Victorious Month
February is Victorious Month, in the world of me at least. It even comes with a V Day which is clearly for Victory (I refuse to hear any other explanations at the moment), and so I have been intently focused on the superpowers of Small Victories Are Also Victories. Aka everything counts.
My main theme at the moment is Joyful Agility, mainly related to the many mysteries of how to find ease while constantly moving in a pandemic when I hate moving.
What if I don’t hate moving at all? What if movement is grace?
I have been practicing this in my morning sun salutations by deciding that whatever number I’m on is lucky. LUCKY SEVENTEEN!
And the main thing I learned this week related to Joyful Agility, Stay Formidable, and Victorious Victories is that I really need to know my Non-Negotiables ahead of time.
So there ya go. Fake band of the week is Joyful Agility & The Non-Negotiables. Is this band just one person? Probably. Lucky Seventeen can be their first album.
Weekend Check-in (Chicken!), we made it.
Reviewing the week aka Chicken/Check-in is not only a reassuring ritual and fun to say, it is another form of remembering, turning inward, paying attention, attentiveness to self.
We can name what was difficult and name what worked, I find naming therapeutic. What am I experiencing and how am I experiencing it? All intel is useful.
Mainly we’re here to take a breath for having made it here. High fives all around and hand-to-heart appreciation.
If I neglect to name something big in the world this week, could be ADHD, but more likely it’s my break from news after spiraling hard in December.
Breathing for what was hard, challenging, uncomfortable, not fun…
THING ZERO and THING ONE are still the pandemic and the dissonance, the different worlds we seem to be navigating, the lack of an agreed upon reality or even a shared context, whether regarding the coronavirus or political reality or anything at all. My perception is that I can’t trust anyone, and I can’t even trust trust. My kingdom for consensus reality!
I was not able to solve The Mystery of What Happens Monday, what happened Monday was basically a disaster, and so I have moved four different times this week. Basically all I did this week was carry my things back and forth from my car, and fill time reluctantly.
Related: I dislike the phrase killing time, but is filling any better? Four times this week I found myself with a six hour window between checkout and checkin, with nowhere to go.
If we weren’t in a pandemic, I could have gotten some work or writing done in a cafe, or gone to visit a friend, but those aren’t possible, and so the time just needed to be filled but I couldn’t fill it with any of the things I perceive that I need or want to be doing.
One place I stayed was gross, one extremely haunted, one was fine but not available. The place I finally landed is bad news but sadly I am out of both options and energy, so now ten days to fill (yes) in a place that is really not acceptable. Another expensive, frustrating mystery, and thanks I hate it.
Missed out on yoga and my other morning practices three times because of the moving around, and my morning routines are really the main thing that keeps me functioning, so that’s not awesome, but we made it work.
Everything else is just a combination of boundary issues, Groundhog Day related challenges (aka this terrible situation is eerily familiar and nothing I try to get out of it seems to work), and living above a carpentry shop, which was another fun surprise that someone really could have mentioned instead of describing their place as “quiet and peaceful”. I hex them with deep abiding self-awareness, and rats.
I also encountered people who think the pandemic is a big hilarious joke, but I had to be polite to them, because I just lost an enormous amount of money trying to solve the What Happens Monday Mysteries, and this is my last place to stay, and one of them laughed in my face and then grabbed my hand to shake it before I could stop him. DO-OVERS FOREVER. And more hexing.
Oh, and because I had time to fill and no way to fill it and too many troubled thoughts, I began for the first time in weeks to really miss mindlessly aimlessly scrolling for clues on social media, so a heartfelt thank you to my friends who reassured me that it was all desperately boring and terribly depressing and that I was missing out on exactly nothing, and even if that was a lie to make me feel better, I appreciate it immensely, but also it kind of sounds possible and true, so who knows.
Breathing for what was good, reassuring, joyful, sweet
- Sleeping well, despite all the current tumult, sleeping well and maybe even close to enough. And without remembering dreams, a rare and blissful reprieve.
- I’m an agile bobcat, I land on my feet, I can move through challenging times with steady grace, I’ve done it before and I plan to continue. I practiced SELF-RESCUE and got myself out of the terrible situation instead of trying to make it work like I did in November, which was a Known Disaster.
- My friends kept me company by text this week and sent reassuring loving reminders about how I am a creative genius who knows how to solve mysteries, and that helped a lot.
- Wandering the city all week led to some new fun discoveries.
- Groundhog Day is my personal holiday of Do-Overs Forever, and I celebrated right, with yoga twice and breakfast twice and going back to bed.
- My favorite breakfast place in Tucson named a certain beloved sandwich — aka my one true love breakfast, The Havi Special (when ordered the way I like it), and honestly I didn’t even know that was a life dream, but now that it has been fulfilled, I feel proud and happy to have achieved this wish that apparently I have always wanted and didn’t even know.
