Fluent Self Item!A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.

Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.

Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.

You’d think I’d be all out of Items (Item! Havi is out of Items!) from being away teaching at the Writer’s Retreat.

But no! They find me.

It’s kind of weird.

Item! Post No. 29 in a series that promotes the falling down of rabbit holes, but only metaphorical ones, which is really the only kind that matter anyway, unless … never mind.

Item! A decent pick-up line for nuns (oh, that headline is a disaster, sorry)!

This post is the sweetest thing in the entire world.

Plus there is a picture of gorgeous, smile-happy Erika Harris hugging two nuns.

“Okay, fine. I had a little nun-worship going on. So what?”

She’s @LifeBlazing on Twitter.

Item! I actually got blocked by someone on Twitter.

That was pretty much the weirdest thing that’s happened to me.

I saw someone I follow say something to someone else. I looked at her page. She looked kinda cool.

So I followed. Or tried to.

Except that she had blocked me from following her. Which is hardcore, because I had never even heard of this person before a second before that, and because when I block people?

They’ve got to be spammers. Or serious slimeball stalker-ey people.

This is just me. Interested in reading about some regular, local, craft-ey person who does stuff with wool. I like wool. I buy it for people who spin or knit and might want to make me socks.

So … really? I can’t follow her? She doesn’t have to follow back. I mean, what if I never say anything to her? What if I’m just wool-curious? Is it because I made fun of a sheep once?

Anyway, what I learned this week (Item!) is that I can get weirdly paranoid. But also that people have strong opinions about me.

Item! Found on a scribbled piece of paper!

Remember when I went to San Francisco and taught a class and sang sea chanteys on the ship and stuff?

Well, while I was there I had one day where I was just exhausted and had to crawl into bed and disappear for a while.

And even though I’m a big fan of all-things nap-related, on this particular day I really just wanted to get my act together and take my energy back. I wanted to feel sparkly!

But I felt bleargh. Until I woke up. Then things were better again.

So I wrote myself a note and hid it in my bag.

I just found it and it made me smile.

“The pirate queen* is not only allowed to put herself first, she’s required to.

Taking a nap when she can’t meditate? Choosing not to go out to brunch again after a full day of socializing? This is not just “okay” — it’s vital. Good for her!

That’s your new pattern. Saying ‘good for her!”‘ and then going fearlessly back to bed.”

*No, I did not put a link in the note. That was just for anyone who does not know that the pirate queen is actually me.

Item! I really, really don’t like making lists about “things you didn’t know about me”.

And I wish people would stop asking me to.

For one thing, you guys already know a ridiculous amount of things about me.

Also, most people’s lists of “X Things You Didn’t Know About Me” are not interesting.

They’re always full of astonishingly non-revealing things like “I like strawberries” and “my middle name is Elaine”.

Really? Because I didn’t know that about you, but I also don’t feel like I know you any better for it.

I tried. I really did. But there are only two things I would put on that list:

1. My filing system is organized by chakras.
2. If you had told me six years ago that I’d organize anything by chakras, I would have killed myself to prevent this from happening. Good thing you weren’t there.

Item! Writing some serious stuff.

I (finally!) got to meet Patsi Krakoff the other week at the Writer’s Retreat.

Man, what a neat lady!

And I have so stolen her genius phrase “sorry, that’s just past my brain time.”

Also, she’s hot.

This post about why laughter and community are important for the creative process was right freaking on:

“If you want to write good stuff for your business, you should consider laughing with other like-minded creative people.

Life doesn’t happen in a vacuum and your writing can’t get better alone or without laughing your butt off …

Even if you’re writing about the effects of gamma rays on mitachondria in the brain, your authenticity will shine through. Your writing will be better.”

She’s @Patsiblogsquad on Twitter.

Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar Shivanauts!

Hmm. Let’s see. I’m working on two posts but haven’t put them up.

In the meantime we’re not that peculiar but we are Shiva-ing it up like crazy. Twenty-two new Shivanauts as of last week. Whoo!

And that doesn’t count the twenty-six wonderful women I made practice with me at Jennifer Louden’s crazy Writer’s Retreat.

Also, I am ridiculously close to having the manual done, which means that soon the Advanced Kit will be available, which means that if you don’t own the Starter Kit yet, now is a good time.

Because the Advanced Kit will be less expensive for people who already own the Starter Kit. Just saying.

Item! Comments!

So it was really cool the other week when I got to work on my practice of how I ask for stuff and you guys gave me the most amazing words to play with. Yes!

So I’m going to try it again.

Here’s what I want:

  • Things you’re thinking about.
  • A favorite word. Or words.

My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and I will interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible for me.

Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.

That is all.

Happy reading.

And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.

The Fluent Self