Yesterday, while rallying it up at the Rally (Rally!), I made a fabulous mess.
Mainly because I decided to ditch Mack (aka Mack the Wife …. last name: Book-Air).
And to projectize with magic markers and construction paper instead.
So of course I have to share some of what came up. And since you’ll never be able to read my atrocious handwriting, I typed up a few bits.
What is POSSIBLE with this project?
It’s theoretically possible — maybe — that:
- aspects of this could be easier than previously assumed
- the sequence is simple
- there is not as much left to be done as I think there is
- I don’t have to do this alone
- if I list out all my questions or put them on cards, there will not be that many
- it can begin before the entire sequence is ready
- it can happen in a workless way and this can be the basis for everything I do in the future.
It contains these elements:
[+ the structure holds itself] [+ play] [+ silliness] [+ experimentation] [+ built-in rest] [+ re-usable sequences]
You follow the map. You ring the bell. You channel discernment.
You call ALL ABOARD.
You invoke completion. You process the process. You pay attention.
Plant wishes. Ponder wishes. Spend time with your wishes.
My WISHES for this project.
Clarity, sovereignty, simplicity.
Firm and loving boundaries.
Not a lot of moving parts.
Obvious sequences.
The culture is the container, not the people and not the content.
[+ self-sustaining] [+ momentum] [+ wholeness] [+ autonomy]
What do I mean when I say AUTONOMY?
I mean:
[+ freedom] [+ play] [+independent] [+ mutual respect] [+ crown] [+ healthy boundaries] [+ spaciousness] and [+ support].
I can do what I want.
And not just in a “no one gets to tell me when to go to bed” way.
More: this is what I stand for and I’m putting it on my dammit list, dammit.
It means saying my time is my own, and truly believing. And acting like I believe it.
It means sacred approach. It means not everything requires a response.
It means the project is about autonomy, and it generates autonomy both for me and the people who will benefit from it.
And it is created in this way of autonomy. And it allows me to have fun.
What are the ELEMENTS that will make this project fun?
Letting Shiva Nata generate unlikely, elegant, simple solutions. And admiring them!
Goofball rituals for closure and transitions.
Adaptation. Being flexible enough to adapt gracefully to change.
My excitement about teaching this stuff.
The ship. The garden. The island. The forest. The compass.
Remembering that not everything has to happen the hard way, even though I try to make it happen the hard way.
If that’s true, what does EASE look like?
- wide open spaces
- space on my calendar
- no expectations
- wide horizon
- support (and surprises) from my Board of Surprisers
- the structures and forms that I create can hold themselves
- and then my job is to the patterns and set the culture and infuse everything with kookiness and love
- creative sparks
- safe hiding places
- lasers, because we kind of have to have lasers
So that was my morning.
Plus I talked to a bunch of monsters and blew bubbles and ate pretzel sticks. While discovering some extremely surprising things that I’m not ready to talk about yet.
And the Schmoppet met the flying hippo-pig and they became Best Friends Forever.
Play with me? Comment zen in the comment blanket fort.
You can think out loud (only if you feel like it, of course) about any of these themes.
Or ask yourself any or all of these questions and see what comes up.
Or admire the Schmoppet for his crazed schmoppet-ness.
As always, we all have our stuff. It’s a process. We try to let people have their own experience, which is why we avoid telling each other what to do.
And we try to meet ourselves and each other with patience and permission.
Kisses all around. I hope to be able to show you some more Rally (Rally!) pictures soon. SCHMOPPET!
p.s. Hat tip to Hiro for planting the word autonomy in my brain, which was just the thing I needed yesterday.
Schmoppet! Pig! Pig companion! Yay!
I woke up this morning feeling so sad and serious; today’s post is a tonic. I’m going to play with magic markers now.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … RE-re-invention =-.
I so love that you have a Board of Surprisers 🙂
That picture just makes me smile. Yay for likely and unlikely friendships! (And pigs that turn out to be hippos. Hee.)
What does ease look like? Ooooh. I think this will be a question for today’s practice.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … excuse me while i giggle =-.
Autonomy. I ran face-first into this word last week while I was in therapy.
We were talking about values and what my values might be. One of the biggest came up as being “autonomous functioning.” Basically, that I get to decide what I want to do, instead of saying that I need to do it or that I should do it, which just makes more stuck for me. I want to feel laid back.
But “autonomous functioning” sounds so clinical, and that’s what I said to my therapist. I’ve left it in the back of my brain to see if some better words come up for it, but nothing has happened so far. I think I might need to get Metaphor Mouse’s help on this. Tell him (or her?) that they might get a ring from me later (on a big school bell).
.-= Holly Hunt´s last post … Conversation with Character =-.
Atrocious handwriting FTW! I’m pretty good but even if I couldn’t read it, I think it’d be cool to see how you lay things out. There’s always something cool, personal I suppose, about seeing someone’s handwriting.
I’ll go first. For bonus points, it’s a post about a day spent in Asheville, NC in my handwriting.
Also, you made me laugh with this: “Remembering that not everything has to happen the hard way, even though I try to make it happen the hard way,” because it’s like you’re in my brain. Also, I’m glad that at least for the moment I can see the humor of it rather than going all crazy on myself. Huzzah!
.-= claire´s last post … Vinyl meets pollen =-.
OMG, I’m not sure we should be looking at that picture. They might prefer some time alone? *ahem*
The Schmoppet is awesome. More please.
.-= Willie Hewes´s last post … Good Should Bad Should =-.
Interesting because wide open spaces on the calendar don’t speak ease to me… They scream, “I should be filled!!! Do, do, do!” I’ll have to contemplate that.
Oh, I so needed to hear this:
“Remembering that not everything has to happen the hard way, even though I try to make it happen the hard way.”
I am catching up on some projects after a few days illness and I find myself thinking that today MUST. BE. HARD! Because I’m catching up! Catching up is hard! These things should have been done yesterday! I _must_ stress and push and type as fast as my fingers are able because if I don’t then I clearly don’t understand how important my job is!
But, of course, catching up doesn’t have to be hard. I can happily skip back to my tasks and find them already on their way to greatness, right? I can honor the fact that I have been ill and need to ease my way back into work, so as not to re-trigger the illness. I can chose to have this happen the easy way, the “things will get done right on time and right as they should be without my worrying at them” way.
So what’s the easy way? Writing things as they come to me. Breathing. Taking tasks one at a time. More breathing. Taking a real break to eat and read Havi’s blog. Yay, it’s working!
thanks havi, i have FIVE major projects on at the moment and being super grumpy the last two days, and couldn’t figure out why, but of course, i have FIVE major projects on so of course there will be overwhelm sometimes.
so i took your format and have made wishes for each project, and a big wish for all the projects that they will flow and that i will have energy for all the things that need to be done for each of them.
and now i am going to clean my room so my house can look like my head needs to : ]
oo and this line:
And not just in a “no one gets to tell me when to go to bed” way.
yeah, i been a sovereign two year old inside my head lately – maybe time to increase the age of my sovereignty!
I’ve been looking for simple processes for things, but can’t seem to figure them out with out a lot of complications. This was a great post, although I’m poking “simplicity” very suspiciously anyway, like it could bite me.
And Schmoppet makes me happy. Just saying the word. Or hearing his Schmoppet call on the video.
.-= Cathy´s last post … The Embarrassing Purse Story =-.