Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Oh, Friday. How I have missed you.
I think this week was somehow extra long.
Selma has been especially anti-social and doing lots of hiding in the closet. I think it’s because she knows we have a lot of travel coming up.
Anyway, the week.
The hard stuff
Ran out of my healthy boundaries. Oh the irony.
So I have this genius bottle of Healthy Boundaries spray.
No, seriously. It’s a thing. That you can buy. I know! I got mine here.
When I bought it, the whole “having healthy boundaries” thing was basically my big life theme.
So I figured, even if having a spray for it (seriously, what?!) totally doesn’t work, it could at least remind me that this is the big thing I’m working on.
I wanted it to be one of my wacky daily rituals to help keep me focused on healing this particular piece of extra-determined stuck.
Plus Deborah is one of my students and she’s amazing and I wanted to support her.
So I started using it. And then — to my complete and utter astonishment — the healthy boundaries stuckness just kind of stopped being an issue.
I don’t know how to explain it better than that. It almost seemed to heal itself. I kept using the spray in my morning meditation, but it just wasn’t a big deal anymore.
But this week we had guests and I realized: oh crap crap crap I’m out of healthy boundaries!
Which is really funny. Except that I really did want my spray. Now I’m just going to order a bunch of stuff at once, just in case.
Three weeks!
Despite the fact that I go on a little teaching pilgrimage to Germany every single year, it always sneaks up on me.
So I’m flying in less than three weeks and basically only just realized that now.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee. So much to do.
The stress. Ugh.
Seriously? I’m broken out like a teenager.
It’s charming.
The good stuff
My favorite uncle came to visit!
And he brought plums! From his tree!
And a loaf of bread that he baked.
And everything is better when he’s around.
Sitting on the porch swing with my gentleman friend.
This is the best part of summer.
The New Mexico food cart.
One of my favorite things about Portland is its strong food cart culture.
That’s even kind of why we moved here. Yes, I am the kind of person who can be swayed by food carts.
But the New Mexico food cart? Yum!
We went on a pilgrimage there with Denise. It was practically an expotition. And then (extra random!) ran into Dana the Spicy Princess who was also headed there at exactly the same time.
“If you’re such a genius, how come you’ve got butter on your tie?”
Actually, I am kind of tempted to steal Naomi’s line where she crowns herself “the greatest marketer in Christendom!”
But I’ll just say that I did the quietest, most hidden tiny secretive “hey, I’m teaching a course” announcement ever (one paragraph in the Wednesday Item! post).
And it filled up in under twenty-four hours. With the most amazing people.
Yay. Seriously, let’s hear it for non-promotional hard-to-get marketing that isn’t actually marketing.
Also, it’s my party and I can quote Moonstruck if I want to.
And I’m really, really looking forward to teaching this stuff.
Also, I redid my Shivanaut postcards.
I’ve had these postcards forever (three years? more?) and they so desperately needed a redesign … and I’ve finally run out.
Actually, I hadn’t actually read one of them in years because you know, what kind of person reads their own promotional literature or whatever it’s called?
And was astonished to find out just how spectacularly useless and boring it was. (Really? I send those? To people?)
Anyway, I sat down and scribbled out new text. It took about five minutes.
My gentleman friend: Brilliant writer mouse!
Me: Remember how many weeks it took me to write the copy for the first batch of these? Good grief! The strugglings! The agonies!
My gentleman friend: Yeah, and it wasn’t even very good!
Me: Awwwww … foot-in-mouth mouse.
The new ones are GORGEOUS. And funny. And I love them.
And … new at the meme beach house!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
So this week, I bring you:
Pickles Per Inch
My gentleman friend: “Do you mean pixels per inch?.”
Me: (shrugs) “It’s just one guy.”
But where are the Stuisms?!
I know. Actually, I feel kind of bad about it.
But most of the posts this week were written a while ago. You know, so I could put my time to working on the Shiva Nata Manual For Crazed Shivanauts. Right. Still no title.
So I was mostly editing this week, which is something that Stu is terrible at.
So no Stuisms. He’ll be back next week. Loud and clear, I’m sure.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
Is it Friday already? Time has gone wonky for me this week, dragging its feet like a kid who doesn’t want to go to school on some days, and racing past like a Ferrari on others. Which is often the way it waddles when Things Are Brewing.
