Operation Bells & Spells / What is Revealed?

Photo by Craig Fritz / @craigfritzeye, this is the skylight of our new retreat center, come visit! 19 minutes I have been [taking] nineteen minutes a day to do [a something] that is quiet or pleasurable or reflective. [Taking?] Is that even the word? Is it taking or...


Photo by Craig Fritz / @craigfritzeye, taken on the grounds of the new retreat center! Enchantments on the kitchen floor “Babe,” says Circe the Enchantress. “I know,” I say, “I’m gleaming the floor for you.” Gleaming is...

The Month of Sweetness

Sweet Everything is practice and today my practice is review, but the celebratory kind devoid of judgment, a review that is really a revue, with fabulous choreography and spangly dresses. A Month of Sweetness, let us recall, what was sweet in August, where is the...

The Month of Anticipation

In which, etc You may or may not be wondering what happened to me and the month of July, or what happened to me in the month of July. And the answer, or one of them, is that July was an exhausting disorienting trash dumpster fire of everything, ten thousand train...
The Fluent Self