very personal adsPersonal ads! They’re … personal! Very.

So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.

Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.

Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.

And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!

Warning: my brain is kind of fried right now. Not sure if any of this makes sense to anyone who is not me. But what the hell. It’s Sunday.

Let’s do it.

Thing 1: balance and timing.

Here’s what I want:

I’m officially on Non-Emergency Vacation (aka Pirate Queen Holiday) right this second.

Still in prep-mode though. Because I suck so much at vacation that I need to plan in long, slow transitions to make it happen.

So this week is all about preparing for the super fun going-away-and-being-somewhere part of going on holiday.

And what I want is to get better at these transitions.

To this end I’m working on balance, timing, lots of sleep, support, and help with my sovereignty stuff.

That is to say, I want to get better at these things. At making them priorities.

Ways this could work:

With playfulness and an experimental mindset.

With surprises and unexpected sources of support.

Ooh. I could wear a costume to remind me that I’m not at work.

And I could spend some time messing around with The Game (see next ask).

My commitment.

I will nap as often as required. Possibly more.

There will be tea.

And Old Turkish Lady yoga.

Lots of journaling, asking of questions and examining of shivanautical epiphanies.

And mainly I’ll do whatever I can to notice what’s not working, and respond with sweetness.

Thing 2: further developments with The Game.

Here’s what I want:

Okay, background.

A few months ago I was doing a lot of thinking about how I want more play in my life. Less work, more play.

So my focus had been on things like efficiency, delegating, being a better Pirate Queen, etc.

But now I’m going at it from another angle: trying to bring more play into what used to be work.

There is a game I’m in the process of inventing. And it needs time, love, goofiness and experimentation to take form. Also a name would be good.

Ways this could work:

Giving an hour or so a day to developing it.

Or: just playing it this week and taking notes on what is needed to make it awesome.

Or: I could talk this over with the group leaders in my Kitchen Table program or with the neat people in my Mindful Biggification program.

I don’t know exactly. But I’m open to possibility.

My commitment.

To play. To laugh. To experiment wildly.

To dance. To bounce. To throw things around the room.

To go for long walks and to ask lots of questions.

To be receptive to unexpected surprises.

Thing 3: Jen Louden’s writing retreat.

Here’s what I want:

So Jen is someone I hugely admire. This will be the ninth year of her amazing women-only writer’s retreat in Taos.

Also known as the Luscious, Nurturing Get Your Writing Done While Laughing Your Butt Off and Maybe Crying a Little Too Writer’s Retreat.

And it will be the second time that I’m teaching there.*

* Teaching Shiva Nata for neuron-connecting fabulousness to make your writing flow, Old Turkish Lady yoga for deep relaxation, and lots of destuckification techniques.

Last year was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever experienced. I got the best writing of my life done AND got over my “I’m-not-a-writer” stuff.

Anyway, I just found out that there are two more openings because some extremely unlucky people had to cancel.

My secret wish: it was so much fun meeting a lot of my people there last year. And I would LOVE it if two of you guys got to grab those last spots before anyone else gets them.

Ways this could work:

I’m going to give you the link again, just in case:

The best writing retreat ever.

And trust that if you have questions about it you’ll ask me in the comments.

My commitment.

Love. Lots of it. To everyone.

Thing 4: Sovereignty Kindergarten!

Here’s what I want:

Hiro just moved to her new place, so she hasn’t had much time to talk about her Sovereignty Kindergarten, and why it’s important that we learn how to maintain our space and not let people knock our crowns off.

I would love to have several more people find their way to this seriously useful, life-changingly great program of hers before the early bird thing ends.

Ways this could work:

I’ll keep writing about my own experiences/practice with sovereignty stuff.

The right people could just find it.

The timing could be right.

We’ll see.

My commitment.

To practice this stuff myself and model how it works (as well as what doesn’t work).

To jump up and down with excitement because I have been waiting for this class for pretty much my entire life.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

The main thing I wanted was equilibrium. And it showed up in spades, for which I’m feeling very grateful.

I also asked for help with being patient, which is not my strong suit. Working on it.

And I needed help remembering to practice serious self-care (like, whatever the Extreme Sport version of self-care is).

That one was really challenging.

But my sense is that I’m getting slightly better at noticing. So that counts.

And I wanted to write about sovereignty, and I did. Yay. A good week, I think. Getting better at what I choose to ask for and what I’m capable of committing to as well.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!

What I’d rather not have:

  • If we can avoid using the word “manifest”, this practice is a lot more appealing to me.
  • Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be x, y and z”
  • To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.

Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! Thank you for doing this with me.

The Fluent Self