Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
I have this thought pretty much every Friday but seriously, how is it Friday again?
Good grief. You spend all this time trying to bring more mindfulness into your life … and still it sneaks up on you. Friday.
Unbelievable. Okay, let’s do this thing.
The hard stuff
Stuck in limbo a bit …
So we’re moving into the house that I um, propositioned. Which, yes, is a good thing. And that happens in about a week and a half.
A lot of decisions feeling harder to make because I just want to wait until we’re all settled into the new place.
Plus I’m looking at my calendar, seeing all the client appointments and programs and stuff I’m doing, and thinking that this has to be the worst time ever to move. Though I suppose it probably always seems like that.
Biting off more than is chew-able.
I definitely have too much going on. And some of the things I’m plotting up are really, really huge. Both symbolically and in terms of the scope of what I’m actually doing.
One pattern that has become ridiculously clear is how much trouble I have asking for help and support when I need it.
Just recognizing that I’m not — and don’t have to be — self-sufficient all the time is feeling really weird and vulnerable. So I’m practicing the art of the ask. In baby steps.
We’ll see.
The good stuff
Non-sucky yoga month!
Sent off an enormous pile of non-sucky yoga DVDs off to the four corners of the earth.
Well, to England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland and Australia … and all over Canada (even Nova Scotia) and the United States.
That was a tingly sensation, thinking about all the different people who are going to be using this stuff and who, in a way, will become my partners-in-yogified-awesomeness.
Plus I spent $141.13 on postage … and it didn’t even stress me out. (Postage costs used to be a huge source of worry for me). It just felt really, really fun sending “presents” to people.
People really “getting it”!
Everyone who bought the Non-Sucky Yoga package and has listened to my seven-minute “getting in the mood when I’m so not in the mood” recording has been ecstatic about the results.
But the cool part is that they get it. I didn’t have to tell them that the yoga thing is really just a cover, and that they can actually use this recording for absolutely anything they’re putting off or feeling uncomfortable with.
That it’s really just a way to sneak into the whole “figuring out what your issues are and then learning how to like yourself anyway” thing. That you can use this material to work on all sorts of patterns and issues as they come up.
They’re already doing it. Incredible.
This from the sweetest email in the entire world:
I am feeling so chill and open and content right now after listening to your “I don’t have to do anything I don’t what to do” recording. How empowering and accepting and nurturing! I love it. I might just listen to over and over this week to feel loved!
Also, I kept waiting for your cheerlead — like, “ok, we know you don’t want to and that’s all fine and good… so now just try it anyway.” And I love that you didn’t do that.
You are amazing and talented and unique in what you offer the world. And the fact that you can be real and funny and kind in all that??? Amazing.
Wow. I mean, wow. I don’t even know what to say. I’m thrilled.
Organized. And inspired.
You might remember that I’m taking Jennifer Hofmann’s amazing six-week Inspired Organizing course.
Super sad that it’s over but oh boy, the insights! This might be the best class I’ve ever taken. I think it is.
I also participated in her “home office spa day” thing this week, just to get an extra dose of wonderful.
Wonderful? My inbox is at zero. My projects are moving. I don’t have those two huge piles that were on the floor. And I’m generally feeling great about being alive. I’d say wonderful.
Jen is a freaking genius. I expect to see you there at the next two-hour office-healing thing.
Finally met internet friend Emma McCreary. Also known as @cheekyboots if you’re a fellow Twitterite.
She’s super cute! We had dinner. I like her.
Yay for real-life connections with the people I know and adore from the world of blog.
Pinch me!
Obviously the most energy-intense part of this week here in the States was election day. Man.
I was expecting a long, painful, drawn-out process of an evening. So my gentleman friend and I agreed that we would try as hard as possible to stick to routine, for the sake of our own sanity.
We turned off the radio (we don’t have a television) for our daily non-sucky yoga hour. And since Tuesdays we always go out for dinner to the same place and eat the exact same thing, we decided to just go ahead and stick to our ritual.
