Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Is this crazy? It feels a little crazy.

Three. Whole. Years. Of chickening!

Thank you.

To be honest, it still seems insane (to my monsters) that anyone would ever want to read about my week, even as part of a ritual. Yet my grumble thrum monster collective have been proven wrong. By SCIENCE.

Also I love reading everyone else’s chickens, and knowing that people around the world are (silently or with us) contemplating the week that was.

Let’s do it!

The hard stuff

So tired. So very tired.

All I want to do is sleeeeep.

And cranky! Let’s not forget cranky.

Thanks to the Book of Me, I was able to identify premenstrual ridiculousness before I started hating everyone and everything, but bleeeeeeeeeagh.

My joints hurt! I’m wearing like, three sports bras piled on top of each other. It’s so classy. And also everything is ANNOYING.

Let that be stated, for the record.

And do not try to fix it or I will glare at you menacingly.

Way too much going on.

It’s all good stuff but it’s also all happening at once.

I ended up canceling three appointments today, just for sanity-preservation. But I still kind of have the sense that this week was way too full.


And the fact that I do not like making them.

Paralysis ensues.


You know when everything starts to get on your nerves?

I am tired of everything I own, everything I wear, everything I do. All of it.

Except the Friday Chicken! And the blog, of course. And the Kitchen Table. And the Rallies! Basically all the work-related stuff is pretty awesome. It’s just the not-work parts.

Sad no-friend mouse, etc etc etc.

Despite having lived here for four years now, I do not have anyone who wants to come with me to a partner yoga class this Sunday.

Or anyone who wanted to come with me to a Very Great Thing today.

This has me singing the poor-me song* and feeling sorry for myself and doing the droopy Charlie Brown Arrested Development walk again.

* I’m a little teapot, short and stout! Tip me over and POOR ME! Out.

The good stuff

The Shiva Nata snack preview class at the Playground!

Ohmygod! It was so much fun.

Twenty five delightful people all flailing around like maniacs while giggling.

The best!

The words they made up for the horizontals: Bliss, Flow, Weird Bird Bike and Wagon Wheel. And for the verticals: Carrot, Rabbit, Punk and Spike.

We ended up with some absurd combinations. Three spots left for the August series, FYI.

And we got just about everyone to over 90 on the Scale of Flail.™

(With zero being “What? I’m not lost and confused at all!” and 100 being helpless stuttering followed by falling on the floor in a heap.)

Bridge tour.

I went on a walking tour of Portland’s bridges and learned all sorts of fascinating things.

But mainly the cool part was that I got to climb up into the bridge operator’s tower on the Burnside Bridge and walk on the parapet and watch the bridge get raised until it was a few inches from my face!

Imagine a five year old boy jumping up and down with glee, gesticulating wildly and yelling BRIDGE BRIDGE BRIDGE BRIDGE. And that was me.

Sunday parkways.

Another three and a half hour walk through Portland, this time through the northwest quadrant, and discovering lots of little places of beauty.

And even though NW is still my least-favorite* quadrant of the five**, I had fun.

And I absolutely LOVE walking in the streets with no cars. Yay for Sunday Parkways!

* As evidence I wish to note the fact that I did not see a single — not one! — pirate on a bicycle. And instead of DIY lemonade stands there were little yuppie kids running … wait for it …. smoothie stands.

** Yes FIVE. Because we don’t understand what quad means.

Lots of happy napping.


Lots of things getting done.

Between the OOD and the Deguiltified Chicken Board in my Kitchen Table program, I have been just insanely productive this week.

All the neat things I saw.

Like the kid who wanted everyone to know that he could do a mexican wheelie. I still don’t know what that is.

And the guys on the futuristic Jetsons bikes. Who waved at me! Probably because I was falling over from delight.

And the cat who laughed at me when I poked myself in the eye.

It was a good week for silly things.

And thank you everyone in our Frolicsome Bar (that’s our facebook hangout) for playing with me.

Pants without holes in them.

I have some.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band is a special group doing a special performance for our three years of chickening. Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce:

The All-Raccoon Cabaret Ensemble!

They’re all raccoons! Doing the raccoon can-can! Except that it’s really just one raccoon.

Apparently he does the whole thing with mirrors.

And some stuff I read/found this week that made me happy:

That’s it for me …

And of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments if you feel like it.

Yes? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s okay if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — you can join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self