Hard this week:
Writing my e-book. Or not-writing my e-book. Lots of walking around in circles–literally. It helps me get out of my head if I can get my body to do what my head is doing, which then makes me laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, and voila, words appear magically on my computer screen once I sit down to write again. 🙂
Good this week:
See above, about walking around in circles. And getting some writing done.
I gave myself permission to take as much time as it takes to write this e-book, and felt my heart expand with relief. I’m creating something that hasn’t existed before. Gestation takes time. Birth takes as long as it takes.
It rained! Here in the Pacific Northwest, which wouldn’t ordinarily be remarkable in any way, except that it’s been so hot for the past few weeks. Last night I slept under my down quilt, which was the most delightful, snuggly feeling of holding and containment.
And this afternoon, I get to have a session with you! So hooray for a happy ending to a complex week!
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … What happens to a gift you refuse to accept? =-.
A spray for healthy boundaries? Need to pick that up pronto. I’ve actually been conjuring up that bodyguard of mine you inspired awhile back and his hulking, twinkly-eyed self has been helping TONs with the boundary thing (when I remember to ask him for help).
Hard: Monday’s blog post was kind of painful to write. But then a very wise friend reminded me that it might have felt icky because I was rehashing some past stuff. Whew, so it’s not that I’m just crap at writing. I mean, I still *might* be, but that’s not what this particular experience is trying to tell me.
Good: Lots of cool aha moments, epiphanies if you will. Kicked off some logo & site design work with a lovely designer. Worked with two new clients, one with an Australian accent and I am just a sucker for accents. And this morning is the first blue sky all week.
Thanks and happy weekend!
.-= Briana´s last post … You have an uncanny ability to … =-.
The hard:
* Wanting to kick and scream “I’ll never make it, this isn’t going to work!”
* Landmarks I thought I knew I was headed for shifting out of sight…
* Not being able to find a replacement TeddyBear for the one that’s still in storage in Oregon with my Piano.
* My piano not being accessible.
* Getting off my dime and actually EMAILING Tiara about “awesome”.
The good:
* Actually getting off my dime and emailing Tiara about “awesome” – and getting a really friendly reply! Yay awesome people!
* Shifting my mindset at work to a MUCH better place.
* Hot buttered epiphanies!! (ShivaNata WORKS…)
* Pretty new sword for class…
* Friends, swords, and bellydance!
I’m with Hiro — Hooray for happy endings to complex weeks!
.-= G. Romilly´s last post … To build a plus size bedlah part 3 =-.
So is Stu on vacation (presumably at the Meme Beach House)? Good for him! Have a Mai Tai for me, Stu!
Also, Havi, how do you manage to see into everyone else’s life?! I’m breaking out terribly, too! (Though I saw it coming. I always have one really good skin day before disaster strikes.)
The Hard:
*So* full of insecurities. Seems like everyone around me has done their adventuring and is ready to settle down, and now I’m about to settle down but I want my adventuring, dammit!
The Good:
I came up with a whole *mess* of ideas for blog posts, and wrote some of them, and I now have a safety cushion which I never did before. Yay.
.-= Laura G´s last post … In which I am happy =-.
The sprays! The sprays! I think I will have to start with clear fear.
The Hard
– Friends leaving the city
– Very emotionally challenging goodbye party that ended with me very sick
– Witnessing the break down of relationships to people very important to me
– sore hips and a stiff back for days, maybe even for the last two weeks?
The Good
– I HAVE A CAT! I have wanted a cat in my life since I was a child and was never allowed to have one. My partner and I became the proud parents of a little kitty in need of a safe and comforting home last weekend. I am over the moon!
– Saw Shakespeare in the Park production of The Bacchae this week and really enjoyed it
– Finally picked up my first batch of specially-made-for-me-only herbal remedies from my herbalist last night. Also got some homeopathic remedies for my cat allergies (ha) and I’m loving the ritual of all my tinctures and teas throughout the day.
– Amazing Queer/Trans yoga class last night. Very challenging, but I’m surprised to find that I feel more supple and actually NOT SORE today.
