computer died. Four days of low-tech spaciousness! Mornings out on my deck in this beautiful almost-summer sunshine, reading, praying, meditating, writing by hand. Also doing absolutely nothing. Lovely! 🙂
Have a beautiful holiday!
Love, Hirl
Hiro Bogas last blog post..Swimming In the Sea of Story
Celebrating with you that your lovely pirate assistant helped you take some time off for yourself. When we can’t do it ourselves, it’s good that we have others around us to help us find the way…
Hard stuff from last week:
– Was very busy and had very little down time. I was rushing around a lot and didn’t get to sit still and be quiet much. Hence my post about being Vitamin S Deficient.
– One of my friends is struggling with finances and it’s very scary for him. It leads to yucky stuff in his relationship and they are doing their best to take care of things.
– I ripped off some of my fingernails. Not all the way like I have no nail anymore, but the tips ya know? I haven’t been going to get manicures regularly. (The main thing that helps me insure that my nails stay nice and healthy.) So I’ve been lacking in the self-care-for-nails department. Usually when this happens I feel bad and guilty and shameful. And that’s what I experienced. Feeling lame for not taking care of my nails and making them ugly. Basically: What’s wrong with me that I do this sometimes? Blah.
– Still not able to exercise the way I would like to because my knee is still recovering from a running injury in mid-April. Boo.
– I actually went on a roller coaster at California Adventure Park (The California Screamer) and then threw up about an hour later.
Goodies from last week:
– Put together my 1st ever surprise party for my friend and she was totally surprised and I didn’t freak out about having to “lie” to her to get her to cooperate with the plan.
– We all pitched in and got her a new beach cruiser bike (hot purple color) and she LOVES it.
– We went to Disneyland for her birthday and I shouted Happy Birthday to all the other people I could find who were wearing Birthday pins. It was fun! And Space Mountain didn’t make me need to throw up at all.
– I got my bike a summer tune up and it’s ready for lots of riding. I have a fun stealth color black Giant mountain bike. With a blinking tail light and a front headlight that requires new batteries.
– I heard about you taking care of yourself with an emergency vacation. That is so good. Yay!
Mona Graysons last blog post..When I’m Vitamin S Deficient