A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
You’d think I’d be all out of Items (Item! Havi is out of Items!) from being away teaching at the Writer’s Retreat.
But no! They find me.
It’s kind of weird.
Item! Post No. 29 in a series that promotes the falling down of rabbit holes, but only metaphorical ones, which is really the only kind that matter anyway, unless … never mind.
Item! A decent pick-up line for nuns (oh, that headline is a disaster, sorry)!
This post is the sweetest thing in the entire world.
Plus there is a picture of gorgeous, smile-happy Erika Harris hugging two nuns.
“Okay, fine. I had a little nun-worship going on. So what?”
She’s @LifeBlazing on Twitter.
Item! I actually got blocked by someone on Twitter.
That was pretty much the weirdest thing that’s happened to me.
I saw someone I follow say something to someone else. I looked at her page. She looked kinda cool.
So I followed. Or tried to.
Except that she had blocked me from following her. Which is hardcore, because I had never even heard of this person before a second before that, and because when I block people?
They’ve got to be spammers. Or serious slimeball stalker-ey people.
This is just me. Interested in reading about some regular, local, craft-ey person who does stuff with wool. I like wool. I buy it for people who spin or knit and might want to make me socks.
So … really? I can’t follow her? She doesn’t have to follow back. I mean, what if I never say anything to her? What if I’m just wool-curious? Is it because I made fun of a sheep once?
Anyway, what I learned this week (Item!) is that I can get weirdly paranoid. But also that people have strong opinions about me.
Item! Found on a scribbled piece of paper!
Remember when I went to San Francisco and taught a class and sang sea chanteys on the ship and stuff?
Well, while I was there I had one day where I was just exhausted and had to crawl into bed and disappear for a while.
And even though I’m a big fan of all-things nap-related, on this particular day I really just wanted to get my act together and take my energy back. I wanted to feel sparkly!
But I felt bleargh. Until I woke up. Then things were better again.
So I wrote myself a note and hid it in my bag.
I just found it and it made me smile.
“The pirate queen* is not only allowed to put herself first, she’s required to.
Taking a nap when she can’t meditate? Choosing not to go out to brunch again after a full day of socializing? This is not just “okay” — it’s vital. Good for her!
That’s your new pattern. Saying ‘good for her!”‘ and then going fearlessly back to bed.”
*No, I did not put a link in the note. That was just for anyone who does not know that the pirate queen is actually me.
Item! I really, really don’t like making lists about “things you didn’t know about me”.
And I wish people would stop asking me to.
For one thing, you guys already know a ridiculous amount of things about me.
Also, most people’s lists of “X Things You Didn’t Know About Me” are not interesting.
They’re always full of astonishingly non-revealing things like “I like strawberries” and “my middle name is Elaine”.
Really? Because I didn’t know that about you, but I also don’t feel like I know you any better for it.
I tried. I really did. But there are only two things I would put on that list:
1. My filing system is organized by chakras.
2. If you had told me six years ago that I’d organize anything by chakras, I would have killed myself to prevent this from happening. Good thing you weren’t there.
Item! Writing some serious stuff.
I (finally!) got to meet Patsi Krakoff the other week at the Writer’s Retreat.
Man, what a neat lady!
And I have so stolen her genius phrase “sorry, that’s just past my brain time.”
Also, she’s hot.
This post about why laughter and community are important for the creative process was right freaking on:
“If you want to write good stuff for your business, you should consider laughing with other like-minded creative people.
Life doesn’t happen in a vacuum and your writing can’t get better alone or without laughing your butt off …
Even if you’re writing about the effects of gamma rays on mitachondria in the brain, your authenticity will shine through. Your writing will be better.”
She’s @Patsiblogsquad on Twitter.
Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar Shivanauts!
Hmm. Let’s see. I’m working on two posts but haven’t put them up.
In the meantime we’re not that peculiar but we are Shiva-ing it up like crazy. Twenty-two new Shivanauts as of last week. Whoo!
And that doesn’t count the twenty-six wonderful women I made practice with me at Jennifer Louden’s crazy Writer’s Retreat.
Also, I am ridiculously close to having the manual done, which means that soon the Advanced Kit will be available, which means that if you don’t own the Starter Kit yet, now is a good time.
Because the Advanced Kit will be less expensive for people who already own the Starter Kit. Just saying.
Item! Comments!
So it was really cool the other week when I got to work on my practice of how I ask for stuff and you guys gave me the most amazing words to play with. Yes!
