Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

So yes, it’s not exactly Friday yet. But I’m so damn glad this week is over that we’re officially ending it early.

You heard me, week. We are through.


The hard stuff

Exhausted and miserable.

Too much traveling. Too much working.

And now I’ve had four days of foggy-head where my brain doesn’t function.

Body is protesting.

And very loudly at that.

It is not fun.

Piles and piles of things wanting me to make decisions on them but my fog-head can’t make decisions right now.

Knowing that people are waiting on these decisions and wanting to give them… so hard.

And the longer I wait, the more things need deciding.

It’s getting to be kind of ridiculous.

Upset with myself for not taking care of myself.

And then paying the price.

Tried to fit too much in. Too much traveling, teaching and visiting of people.

Overdid it. Did not respect the bedtime.

And now everything hurts.

Unhappy about something.

But not able to talk about it yet.

And yes, pulled over in the airport line again.

Though not personally searched, gott sei dank.

But still. Every damn time. I can’t go through without them taking my bags apart.

And then they had to think out loud about the channukiah:

“Well, a menorah IS a religious object, so that should be okay, I guess. We just have to check that you can’t hurt anyone…with this gigantic hunk of metal…”


The good stuff

Everyone loves the sovereignty boots.

Including, as always, the TSA. This always makes me laugh. And it makes the hassle of having my bags searched yet again somewhat less irritating.

It’s usually the TSA ladies who drool over them but this time it was the boys.

TSA guy: “Wow, those were some boots you just took off.”
Me: “Yup!”
TSA guy: “Nice! Those heels are awesome. Are they comfortable?”
Me: “Very!”
Other TSA guy: “Well, they look great.”
Me: “I hear that every time I fly…”
First TSA guy: “I’m not surprised. They’re so pretty!”

It’s not always easy being a pirate queen, but the boots totally help.

Body protest turned out to be a good thing.

In a bold and daring coup, my body decided that it should get to be the CEO of my business for 2011.

And, weirdly, everyone was on board with that, so yay.

And even though the mandatory three days in bed was extremely frustrating, it turns out that having my body making all the executive decisions is kind of fantastic.

More about how that all came about next week.

Teaching in Sacramento was great fun.

Selma and I got to spend a brilliant day with three amazing women, working on their businesses in silly, unlikely, screwball ninja-fied ways.

And to teach Shiva Nata with a lovely group of people from all over California.

And a very fun afternoon with Michelle’s teacher-trainees at It’s All Yoga, teaching mindful biggification, destuckification and other good things.

They were also completely unfazed by the fact that I spent four hours pretending we were actually at a hamster tightrope-walking teacher training.

Which means Michelle must have warned them about me. Ahahahahahaha.

Love it.


Traveling kind of sucks because no matter how good the food is, it’s no match for the stuff my gentleman friend cooks.

But I still got to eat all sorts of delicious things and it was fun.

And then when I finally made it home, it just got better.

Being home.

My bed! My glorrrrrrrrrrrrious bed! My kingdom for my bed.

With flannel sheets and giant comforters.

Oh, there is nothing like bed.

And then to be back in Hoppy House, knowing that I don’t have to go anywhere for ages. Joy.

The new Timbers kit.

Because the only time you’ll hear me talk about fashion (my hot hot sovereignty boots aside) is when it’s football jerseys or roller derby drag.

Love the new jerseys. Love. And that’s not something you get to say a lot in Major League Soccer. Can’t wait for the season to start!


Lights and pretty.

It’s a good holiday. Just in time.

There are a bunch of things I’m supposed to announce but I can’t remember what they are.

But I do know one of them.

This Toozday I’ll be doing a teleclass on how I process the process — that is to say, how I work on my stuff while trying to get stuff done.

It’s for people who have bought the processing the process ebook (this is a page I have never linked to before), and anyone who gets it by the end of the weekend will be invited to the call. So if you don’t have it, now is the time.

When my head clears I’ll try to remember what else is going on.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

I’m not sure what they sound like but I’m sure it’s rocking.

The Badass Bagel Brigade.

Best. Band. Ever. Except of course that it’s really just one guy.

And some of the lovely presents that arrived this week.

I haven’t been to the post office yet, so I have no idea what all is there.

But we have candles and sage and duck soap (from Michelle), and fabulous hats.

I will take them to the Playground tomorrow and there will be much rejoicing.

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self