- Star Car hit 100,000 miles just as I was crossing my favorite street to head towards Saguaro National Forest, it felt auspicious, well-augured. I rewarded her with a spa day aka oil change and car wash, and we both felt happy about making it this far, so to speak. I also feel better about having forgotten to celebrate her fourth birthday, because I love celebrating birthdays
- Speaking of auspicious omens and of celebrating birthdays as often as possible, twice this week a hummingbird whooshed right past my face, which felt like being kissed by the air, if that makes any sense which it might not. But it felt magical and good, and I wanted it to be a good sign. Then I thought about reconnecting with my handyman in New Mexico after some months not connecting, to talk over the neglected projects (my piece of land is not livable or winter-ready), and just as I was trying to feel into what to say, he texted me! He told me it was his birthday and I said I would eat celebratory cake for him, and he told me he tries to eat cake as often as possible because it’s always someone’s birthday and he likes to celebrate birthdays. I said that this is a marvelous joyful life plan and I support it, and then, out of nowhere, he said that it’s joyful like when a hummingbird flies right past your face. So that was extraordinary because I hadn’t told anyone about the hummingbirds, and he told me that this is a very good omen, and a sign to keep up hope.
- I attempted to try cake in the form of a cupcake, sans gluten, sans dairy, from the new patisserie, but I just don’t really get excited about cupcakes so in the spirit of Do-Overs Forever, I set off in search of The Havi Special which is not technically dessert but is made with honey butter so it feels vaguely dessert-adjacent in the sense that it is beautiful, special, celebratory and sweeter than you’d expect. Anyway, my adventure to visit my one true love (my sometimes eponymous sandwich) also involved seeing someone I like almost as much as I like having a Havi Special, and we went for a walk in the sun, and it was delicious and enticing, as celebratory rituals should be.
- NEW WORLD RECORD FOR ME. Finished out January with a grand and glorious total of eight thousand and one sun salutations. They basically have to let me in to assassin school now, right? December record was seven thousand, so enormously impressed with myself right now, here’s to Joyful Agility.
- Morning rituals are working, keeping phone in AIRplane mode (AIR = Access Internal Resonance) is working, giving five minutes a day to something I am excited about is working, and none of this is surprising but I am continually surprised. It feels so good to have some enthusiasm again, I wasn’t sure if it would return to me, but here it is, new and better. A breath of gratitude and wonder in my full thank-you heart.
- Speaking of my grateful thank-you heart, two different people sent me surprise Appreciation Money this week via Barrington’s Discretionary, and I have to say that it eased my heart around the expense and time involved in moving, and also reminded me that I keep forgetting to share the link. It is always welcome and if I can land in a place, I can share more writing here, that’s my preferred way to fill time; writing and hopeful thoughts.
Play with me in the comments! You know the drill…
I love company! You can always use a made-up name in the comments whether in service of safety or playfulness.
We are all going through what we are going through. So we make this a sanctuary by not care-taking or problem—solving for other people, we can leave each other warmth or hearts of love or pebbles of witnessing. I still have not figured out how to get emoji to work in the comments, sorry!!
How are we holding up? Anything hard and/or good in your week that you want to name here? Sometimes naming helps. I have found for me that taking breaths while I name things helps a lot.
And if that’s not your thing, you can say hi or name something you’d like more of for the coming week.
Love ya,
Eight thousand and one sun salutations! I think they have to let you in pretty much anywhere you want to go.
A hard thing for me this week: I am missing so many things that it just doesn’t make sense to do right now. I miss traveling, especially. I miss the ocean. I miss concerts and live theater. There are *people* that I miss, plenty of them.
A good thing for me this week: taking small, steady steps is working. I’m feeling more embodied, clearer, and even a bit more sparkly. I’d like more of *that*, please. I am calling in the superpower of Sparkling my Self, I welcome this, and I’m going to celebrate it right now with a cup of chai.
Thank you, Havi, and thank you to everyone here. It feels good to be Chickening with you.
haha thank you Kat, I am waiting for my invitation to assassin school, but maybe I just need to remember that I’ve earned it (applicable to so many things), and SELF SPARKLING, I am into this.
Hummingbird air kisses are just the best, and to me they embody joyful agility! May they visit you daily!
The hard:
-learning I have a film forming on the lenses implanted with the cataract surgery 4 years ago, which means another “simple” procedure with potential for (another) retinal tear.
-yet more evidence of how craving/clinging is sort of the air I breathe
The good:
-opportunities to observe and access the energy of craving/clinging and reflect on what wisdom might emerge within that energy (no real answers, but the stepping back to observe and reflect is a welcome new approach)
-primroses in the kitchen are the best “Good Morning!”