So I’m going to try it again.
Here’s what I want:
- Things you’re thinking about.
- A favorite word. Or words.
My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and I will interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible for me.
Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
A filing system organized by chakras?
I lovelovelove this.
This makes reason #549,312 that you are absolutely one of my very favorite people in the entire world.
And the fact that you’d have killed yourself years ago to avoid this?
I laughed until I almost had jasmine green tea coming out my nose. Because I totally relate.
(waves at Selma!)
.-= Fabeku´s last post … How to play a singing bowl =-.
Things I am thinking about:
– exploring the world of shiva-nata, but really really scared of the commitment at this junction, and a little um, scared of Havi and the Shivanauts
– the fact that my divorce should be finalized soon, but my lawyer has gone awol (again)
– wanting to get up and move
– how does one file according to chakras?
My favourite words?
– spiral
– epitome
– fuzzbuckets (usually in reference to my cats or their collective dust-bunny shapped sheddings that I can’t seem to keep swept up)…
.-= Pam´s last post … my book collection =-.
I’m thinking about whether God’s house would have a sofa in it that was kind of grungy but that he really loved, even if nobody else could understand that. Perhaps the grunge was holy because it reminded him of a friend who put her grubby feet on his couch because she had just been out beach-combing.
And I love your note about the Pirate Queen.
.-= Bridget´s last post … The Town and Country Guide to Stress Management, Or, Does My Suffering Count For Something? I’m Suffering Over Here. =-.
My favorite word (today anyway) is: elaborate.
Good word for a writer, eh?
Things I am thinking about…
– the many things I *should* be doing that I don’t want to do
– my high level of frustration with customer issues that I can’t solve on my own (and can’t find anyone to help me)
Some favorite words…
– munchkins
– frothy
– obtuse
.-= Avonelle Lovhaug´s last post … The secret to buying custom software for less =-.
Talk about blocking paranoia! Many moons ago I realized I hadn’t seen any of our precious Hiro Boga’s tweets in my stream lately. I went to her twitter page and discovered… I was blocked!(Do you realize how many more exclamation points would be appropriate here?)
I was stunned, confused, and so broken-hearted I finally found her contact info on her site and sent her an email. Ferociously biting my paranoid tongue & fighting back tears, I tried casually to ask if she’d intended to block me.
Happily (again insert appropriate number of !!!s)it was a glitch, error, or mistaken tapping of the wrong button.
I think Hiro led me to you, Havi, or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, a very happy ending.
.-= Mahala Mazerov´s last post … Your Turn To Ask, A Meditation Survey =-.
@Pam: I’m a bellydancer as well as a new shivanaut. I’m required by law to be “not scary”. OK, well maybe not by law, but I try not to be too scary!
What I’m thinking about: software marketing versus software documentation and why keeping them separate is a silly holdover from the 19th century.
And why my new sword didn’t arrive in time for me to use it to teach class with tomorrow… (OK Pam, maybe I *AM* a little scary! But we’re just going to balance it on our heads like friendly dancing Pirates, really.)
Hmmmm. more favorite words.
Snickerdoodle. Both the word and the cookie, which I don’t eat any more. 🙁
.-= G. Romilly´s last post … My not-quite-a-UFO pile – Cats by Kelly =-.
PS: Please explain a little more about filing system by chakra. This may be the organizational system I’ve been searching for.
Maybe the new meme is 10 things I firmly believe that I would have rolled my eyes at 3 years ago.
Things I am thinking about:
Wondering if anyone has blocked me. I think I will resist looking for now, sometimes that paranoia does just fine on its own. 🙂
Whether this second dye bath will be it for the green fabric I just dyed (it is in the dryer right now).
If my lack of energy today is from our long long day at the Ohio State Fair yesterday or if it is because I skipped my coconut milk breakfast and its 50% of my B12.
I don’t have a filing system yet, but if/when I do, I think the chakra system sounds pretty good. 🙂 Oh, and thank you for the link to the Wishcraft book, I am following along and it is really helping. Especially the part in the first chapter? that is about how you get trained to consider yourself selfish if you follow what you want to do. I thought my parents were just really hard on me, but turns out it is as much cultural, if not more. Freeing, really 🙂
.-= Andi´s last post … Uses for Hand-Dyed Fabric Part I =-.
A chakra-based filing system? Now I really *have* heard them all. I love it…but I can’t help wondering where Selma’s fan mail gets filed!
