Advice-Giving mode:

“Have you tried…? Why don’t you just…?”

Implied: “Have you considered that my way might be better?”

Helper-Mouse mode:

“What do you need? How can I help you get what you want? Can you give me more information about how you’d like to feel?”

Implied: “How can I help us get even more clear about what’s important to you?”

Right now I am filling a safe room with the essence of SHELTER. For every part of me who does not wish to be told what to do.

And I am filling another room with PEACE. Dropping all unrequested advice-givings into this room so they can dissolve and transform. This room knows about the core intention of helpfulness. Helping without any hidden expectations or attachment.

I am setting expectations and releasing expectations at the same time. The hardest and the most important practice.

We all have our stuff.

We all have our stuff and we’re all working on our stuff. It’s a process. There is nothing wrong with us for having stuff. We get to interact with it in ways that feel safe and comfortable, at our own pace and in our own way.

Hint! If you think this post is about you, that’s your stuff! If you feel anxious reading this, that’s your stuff! If you aren’t sure what it means, that’s your stuff! It’s always our stuff. And we always get to learn more about how our stuff works. That’s what we do here. With love.

The Fluent Self