Cheery chickening to all!
So much useful noticing, and primrose cheeriness sounds so good <3
A breath for non-chosen nomadicness.
The Hard
~ unrelenting stuckness around unsafe home
~ unwanted aloneness
The Good
~ being alone due to Discernment 😉
~ genuinely adoring the work I do AND the excitement of being good at it
The Wish
~ support/advocacy/rescue-plan/flashes of brilliance for securing a safe new home
~ Energy
~ global resurrection of that long-lost notion, Integrity
*handing out little jars of homemade soy chai (all organic ingredients) to co-chickeners*
Due To Discernment is an excellent superpower that really should be added to everything, love it
Uggghhh, moving. Sympathy. Seventeen is an excellent number.
The hard:
– the oven blew, AGAIN. Bang.
– friend of some friends dealing with some pretty horrible stuff, and not getting the support he should
The good:
– spring! OK, it is snowing, but there is more daylight and the energy has definitely shifted
– arrival of a new project, and then another new project, allowing for negotiations with existing project which didn’t want to be the main one
– also getting lots of smaller things done all at once
– I like watching the snow
– baby smiles
– reading fanfic. There’s something very satisfying about following all the possibilities through, working out all the permutations, the happy endings and the sad ones.
What’s working:
– fluffy slippers
– being in the right place at the right time
I like this image of following all possibilities, multiple universe options and fluffy slippers
Hummingbird air kisses! Wow, so happy for you about this!
Sending you vibes for safe housing.
From the cooped-up chicken:
The hard.
– Not enough greens. But I don’t really want salad that often this time of year.
– The Discontinuum. And associated schedule disruptions. [further explanations redacted]
– Milestone: a full year of stuffy nose. Outdoor and indoor allergens, changed nutrition, or ???
The good.
– We got snow! Plus it melted around here after a couple of days.
– Some people are getting their vaccinations.
– Library books available at drive-through window.
– Somebody’s cat will continue to prowl on the slope behind my back yard. Nice to see him, in absence of bird song through open windows.
– My 2021 projects and I will become happy co-conspirators.
Love these wishes, cat-prowling friends and happy co-conspirators and drive-through books!
Cheers, Chickeneers!
This: “I hex them with deep abiding self-awareness”.
The Hard
– boring/tedious adulting things like dealing with customer service for an appliance, collecting tax documents, and rescheduling dentist appointments
– husband was supposed to take Friday off for a nice 3-day weekend an instead worked that day *and Saturday and Sunday* so he is heading into this week already burned out
– challenging phone call (2.5 hours!) with my mom
The Good
– fabulous reiki session with marching orders to work on my business with softer energy, which I interpret to mean do everything at only 60% (like I would in a yin practice) and that is just plain easy and awesome
– cute new sundress for $10 that perfectly matches my favorite pair of party shoes (who cares that I may not get to go out in them until summer 2022 – I’ll look good on my own patio)
– MAC’s Ruby Woo lipstick really is a universally flattering color – aka even though I bought it online without trying it, it looks gorgeous on me
I am excited on your behalf for a good lipstick color through the magic of the internet! And yes to At Sixty Percent, that sounds so good.
greetings, chickeners, thank you Havi,
my week —
– big BIG HUGE ENORMOUS feelings around a possibility of change
– old hide-away-from-myself haunts are ALL still there, parts of me needed to verify that by visiting
– money-earning-activities were especially draining
– the hard parts of writing
– crazy liberating love, both named and not-yet
– goals of zero shame and maximum self acceptance
– “I feel like the whole world is mad at me, but that just means I need to eat”
– the good parts of writing
ah yes the needing to eat thing, I know it well
Hello travelers
The hard:
so much anger & fury & rage
want to throw & break things
just doing the basics of my job
headaches & far too much stuffiness
The good:
thoughts of warmth and softness
progress on several fronts
korean dramas
the image the arises in me is a being breaking free of bondage through rage. That the rage is both hard and a necessary energy
Breaking free! Necessary energy! Yes.
Havi I love hearing about hummingbirds it is such deep winter here that I forgot about them.
The Hard:
Lack of focus
Lack of enthusiasm
Lots of tears
Serious isolation
Winter, winter winter
Angry words which I regret saying
The Good:
A little more steel in my metaphorical spine. It came with anger and resentment attached, but taught me some things about appropriate boundaries.
Back into yoga after a year off
A dear friend brought me cookies on A Certain Day
I am still loved, if from a distance
Epic snow year, which is exciting and beautiful (and hard)
Ah glad to provide a hummingbird reminder from the sunny southwest! All that hard is very relatable, and yeah back into yoga after a long break is a good feeling.
Reading this at the end of April –
{{{Hugs}}} to everyone (especially to myself)
You deserve them.
I deserve them. <3