very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Operation Buffer Magic.

The situation. And background.

Something about a new way of transitions.

I am noticing that I need way more space between things.

More entry and more exit.

This is funny, because I have spent most of this year having trouble loving the hallways.

(The hallways as in “when one door closes another one opens but it’s hell in the hallway”).

I don’t know what is needed, but it has to do with buffers. Extra space and spaciousness, breathing room.

What else do I know about this?

I am not sure, but I have clues and some useful questions that I may use as skipping stones, so I’m putting them here.

  • Ritual is important.
  • If I want buffers, I have to build them in.
  • There are examples of this that already exist.
  • The question: what is working? Look at that.
  • Who do I know who is good at this?
  • When is it hard for me to give myself permission to have shelter?
  • What is a buffer?
  • What would help me transit with more ease?

Anything else?

Code names and anagrams. What do secret agents know about buffers?

Anything else?

Oh, of course!

This is the superpower of Kishufit (Incoming Me). She excels at buffers and transitions. She is all about taking time — UNAPOLOGETICALLY — to get ready for the next thing.

I will talk to her.

What I want.

To take pleasure in transitions, and in learning how to do this.

To trust in the fractal flowers.

The qualities inside of the wants:

Same compass as the last two weeks:

Replenishing. Play. Presence. Pleasure. Plenty. Radiance. Receptivity. Resonance.

And the superpower of There Is Magically Enough Time.

What might help?

Visualizing and perceiving various kinds of buffers.

What I want.

Some of these are secret agent code or silent retreat. Some are qualities and some are dreams. Some are re-asks and some are pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • Sweet blissful steadiness.
  • Miracles everywhere.
  • The ballroom has its own magic, just like the Spiegelsaal.
  • This doesn’t require my input!
  • Ha, it’s so perfect that it turned out like this.
  • Past me is a GENIUS.
  • Newness. Vitality. Sustenance. Peacefulness.
  • I have what I need, and I appreciate it.
  • Hawaii.
  • Next year’s Rallies fill up by themselves even though I’m not around to tell people about them!
  • I can see why this moment is good.
  • The superpower of pausing to breathe.

I’m playing with…

Mapping and napping.


REMINDER. Just a couple openings left for upcoming Rallies. You can also get a great deal on a set of either two or three Rallies. They are going to be amazing, and I can’t wait to play with you at Rally.

See the new Rally page for details!

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

So. Last week, aka Turning And Returning….

Silent retreat on this one for now.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self