Um, a leetle explanation here

Today’s post is going to be kinda bizarre. I’m just saying. Don’t say I didn’t warn you because hey, I’m doing it right now.

So Liz Strauss — the same Liz Strauss who gave me that awesome “successful outstanding blogger” award that I keep forgetting to put up in my sidebar — decided we should play madlibs on our blogs.

Only with these madlibs you need to link to someone or something instead of coming up with a “silly word” or “something a child might throw at a wall” or whatever.

I don’t usually play goofy internet games but come on, madlibs? On my blog? I’m in!

This really, really needs a title.

(Too bad I used up all my creative juice filling in the blanks)

I had stripey fansocks, but I was looking for something to say to people who want me to go do some work. An adventure was in order.

A couple of galaxies down and one nebula over, I entered Powell’s world of books. I saw my favorite wordpress consultant making a Chris Brogan list with those Canadian guys with the writing implements about 50 ways to remove a splinter from your kid’s tender little behind.

Nearby Sarah Lefton was not going to get any more cats and Annik Rubens had just launched a terrible new celebrity clothing line.

Meanwhile, some multiplying spores were wandering aimlessly and asking, “Has anyone found a way not to be a blogging bozo?”

No one seemed to notice the group in a candlelit corner. Dressed in black, in cognito, San Francisco hero Luisa Tetrazzini held a rendezvous with the Get it Done Guy and the maybe future SWA blog-o-spondent. Rumor has it they were plotting to make stay-at-home dads feel insecure.

The meeting of folks from the museum of things broke into conflict with Sparky Firepants over the making of a boring company blurb.

That seemed HUGE until Naomi went and got her hand stuck in a box of wine.

James the dancing geek couldn’t shut up about that crocodile USB drive. As a result, two thousand people decide to not learn German and just be ironic instead, opt for a planned adolescence, and that meant we heard long, complicated confessions of a kept husband for days after.

The “blog” of “unnecessary” quotation marks reported that, “It’s simply the wind in your vagina.”

My own perspective is apparently pretty skewed so I’m just going to throw up my hands in despair and say, Thanks for the zombies, jesus.

End of story.

That’s it, guys. Thirty-one links. That’s how much I love you. Happy labor day weekend if you’re in the States and sorry that everyone’s gone AWOL if you’re not.

And yeah, if you want to play bloglibs on your own blog, go get the template from Mz Liz.

The Fluent Self