And ooh, favorite words! They change, but at the moment, these come to mind:
* crunch
* scintillate
* cinnamon
* fritter
* crest
* wahey! (exclamation)
* cwm (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cwm)
.-= Michelle Russell´s last post … An Invitation to Write Something Horrible! =-.
OOOOOhhh! And seconding G. Romilly’s “snickerdoodle”!!! :o)
.-= Michelle Russell´s last post … An Invitation to Write Something Horrible! =-.
Thank you for reminding me that my paranoia is really just that. And that it’s okay. And that you don’t really think I’m all *that* creepy for filing according to chakras.
@mahala – oh, I love your new meme. That is brilliant. 10 things I firmly believe that I would have rolled my eyes at 3 years ago. I have to write that one.
The chakra filing system is very loose and symbolic.
Red (grounding) is teaching.
Orange (flow) is money, accounts, support team.
Yellow (power) is generating products.
Green (heart) is clients.
Blue (communication, clarity, creativity) is Biggifying. Purple (connection) is learning and resting — mostly stuff I’m working on for myself.
And then if I don’t know where to put something, I just ask where I feel it in my body and I know. So yeah, no one else can use my filing system but it works really well for me! 🙂
Things I am thinking about –
– How you file by Chakras
– Ways to improve my life (by virtue of DOING MORE!)
– Learning Tai Chi/Yoga but being afraid that I’m too unfit to do it
– Wishing I would win the lottery so I could buy my apartment, make it nice, then use the rest for Kiva loans
My favourite word –
Filing system by chakras?! That is totally. Freaking. Brilliant.
Because I try to come up with filing systems, but I can’t remember the system for more than five minutes after I come up with it, and retracing my thought processes is impossible, so I have to go through every single folder to find the one that might fit best, and…. *flail*. With chakras, though? I might be able to figure it out, and keep it figured out. Wow. Dude.
My favorite word right now is “effervescent.” It makes me happy.
.-= Heather Freeman´s last post … running an art show =-.
As the person responsible for starting the rumor that Shivanauts (of whom I am one!) are peculiar, I hasten to add that I also said we are hilarious.
And since hilarity and peculiarity are two things the world needs very badly right now, I hereby establish tomorrow, August 5th, as International Embrace-The-Peculiar-Hilarity-of-Shiva-Nata Day, and call upon all Shivanauts everywhere who feel like it to Dance It Up until we fall down laughing at the incredible richness of a universe that includes all of us dancing our brains and bodies and spirits through the magical doors blowing open everywhere.
Be more peculiar. Inspire hilarity (OED: cheerfulness, gladsomeness, calm joy) wherever you go.
Word of the day: the Proto-Indo-European root “bhel-” which gives us these lovely words in English (among others): foliage, bloom, folio, flora, flour, bleed, blade, flourish, bless, and blossom.
.-= Melynda´s last post … Orderly Transition of Power Salad–with homemade chutney! =-.
(((imagining you asking your gentlemen friend or brother))): “Could you be a dear, and hand me my Third Eye file?”
“How did this Root thing-ey get misfiled in my Solar Plexus?!”
Images like that add to my ineffable (favorite word) adoration of you, Havi!
Thanks for sharing the Sister Sandwich here 🙂 I think those ladies are just the best.
.-= Erika Harris´s last post … The Gift of Disillusionment =-.
What I’m thinking about:
– I just ordered my Shiva Nata Starter Kit. It seems a little scary — I’m not a terribly coordinated person — but I’m determined to give it a try and create a safe space where I can let myself be clumsy and open-minded with it. Preferably away from windows and doors and the neighbors’ prying eyes.
Favorite words:
– delicious
– bubbling
– summer
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … tidbits: August already? edition =-.
Hi lovely! This is my first reply to your site…yippee…hopefully the first of many to come in this yummy conversation we are beginning!
Here’s what comes to mind for your request for favorite words: reveling…shape-shifting…claim…birth.
sending you good vibes on your final words for the manual!!!
Things I’m thinking about:
– the romance I’m currently reading and why the “I’ve loved you since we were teenagers, and now we are off in an exotic foreign country away from our families, so let’s get our sexytimes on” is just not working for me. I think it’s because it’s happening so fast that I’m stuck going “so, uh, why do I care about these characters again?”
