very personal ads

I write a Very Personal Ad (or a vision of possibility & anticipation) each week to practice wanting, listening, getting clear on my desires

the point isn’t getting my wish (though cool things have emerged from wishing), it’s learning about my relationship with wanting, accessing the qualities

wanting can be hard, it is easy to feel conflicted about it, and the reasons for that make this a surprisingly subversive practice…

this is the 377th week of wishing, come play!

the meeting point between not-knowing and knowing

obsessed with the idaho sky
constantly changing, endlessly fascinating
I like the cloud-watching maybe almost as much
as the star-gazing under the milky way
not a light in sight
just a wonderment of stars

under this sky I go back and forth between
sweet clarity: total certainty, saying yes to my yes
and then the opposite of that, the
immense not-knowing of the void,
the wobbliness of it all

thinking about things I might possibly want to do, like maybe….

  • go to Boise (just for a day)
  • take off for San Francisco (maybe for three days)
  • not go anywhere (for as long as possible)
  • change careers
  • write about bells
  • rescue the museum
  • burn down the museum
  • rebuild the museum
  • sell tickets to the bonfire
  • open all the doors
  • hide out in Idaho and being a recluse (not in winter though because it’s cold)
  • get blank business cards and write on them in invisible ink because I change my mind each day
  • take up pole dancing, take down everything else
  • live by the canyon with no neighbors and no curtains

but then so sure of everything

I want to devote myself to Very Interior Design
do less and choose ease
savor this moment
close doors that need closing to
open the door of the bell of opening keys
beautiful exit
beautiful entry
simplicity simplicity simplicity

adaptability and grace
I want the ability to switch modes faster
or to protect myself when I can’t
wild glamour a la Diana Rigg
a different kind of Avenger
the kind who wears sexy boots and strides through
with confident ease and wild trust

come into center

I have been wishing wishes about space and spaciousness
making space for my yeses
what if nothing is wrong
what if nothing is wrong with letting go


I have been balancing: in the pool, on the board, in my dreams
because balance is the art of knowing that you are
in a constant state of falling
and being okay with that
as you make your small adjustments
with a smile



being okay with not-balance is of course
the superpower of being centered with yourself,
so how funny-perfect to discover that
we are in the month of CENTER

everything that happened in September
(the month of INTENTION and I Am So Very Clear)
brought me here, both to this new clarity about my yes,
as well as to these useful and sometimes uncomfortable
moments of wobbliness and questioning

delicious space

this month brings the superpower of delicious space
clearly this is needed
and maybe that’s how Diana Rigg’s Emma Peel is able to
maintain her internal sense of [calm, cool and in command]
even in the most precarious of situations

she has her boots and glamour
but also her trust in her ability
to maintain a sense of center

to maintain a sense of center

center and periphery
shields up
force field activated
and then I get to relax: suspended in the quiet
at the center of the center of the center
inside my circle of delicious space

this is my wish: what do I know about it

I keep getting thrown off center
yanked out of whatever state
(relaxation, creativity, holiness)
that I have immersed myself in

and then floundering and bewildered because
[what is] = so completely different than what I anticipated
but this is the aliveness of life,
going in and out of these states
the wobbling is the practice

maybe center is about resetting:
re-establishing yeses and boundaries
making more space for what I need
as well as more space to adapt to
sudden surprises


the head weighs a lot, which is why balance and centering
involve being clear and intentional about head position
not looking down

here we are at erev rosh hashana
the eve of the head of the year
the holiest day
high + holy

and I had a miscommunication with friends
because they are not jewish and so they assumed
this is the kind of new year that is about celebrating
when it is the kind of new year that is about contemplating
though also about blasting
it is not a party, it is a very big and intense door

eyes up
straight ahead
this is the head

stones for a new year

where do I want my head
how do I make safe — no, delicious — space for what I need
what supports my yes
what will help me adapt more easily
find my center
my delicious space
even/especially in moments of perceived tumultuousness

time for more quiet
waiting it out
listening deeper
taking it to the water,
filling up on appreciation for
the wild skies,
cloud formations
quiet and free under the stars

how do I want to meet this new year

clear the decks
clear head
approach with curiosity and intention
and sweetness, of course
always with sweetness

welcome, come in
what if the space I make for you is delicious
what if the space we make together is
even better than that

may it be so!

last week’s wishes

last-week-me wished a wish called rainbow oasis
and I have been immersed in the pool, watching the play of light
finding my safe places
this was a good wish for me

thank you, me who wished

invitation: come play with me…

you are invited to share this post and to share many !!!!!! about what is here,
or share appreciation or anything sparked for you while reading

deposit wishes, gwishes, superpowers, qualities, ingredients, intel, possibly in code

safe space for creative exploration asks us to let go of care-taking and advice-giving

wishes are never late because whenever you wish is the right time for wishing

here’s how we meet each other’s wishes: oh, wow what beautiful wishes

The Fluent Self