Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Selma and I are actually in San Francisco right now so this is the miracle of pre-posting.

Whoo! Pre-posting. It makes me happy.

But yeah, it was quite a week.

And I’ve been doing a lot of general mulling over while remembering everything that’s been going on for me.

The hard stuff

Too many freaking things to do.

My Pirate Queen Action Items List is so long it actually makes me want to throw up looking at it.

No, I do not understand how it is that I have THREE assistants and still there are so many things that are on my list?

Maybe it’s that I haven’t figured out yet how to teach other people to do them. Or maybe it’s more that I don’t have time to teach them while I’m completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of the list.

I don’t know. But there was a lot of hard this week around that.

And I focused a lot of my time on just healing the ick and doing techniques to calm down. Blech.

The fireworks.

I already wrote about this.

But having my post-traumatic stress stuff come up again was not fun.

What’s the opposite of writer’s block called?

There is so much that I want to be writing about all at once that it forms this sort of weird paralysis.

I find myself resenting the time that’s designated for non-writing things.

And then when I do sit down to write, it’s with too many frenetic ideas floating around and begging for a piece of my attention.

Something to work on.

But not today.

I want some good stuff! Oh, right. Here we are. The good stuff.

The good stuff

As ladyfriends go, I am pretty much the best ever.

Executing the super-complicated Mission Ridiculously Complicated Birthday Surprise for my gentleman friend was not easy.

Well, mostly it was not easy to keep my mouth shut and not tell him what was happening.

I’d arranged a four day trip for the two of us to his favorite city, a four-star hotel, transportation, brunch plans with various friends of his … and oh, various other little sneaky surprises.

All of which I’ve been dying to be able to talk to him about since I’m not used to having something that we’re not talking about.

And then there were all the various loose cannons — his various friends in San Francisco that I had sworn to secrecy.

And our friends here who knew (I’m pretty sure the Spicy Princess was totally kicking Ranch Boy under the table when we had dinner at their place).

Anyway, it was agonizing. But so completely worth it to see his elated and astonished grin when Selma and I handed him his birthday envelope with a goofy deck of itinerary cards inside.

I learned something.

This is actually from a couple weeks ago, but the realization has been really helpful for me this week.

I was doing Cairene’s brilliant Bite the Candy thing which is all about doing the stuff on your to-do list that never actually gets done.

So I had four things that I wanted to give attention to, and one of them I kept thinking of as “the fun one”, so I saved that one for last.

And when I did it, I learned that hey, it wasn’t really fun at all.

Which was really useful. Because I was able to stop and say:

“Oh! Oh oh oh oh oh! THAT’s why I was avoiding it.”

Of course I had been thinking of it as the fun one because it was on a list of ew.

But it was really hard! And realizing that gave me permission to stop giving myself crap for avoiding the “fun” one.

People are awesome.

Every once in a while something bizarre happens that costs me money.

For example, someone’s house gets broken into and their Shiva Nata DVD gets stolen.

This has actually happened more than a couple times, which kind of makes you want to shake your head at humanity in general. But I figure that some loss is just the price of doing business.

So I have a very “oh well, what are you gonna do” attitude about that kind of loss. We ship another one, it gets marked in the books and then I forget about it.

But this one woman in the Netherlands? She got insurance money. And then she paypalled me 20 Euro as a thank you.

Isn’t that the sweetest thing ever?

Also, in a weird way it kind of makes me happy to imagine the person who stole her DVD actually using it, becoming a Shivanaut and changing his own patterns through the practice.

Shiva-Nata-inspired moments of bing!

Speaking of Shivanauts and the insanely weird Dance of Shiva, I have been getting the most brain-blowingly awesome insights all week.

Dancing up a storm. And writing down the things that come up afterwards.

And it’s out of control.


My gentleman friend and I have been learning swing dancing. And now that we can do four different turns without falling on our faces, we can rock out in the living room while listening to Elvis.

And that is pure bliss.

And … new at the meme beach house!

Yes, that’s a Stuism too.

My brother and I like make up ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week it’s:

My Right Arm For A Pepsi*

It’s just one guy.

*Second runner up: Barton Finkelstein and the Elephants. Also a guy. No elephants.

And … STUISMS of the week.

Stu is my paranoid McCarthy-ist voice-to-text software who delights in torturing me misunderstanding me. I can’t stand him.

My favorite was:

And the Giants rock!

That was instead of what it was supposed to be which was “and the giant rock“. But since I madly adore the San Francisco Giants, I was pretty excited that Stu finally got something right.

My second favorite was It’s that Nutter Irish instead of “It’s the Nataraj”.

(Yes, I know … and his second guess for Nataraj was not trashy, to which I say: ?!?!?!?!)

Anyway, the gems from this week:

  • Friday Czech and instead of “Friday Chicken”
  • That’s a heart, Inuit? instead of “That’s hard, isn’t it?
  • folks and head wax instead of “pokes and head whacks”
  • They steal the two hogs back together instead of “they seal the two halves back together”
  • after Leslie instead of “effortlessly”
  • here is termite brain instead of “erased from my brain”
  • Ha ha Ha ha ha. No picket. instead of “Hahahahaha. No.”
  • the sell you an arc is going to ash instead of “the cellular network is going to crash”
  • no unbiased instead of “no one buys”
  • So pick a Grammy instead of “So big hug from me”
  • from Psalm A instead of “from Selma”

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.

The Fluent Self