The week that was and wasn’t and is

I am still yes to reflecting on my week, and also receiving a resounding no to sitting down to write about it in any known form, so: collecting notes, themes & thoughts from my week, some in the form of memoir titles…

Wishes, goals, goal-wishes & Desired superpowers

Pare Down & Get Agile.

Stay Glowing, Stay Wild.

More Clarity please (something about how this relates to being Well Oxygenated)

Strength to Strength:

Nailed April goal of 14,000 morning sun salutations (in under the wire! not always in the morning!), and now ONWARD & UPWARD, with a goal-wish that is so outrageous that I am not going to speak it yet, because it is the very definition of a Tiny Sweet Thing that needs some extra protection.

Best parts of the week:

+ Getting second shot
+ Turns out no longer constantly anticipating an agonizing death at every moment and every turn is having a huge impact on my sleep, I am sleeping eight hours uninterrupted, dream life.
+ Have been making some just absolutely inspired deliciously poor life choices, I think I have to recommend it.
+ Dessert in an enchanted garden with the person I have missed smiling at, see above.
+ Delicious things are delicious, a joyful, laughter-filled wandering through favorite outdoor places of magic, a pilgrimage to a new-to-me hidden labyrinth, fantastic vegan chocolate stracciatella ice cream from Monsoon.
+ Made sahlav (vanilla orchid rose-water coconut, cinnamon & pistachio pudding, fulfilling a deep wild nostalgia.
+ Suddenly everyone is writing me love poetry? NOT MAD ABOUT IT AT ALL. Hello hot poet spring, do your hot poetic thing. (That was not meant to be a line of poetry, but I’m leaving it as is.)
+ Everything is fluid & in flux right now, so just gonna flowwwwwww!

Hard/challenging/painful elements of the week:

+ Boundary challenges, so many of them
+ What do I want
+ Ahahahaha so many options (too many?) vs perception of running out of time
+ How do I protect my wants when my tendency is to be “flexible”, which invariably turns into people-pleasing
+ How to maintain morning practice in a place where mornings are defined by interruptions
+ Yeah that was a gun, okay, we are fine, shaking it off, onward (but are we fine, or are we just so used to saying “okay we are fine, let’s shake it off” that we think this is the same as being fine)
+ I Am Trash For Danger & Regrets: A Memoir
+ All I Can Do Is Sleep It Off: A Memoir
+ The many many mysteries
+ Being an enchantress is a lot of work, actually???
+ Everything is fluid & in flux right now, so just gotta flow, ugh
+ sigh & lolsob at how familiar this is, what would it be like to be able to hunker down into some safety

Some wisdom from the labyrinth that I transcribed

The labyrinth said…

Listen and know:

To live a life of sorcery and to be in love with life are THE SAME

What does this mean?
More ritual,
more precision and high regard,
choose your settings wisely,
be in places that nourish,
get rid of everything that doesn’t befit an enchantress
take your magic making and your settings very seriously

What would I like from this coming week?

Slow down, breathe more fully and intentionally, do less to get more, a joyful return to prioritizing Delicious Food, Beautifully Plated, more attention to setting & settings, epsom salts, be deliberate and formidable, reduce distractions, give everything more time, be with what is.


Thank you so much to people who sent me surprise Appreciation Money this week via Barrington’s Discretionary, it is always welcome and received with love, and if I can land in a place, which is the wish-goal of wish-goals, I can share more writing here, that’s my preferred way to fill time; writing and hopeful thoughts.

Play with me in the comments! I LOVE COMPANY!

Reminder that you can always use a made-up name in the comments whether in service of safety or playfulness.

We are all going through what we are going through. So we make this a sanctuary by not care-taking or problem—solving for other people, we can leave each other warmth or hearts of love or pebbles of witnessing.


How are we holding up? Anything hard and/or good in your week that you want to name here, any wishes or superpowers or anything else that wants to be named? Sometimes naming helps. Naming & breathing.

And if that’s not your thing, you can say hi or call in something you’d like more of for the coming week.

Love you,

The Fluent Self