A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
Item! Post No. 55 in a weekly-ish series that makes Wednesdays considerably more bearable but totally screws with Tuesday evening. If you’re me.
Item! Sausages are hot.
Because in the winter it’s too cold to use your fingers to make your iPhone do stuff.
Hence the sausages. Way easier to come by than hobo fingers.
No double entendre intended. Never mind. Stopping now.
Via Darcy who is @darxyanne on Twitter and apparently appreciates how insane I am.
Item! The big one.
No more lil’ piphs for Josiane!
She finally had a big, knock-down, classic Shivanautical epiphany.
And wrote about it beautifully.
“Nothing can be “perfectly me” as long as it only lives within me. Those things I don’t create won’t ever be perfectly me because there is no me-ness in them: they can’t be infused with my essence so long as they remain within me.
As long as they’re only within me, I am not within them; they have to come out of me in order to take with them – and contain within them – some of what I am.”
She’s @kimianak on Twitter.
Item! A lovely Very Personal Ad.
Lisa wrote the most touching, sweet VPA to her husband’s job-to-be.
“Dear Don’s Next Job (and our new place to live):
We’ve been doing a lot of thinking and planning around you, but you are like that child who doesn’t like to have his/her picture taken—you hide your face. Not meanly, not maliciously, but playfully, like a game. Still, it’s time to show yourself. Just a peek, okay?”
She’s @HitThoseKeys on Twitter.
Item! Do you often think about gluing?
Even if you don’t.
Sometimes you just need to know.
It’s called ThisToThat.com.
You know, for when you need to glue stuff.
My absolute favorite part is the button.
Come on, Rami. Get on Twitter. I’ll buy you your first drink at the bar!
Item! Life before Google.
This hit me right in the funny bone.
Item! The shoe that wasn’t.
Smart post from Chris about getting feedback that isn’t useful.
And also about what is useful. Lots of good insights. Plus, her monsters are very energetic.
“My monsters streaked through the house, whooping and hollering. “Neener, neener, neener. You’re not good enough.”
There were brightly colored flags and hula-hoops. ”Told ya so! Told ya so! ” The yellow one lit a firecracker and threw it in the garbage can. Boom! Monster pig-pile!! With me at the bottom. Garbage everywhere.
As my monsters partied in my living room, I sat on the couch and started to cry. I cried for the acknowledgement that I didn’t think I was getting and that I hadn’t given myself.
I cried for the encouragement I knew I needed that I didn’t think I should want.”
She’s @chrisdivalish on Twitter.
Item! This is a really good About page.
Meet Elizabeth.
Actually, you probably already know her because I have Item!ized her gorgeous photos here before.
She’s smart. She’s lovely. She’s my kind of kooky.
And she does Reiki but rolls her eyes at it at the same time. Which I can appreciate. A lot.
“I can recite pi to the 55th decimal place (if I talk really fast — you’ll have to trust me), am on a mission to watch every movie with Colin Firth, own a dictionary of Greek/Roman mythology, and am absolutely rubbish at troubleshooting computer problems, even though I have a degree in Computer Science and have worked with computers for almost ten years.”
She’s @elizabethhalt on Twitter.
Item! I don’t know how to title this one.
So last week I celebrated — okay, I didn’t celebrate, but I noticed that ten years had gone by — my ten year anniversary of the no sugar no caffeine thing.
Which is kind of crazy, but not for the reasons you might think.
The truth is, I don’t even remember what chocolate tastes like.
Homemade yogurt with walnuts and raisins is almost unbearably sweet. I keep insisting it tastes exactly like ice cream and everyone thinks I’m crazy.
Anyway. So I spent most of the week obsessing over this cupcake. I mean, good grief! A cupcake eating a cookie!
Though also these.
I don’t want to eat them, but they make me feel all funny. Fascinated.
Got to this from Nathan who is @NathanBowers on Twitter.
Item! Chicken Techno.
Well, when you post a chicken every week, you’re pretty much asking for it.
Yes, this is a video of chicken techno.
I have nothing more to say about that but of course you’re going to watch it.
From the ever-awesome Sally who is @sally_j on Twitter.
Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar & Hilarious Shivanauts!
The “peculiar and hilarious” thing comes from Melynda’s sweet bit about Butterfly Wishes.
I wrote about how epiphanies are stoopid. And then shared one of mine.
Item! Comments! Here’s what I want this time:
- Things you’re thinking about.
- Things one could do with a giant (possibly theoretical) bottle of bubble solution.
My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say. Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
If I had a giant bottle of bubble solution, I would bring forth like 10 more chicken techno music videos. They would just appear, and I would spend the day watching them and giggling.
And did you see this one of “A MONSTER That’s Upset About Having Terrible Clown Breath”? TOO MUCH FUNNY! http://www.shoeboxblog.com/?p=15376
.-= Kelly Parkinson´s last post … How to Get an Awkward-Free Testimonial (Take 1) =-.
Bubble solution! Absolutely my ace in the hole when I’m working with kids, and even with some adults. I just put on some interesting music, and make with the bubbles. Edgy people begin to focus gently and soften around the edges; withdrawn people begin to come out of their shells and grow lighter. Bubbles also help me to connect when I’m feeling drained and needing a breather; in that way, they’re an introvert’s best friend. If I had a giant container of bubble solution right now, I’d put on a goofy, eclectic DJ mix, sit cross-legged on the floor, and make some magic happen.
Oh, bubbles…big bubbles, little bubbles, bubbles that shimmer with unbearably evanescent beauty before they softly pop and disappear. Bubbles!