– the Harry Potter fanfiction I’m reading where the artist has clearly done her research and is very tastefully and maturely handling an alternate universe where Cedric Diggory lived at the end of the Triwizard Tournament but was crippled instead. Of course, this is an author who is also a published literature author and who I’ve trusted to handle difficult subjects with maturity and wisdom ever since she managed to successfully work September 11th into an X-Men movieverse piece.
– whether or not I can eke out 500 words today on my secondary writing project; the primary one already got its 1000 words, and wow, turning off the IM client while working on that made it go so much faster
– brushing my hair and going for a walk
Favorite words:
– shenanigans
– snuggle
– snicker-snack
I seem to like S sounds today.
Gotta say, I love that your files are coordinated by chakras! Are they color coordinated too?
Things I’m thinking about: How I can get into a wild knot of anxiety when I’m putting pressure on myself to do things in a certain way or by a certain time. When I let go of the end point and the path to get there I feel relieved.
Favorite words: I don’t have a favorite word! I searched my brain for words and a few came to mind that are fun to say, like pendulum, but nothing stood out. I’m gonna go with a word the hubster and I use (that’s totally made up): Scooples
.-= leah´s last post … Movin’ and Shakin’ =-.
.-= Joel Corriveau´s last post … Love is a Mirror of Your Needs =-.
Hum… what a wonderful train of thought..
Connecting Deeply with Others
And in case this sounds too serious – my out-loud words
chickaba (for when the jelly lands face down)
Bud (for addressing those other drivers)
Today what I’m thinking about and my favorite word of the day are the same: goofball.
My dog is a goofball. She makes me laugh out loud every day.
And you, Havi, are a goofball. You do all these quirky, goofy things here that are fun and still you manage to get important points across.
I need to learn how to write important things about saving the planet and be a goofball, too. I want to be fun and quirky and still make my point.
That’s why I read your blog every day. I like your style. Thank you for your goofyness!
.-= Carole´s last post … Justin Timberlake says golf CAN be green! =-.
I just followed you on Twitter to make up for the other fiber person who blocked you. Perhaps she mistook you for someone else. Anyhow, I spin, weave, knit, felt, and pretty much anything to do with natural fibers, so please feel free to let your wool-curious self wander in my direction.
And because I am wish-curious, here are my favorite words right now:
I’m sure a therapist would have a field day with those 🙂
.-= Julia´s last post … Patience =-.
Filing by chakras! 😀 I file by tarot trumps and color coding, so you’re not alone in using odd filing systems. 😉 And I’ve met more than one person who files by Kabbalistic Sephiroth. Many of my friends and family comment on my “Radar O’Reily” filing system.
Things I’m thinking about:
– How to turn my RPG passion into a financially supportive business.
– How to monetize my blogs better so I can actually get some money flowing *in* my door instead of just out of it.
– How to help my wonderful and supportive fiance through his grandfather’s dying.
My favorite word? Right now its:
Which I just found out is a real word meaning a metal cup holder for a coffee cup without a handle.
.-= Cheri´s last post … No TV for White Men? =-.
Awesomest “Word of the Day” I’ve ever seen is: defenestrate. Means “To throw out of a window.” Example: “Stu was being so frustrating, I very nearly defenestrated him.”
And I am one of your new Shiva-nuts, eagerly awaiting the arrival of my DVD! My boyfriend thinks the whole thing is hilarious, as I am The Least Coordinated & Most Klutzyest Person in the Entire Universe. Seriously. I once tripped & fell over while standing still. But I figure, since your intro says it’s best to do it badly, well, I can probably bring a whole new level of badly to doing it! LOL!
.-= Holly´s last post … HollyMarieHill: Awww! So happy to see on http://www.coveredincathair.com that Winkles (& another kitty too) are getting the emergency eye surgery they need! =-.
Someone blocked YOU? Seriously, there’s got to be a whole country’s worth of people I would block before you. Creepy and weird don’t even enter into my vision of you. Kooky, yes; creepy, no.
Thinking about
– How to stop doing so much really good work FOR FREE.
– How to tamp down the money panic.
– Why my neighborhood seems so much noisier to me since we came back from vacation.
Favorite words (today)
susurrous, tintinnabulation, rememberies (my daughter made up the last one when she was four: “I have good rememberies.”)
And yay you on the manual!
.-= Liz Grandmaison´s last post … New Artwork, Old Jazz Club =-.
Thinking about the way-off-beaten-path sculpture park I ended up at today. Had no idea what to expect and was surprised to encounter the sculptor. He and his wife (also does some sculpture) were working by their immense studio. Wondering how they built that life.