– Connecting with new-ish friend, making me feel like communities are regenerative. I am losing much of my community to distance, but there are new community members that will appear. Or I will shift into another community, or something. There will be community.
Huh .. my forehead is breaking out too. Been doing so for a week or two now – I’m about to start giving the little red dots names as it looks like they’ll be here a while.
Hard this week:
Weird stuff going on in my body/head .. don’t know if I need water, or food, or if I’m working through something. Trying to remember that patience is a virtue.
Good this week:
I made bruschetta. From my own tomatoes. Yummy.
Happy weekend!
.-= elizabeth´s last post … you – in one word =-.
Havi – where do you buy that healthy boundaries spray? I’m in serious need of it.
The hard:
– Accepting the fact that our cat is dying despite all our last ditch efforts. Every morning is worse that the previous. We are trying EPOGEN shots for the anemia, but they are having no effect. I think the end will come next week with that final heartbreaking trip to the vet. 🙁
– Realizing that I really won’t get a break between semesters as my co-teacher officially backed out this week. I now have to get prepped to teach at least 22 students split over 3 sections. Class starts 8/31. My doctoral program starts 8/29. See the problem here?
– The ugly situation with my boss is flaring up again. I enjoyed NOT hearing about it all summer, but he will be returning soon, and things are happening. And they aren’t good.
The good:
– My friend from high school that I hadn’t talked with in 30 years who came back into my life in May. She patiently listens to all my fears, worries and doubts and tells me silly stories to make me smile through my tears. Her emails always brighten my day.
– My husband who has done so much to keep our kitty comfortable as she declines. He is such a sensitive and loving soul. Even if he is a pack rat!
– Finally have a “home” on campus. Nice to not be a nomad. I’m getting to use an office since we are not fully staffed due to budget freeze. Makes me much more productive. And helps separate work from home.
Have a good week, everyone.
This has been a big week for me.
The Hard: Someone threw a shoe. From a completely unexpected direction. And OUCH it hurts. But it made me doubt myself and my goodness. So that was hard.
Also trying to comfort someone I am not really in a position to be a comfort to. That was hard.
Deep breath.
The Good: Glimmers and inklings on the way to figuring out what I want to do with my life. I have a lot of freedom right now which is good and also scary. Doing a lot of reading and research which is evolving in a very serendipitous way, as if it were meant to be. Isn’t it true that when it’s right it just opens up and things become easier? I hope so. This feels right. Better.
Yay Chicken!
This is going to cover two weeks because last Friday I was camping for the hippie husband’s birthday.
The hard:
1) Starting a new blood thinner that brings a whole new host of side effects, one of which is this kind of nails-on-a-chalkboard edginess that sends me right around the bend. Also, so very tired.
2) The physical stuff being predominant in my life again when I really need/want to be focusing on other stuff.
3) Boring work in an office of 95% women – wow, I am NOT like these people at all.
The good:
1) Lots of meditation recordings and restarting Shiva dancing to help me cope with the side effects of the meds. Being grateful to have tools to cope that aren’t heavy drinking and smoking. (Thanks to Havi!)
2) Happy hippie husband being totally surprised by the home-brew kit I got for his birthday. Biggest Smile Ever.
3) Turning my stunningly boring job fun by making a list of all the typos I’m seeing across the site. (Hey! There’s still a little editor in me after all!) Having money flow the right way for a little while.
4) Camping and three days floating on a river. Ahhhhh so very nice.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Healthy Boundries spray…need that.
ok, this is my new favourite ritual
The hard:
-not much work on my schedule this week…only one gig and one student. Struggled a bit with what to do in my “free time.” Of course… I work on stuff, but in a scattered way.
-felt a bit of anxiety about raising my fee for teaching guitar lessons, but did it anyway
The good:
-visiting my friend’s new baby – Max!
-talking to my Grandma on the phone for 45min
-nephew’s 1st birthday party
-recording some music with my genius friend, Paul
-cleaning the whole house to surprise my girlfriend when she came home
-hearing about my girlfriend’s fun day at work – she’s a puppeteer on kids tv…and this week she got to interview little genius kids who play musical instruments! Makes me happy when she has so much fun at work
-practicing drums. always fun.
looks like the good faaar outweighs the hard this week.