As always, I love your Item posts. And am off to explore the wonders that reveal themselves here!
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … You Opened Your Mouth… =-.
bawk bawk!
thanks for the wonderful fit of giggles.
That is so going to be my in work entertainment tomorrow. 🙂
A giant bottle of bubble solution = ‘ironic’ installation outside an art gallery. Ha. Or my house.
The best thing to do with bubble solution…
1. Find a long hallway, a smooooooth hallway. Maybe it even needs a bit of a cleaning.
2. Pour said solution down the center of the hallway.
3. Take off restrictive clothing (that’s ALL clothing)
4. Take a running start and slide like you’re heading for home plate.
5. Add a few pets for interest.
6. Add pre-taped audio of a cheering crowd.
You will never be sorry 🙂
ok am I the only one who recognized the chicken as a fellow shivanaut??!!!
The patterns, the rotations… he could use some help with the arm movements but he’s working those legs!
a shiva-fried chicken?
Big bottle of bubble stuff + 2 big bubble wands + shiva nata + technochicken music = pink bubbly epiphanies?
I’m thinking about my ongoing reaction to a gut punch of disappointing news at work, and how it’s shifting as the day goes on, and what my monsters are saying to me about the situation and what it means about me. In fact, one of them just wrote a big ugly post on my blog about it, impersonating me. I’m leaving it for now, because there is truth there, beyond the hard.
And I’m thinking about my pattern of eating sugar to kill the hard. Sugar rushes only last so long. Then, you’re left with a headache AND the hard.
oh lord shiva… those chickens are doing shiva nata!!!
they just need a little s.e.x.y r.o.b.o.t.! and some bubble…
.-= Michelle Marlahan´s last post … Words that bug =-.
Thanks for the chicken video. It’s searing my eyes.
On bubbles: Just like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I see it as a giant elevator to take me over the Canadian border two hours north of me and drop me into the stands at the women’s figure skating competition tonight. Because that giant bubble is the only way I’m getting there. And I’ll save enough bubbles to float back over the border crossing on my way back.
I think it is a tie between that chicken video and the Monty Python “how not to be seen” video you posted last year. But the absentee ballots haven’t been counted yet 🙂
You could make a big bubble wand and make big bubbles and float them out of Hoppy House’s windows onto unsuspecting passersby. Bring a little magic to someone’s day. Or if you have a car you could have the Gentleman Friend drive really slowly while you blow bubbles out the window, I loved doing that with my kids when they were younger.
Here’s a site for how to make a big bubble wand:
I am thinking about pricing (shudder) and loving my new work (yay!) and what’s for dinner. (not chicken)
.-= Andi´s last post … When Life Gives You Art =-.
I started to watch the video, but it was trying to give me a seizure so I had to stop. But bubbles! Bubbles are good. Blow lots of bubbles. Did you know that if you blow bubbles outside when it’s cold enough (can’t remember the exact temp, but somewhere around 0F), they freeze?
.-= Riin´s last post … New stuff =-.
Afraid I dance a little like that chicken some nights.
Dearie me! Nice one.
Hi, Havi,
I appreciate how *sane* you are! Who wouldn’t want to keep her hands warm inside mittens and still get to play with her toy?
Oh, and that Google cartoon *cracked me up*. Thank you for providing me with today’s good laugh.
.-= Darcy´s last post … Book: The Freedom Writers Diary =-.
Riin- We have Google now so we can check that freezing factiod.
My post, an item? Wow! *warm fuzzy feeling coupled with childish excitement*
Elizabeth’s about page is fabulous! I love it!
And that cookie monster cupcake? Brilliant!
@Riin: I had never thought about the possibility that bubbles could freeze, and now I’m totally obsessed with it! Thank you! I’ve got to try this next winter (because even though February is supposed to be one of our two coldest months, it’s been freakingly spring-like here for the past couple of weeks, so I doubt we’ll have cold enough temperatures again this year).
@Havi: if you are now obsessed with the idea of frozen bubbles too, and Portland doesn’t get cold enough for that, you are totally welcome here next winter to give it a try. I can see it already: a big, magical “let’s freeze bubbles” party! Weee!
.-= Josiane´s last post … A (huge!) shift in perspective =-.
Havi, I gave my son that exact cupcake when he was a baby. Diaper changes were electric blue for two days.
…create a giant (possibly theoretical) bubble.
.-= Blue´s last post … Reading Group: Helen Gurley Brown’s Sex and the Office, Part 1 =-.
Thank you, Havi! I’m glad you liked the page.
Ok, that cupcake is genius! I must have one. Except I don’t think I could eat it – I just want to admire it and take photos of it.
And that chicken. Still laughing.
If I had a giant bottle of bubbles, I would try to figure out how to blow a giant bubble and step inside. It seems like it might be possible if you covered yourself in soapy water and slowly stepped in. I’ve blown bubbles for the pup before; giant bubbles and a puppy might be even more fun.
Cool post on recognizing significant moments ceremonially which made me think of you:
And my kinetic sculpture proving it is blustery these days.
.-= claire´s last post … Gettin’ My Groove On… (vol. xiv) =-.
The kids’ science museum around here was a big hit for field trips when I was in school — well, really, it seemed like we only ever went there and the state capitol. But anyway, they had a station for bubble-blowing, and they used a hula hoop with the bubble solution. Get friend to swish the hula hoop in solution, stand very still, have friend surround you with a gigantic bubble. very cool.
Even though this is clearly a terrible idea, I cannot believe I am the first one to say bubble bath. Maybe it would be better for Selma than for you. Theoretically.