.-= claire´s last post … Gettin’ My Groove On… (vol. v) =-.
Wait. You mean some people have a *system* for filing? Huh. I guess my “system” is put the stuff I use most often at the front of the drawer, and everything else can go behind it.
Hard to believe someone would block you. I usually just block people who have a pornographic profile pic. If you were a serial sheep murderer I’d block you, but just making fun of a sheep once? Nah. They are kind of funny sometimes.
What I’m thinking about:
It somehow got to be August which means that September is NEXT MONTH, which means I have a ton of dyeing to do before the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival. I know what I’ll be doing every weekend this month.
Also, I went to my yoga class tonight after missing several weeks, and the door was locked and no one was there. I took one of the schedules from the box at the door and found they had changed the schedule all around and my teacher who is wonderful only teaches Saturday morning now, which is just too early for me and the weekend sessions are super crowded. Sad.
Favorite words:
and so many others…
.-= Riin´s last post … Amazing =-.
Maybe the Twitter blocking thingy was a Twitter glitch.
I’ve been thinking today that everything is flowing in the right direction. It’s not perfect and it never goes fast enough, but it’s okay. I’m kind of enjoying the current pace of life.
Favorite words
FUD (Short for Fear Uncertainty Doubt. When someone start talking about stuff just to encourage fear, uncertainty, and doubt in people.)
Hmm… they all start with F today.
.-= Sydney´s last post … Three Mockingbirds =-.
What I’m thinking about today: Marketing for Introverts, and how to find the sort of marketing that works for what you want and need out of your business, and yourself.
Also, art projects: I am in love with Koldo Barroso’s weekly art things, and also several art-every-day blogs, and wondering if I can bring this practice into my life somehow.
Also also, smartphones: I want to replace mine, and I’m torn between iPhones which I love, and T-Mobile which I also love but doesn’t have iPhones. If only the G2 would actually sync with Macs directly and not just via Google’s suite of apps which I don’t use.
A word that’s local to where I live that I love/hate: Hella. As in, it’s hella easy to click “block” by accident on some of those pages on Twitter.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Features, Benefits, and the eternal Why =-.
Fav word: Quirky
Hard to believe someone would block you. They don’t even know what they are missing…your awesomeness.
I will be ordering Shiva dance soon so I can join in the fun here on the East coast.
What I’m thinking about:
Fun and how allowing life to flow and be free is fun and that is how I want life to be.
Loved both the filing by chakras and the fact that you would have thought yourself crazy for doing it a few years ago.
(actually I laughed out loud at that part and then had to take a few minutes explaining it all to my hubby who was looking at me like I was crazy. I don’t know if he thinks I’m less crazy after the explanation or more, but whatever.)
Looking in from the outside, people often miss all of the little steps you take to get from A (vanilla manila filing) to B (rocking chakra filing) – heck, I’m a 4th degree black belt and my mother still thinks “that karate thing” (which *isn’t* karate, by the way) is some weird hobby or phase.
favorite word of the day:
bushaloo, inspired by my distant relative Felix Bushaloo Breazeale who had his funeral while still alive just to see what everyone would say about him and I just found out today that at least that part of the story is being used as the basis for a movie coming out next year. weird.
.-= Jennifer Breazeale´s last post … TGIF =-.
It really makes me super triple happy that you file by chakras.
.-= Sonia Simone´s last post … Are You Sure Your Content MarketingStrategy Is a Good Fit? =-.
What I’m thinking about: I seem to have a nerve trapped in my hip or something. It stings! I’ve tried rolling and pulling and stretching, but it doesn’t seem to help. I’m not even sure what’s wrong. I suddenly feel like I don’t even know my hips that well. I should spend more time with them. Maybe all this yoga is making me weird.
OK, I’ll stop the stream of conciousness thing there.
A phrase and concept I’m playing with at the moment: victory conditions.
Chakra-based filing system FTW! All I have is the boring old alphabet 🙂
What I’m thinking about:
Something Barbara Sher said in her comment on your last post: isolation is the dreamkiller.
I’ll say it again: ISOLATION is the DREAMKILLER.
Pushes all sorts of hot buttons with me just at the moment. It all but made me cry.
Some of my favourite words this morning:
.-= Lean Ni Chuilleanain´s last post … Very Secret Mysteries, no. 3: Crochet =-.