I love reading all these comments.
Happy Friday!
.-= Christine´s last post … Coming out of hiding, starting a blog! =-.
Ah pickles per inch, my favorite method of measuring.
The hard:
Making space for my brain to play.
Wondering if the dog has become really good at getting food off of the table (last night three slices of cinnamon loaf disappeared) or if someone is sleep eating (they couldn’t sleep clean? LOL)
Being the only one in the house who bakes the delicious tasty agave nectar sweetened baked goods, and running out of them when I was too busy to bake more.
The good:
Finding my blank journal sketchbook at Dick Blick for 2/3 what it was at Crafts 2000.
Painting 6 yards of fabric yesterday and then making a Gocco screen of a fish design and printing a good length of fabric with fish.
Not buying ice cream because I was bored and I knew it wasn’t what I *wanted*
Being able to order a Cthulu bbq shirt from Shirt Woot.
Blueberries, grapes, roasted vegetables and hummus. 🙂
Discovering drawing with sumi-e ink thanks to exploring Lynda Barry’s website. Too. Much. Fun.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
.-= Andi´s last post … Uses for Hand-Dyed Fabric Part I =-.
Healthy boundaries spray! Wow, I know some people who could use that. “Excuse me, I think your boundaries are drooping, would you like a spritz?”
And I SO want a New Mexican food card. (But I get to visit Santa Fe this fall, and I’m super excited!)
Hard this week:
* After a long and exhausting day of too little sleep and two long airplane flights my sweetie and I got stuck in the Mall of America for TWO HOURS. It felt like torture, all the noise and flashing lights and the overwhelming consumerist culture of it all. We both felt spiritually assaulted.
* I realized that my time management this year has pretty much sucked.
Good this week:
* My cousin got married and everyone had a great time. Yay weddings!
* I went through “Time Management from the Inside Out” again and created a much better plan for my time.
* Got two new tutoring clients this week: yay income!
* Finished a BIG painting that was taking way too long.
.-= Barbara J Carter´s last post … Dogs and Art Galleries =-.
The Hard:
~Feeling depressed at the end of last week and having to face some difficult feelings.
~Getting stung by a bee! On the toe next to my crazy pulsating, painful, wart-ridden toe.
~Challenging meeting with academic advisor, who isn’t a good listener and not as involved in my work as I’d like.
The Good:
~The wart treatments seem to be working (bee sting notwithstanding).
~Some interesting job leads that are actually exciting to apply for and are energizing me.
~Looks like I’ll be defending my dissertation in the Fall! My hard work and days filled with writing seem to be paying off.
~My best friend appears to be emerging from a postpartum funk and is delighting in motherhood again.
~Dinner out with boyfriend and ordering a HUGE, affordable, yummy dish that I knew would sustain me for several more meals. I got a treat and a bargain!
I think that there’s something magical about ‘3 weeks away’. It’s like that’s when things really become solid in my mind. I’ll have a project or an event or something to prepare for and I’ll work on it before that point, but it’s generally somewhere in the 3-3.5 weeks away range that the switch in my head flips. “Okay, it’s serious now, time to focus and get this DONE.” (or get PREPARED, or what have you.)
My chicken –
The hard:
* Still with the tired. I’m starting to consider a visit to the doctor over this, but that sends me back into being pouty that the completely wonderful Nurse Practitioner I saw for years, the one who had her exam rooms decorated with Tibetan art and who I could chat through a whole exam with and then end with a hug, has changed her practice to mental health. I’m glad she’s doing what she loves, but I don’t want to go back to the ‘normal’ impersonal doctor thing and I don’t know how to find someone else that great.
The good:
* Two of my dad’s three-surgeries-in-seven-days are done, and he’s doing as well as can be expected.
* The email I sent to my web designer friend after my not-a-personal-ad comment this week got a great response, and it looks likely that I’ll get to work with her on my redesign. Yay!
* I had an idea for a business that combines a few of the things my husband loves to do, and he’s interested in pursuing it. So maybe we’ll be able to speed up the timeline on getting him out of his unhappy-making job!
* Had lots of time over the weekend with friends I hadn’t actually gotten together with for months.
