So I still can’t type am typing even less than usual, because now in addition to the carpal tunnel adventure, I have horrendously painful bruised arm muscles from the myofascial release physical therapy torture — which, by the way, is fantastic.

Except that it hurts like a ___________________ after the fact.*

*Don’t bother counting the spaces there. I have no idea how long that imaginary word is because the delete button hurts most of all. That and italicizing things. Don’t make me italicize. In fact, if you see something in italics, assume that Marissa or my Gentleman Friend did it.


I can’t type — but I can talk!

Teleclass. This Tuesday. It’s on me.

Every few months my duck and I do a freebie teleclass thing (which for some reason don’t seem to get mentioned in the emails people send about how dare I charge money for my life’s work) where I teach something.

And we learn together. And it doesn’t cost anything.

I call these Habits Detective classes — and they’re usually pretty entertaining.

What you need to know …

  • When: This Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. PST
    What time is that really? You can figure that out here.
  • Cost? We covered that — there isn’t one.
  • What’s the class? We’ll be talking about how to establish new habits when you already know what you want to do but it’s just not happening yet. Obviously we’ll be doing this in a non-preachy, non-annoying way without too much hippie crap, though, you know, possibly a smidgen.
  • Phone number: (218) 936-7999
    Access Code: 974758#
  • Will there be a recording? Probably not. Since typing this is agonizing, I don’t think more work is something I need right now.
  • Anything else I should know? There are already 67 people signed up so you’ll want to call in before the line fills up.
  • Marissa (Havi’s helper) adds… You don’t have to sign up for this one. Some folks did, which is awesome! But you can absolutely join in the teleclass fun and excitement by just dialing in. No pre-sign-up necessary on this one! It’s the combination of teleclass awesomeness and a dash of impromptu join-us-ness with a splash of all-are-welcomeosity. 🙂

There might be more questions that need answering, but my arms are done for the day! Talk to you Tuesday.

Havi & Selma

The Fluent Self