very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: fun, ease and play for Toozday’s live Shiva Nata class

Here’s what I want:

Remember last week when I said I was doing a Snack Preview Shiva Nata class at the Playground? It actually sold out over the weekend, which was pretty neat.

And now it’s happening. Toozday! We have twenty five people coming to the Playground to flail around madly.

So I want it to be fun, playful, hilarious and delight-filled. Which of course it will be.

There are three spots left for the August series, if you’re into that.

Ways this could work:

Twenty five people is really packing it in, so maybe the First Mate and I can move some things around?

I can talk things over with slightly future me.

And of course I can do Shiva Nata on it.

My commitment.

To have fun with this.

Thing 2: Plum Duff! Plum Duff! A happy brunching.

Here’s what I want:

Tomorrow is the official brunching of my upcoming Plum Duff days (password = extraraisins).

I want it to be sparkly and full of glee, with lots of happy appreciation.

And I want it to be a good time, so that this can become a Fluent Self tradition that happens a couple times a year.

Ways this could work:

Well, I whisper-brunched this on Friday and the Gwish Kitspassword: elevate — are all gone except for the last one.

So that part has already worked. Although really now I’m worrying that there isn’t enough plum in the plum duff and maybe I need to substitute something else for the Gwish Kit?

Like butt-monsters? Or crownpouncers? I don’t know.

Anyway, I have used the OOD to figure out what the next steps are, so now I just have to remember to actually do them.

My commitment.

To follow the steps.

To stay connected to the essence of plumduffery — somersaulting EXCITEMENT and gleeful ANTICIPATION.

To treat the whole thing as a giant, fascinating experiment and see what happens.

To take notes and do a spangly Revue that is also a review.

Thing 3: rambling incoherent happy gushing quotes!

Here’s what I want:

Some of you guys have my Monster Coloring Book & Manual, right?

I am re-doing the HAT page — stands for Havi’s Announcing a Thing — because we’ll be raising the prices from pre-sale to full cost at the end of the Plum Duff days.

And I need some TINY STORIES or WORDS OF APPRECIATION to put there.

The monster coloring book is my 2nd favorite thing I’ve made after Emergency Calm The Hell Down, and I want people to know how happy-making and helpful it is.

Ways this could work:

I’m going to put this here. And I’m going to ask you:

If you have it and love it, would you be up for answering *any* of the following?

  • Anything that surprised you about the monster manual / coloring book?
  • Your favorite part?
  • A neat thing that happened (like your kid using it or you using it on your mother-in-law or something?)
  • Sneakiest result?
  • Something useful you learned/noticed/perceived/experienced as a result of having it?
  • Does it save you time even though it takes time?

And is it cool to quote you? Do you want to be linked to something?

My commitment.

To feel and express the rush of love and gratitude I feel towards everyone who uses my work and who plays with this unlikely and counter-intuitive approach!

To happily link to you (unless of course you’d rather be anonymous).

And to spread sparklepoints through the universe!

Thing 4: progress on writing projects

Here’s what I want:

To write the Proxy post, the Shiva Nata post about pricing, and to take notes for the new version of the Rally HAT.

Ways this could work:

I could use the massive epiphanies from the Shiva Nata class to whoosh me through it.

I could put aside Wednesday for writing, since I don’t have client sessions that day.

And of course using the Deguiltified Chicken Board at my Kitchen Table program is always the best way for me to get writing done.

My commitment.

To find out what happens when I play with this.

Thing 5: prep for this upcoming non-vacation-thing.

Here’s what I want:

I have this weird week coming up (not this week but next week) and everything is going to be Different and Upside Down, for various reasons.

It’s not vacation and it’s not really time off, but because everything is going to be topsy-turvy, I kind of want to take advantage of the specialness and …. well, make it special, I guess.

Hmmm. Now that I’m writing this out, I think what I really want is to be present, calm and grounded. And not spend all my time getting sucked into work and being online.

Okay. Interesting.

Ways this could work:

With a little help from my friends…

I’m thinking happy hour with Dana.

And taking some extra dance classes.

My commitment.

I’m going to invent some rituals, and talk the whole thing over with Cairene.

And I’m setting the intention here. Might need to do some more writing.

Oh! Of course! I can make this my next OOD. Right. Got it!

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted the further brunching of the Shiva Nata destuckification series, and that happened beautifully. To the point that I didn’t even have to do the things on my list to promote it because it sold out before I got around to it. Yay.

Then i wanted to make progress on the Plum Duff project so it would be ready by tomorrow. And — amazingly, unbelievably, impossibly — it was all ready by Friday morning.

I also wanted to consolidate a bunch of stuff that happened at Rally (Rally!), and that did not happen at all. Though on second thought, it kind of did but only in one very specific way. Interesting.

And I put out my secret gwish about the slackline, and I’ve been feeling excited about that. So I definitely will be getting a slackline, and will report back.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Things that are welcome! Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.

Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!

Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.


The Fluent Self