this thursday
ah this thursday is american thanksgiving and really there is no shortage of ways that this day can be hard and challenging, ohmygod so many ways and so many reasons
[whispered aside! if you love american thanksgiving and are looking forward to thursday, then I am very happy for you and wish you great joy, pleasure and delicious pie, you probably do not need either this post or the secret hideaway that I am setting up for us, but of course you are welcome and invited too, there is space for you too, and now back to naming the hard things! same goes for friends in canada, mexico, europe, japan, new zealand, australia and wherever else you might be reading, hi!]
the hard things let us name them
hard things not limited to but including,
ohmygod the list might be too long, we need two lists, if not more
let’s start with mine,
on the personal level
on the personal, for me
(1) okay so for me this day is so lonely and painful, I never want to spend it alone
(2) but I also can’t join people in their holiday celebrations, gatherings of people do not work for me, extremely high sensory processing sensitivity means it’s too much energy to navigate, even the best group of people is overwhelming and exhausting and will take all my spoons and I will get a migraine
(3) haha seriously though sharing a meal with more than two people (maybe three if I really really like them all) is the worst, why do people like doing this, it is a mystery to me, why is the whole damn culture set up to privilege extroverts and brains that don’t get overwhelmed by sensation, I feel frustration about this
(4) many painful memories and grief around this time of year means I might spend a lot of the day in tears, and when I say “might”, I mean 98% chance of loud public crying, which is awkward enough alone and really not something I want to bring to someone else’s festivities
(5) last year I had the perfect thanksgiving: sweetness + solitude + magnificence + love, out with the beautiful boy in the stunning mojave desert, delicious leftovers from the mexican place in town, walking in the desert at sunset, holding hands and laughing, snuggling on the couch, in love with love and life, and now he is with someone else, and I am in a dark cold loud city, and I want to experience that thanksgiving again, that form of love-and-closeness, but it does not exist anymore
on the political, for me
the history of this holiday is so painful and awful, the erasure of native people and their history/experience/trauma is already day-to-day reality, but on this holiday it is amplified, how do we even begin to acknowledge, make amends, be present with a day of [public expressions of gratitude] that overlaps with terrible injustice
I also think a lot about the alone-and-lonely, the people who miss family or never had or crave it or those who do not want it at all and don’t wish to be around it, this is yet another holiday that celebrates and centers those-who-have and the experience-of-having, and neglects all the people in a state of lack, loss, pain
I don’t know how this can change, how do we change culture, this is painful too, this is something I want to write about more here, because self-fluency is not only rewriting our own habits and patterns but glowing change into the world around us
back to the personal, for you, maybe
when I think about other people I know here, the hard parts of this day are different but equally hard:
from obligations and expectations real-and-perceived, personal and cultural to family stress and travel stress and wanting everything to be not-terrible, and then setting boundaries, and the frustration of having to set them, worries about unwanted questions — and how to answer them, or how not-to-answer them…
for those of on the highly-sensitive/witchy spectrum or whatever you like to call that spectrum, we pick up on all the ambient anxiety anyway but it really picks up intensity this week, and we have to clear that out of our headspace!
some of us are bracing for encounters with people who hold opinions that are genuinely dangerous and awful, I am so sorry if you are in this position
and while gratitude is genuinely a luscious glowing beautiful spiritual quality that transforms hearts and so much more, it also gets distorted so fast through culture into shoulds/expectation/bullshit, into forced and contrived, the unsovereign energy of that is exhausting too
in short, it is a lot, this day, even for people who mostly look forward to it
everyone this week is justifiably upset about elephants (I mean, we are upset about everything), but these are actually not the elephants I wanted to write about today
I have written about twenty minutes on elephants and also symbolic elephants (gender) and writing notes to an elephant, but today a new kind of elephant
in the air
lately have been playing with the proxy mission of I Am An Aerialist And Everything Is Solved In The Air, which comes with the superpowers of Turn It Around, Turn It Upside Down, and Rest Into Silk
my favorite thing about the aerial silks I got to test in vegas is how they are rigged to hold so much more than me, a built-in state of extreme over-preparedness, the superpower of not only All The Safety but also So Much More Safety Than Could Ever Possibly Be Needed
no matter how scary it is to go upside down and trust the silk (and for the record aerial yoga is not even three feet above the floor, it’s supposed to be therapeutic and calming but I have to talk myself into it), I can remember that this apparatus is set up to hold exponentially more stress than I could possibly give it
oh right this thing is RIGGED FOR CIRCUS IT CAN HOLD TWO THOUSAND POUNDS STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD A BABY ELEPHANT, so when I give it all of me, I cannot tear it or even stress it, no matter how awkward and graceless I feel, none of that matters, this contraption is set up to handle more damage than I could ever do, the very definition of abundance and plenty, safety and protection
can we use this to solve thanksgiving
what is a container with [COULD HOLD AN ELEPHANT] levels of Safety, Protection, Purpose, Intent, Magic, Candles
not that we want to hold elephants obviously, I just mean the intention of that much power, that much held
what do we know about Rigging — the good kind, in the form of boundaries, containers, structures?
what are the foundational elements (and elephants) of safe transformative space, how do we create a hide-out blanket fort space to shelter us from the hard parts of thanksgiving, while making space to rest into the good parts of finding a thank-you heart
QUALITIES (and superpowers)
MYSTERY (solve for x, exploration)
mmm it is a compass of eight points
what does this remind me of
does anyone here remember hermitsgiving?