So we ritual-ed but of course it was completely different in every way. And once the news broke, the whole place was crying and cheering, and the waitresses were bustling around handing out champagne to everyone.
Walking back home in the rain, every single person we saw was laughing and crying and just generally bewildered and joyful. People blew kisses from cars and hugged each other and it was so overwhelming and beautiful.
Then we ran away because even though Portland is the coolest city in the States, it’s still Portland and there were drum circles on the street. In my administration those will of course be banned.
You know, I never planned to come back to America. After eleven years abroad I’d had no intention of ever returning. It never occurred to me that I’d even care again. But I’m here now.
And knowing that a smart, capable, compassionate man — one who is both pragmatic and idealistic — will be leading and representing this country, and to watch this goodness overcome the racism and bigotry I’d feared might triumph … wow.
This has really renewed my faith in all sorts of things. Oh, and it will make visiting my super-conservative inlaws much more bearable.
That’s it for me ….
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
Wow – the best class possibly ever? (blushing) I agree that it’s totally awesome when people get it. And then their lives get even better – which is more awesome still.
Sometimes you just have to stand back in awe and appreciate it because honestly, whether I’m/you’re/we’re a genius or not, there’s a lot of love coming through that’s bigger than us.
I cried on election night too. I think I have a crush on Obama (and that’s saying a lot for me).
Hugs to you –
My week in a nutshell:
Waiting, lots of waiting.
I waited to vote, I waited to hear the outcome of that vote.
I’m still waiting for it to be Saturday, and then I will spend part of Saturday waiting to get out of work, then waiting til it’s time to drive to the airport and pick up Joe.
I’m waiting for my 6 week check up.
I’m waiting for payday, next Friday, to pay another chunk of bills that I just wish I could pay all at once like a normal flow.
I’m always waiting for new posts from you and Naomi and Tim. =)
Fun- I went to a write in for NaNoWriMo last night, I think there were six of us. They had laptops, and I brought a pad of paper and a pen. Even if I did have a laptop, I think I would have chosen paper anyway, it was just great to look at a blank piece of paper and fill in the lines with words.
Frustration- job hunting
Melissas last blog post..Letter Pouring My Heart Out
Let’s see.
Wicked Good: Finished my first training product and it’s up and online!! (WOO HOO!) (And finding that I have massively awesome friends and family who are unbelievably supportive!)
Hard & Scary Good: I finally got super-honest with a certain someone about how I felt about them.
Change-y Good: The election
Weepy Good: I’ve cried a LOT this week. But it’s really been a good thing, quite a release.
Um. Hmmm.
I can’t really think of much this week that hasn’t turned out to be good (even the ‘bad’ stuff turned out good by the end of the week.)
All the best!
Deb Owens last blog post..managing change launches (sort of – it’s available now anyway)
Well another good thing for you, is that while you already had my vote, you also got My Beau’s vote with the whole banning of drum circles thing.
This election feels like nothing else I’ve ever experienced before. It’s good (I’m so hopeful!) and a teeny tiny bit scary (I don’t want to be tricked and disappointed!).
While I have spent the week congested with a cold, I have been having some fun, coming up with some cool stuff for my business and getting lots and lots of rest.
I had the privilege of sharing a bit of your country’s joy on Tuesday night. (I’ve watched his speech on YouTube three times just to make sure it’s true.) I also had the privilege of observing the reaction of the rest of the world and knowing it wasn’t just me, and then trying to ponder the significance of that many people in that many places being that happy and hopeful, and it broke my mind in the coolest way possible. 🙂
I got an email from Havi, which made me smile to know she had thought of me specifically.
The writer’s block finally broke. I knew it would — it has before, and will come and go again — but not knowing when and feeling like there are Things Needing To Be Written was niggling at me.
Melanie Bakers last blog post..Can’t swing a dead cat in Waterloo without hitting one…
Hi, Havi!
