Fluent Self Item!A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.

Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.

Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.

I’m rather behind on my internet reading due to the annoying part about not enjoying clicking on things. Yes, arms/hands are still in crazy pain.

Still, I did manage to find lots of good stuff.

Item! Post No. 11 in the series that just keeps on beating the odds.

Item! This is absolutely beautiful!

This powerful post by Wendy Cholbi took my breath away:

Me: But doesn’t it kind of defeat the purpose of disguised learning to call it disguised learning? I mean, if you know you’re supposed to be learning, it’s not really disguised, is it?

Genius Daughter: Well, it’s still funner.

It starts off sweet and funny … and just when you’ve nodded at the lovely insight that you think is the point of the post, she takes it somewhere completely unexpected.

I think you really need to read this one.

Also, you can follow her on Twitter. She’s @wendycholbi.

Item! Who doesn’t like toasters?

Everyone loves Johnny Truant (or as I insist on calling him, Johnny B. Truant because he’s @JohnnyBTruant on Twitter).

This post in particular is worth reading for the following line:

I raised my hand. “We’re honoring toasters by selling one into slavery?”

Also the rest of it is great. But that was where I spit all over my computer.

Item! This is some serious soul-baring!

I was really moved by Sarah Marie Lacy’s intimate post about stucknesses.

Some serious soul-baring here. Be kind and give her love.

Wow, right? She’s @smlacy if you Twitter. Which you do, right? Right?

Item! This is my new favorite blog!

It’s called Downward Dragon and I love it.

The most simple description is that it’s about a woman who used yoga to kick a heroin habit and is documenting that process.

When I was using, I got so much nothing done, it was unbelievable.

But really it’s about a whole bunch of things.

This is one of the most clear and honest blogging voices I’ve come across. It’s astonishing. Read this post especially.

Also she’s @loladragon on Twitter.

Item! Apparently my duck is a whore!

Naomi (@IttyBiz) called my duck a whore. AGAIN.

It’s a good thing I am madly in love with her. Or otherwise feathers would fly.

Item! Speaking of ducks!

The rule of having a duck is that people will send you photos and trinkets and all sorts of bizarre things if there is anything ducky about them.

At least three people send me a link to this especially adorable duck picture, but the first one was Jeff Moriarty (@jmoriarty on Twitter).

That is all.

This is as much linking as my poor hands can take.

Actually more. I’ve been writing this in five minute increments all week.

Yes, I know.

Back soon.

The Fluent Self