Clearly your people love a chakra filing system. I would like to join in with the enthusiastic exclamations of What a Good Idea!
I have some anxiety about blocking on twitter, but I do have a private account and also seem to get dozens of spammy followers a day, so I tend to block people that seem to be mostly out to market themselves. But I wouldn’t read your twitter stream as such, so who knows. Sorry for the sting of that happening to you!
I have been thinking today about building my chrysalis.
favorite word: epiphany
I knew the Havi that would have killed the Havi that filed stuff by chakras. Sigh.
Which makes me wonder, does circa 2002 Havi ever show up to challenge 2009 Havi to . . . I don’t know, a drinking contest? Metaphorical arm wrestle?
Today my favourite words are (note correct Queen’s English spelling of favourite):
Intercontinental – it’s like a little song.
Akimbo – I’m amazed this is an English word.
Favorite word to use: gesticulate. As in: I don’t drive and Tweet, but I have been known to drive and gesticulate.
Thoughts on items:
I find the two items you’ve put on your “Things We Didn’t Know About You” to be brilliantly interesting. IMO, I think that those lists are excellent internal activities to convince some people to de-stuckify themselves. That is, if one can only come up with “I like strawberries,” it’s a wake-up call to enliven some portion of one’s strawberry-loving life. But I agree, these lists should not be spread around the social media world like spam, at least not until they’re vibrant enough to make others envious.
On another item:
Is it OK for me to steal a phrase you’re stealing?
I’m just curious, Havi, if you WERE to link to something in a note to yourself, what would it link to?
gesticulate! Crustacean! FUD! doffer! fling!
@Holly – *blows kiss*
@Liz – rememberies is now my new best word. Rememberies! Awesome.
@Willie – I *must* know more about victory conditions. ???
@Paul – if people are enlivening their strawberry-loving life, I’m all for it.
And if I were to link to something in a note to myself, that would be really weird, but it would probably go to 2002 Havi.
Or to Berlin.
@jon – are you sure you’re not thinking of 1996 Havi?
And yeah, sometimes we do all get together for a round of jello wrestling. Good times.
I will say that 1999 Havi can pretty much always drink the rest of us under the table, except that 2009 Havi thinks that she’s invincible, which generally leads to mad chaos and dancing on chairs.
Intercontinental … it *is* like a little song.
@Lori and @Pam (plus any other potential shivanuts-in-hesitation out there)-
Commitment and coordination are most definitely not conditions of this dance. I do it when I need to and don’t when I don’t. I am also a huge klutz (twisted my ankle at my own wedding reception) and I still have a fantastic time flailing around to the DVD and giggling madly at Andey Lappa’s accent. It cheers me when I am inconsolably glum and has bumped me out of many a slump.
Aglets. The little plastic thingies on the end of shoelaces that make life tolerable.
Sadly, I learned this in a song from “Phineas & Ferb” on Disney Channel. Even sadder, the show’s entire plotline revolved around aglets and I watched it.
And for some reason I cannot remember the word aglets and now have the word written in red marker on my hand because my kids keep asking me “What’s that word again?”
It’s been an odd day.
.-= Liz´s last post … Pollyanna has a steamy affair =-.
I was thinking about the smell of rain and how to get the gunk out of the pipes of my jetted tub that has gone unused since we moved in 2 years ago. Now, I’m thinking about what I’m thinking about.
Words (or pairs thereof) I love to say aloud:
Ambassador Caffrey
Kiki Vanderway
McCauley Culkin
Words I just learned this week reading Capitalism 3.0:
Illth – as in…all the crap that results from the dark side of commerce: Poverty, pollution, despair, and ill-health
Thneads – as in…things we only think we need (see Dr. Seuss and the Lorax for a longer explanation)
Things I just learned reading your post and all the comments:
I really MUST get more creative with my filing system. (Which, at the moment, is really just piles of paper stacked strategically around the office, waiting for the moment when I get that intern back in here to actually move them into file folders). Maybe if I did some kind of Tarot/Chakra combo, I would be more excited about the process??
.-= Tea Silvestre´s last post … Using your Values as a Sales Tool =-.
I’m digging six-word stories at the moment… rather into the whole brevity thing, myself:
We will rebuild with smooth stones.
(The title of a song my son shared with me recently.)
Also interesting: G. Romilly’s “silly holdover.”
(I had to work to make that six words!)
Single words I find useful: embrace, unfold, indefatigable