hermitsgiving was this amazing thing we used to do when I had the retreat center, a five day quiet retreat that took place over american thanksgiving, with a giant delicious picnic feast on the floor — yes it turns out I do enjoy communal meals when there is a shared sovereign culture of no-advice no-caretaking, and no obligation to talk or interact, and quiet music and warm loving people, hermitsgiving was the best and I miss it
offering: a private communal thanksgiving space
the what: a combination of safe space / mini-rally / a revisiting of hermitsgiving
more specifically: I have put together a space (private hidden page on the site) for people who want to hang out online this thursday, november 23rd, and find ways to get through this day together or make it more meaningful (MONTH OF MEANING!) and joyful, regardless of our plans for the day, I will be there all day writing and processing, you are invited to join me and share companionship and silliness, possibly even things related to elephants
in this space I am sharing TWELVE (12) capers, this is my code word for “exercises” since exercises do not sound fun to me, these capers are self-fluency techniques or approaches we can play with to help us transform this day or get through it or make it better, or for whatever is needed
I will be playing with these throughout the day and checking in on how it goes, you are invited to play too!
cost: we are doing this donation-yoga-style, asking for $12 but choose your sum, here is where to sign up:
who this is for: anyone who wants company or companionship on this day, for whatever reason, or a way/place to process, whether you are spending the day alone or with family or whatever is going on for you, we are turning this day into a mini-rally where we can
a) practice extreme self-care and wild self-treasuring
b) give ourselves what we need
c) lovingly invite/initiate small shifts in awareness, mood, body, internal and external space
d) give ourselves the gift of what we need — maybe that is making it through the day in one piece, or maybe that is designated time and space to investigate a mysterious project, or who knows, maybe making it through the day is the project, it all counts
you may share this with anyone who might need it
you can seed superpowers and wishes for the week (and for thursday especially if you like)
you can share !!!!!! about what is here or joy-and-hope, or anything sparked for you while reading
here’s how we meet each other here: with great kindness and appreciation and love
oh and forgot to mention that we can play the game of 77 Things That Are Not Completely Terrible which involves moving beans from one bowl into another!
I am thrilled and grateful and I will be there! <3 <3
me too! Sparkles for Hermitsgiving <3
Mmm, this makes me want to go back to silks and just make a knot and hang in a little cocoon 🙂
yes!!! the woman who taught the intro class I took had written her masters thesis on the benefits of swaddling for adults, so she was totally approaching the class from that angle and not circus-background, and it was AMAZING, superpowers of suspended in a cocoon of safety!!!!!
It sounds great! I want in!
I’m sorry if I seem overly specific, but I’m wondering if you can let us know an approximate time that the space will open. It would be easier for me to work out the logistics as I’m on the other side of the world (that’s not even a metaphor!)
Even if you’re not able to, though, I’ll still be joining. All good.
I am thinking I will be in and out between 9am-9pm pacific time, but we will open the night before for entry and stay as late at night for whoever wants, xo and hi to the other side!
Yay! I’m in. 🙂 Maybe only for entry and exit, but grateful to have space/company/inspiration to be as “crown on” as possible on this often very WUSIT day!!!
<3 <3 <3
I will not be there but I wish the most wonderful, peaceful time for all of you who are. <3
I’m there too. Grateful to the idea of hermitsgiving and not feeling like such an outsider for not liking large gatherings, or even gatherings where I’m expected to talk. I don’t want to talk – why must people expect me to? Anyway, looking forward to lurking or talking or doing self-care (or all of the above) with like-minded folks.
yes the expectation of talk, ohmygod
Best wishes for a quiet sparkly, elephantly safe hermitsgiving with pumpkin spice boundaries.
PUMPKIN SPICE BOUNDARIES !!!!! and elephantly safe yes yes yes
So happy for this!
I never went to Hermitsgiving, but I’ve been doing mini-Rallies whenever I have a bunch of days off of work, and very few obligations. I was setting up Embarking on this Rally tonight, and I am delighted for this! I really enjoyed the way the not-a-courses were set up (was that last year? 2015?) so I’m really looking forward to be hermiting with friends in here.
I have a bunch of Ops that need time and attention, and I am really happy to be doing with this!
Ohh this post so aptly names that which is starkly painful… and I think it applies to most public holidays. I’m in Australia so we don’t have Thanksgiving (*gives thanks*) but I experience this on so many of our celebrations. (And alas, I’m at work during this dear Hermitsgiving, however I’ve donated $12 and would be delighted to access the Capers and 77 Things, if that doesn’t create pressure (if it does, please leave it!).
This perfect ousting of what is *really* going on makes me swoon with Rightness. Gentleness and Elephantical Experiences to you all x
Havi, thank you for creating a special secret safe space for weathering this multiply-difficult day. I can’t afford the $12 right now (I thought “choose your sum” meant pay what you can, but I couldn’t enter less than $12 in the form), but I wish everyone a warm and supportive and joyful experience and look forward to reading anything you might share about it afterwards. This piece has already helped so mich. Thank you for all you are and do and share. I’m grateful for you.
oh no! when I tested the form, it let me put in $5 (which was my test fee), but maybe something changed? I will send you the entry! <3
And seriously for anyone who can’t come up with $12 (I get it) or the form is being weird, let me know and I will make sure we get you in