This week was the first week of the rest of my life. We had a rough month in October (we worked too hard finishing the book), but thanks to some introspection and communication (an insightful note from you also helped) we decided to SLOW DON. No, that’s not right, Don is fine at the speed he is. I mean to SLOW DOWN.
I’m trusting in the universe that things will happen when they need to happen. I’m not taking that as an excuse to procrastinate or lose focus, but I’m feeling a lot more aligned with the universe, with my purpose, and with my friends and loved ones.
The election was big for me too. I think my view on politics may be beginning to change. I’m daring to hope.
Thinking of you. Sending goodness your direction. (:
Paces last blog post..Hurry makes worry and haste makes… paste?
@ Havi: Yayy! I’m excited for you to move, actually, because I know you’ve been wanting this and that you’re in love with this place and so on. It’s the thinking about it that’s often harder than the doing. I think that since this is a place you love, you will adapt and settle in quickly.
I haven’t the slightest clue what I could do to help you but I and I’m sure a million trillion other of your fans are at your beck and call should you ask. Anything you need. (There, does that make you feel a little more free? I know I can speak for others when I say, JUST ASK US, WE’VE ALREADY SAID YES!) 🙂
Yesterday evening, my hubby and I were doing sun salutations and I suddenly thought, I hate this guy’s voice and the music and his crotch-sweating associates! I need a Havi DVD. I bet I wouldn’t even need 7 minutes of motivation to do your stuff.
As for my week, it’s been not bad, though where the heck did it go? I interviewed for and am pretty sure I got job reception job at the naturopathic office (hooray for free treatments!) and on top of that I am currently working on three editing jobs and expect over 5 grand coming in from that. Hubby has an interview set up on Thursday already after receiving a work package earlier this week.
I’m starting, I think, to define my goals more clearly as well, to feel a bit of fear, even, retreating. What’s more, I am allowing and acknowledging baby steps when I’m used to working in all or nothing leaps and bounds…
stephs last blog post..What I Know for Sure, No. 2
Not to burst your bubble, and it was probably the mood I was in at the time, but your thing to motivate us to do the yoga felt kind of too hippy-shit for me. Maybe it’ll be better another time. I’m eagerly awaiting the DVD and thoroughly enjoyed the written stuff.
Good stuff for me this week: I have been meeting with people to ask them for feedback about my services and help thinking through where to go (and how) with my business. I had a GREAT meeting today that even led to a bunch of business directly for the person I met with and probably a pile of referrals. Asking is good.
Hard stuff: on top of all the thinking and stuckness I’m going through around my business, we are back to thinking seriously about selling this house and moving to the country. Good goal. Tough process. Moving is stressful whenever you do it. Though maybe it is also the really honest to god doing this lifestyle shift big time that is stressful.
Your calming techniques (like the procrastination wonder dust) helped a lot. So did telling folks on my blog and getting loads of support both in comments and e-mail.
Good luck with the move. (Funny how it feels like I’m interrupting someone’s private conversation to start posting on a new blog. Which means I definitely have more to learn reading yours.)
For the Bad: My mom and sister are fighting with each other again. Neither has mentioned it to me. I heard it 3rd hand from my dad. This weekend I need to call them both up and give them a little phone support with out taking any sides.
For the Good: I think (knock on wood) my 2 month old went to bed before 11pm instead of 2am. Now I just need to reset my bedtime since I was still wide awake. 🙂
For the Really Good: I am finally getting more organized. My house is not a total disaster and I’m starting to feel like I can balance 2 kids and a life beyond mom. 🙂
Well off to bed before one of those two kids decides to prove me wrong. It’s nice to read these posts. This is one of the blogs that leaves me feeling calmer after reading.
Roses last blog post..How to Cook: Very Basic Kitchen Tools
I get that feeling sometimes too.
Yay for having not just good but Really Good in your life. That rocks.
I blogged ( It was scary. Did it anyway 😀
*hugs for everyone*
Nathans last blog post..the one with all the joy