* My first finished knit this year – a baby hat for my freshman-year roommate who had her shower on Sunday. And I had a great time pulling together the elements for a perfect gift bag for her.
* The Right People class. Very excited to have gotten in – and with one business running, another in incubation, and I think one more on the horizon once I figure out a bit more, it’s a great time for it!
.-= Shannon Henry´s last post … Spirosketch is ready! =-.
I should probably be posting this comment on the Shiva Nata blog, but this was by far both the hard and the good this week, so….
I received my Shiva Nata DVD yesterday, and I’m ecstatic.
Andrey is brilliant. His explanation with the cubes is CRAZY amazing, and as he slowly revealed the increasing complexity possible I found myself laughing hysterically. Having only played around with the movements for an hour or so, I already have the sense that (as Andrey says) Shiva Nata cuts to the core of the brain-body/internal-external/esoteric-exoteric interactions found in all somatic disciplines–from yoga, to dance, to martial arts. It seems like essential training for anyone who lives in both an inner world and an outer world.
Andrey explains that our inner world and our outer worlds are connected through our organs of perception, that if we change the space around us we change our internal perceptions of the world, and that we can “control” that outer space using our organs of action (limbs). As he said this, I got chills.
Why? Because I talk with my hands. A lot. I never really understood this, until I read a fascinating article about a year ago about “perceptual space”:
The general idea is that thinking does not really occur “in our heads” at all … it occurs around our bodies, in “perceptual space.” This was a huge epiphany for me, and even a cursory surf around the rest of the Clean Language site made me realize that perceptual space is merely one aspect of “metaphoric space” in general.
Realizing that gesturing in perceptual space creates meaning led me to a quick visceral understanding of what symbolic representations, metaphoric expressions, and language itself actually are. That jump is causing others now. What kind of jumps? The excited hoppy kind that little kids make when they’re trying to peer through a window at something really cool.
Yoga, dance, mudras, storytelling, hypnosis … it’s all about changing internal states with external metaphors and symbols.
Shiva Nata seems to be a practice that works the core of all of this.
It’s like Pilates for the brain.
It’s like juggling math.
And discovering it made my week!
I absolutely LOVE listening to Andrey. Not only do the things he says resound with me, but his accent cracks me up (in a laughing-with, not laughing-at sort of way).
Hi Havi,
I just found you through Chris Guillbeau (The Art of Non-Conformity site) and I feel blessed for it.
The hard this week: I’ve been feeling very icky about finding work. I’m less than a year from finishing a Master of Arts, and running out of student loan funding and badly in need of a job, but over the last five years or so, I’ve done dozens (yes, literally dozens!) of job interviews, and been told every time that I don’t have enough experience or the right experience, and they’ve hired someone who does.
What no one has been able to tell me, is how the #$%^&^$# I can get experience with no one willing to hire me!!!
(sorry, a tear-wiping moment.)
This week has been about the third after applying for a bunch of jobs I know I can do, and do well, but without even an invitation for an interview. It’s getting to me, as I watch my bank account dwindle…
Patience is very hard, some days.
The good: I’ve found some wonderful and inspiring books at the library this past week, and I’m just getting my teeth sunk in them. They won’t give me work experience, but they’re still wonderful and inspiring…
I’ve been rediscovering what wonderful, funny, talented and inspiring daughters I have (they’re 13, 11 and 7 years old). It seems only yesterday that they were babies grabbing at my hair, and toddlers finding new and exciting things to flush down the toilet, and now they’re people! With their own thoughts and ideas and everything! It’s pretty amazing, and I’ve discovered that I need to stop and remember how amazing they are, instead of letting myself get caught up in schedules and school supplies and chores.
Thanks for you time and perspective, Havi.
So much relaxation in your “good” list this week – I wish I could remember what that was like 🙂 Me, I’m empathising more with the teenagerish stress symptoms…
Hard this week:
* Finding out that it’s going to take yet more money to finish up our house/garden project. Cue scrambling around trying to scare up some cash.
* One of our suppliers debiting my Visa card without notifying me(?!), so that I ended up over my credit limit and can’t order two crucial birthday presents until the funds I’ve transferred over appear on the card.
