Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

An odd-shaped little week.

Between Labour Day (which I forgot about, as usual) and Rosh HaShana, the week has been so far removed from its typical forms and structures to be almost unrecognizable as such.

But I suppose that’s kind of fitting for this whole Moon of New Beginnings thing. Yes, I name the moons. It is fun.

The hard stuff

Overwhelm again.

And of the annoying existential kind.

As in, how is it possibly September? It was only just May.

And all the things not done and undone and partially done. “Stupid taking account of things. Be less depressing!”

And that kind of thing. Not for too long, but not fun while it shows up.

Things taking so much longer than you estimate for.


So of course it turned out that decorating (what I call “editing”) the Processing the Process ebook took five hours longer than what I’d scheduled for it.

Oh yes.

It also turned out to be nearly two hundred pages.

Anyway. Five hours of high-concentration brain time that I hadn’t reckoned with.

Some other things had to go. It happens.

No, everything taking longer.

Even blog posts. Usually if I take forever to write a post, it’s because:

a) I’m stuckified related to some aspect of the topic and I need to work through it
b) I can’t find my notes
c) I’m getting distracted.

But I had no distractions, excellent notes and really wanted to write it. Plus I was in the zone. Nothing about it was a struggle. And still it took two hours.

Just this general slowness. Not foggy. Not tired. Not anything. Just slow.

But then impatience with the slowness. And then impatience with the impatience. And then impatience with the people telling me I shouldn’t be impatient.

Does that work?

Random nosy guy: “Oh, buying PMS Tea, huh? Does that stuff work?”

Me (out loud): “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”
Me: (in my head): “I don’t know. Let’s find out if I still want to grab you by your stupid shirt and bash your head into this wall after I’ve had some. Who knows. Maybe by that point I’ll also want to do more with my life than eat potato chips all day and hate people. Hey, anything’s possible, right?”

And, in case you’re wondering, no that stuff totally doesn’t work. Not on me, at least.


Yes, I love the holidays.

And also I forgot how much they knock everything else over and make things impossible.

Time crunch. Argh.

Not being able to find things.

So many times this week I’d be messing around with a post or a piece of copy, remember that I’d already done a bunch of writing on this topic … nothing.

My system of where things go generally works great, but this week all sorts of things fell through the cracks.

Breaking the only rule I have.

This week I managed — not once but every single day — to break what’s really the only hard, fast “absolutely absolutely” rule in the giant Book of Me, otherwise known as the Book of Me Not Going Batshit Crazy.

And that is:

Eat lunch.

Preferably before you crash and burn, and turn into a completely nonfunctioning shell of a zombie podperson.

Not only did I break the rule, but then — immediately following the oh what the hell I can wait a little bit, chaos ensued, things went weird, unable to change course.

Completely screwed up each afternoon. Which might have something to do with all the other bits of hard this week.

The good stuff

Closing doors.

Getting rid of things.

Ending things.

Moving things.

It’s time. It’s good.

Shockingly, got all sorts of things done.

Including editing the nearly-two-hundred-pages of my Processing the Process ebook.

That wasn’t crazy.


I really do love Rosh Hashana.

And tashlich is probably my favorite practice in the world. Still.

It’s nice watching everything you no longer need sink to the bottom of a river and dissolve.

And I made round raisin challah.

It it too gorgeous to eat but we’re eating it anyway.


More ideas than I know what to do with.

Including some ideas about where to put the ideas while they’re in percolation/gestation mode.

Some of them are really, really, really good.

Lots of anticipation and tingliness and peeking at what is possible through my fingers.

Ohmygod. The costumery! It is growing.

Remember a couple weeks ago when I had a Very Personal Ad asking for new costumes for the treasure room at the Playground?

Well. Lovely people offered lovely things. And among them was the fabulous and amazing Simone, fellow Friday Chickeneer and beautiful person.

Little did I suspect that “a few things” was to be a giant box stuffed with goodness and pirate booty.

A pirate cutlass! Wings and crowns and horns and boas and fans and shawls and chapeaux aplenty! Also what appears to be an enormous wreath made of bright yellow feathers.

The Playground is now significantly more full of weird than it was before, and this makes me exceedingly happy. Now cannot wait for the next Rally (Rally!).

Two exceedingly great Shivanautical epiphanies.

That of course make no sense when you write them down.

Because epiphanies are stupid.

But they felt like giant understandings deep in my body. So they were awesome:

  1. To be able to fly, you have to stop running first.
  2. Those aren’t barriers. Those are gates. All of them. Your perceived barriers are gates. Again, stop running. And just approach.

The Shiva Nata. It is the bomb.

This just made me laugh.

Maybe you had to be there.

My gentleman friend, with a surprising amount of affection: “I love you, you psychopath.”

(Unrelated but also amusing: He made me tweet my threat to open a shop across from Virginia Woof Doggy Care and call it James Juice — saying “come on, you’ll only lose like a hundred followers! Totally worth it.”).

And … playing live at the meme beach house!

Yes, that’s a Stuism too.

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week?

Babushka Chicken

Not related to the Friday Chicken. And they kick ass. They’re playing at the Portland music festival. Except of course that it’s really just one guy.

And lovely things I read or found this week.

Joy, who is @thoughtsofjoy on Twitter and one of my favorite people, has written some terrific stuff.

Right now just really enjoying her new page about her take on marketing sotto voce, which I find brilliant and perfect

Bas wrote about how identity shapes projects.

This? This is the guitar I would be buying right this second for my friend who is dead. You know, if he weren’t dead. He’d appreciate this.

And I just read this piece on Heidi Go Seek, one of the Portland roller derby all-star skaters on the Wheels of Justice. Even though she’s not on the team we sponsor, she is still completely amazing.

Someone get my gentleman friend (or anyone, really) to measure my fingers so they can get me this ring. (Kiss to @darxyanne)

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self