very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

One hundred weeks in a row! I can’t believe we’ve made it this far.

Thank you to all the many, many people who have planted their gwishes here.

Thing 1: More Shiva Nata roller derby classes!

Here’s what I want:

I had such a blast doing a training and then some pre-bout warm-ups for Guns N Rollers this season. And seeing the results.

So we’ve been talking about me leading some agility, endurance and EXTREME coordination trainings (aka Shiva Nata is the bomb) for them this summer.

I’d also like to run some trainings for the all star team. And for the junior rosebuds.

See how my Giant Secret Gwish of working with the Timbers has planted unlikely seeds?

Ways this could work:

It just could.

Calendar conflicts could sort themselves out. Perfect simple solutions could emerge.

The excitement, power, enthusiasm and energy could just be there, and then things could whoosh into place instead of having to make things happen.

My commitment.

To keep flailing the flail, cheering my head off and offering support in whatever ways I can.

Also depositing here another super secret gwish: to involve some derby girls in my shivanautical dvd…

Thing 2: the just-right gym bag

Here’s what I want:

A convenient, lightweight, lovely gym bag that has a separate compartment for shoes.

And a place to put a water bottle.

Ideally something without big logos all over it.

Are you out there? I hope so.

Ways this could work:

I already asked at the local pub aka Twitter. And yeah, this looks kind of great except for the water bottle thing which is important because otherwise I forget my water bottle.

So. I’m asking you guys.

And I can also ask at the Frolicsome Bar (that’s what we call facebook to make it sound less depressing).

My commitment.

To be happy when we find each other. And to make do in a variety of creative ways until that happens.

Thing 3: movement on the Shiva Nata iPhone app

Here’s what I want:

The situation is this:

The Shiva Nata iPhone app is done but it’s caught up in one of Apple’s many departments and we can’t seem to get them to move on it.

This is getting to be completely absurd. Movement! Please!

Ways this could work:

I don’t know.

Just putting out the ask.

My commitment.

To keep dancing it up and being receptive to this working out in a variety of ways.

Thing 4: lots of walking

Here’s what I want:

I haven’t been walking nearly as much since Svevo left town.

It would be lovely to get back into the moving. See, it’s all about moving this week.

Ways this could work:

The roses could pull me in the right direction.

My commitment.

To wander and explore.

Thing 5: celebration and recognition for sticking with the Very Personal ads for one hundred weeks running

Here’s what I want:

Cheering, rejoicing, sparklepoints and exclamation points.

When I started this practice back in July 2009, I had no idea how amazing this weekly thing would end up becoming.

I had no way of imagining just how many people would end up using this space to make connections with each other, hook up in various collaborative ways and help each other out.

It’s part picnic, part book club, part support group, part ritual. And it’s beautiful.

And I have so much love for everyone who has taken part in this in any form (even if you think your wishes to yourself and don’t share them here).

So I’d like a celebration.

Ways this could work:

We could cheer and rejoice here. Or maybe you have stories of neat things that have happened thanks to the VPAs.

Or maybe people have other ideas about ways to celebrate as well.

My commitment.

To keep this up for another one hundred weeks!

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted implementation of ideas and that mostly happened.

Then I wanted to help someone out and didn’t know how. And this is an interesting one.

Let’s just say I did what I could do on that. Possibly also slightly beyond what I should have done, but I learned (re-learned?) a useful lesson about not shepherding, and letting people do what they need to do.

Next I wanted FOCUS, and while it took its sweet time getting here, when it finally showed up it was everything I’d hoped for and more.

The last piece was about un-obsessing an obsession, and — to be honest — I really didn’t think it would work. How do you un-obsess an obsession?!

But you know what? It happened. I am still actively engaged with this thing but it’s no longer taking over my consciousness. Thank you.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!

Stuff I’d rather not have:

The word “manifest”. To be told how I should be asking for things. To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given unsolicited advice.

Much love for your gwishes! So happy to have you doing this with me.

The Fluent Self