* Lack of sleep (that’s a constant, but it’s kicking my arse more than somewhat at the moment).
* Far too much on my to-do list.
Good this week:
* Incredibly generous mother-in-law.
* Great visit with another home-educating family, which we all enjoyed hugely.
* The garden’s starting to look pretty amazing. It’ll be beautiful when it’s done.
* My not-quite-five-year-old immersing himself in maths, and getting his head around negative numbers, multiplication tables, and bases other than ten.
* My twenty-month-old speaking more fluently every day.
Have a great weekend yourself!
.-= Lean Ni Chuilleanain´s last post … Very Secret Mysteries, no. 4: Embroidery =-.
The Hard
– Forgot to do this chicken thing last Friday
– Tons of work
– Some odd feeling that something is off
The Good
– No fights with B this week
– Kids doing great
– Friday!!!
Hi Havi and all,
This is my first post. I’ve been lurking for the last couple of weeks and I must say I am hooked. Thanks for such a wonderfully wacky, inspirational and honest blog! I’m on the other side of the world in Melbourne, Aus so my comment is a little bit late. Am trying to work out whether I need to stay up really late or get up in the middle of the night to keep in time with you all!
I have been destucktifying and in the process of creating my new site. So here’s the hard and good for my week.
The hard:
*Trying to work out a damn blog name/domain name that is quirky, informative and covers what I want to do and is not already taken! (Note perfectionism, destucktify, destucktify!)
*Overwhelmed by info – so many interesting blogs, etc.
*No money coming in.
*One day tired as hell and couldn’t concentrate due to health issue.
*My claustrophobic small apartment.
*The freaking builders on both sides of my apartment with their whirring, clanking, smashing tools and loud radios with ugh music and shock jock talk shows. Haven’t builders heard of mp3 players and headphones?
The good:
*This blog.
*Havi’s destucktification techniques.
*So motivated and so so ready to do my site.
*So many ideas – while trying to find a blog name/domain name ended up with sooooo soooo many topics for blog that I’ve written a few before the site is even up!
*The library where I escaped to, to get away from the noisy builders and found so many ideas.
*Looking forward to helping people with my blog.
*Loving writing again.
*Am using a combination of my wacky techniques, including a new recent one, for pretty much everything and have been almost floating most of the week (except when I kicked a few things when I couldn’t get the darn blog name). Then last night I cleared up a major gut problem I’ve had most of my life. It went just… like… that… I mean I felt it actually heal… Weird! I’m grinning from ear to ear.
*Ran into friend I haven’t seen for ages and had an email from my gorgeous cousin who I haven’t heard from for a while.
Couldn’t resist this little quote from the book, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
‘One’s never alone with a rubber duck.’
Was Douglas Adams a friend of yours???
This week seems forever-long, and not only because my Chicken is hours and hours late, and had to stand in line behind a bunch of other stuff.
The Hard:
– Stress + heat & humidity = zits. Blah.
– Tons of work to do, lots of little nitpicky details and a feeling of slowly falling more and more behind with household things.
– Did I mention the heat & humidity? We don’t get it often, but when we do it just shuts down my brain.
– General tiredy bleh from last week’s massive 7 days in a row of social interaction. And not sleeping all that well. And still having to work like a worker be works.
– Dish Mountain lurked in the kitchen for most of the week, mocking me. It has since been conquered, but the lurking sucked.
The Good:
+ Deadline met! Sometimes we end up floating this deadline for the calendar, but this year we set it and met every single milestone including this final one. All the stress seems totally worth it!
+ New toy! I gave in to my Apple-loving, technophile desires and bought an iPhone, and it looks like the billing is even going to stagger out so that I won’t have a big crunch next month with 2 phone bills.
+ Got pretty solid sleep the 2nd half of last night, which gave me enough brains to tackle today’s giant to-do list for Above Deadline, which is now done done done!
+ Friends are awesome. So are pancakes.
+ Got some brilliant free advice and kicking in the pants to get my art site up and running, and even found a place that will make digital masters for giclee prints. Baby steps this week, but important ones.
+ Next week is blissfully underscheduled — there’s bimonthly update-work that will pay the rent, and new-project-awesome work that is just plain awesome, but many less meetings and madness.
+ Money influx is dwindling but in a positive way, and I have toys and food and all kinds of good things from its passing. I have a chicken even, waiting to be made into soup and goodness tomorrow afternoon. And also beer bread.
+ Kittehs are awesome. And Bella glares at me from my iPod screen, asking in her way why she is not being petted right now.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … It’s Done, It’s Done! =-.
The ‘just one guy’ thing cracks me up every Thursday morning.
I head off for work knowing that at some point my path will cross with the garbage truck. And I know that at the end of the day everybody’s rubbish bins will be flung about all over the street, and maybe it will take a while to find ours and bring them home. I’ll think about how crap our garbage service is, and then I’ll round the corner and see the dude who not only drives the truck but also has to repeatedly get out of the truck and pull the bins out onto the road where the truck arm can grab them. He’ll be running around all over the place, and maybe I’ll say, ‘Good morning!’ and he’ll say, ‘Not really!’. And then I’ll feel sorry for him and think, hey, the reason our garbage service sucks is because it’s just one guy.
And then I’ll crack up.
Also, last night I was in my local bar and I noticed the bartenders have a board where they write fake band names. The ones I can remember are:
Robot Zombies From the Year 500 Billion
Jack Jackson and the Jacksonsons
John Johnson and the Johnsonsons
But I’ve heard they’re just one guy.
Hi Havi,
I’ve come to play! This assignment is a GREAT compliment to my Sunday Night Success, um.. Monday Morning Action lists (I put a link in the linky field)
My week, or Take That Friday!
The Hard
Tackling the Business Plan *at all* has required more than I have in me this week.
The Good
Had a genius, genius networking idea that makes my insides giggle. AND 2 new clients!
The Hard
Making time to make my home squeaky clean for the visit from Homestay Coordinator tomorrow
The Good
Potential of an International Student staying with me makes my insides, yes, giggle!
The Hard
Ignoring my action list for other priorities!!
The Good
My file of denial & procrastination is as empty tonight as it was on Monday.
.-= Jocelyn´s last post … Understanding Doubt and Temptation in the Action Setting Process =-.
Just today I was thinking, Boundaries–I need ’em!
Hey, lady, quit reading my mind!
Selma’s on to something–I need to hide a little bit.
My only bad this week was tired. And grumpy. And grumbly.
But really, mostly good. Except for the boundaries.
The hard:
– having to leave home only a few days after I came back from Taos
– feeling like I’m not moving forward on anything because I’ve been in catching up mode for so long
– learning too late about your Right People Clinic. (Lesson learned: I won’t leave catching up with your blog for last, as a treat, ever again.)
The good:
– getting to spend a few days in Montreal! I miss Montreal, so it was really great!
– being there when my gentleman friend was awarded a prize for his last novel
– getting to read the first draft of my gentleman friend’s upcoming novel
– being home long enough to be almost caught up
– being almost caught up!
– feeling like I’ll soon be able to get back to doing stuff and moving forward. Yay!
.-= Josiane´s last post … Retreating to write – and being treated to so much more =-.
It’s still Friday, isn’t it? Sure, it’s still Friday somewhere in the world. I think it’s still Friday in Portland, for example.
My hard:
Having a tough time getting back into my routines after being away from home for several days. Lots of fatigue, confusion, and inner rebellion.
Financial fears. Oh, that’s a hard one. So scary. So much shame and self-blame.
My good:
Family who love me and tell me so, patiently, as many times as I need to hear it. Family who *show* as well as tell their love.
A ten-year-old daughter who still enjoys having me read to her (which I *love* doing!) and who, when I kissed her goodnight a couple of nights ago, said to me, “I’m so lucky! I have a great life!”
Reading some soul-nourishing stuff about illustrated journals, and being inspired to doodle in my own journals. Writing feels familiar and comfortable, while drawing feels mysterious and strange. It’s actually a very potent combination!
Okay, I’m ready to have a glorrrrrious weekend. Bring it on, universe!
Well it is Saturday morning at this point and the week flew by.
The Hard
My dayjob-I really need to build private clients and LEAVE the dayjob. The dayjob offers very little except for adding stress to my life. AND, for what I earn, it prevents lots of good in my life, such as working on my offerings for clients because it takes up much too much of my time. Which I now see as earning even less income per hour.
The Good
Had Friday off this week and spent the day on me. Had a pedicure, massage and had a wonderful talk with a friend.
That felt like-Wow.
Was asked to write a Q & A for a local magazine. At first I thought no(they wanted it yesterday)then I realized it was the answer to wanting MORE clients. I finished it. Not quite to my standards but I let that feeling just be and submitted. Hmmm…this was both hard and good but feels so good I’m thinking of it as good.
While I was thinking about good/hard of it, I realized this is my first published piece. I will really be seen.
Sorry, need to say it again-WOW!
Looking forward to a great weekend and so many new clients that the dayjob is a donejob.
So thankful for you Havi, Selma and everyone here.
Happy weekend
Okay, so we’re all walking around with zits, then? I have a massive breakout for the first time in years. Weird.
The hard:
– Overwhelm, overwhelm, overwhelm.
– Beating myself up for getting into the overwhelm situation in the first place.
– The constant battle with other people’s beliefs that because I work at home, I must not really be doing anything, so I have time to “just squeeze this in” for them right away. I should order the boundaries spray.
The good:
– Yay, my Shiva Nata DVD arrived! I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with it next week.
– I met all of my deadlines, self-imposed and otherwise, this week, when I thought at the beginning of the week that something would have to slide.
– My Spotlight feature at Lillyella has brought a TON of traffic to my Etsy site.
– I had a wonderful lunch with Nicole from Lillyella yesterday — fabulous food and fabulous company.
– I received a new wholesale order and a new custom order this week, and a new editing project that looks really interesting.
Happy weekend, everyone!
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … tidbits: less melty edition =-.
Day late and dollar short Chicken:
–Not sleeping well. Too much monkey mind.
–More relationship churn. 15 years in the same relationship is an accomplishment. And it’s still as much work as it ever was. And will be. Feeling very emo about it all.
–Got a big time acting offer, which I had to turn down because of my current show, but it’s with a company I really want to work with and now feel like I’m “foot in the door.”
— Work on one person show went very well. Doing an audition for a special funding program for it on Monday, which is my birthday, so feel very good about the karma of that and my preparation for it.
–Have been having lots of heart to hearts with my wonderful friends. Learning to let people in more, learning to receive.
Hugs to all for the hard, Hoorays for the good, and a Glorrrrrrrrrrrious week to everyone. Love that. And as always, big hugs and love to Havi and Selma for being themselves, and creating the space.
Well, better late than never here!
The Good:
-found someone to finish my ebook formatting.
-4 people agreed to take a final look at it and I really value their feedback
-1 of the 3 gave me their blessings
-1 person couldn’t open the pdf’s which saved my ass because there were things in there that needed to be corrected. i hadn’t read it in a while since the last edit. Thank God for her!!!
-weeded and mulched my courtyard.
-got some sleep.
-got lots of exercise, yoga and sunshine.
-great long walks with my girls!
-someone famous asked me to review their upcoming book! that’s so exciting.
The Hard:
-Screwed up my again doing things in the wrong order.
-No a/c and it’s hot and humid here. Constantly find myself seeking coolness
-Back pain
.-= Char´s last post … test =-.
Hey Havi,
I’m mainly a lurker on this blog but thought of you when I saw this: Wanted to share it with you!
Hi Havi,
I am a bit giddy that I’ve come across your blog through Patsi’s recent post! I am loving the spiritual, yet pragmatic thrust to your blog, looking very much forward to future insights upon your return.
Let me jump in and reflect upon the last week with you all. Here it goes.
The Good:
-Launched my blog;
-Booked an amazing, affordable cruise to South America (in case the blog destroys my self-esteem and I need an escape;-));
-I tried just a little bit harder this week to understand what on earth my husband thinks in that head of his.
The Bad:
-I have been a bit grumpy with the humidity here in NYC. Tend to shout at inanimate objects like an angry troll;
-I did not cook anything creative; my tastebuds died;
-Unlike emilyline, I did not win virtual tickets for the Bacchae in Central Park:-(
Cheers to another week!